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  1. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery gob ghost(0)
  2. +[NODE]2
  3. [STORY]
  4. The burial ground is eerie and still. You realise there are no animals, and even the wind goes still here.
  5. One of the graves looks particularly odd.
  6. [/STORY]
  7. [OUT][Goblin]This is goblin ground; a goblin should investigate.
  8. [OUT][Ghost]Ghosts can sense each other. There's a spirit here somewhere.
  9. [OUT]Your godly connection to the domain of magic shivers. Threads of the greyworld from whence spirits come linger here. Use a ritual to call upon the lost souls.
  10. [OUT]Investigate the grave.
  11. [OUT]Threads of the greyworld from whence spirits come linger here. Use a ritual to call upon the lost souls.
  12. [OUT]Leave.
  13. [/NODE]
  14. +[NODE]3
  15. [STORY]
  16. You walk over and sense there is a spirit trapped here. It sees you and speaks:
  17. 'Help, friend.'
  18. [/STORY]
  19. [OUT][Goblin shaman]Ask if he is a spirit of the greyworld, not just a lost soul.
  20. [OUT]You should have listened to the shamans more. Ask if he is a ghost or something else.
  21. [/NODE]
  22. +[NODE]4
  23. [STORY]
  24. You focus and immediately know there is a ghostly presence. It speaks to you:
  25. 'Help me, ethereal friend. Though we are not the same, surely you can hear my plea?'
  26. [/STORY]
  27. [OUT]Tell him that he seems different from you, as if he were never a living being in the first place.
  28. [/NODE]
  29. +[NODE]8
  30. [STORY]
  31. A spirit emerges and speaks to you:
  32. 'Help me...'
  33. [/STORY]
  34. [OUT]Ask why they need help.
  35. [OUT]Shrug and ask why you should care.
  36. [OUT]Attack the ghost!
  37. [/NODE]
  38. +[NODE]10
  39. [STORY]
  40. The air is stale and cold, and you realise that everything around you slowly drains of colour, turning grey.
  41. You see flickers of a ghostly figure, its arms outstretched, its mouth open in a silent scream.
  42. [/STORY]
  43. [OUT]Attack the ghost!
  44. [OUT]Run away!
  45. [/NODE]
  46. +[NODE]14
  47. [STORY]
  48. The spirit shifted from existence, so your weapons proved useless.
  49. You feel some life drained from you, but as you stumble outside the boundaries of the grave site to escape, you realise the angry soul cannot pursue.
  50. [/STORY]
  51. [OUT]Leave.
  52. [/NODE]
  53. +[NODE]18
  54. [STORY]
  55. 'Yes, spirit walker, that I am. I was easing the passing for one of your kind, but a ray of light washed over this ground and froze all time and space. I am trapped here for eternity!'
  56. [/STORY]
  57. [OUT]Ask what traps him here.
  58. [OUT]Ask about the greyworld. Tell the ghost your shaman training was short-lived when you were called to serve the cosmic pantheon.
  59. [/NODE]
  60. +[NODE]19
  61. [STORY]
  62. 'I am no ghost - that is, not a soul of the once living, but a spirit from the greyworld. I was easing the passing for one of your kind, but a ray of light washed over this ground and froze all time and space. I am trapped here for eternity!'
  63. [/STORY]
  64. [OUT]Thank them for the answer and return to the matter at hand.
  65. [OUT]Ask about the greyworld.
  66. [/NODE]
  67. +[NODE]20
  68. [STORY]
  69. 'I have no time for lessons. Mortals confuse the greyworld with their afterlife. Spirit walkers call it the in-between, and others say we reflect your reality, an imprint of your emotions and experiences.'
  70. [/STORY]
  71. [OUT]So which is the right answer?
  72. [OUT]Thank them for the answer and return to the matter at hand.
  73. [/NODE]
  74. +[NODE]21
  75. [STORY]
  76. 'I am not an old spirit. I know not the answer. The greyworld is where I live. Your souls travel through our world sometimes, yes, and some even stay if we let them. Others go further. That is all I know.'
  77. [/STORY]
  78. [OUT]Thank them for explaining.
  79. [/NODE]
  80. +[NODE]22
  81. [STORY]
  82. 'As I said before, I am trapped by the stifling power of the lightbringers - their scorching souls be damned. It is as if time itself yielded to their stagnation.
  83. The only thing I can think of is a burst of darkness to free me. And I do sense some unliving souls nearby. Their unnatural binding to life will suffice, but you must kill them for me first. Please.'
  84. [/STORY]
  85. [OUT]Offer to capture the spirit's essence and carry it to a nearby place of power where you can attempt to truly free them. But you know this may destroy the spirit if it goes wrong.
  86. [OUT][Goblin shaman]This binding is made of darkness. You sense it well. Agree to perform a ritual, but warn the spirit that turmoil is chaos, and the effects may vary.
  87. [OUT]You do sense the trembling of turmoil in the air. Agree to perform a ritual, but warn the spirit that turmoil is chaos, and the effects may vary.
  88. [OUT]You do sense the trembling of turmoil in the air. Agree to perform a ritual, but warn the spirit that turmoil is chaos, and the effects may vary.
  89. [OUT]Fight the unliving.
  90. [OUT]No, it is too risky. Leave.
  91. [/NODE]
  92. +[NODE]24
  93. [STORY]
  94. 'I am no ghost -- that is, not a soul of the once living, but a spirit from the greyworld. I was easing the passing for one of your kind, but a ray of light washed over this ground and froze all time and space. I am trapped here for eternity!'
  95. [/STORY]
  96. [OUT]Ask what can be done.
  97. [OUT]Ask about the greyworld.
  98. [/NODE]
  99. +[NODE]25
  100. [STORY]
  101. 'I... don't know, I suppose. I can't even say that I would care if the situation were reversed.
  102. Still, I beg your help. If you succeed, I will reward you, I promise!'
  103. [/STORY]
  104. [OUT]Tell them to be more specific: what reward? And why should you trust that you will get it?
  105. [OUT]Nod and ask what help is needed here.
  106. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  107. [/NODE]
  108. +[NODE]26
  109. [STORY]
  110. 'Again, I have no answer. My reward will depend on how I fare from this ordeal. My powers may be diminished, but at the very least, I will bestow a blessing upon you.'
  111. [/STORY]
  112. [OUT]Nod and ask what help is needed here.
  113. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  114. [/NODE]
  115. +[NODE]29
  116. [STORY]
  117. 'Risk be damned, my friends. Let's go to this place of power of yours!'
  118. [/STORY]
  119. [OUT]Capture the spirit's essence and carry it with you.
  120. [/NODE]
  121. +[NODE]32
  122. [STORY]
  123. 'Risk be damned, my friends. Please do it.'
  124. [/STORY]
  125. [OUT]Perform the ritual and call upon turmoil.
  126. [OUT]Decline -- it is too risky.
  127. [/NODE]
  128. +[NODE]35
  129. [STORY]
  130. The essence of turmoil seeps through you and touches the spirit, breaking it free of the now-visible strand of stifling light. But it does not stop there. It twists the ghostly figure, turning it into an animal.
  131. The creature stares at you in dismay.
  132. [/STORY]
  133. [OUT]Say that you did warn them of side effects. Offer to let the animal come with you.
  134. [/NODE]
  135. +[NODE]38
  136. [STORY]
  137. The essence of turmoil seeps through you and touches the spirit, breaking it free of the now-visible strand of stifling light.
  138. 'Thank you, spirit walker. Your kind is forever our kin. May we meet again in the greypaths.'
  139. [/STORY]
  140. [OUT]The spirit adds that you may call upon it in need from now on. Nod and take your leave.
  141. [OUT]Nod, dig the goods out, and take your leave.
  142. [/NODE]
  143. +[NODE]43
  144. [STORY]
  145. The domains of turmoil and magic, or the pure force of those who know mystical secrets, can call upon the power of darkness and counteract the light that is keeping the spirit still.
  146. The spirit nods in agreement.
  147. [/STORY]
  148. [OUT]Begin the ritual.
  149. [OUT]Decline -- it is too risky.
  150. [/NODE]
  151. +[NODE]45
  152. [STORY]
  153. The essence of darkness seeps through you and touches the spirit, breaking it free of the now-visible strand of stifling light.
  154. 'You did it! Thank you, thank you so much. Here, dig in this spot, for I know there is treasure to be found.'
  155. [/STORY]
  156. [OUT]The spirit adds that you may call upon it in need from now on. Nod and take your leave.
  157. [OUT]Nod, dig the goods out, and take your leave.
  158. [/NODE]
  159. +[NODE]46
  160. [STORY]
  161. You defeat the unliving and the spirit drains some force from their vanquished corpses. It seems to regain a more physical or at least stronger form:
  162. 'You did it! Thank you, thank you so much. You can call upon my aid from now on.'
  163. [/STORY]
  164. [OUT]Nod and take your leave.
  165. [/NODE]
  166. +[NODE]48
  167. [STORY]
  168. You defeat the light-wraiths and the dwarven spirit seems to regain a more physical or at least stronger form:
  169. 'You did it! Thank you, thank you so much. Here, dig in this spot, for I know there is treasure to be found.'
  170. [/STORY]
  171. [OUT]Nod, dig the goods out, and take your leave.
  172. [/NODE]
  173. +[NODE]51
  174. [STORY]
  175. You failed. The spirit dissolves and there's nothing more you can do.
  176. [/STORY]
  177. [OUT]Leave.
  178. [/NODE]
  179. [/EVENT]
  180. -- [EVENT] --cemetery basediff3(1)
  181. [/EVENT]
  182. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery goblin D3(2)
  183. +[NODE]3
  184. [STORY]
  185. You discover a goblin cemetery.
  186. [/STORY]
  187. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  188. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  189. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  190. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  191. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  192. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  193. [/NODE]
  194. [/EVENT]
  195. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery skeletons(3)
  196. +[NODE]2
  197. [STORY]
  198. As you enter the burial grounds, you feel the earth shift and notice bony hands coming out of the ground!
  199. [/STORY]
  200. [OUT]Sense the weaves of magic in this area.
  201. [OUT][Nature] These unliving defy the lore of nature. Find a way to destroy them.
  202. [OUT][Unliving] Speak to your kin. Perhaps they too are awakened and not merely puppets of dark magic.
  203. [OUT]Attack!
  204. [OUT]Run away!
  205. [/NODE]
  206. +[NODE]12
  207. [STORY]
  208. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  209. [/STORY]
  210. [OUT]Leave.
  211. [/NODE]
  212. +[NODE]13
  213. [STORY]
  214. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  215. [/STORY]
  216. [OUT]Leave.
  217. [/NODE]
  218. +[NODE]14
  219. [STORY]
  220. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  221. [/STORY]
  222. [OUT]Leave.
  223. [/NODE]
  224. +[NODE]15
  225. [STORY]
  226. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  227. [/STORY]
  228. [OUT]Leave.
  229. [/NODE]
  230. +[NODE]16
  231. [STORY]
  232. You sense these skeletal forms are controlled by a dark spell, but one that is not fresh. It may be possible to break it, but only if you have strong magic on your side.
  233. [/STORY]
  234. [OUT]Try to release the skeletons from their dark magic bondage.
  235. [OUT]Attack!
  236. [OUT]Run away!
  237. [OUT]It may go against the laws of nature's domain, but bind the skeletons to your own service!
  238. [/NODE]
  239. +[NODE]18
  240. [STORY]
  241. This unliving abomination mocks the laws of nature. You should try to relieve their eternal suffering.
  242. [/STORY]
  243. [OUT]Use a ritual to break the dark magic binding these poor bodies into servitude.
  244. [OUT]It may go against the laws of nature's domain, but bind the skeletons to your own service!
  245. [OUT]Attack!
  246. [/NODE]
  247. +[NODE]21
  248. [STORY]
  249. The domains of nature and harmony stand against enslaving dead flesh to one's will.
  250. Your ritual dissolves, and the bones collapse at peace. You feel a sickness upon you.
  251. [/STORY]
  252. [OUT]Leave.
  253. [/NODE]
  254. +[NODE]22
  255. [STORY]
  256. The ritual works, and you gain the servitude of an unliving fiend.
  257. [/STORY]
  258. [OUT]Leave.
  259. [/NODE]
  260. +[NODE]23
  261. [STORY]
  262. The binding ritual seems to work, but then a burst of uncontrolled energy destroys the unliving.
  263. However, a wraith is born out of the force and it now follows you.
  264. [/STORY]
  265. [OUT]Leave.
  266. [/NODE]
  267. +[NODE]24
  268. [STORY]
  269. The rituals do not work, and you barely escape from the unliving.
  270. [/STORY]
  271. [OUT]Run away.
  272. [/NODE]
  273. +[NODE]27
  274. [STORY]
  275. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  276. [/STORY]
  277. [OUT]Leave.
  278. [/NODE]
  279. +[NODE]30
  280. [STORY]
  281. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  282. [/STORY]
  283. [OUT]Leave.
  284. [/NODE]
  285. +[NODE]33
  286. [STORY]
  287. 'You, you friend. Friend go, we not tear flesh.'
  288. The unliving turn and walk away, but one of them leaves his weapons for you, and you see a glimmer of awakening in his eyes.
  289. [/STORY]
  290. [OUT]Good, leave.
  291. [/NODE]
  292. +[NODE]34
  293. [STORY]
  294. 'You, you friend. Friend go, we not tear flesh.'
  295. The skeletons move away, but one stays behind: 'You, you serve no more. Me, me serve you.'
  296. This may not be the awakening you hoped for, but it's a first step. The skeleton now serves you.
  297. [/STORY]
  298. [OUT]Good, leave.
  299. [/NODE]
  300. +[NODE]35
  301. [STORY]
  302. The skeletons continue coming at you mindlessly and some arrows fly your way.
  303. [/STORY]
  304. [OUT]Just leave this place.
  305. [OUT]Attack them!
  306. [/NODE]
  307. +[NODE]42
  308. [STORY]
  309. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  310. [/STORY]
  311. [OUT]Leave.
  312. [/NODE]
  313. +[NODE]47
  314. [STORY]
  315. The skeletons beat you badly and you barely escape.
  316. [/STORY]
  317. [OUT]Leave.
  318. [/NODE]
  319. [/EVENT]
  320. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery loot(4)
  321. +[NODE]2
  322. [STORY]
  323. The cemetery is quiet and empty. You see an unburied body on the ground clutching a stash of goods.
  324. [/STORY]
  325. [OUT]Grab the stash.
  326. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  327. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  328. [OUT]Leave.
  329. [/NODE]
  330. +[NODE]5
  331. [STORY]
  332. As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel a foul force has touched you.
  333. [/STORY]
  334. [OUT]Leave.
  335. [/NODE]
  336. +[NODE]8
  337. [STORY]
  338. You try to bury the corpse, but clearly you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you!
  339. [/STORY]
  340. [OUT]Leave.
  341. [/NODE]
  342. [/EVENT]
  343. -- [EVENT] --cem goblin trinketDiff3(5)
  344. +[NODE]2
  345. [STORY]
  346. You see a strange trinket at one of the burial sites.
  347. [/STORY]
  348. [OUT][Goblin]Try to work out the right combination for this trinket.
  349. [OUT]The trinket seems to hold a puzzle. Take a closer look.
  350. [OUT]The trinket seems to hold a puzzle. Take a closer look.
  351. [OUT][Orc]You don't have a clue what this is but try fiddling with it.
  352. [OUT]You don't have a clue what this is but try fiddling with it.
  353. [OUT]Whatever this is, try to pry it open.
  354. [OUT]Just leave it be.
  355. [/NODE]
  356. +[NODE]3
  357. [STORY]
  358. The qizicons [R3]are an old goblin tradition dating back to the old country -- a fabled place of your kind's origin. A trinket master, or shaman as you now call them, will leave such an object as a sign of their legacy. This one doesn't look too complicated, but it may be booby-trapped.
  359. [/STORY]
  360. [OUT]Try to open it.
  361. [OUT]No, it is too dangerous. Leave.
  362. [/NODE]
  363. +[NODE]6
  364. [STORY]
  365. The thing explodes when you hit it! You suffer some burns, but you may yet recover some goods.
  366. [/STORY]
  367. [OUT]Gather what is intact inside and leave.
  368. [OUT]Gather what is intact inside and leave.
  369. [/NODE]
  370. +[NODE]18
  371. [STORY]
  372. You were so close, but you turn the wrong lever and the whole thing explodes in your hands!
  373. [/STORY]
  374. [OUT]Leave.
  375. [/NODE]
  376. +[NODE]19
  377. [STORY]
  378. You read of old goblin customs where shamans would leave objects behind to trick any grave looters. Or was it to pass on some of their legacy? In either case, whatever the object may hold, it is likely rigged against tampering.
  379. [/STORY]
  380. [OUT]Try to open it.
  381. [OUT]Open it forcefully.
  382. [OUT]Leave.
  383. [/NODE]
  384. +[NODE]23
  385. [STORY]
  386. You fail and a message in smoke puffs out:
  387. 'Ha! Stupid orc.'
  388. The contraption then explodes.
  389. [/STORY]
  390. [OUT]Leave.
  391. [/NODE]
  392. [/EVENT]
  393. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery gob ghost2(6)
  394. +[NODE]2
  395. [STORY]
  396. The burial ground is eerie and still. You realise there are no animals, and even the wind goes still here.
  397. One of the graves looks particularly odd.
  398. [/STORY]
  399. [OUT][Goblin]This is goblin ground; a goblin should investigate.
  400. [OUT][Ghost]Ghosts can sense each other. There's a spirit here somewhere.
  401. [OUT]The deathly silence cannot be good. Prepare a warding ritual and investigate.
  402. [OUT]Investigate the grave.
  403. [/NODE]
  404. +[NODE]3
  405. [STORY]
  406. You walk over and sense there is a goblin spirit roaming this burial site. Strangely, it feels trapped -- goblins typically change into spirit form and become part of the greyworld, and as such, they do not go to the human underworlds.
  407. [/STORY]
  408. [OUT]Draw basic spirit runes to summon the spirit and speak to it. Ask why its soul still lingers here.
  409. [OUT]Just attack them!
  410. [OUT]Perform a cleansing ritual to be rid of the dark magic.
  411. [OUT]Leave.
  412. [/NODE]
  413. +[NODE]4
  414. [STORY]
  415. You sense there is a goblin soul stuck here, which is odd as goblins tend to change into spirit forms and live in the greyworld.
  416. Worse yet, you begin to feel a dark necromantic spell holding any soul that comes here. Luckily, you are awakened and strengthened by your god, but it will still be hard to leave.
  417. [/STORY]
  418. [OUT]Use magic to perform a cleansing ritual and free all souls that are trapped here.
  419. [OUT]Convince the souls trapped here to join you and give you power to push through and escape.
  420. [OUT]Leave while you can.
  421. [OUT]Attack the spirits. Their destruction may allow you to break this curse.
  422. [/NODE]
  423. +[NODE]5
  424. [STORY]
  425. You sense the weaves of necromantic magic in this place. They are likely holding any souls trapped and maybe even in servitude.
  426. [/STORY]
  427. [OUT]Do a cleansing ritual.
  428. [OUT]Attack!
  429. [OUT]Leave.
  430. [/NODE]
  431. +[NODE]6
  432. [STORY]
  433. 'You, shaman? Tell me why this is happening!'
  434. The spirit wails in pain.
  435. You feel this whole burial ground is tainted with necromantic magic that is blocking them from reaching the greyworld or even fully turning into spirit forms.
  436. [/STORY]
  437. [OUT]Perform a cleansing ritual to be rid of the dark magic.
  438. [OUT]The dark magic is very strong. Offer to push one soul through the veil.
  439. [OUT] Your magic is not strong enough to risk it. Fight the ghosts to at least weaken their presence here.
  440. [OUT]Leave.
  441. [/NODE]
  442. +[NODE]9
  443. [STORY]
  444. The cleansing lifts a heavy veil of dark energy from this burial site, and you feel the goblin souls slowly passing into the greyworld as they should.
  445. You feel your faith rising, and one of the changed spirits chooses to become your ally.
  446. [/STORY]
  447. [OUT]Good, leave.
  448. [/NODE]
  449. +[NODE]10
  450. [STORY]
  451. The cleansing lifts a heavy veil of dark energy from this burial site, and you feel the goblin souls slowly passing into the greyworld as they should.
  452. You feel your faith rising.
  453. [/STORY]
  454. [OUT]Good, leave.
  455. [/NODE]
  456. +[NODE]14
  457. [STORY]
  458. You force yourself through the necromantic barrier and push the soul into the greyworld. You glimpse the soul changing into a spirit as it should, and you feel its blessing upon you.
  459. [/STORY]
  460. [OUT]Good, leave.
  461. [/NODE]
  462. +[NODE]18
  463. [STORY]
  464. You convince the other souls to merge with you, and together you push through the dark spell.
  465. One of the souls, now changed into its rightful spirit form, decides to become your ally.
  466. [/STORY]
  467. [OUT]Good, leave.
  468. [/NODE]
  469. +[NODE]19
  470. [STORY]
  471. You convince the other souls to merge with you and together you push through the dark spell.
  472. [/STORY]
  473. [OUT]Good, leave.
  474. [/NODE]
  475. +[NODE]23
  476. [STORY]
  477. You defeat the lost souls, and one of them attaches itself to you in servitude.
  478. [/STORY]
  479. [OUT]Good, leave.
  480. [/NODE]
  481. +[NODE]25
  482. [STORY]
  483. This place seems eerie and unpleasant. Ghosts appear before you, wailing and stretching their arms to get to you. You must try to resist their pull or they may possess your very soul.
  484. [/STORY]
  485. [OUT]Attack!
  486. [OUT]Try to resist with your spirit.
  487. [OUT]Try to resist with your spirit.
  488. [OUT]Try to resist with your spirit.
  489. [OUT]Resist with the power of your mind.
  490. [OUT]Resist with the power of your mind.
  491. [OUT]Resist with the power of your mind.
  492. [/NODE]
  493. +[NODE]28
  494. [STORY]
  495. Your spirit is strong, and the ghostly assailants cannot break it. You feel strengthened by this ordeal.
  496. [/STORY]
  497. [OUT]Good, leave.
  498. [/NODE]
  499. +[NODE]29
  500. [STORY]
  501. Your spirit is strong, and the ghostly assailants cannot break it. You feel strengthened by this ordeal.
  502. [/STORY]
  503. [OUT]Good, leave.
  504. [/NODE]
  505. +[NODE]30
  506. [STORY]
  507. You manage to escape the ghosts, but your soul feels tainted.
  508. [/STORY]
  509. [OUT]Leave.
  510. [/NODE]
  511. +[NODE]31
  512. [STORY]
  513. Your mind is strong and cannot be broken, especially when guided by your divine domain.
  514. [/STORY]
  515. [OUT]Leave.
  516. [/NODE]
  517. +[NODE]32
  518. [STORY]
  519. Your mind is strong and cannot be broken. The ghosts give up.
  520. [/STORY]
  521. [OUT]Good, leave.
  522. [/NODE]
  523. +[NODE]35
  524. [STORY]
  525. Defeated, you are forced to flee this place.
  526. [/STORY]
  527. [OUT]Leave.
  528. [/NODE]
  529. +[NODE]37
  530. [STORY]
  531. You manage to escape the ghosts, but your soul feels tainted.
  532. [/STORY]
  533. [OUT]Leave.
  534. [/NODE]
  535. [/EVENT]
  536. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery dwarf(7)
  537. +[NODE]3
  538. [STORY]
  539. You discover a dwarven cemetery.
  540. [/STORY]
  541. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  542. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  543. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  544. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  545. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  546. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  547. [/NODE]
  548. [/EVENT]
  549. -- [EVENT] --Cem dwarf guard(8)
  550. +[NODE]2
  551. [STORY]
  552. You enter the old cave and see statues of dwarves, but among them stand several guards.
  553. [/STORY]
  554. [OUT][Dwarf]Welcome your kinsmen.
  555. [OUT][Light]Offer a welcome in the name of light.
  556. [OUT][Harmony]Greet the dwarven guards with words of peace.
  557. [OUT]Attack!
  558. [OUT]Convince the guards to let you in.
  559. [OUT]Leave.
  560. [/NODE]
  561. +[NODE]3
  562. [STORY]
  563. 'Stone heart and iron soul brethren, what seek you here?'
  564. [/STORY]
  565. [OUT]Say that you are here to pay your respects to the fallen.
  566. [OUT]Tell them you are seeking resources to strengthen your hearth.
  567. [/NODE]
  568. +[NODE]4
  569. [STORY]
  570. 'You may enter and seek the praise of the stone and iron. If worthy, you will be rewarded.'
  571. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  572. [/STORY]
  573. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  574. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  575. [OUT]Ask to trade with your brothers.
  576. [/NODE]
  577. +[NODE]7
  578. [STORY]
  579. 'Were you an outsider, our hammers would speak to such a request. But you are stone and iron brethren, so you may take up a challenge and be judged by the elders. If they deem it so, you will gain your rewards.'
  580. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  581. [/STORY]
  582. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  583. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  584. [OUT]Ask to trade with your brothers.
  585. [/NODE]
  586. +[NODE]9
  587. [STORY]
  588. 'You are no stone and iron brethren, but the light of the forge lights your path. You may enter. What do you seek here?'
  589. [/STORY]
  590. [OUT]Say that you are here to pay your respects to the fallen.
  591. [OUT]Admit you are searching for resources.
  592. [/NODE]
  593. +[NODE]10
  594. [STORY]
  595. 'You are no stone and iron brethren, but the path of harmony guides you, and we will not stand in its peaceful way with war. You may enter. What do you seek here?'
  596. [/STORY]
  597. [OUT]Say that you are here to pay your respects to the fallen.
  598. [OUT]Admit you are searching for resources.
  599. [/NODE]
  600. +[NODE]12
  601. [STORY]
  602. 'You are no stone or iron brethren, and we feel no affinity to your plea, yet you spoke well. You may enter. What is it that you seek?'
  603. [/STORY]
  604. [OUT]Say that you are here to pay your respects to the fallen.
  605. [OUT]Admit you are searching for resources.
  606. [/NODE]
  607. +[NODE]14
  608. [STORY]
  609. 'You are no stone or iron brethren, and we feel no affinity to your plea. Leave this place or die!'
  610. [/STORY]
  611. [OUT]Attack!
  612. [OUT]Leave.
  613. [/NODE]
  614. +[NODE]18
  615. [STORY]
  616. 'This is no place for idle wandering and no place for strangers. But times are anew, so perhaps the spirits of old may honour you. You may enter, but you will face trial, and if you fail, the punishment will be swift.'
  617. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  618. [/STORY]
  619. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  620. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  621. [OUT]Attack!
  622. [OUT]Offer to trade instead.
  623. [/NODE]
  624. +[NODE]24
  625. [STORY]
  626. 'These are new days and our purpose is old. Your words ring true, and it was brave to speak them to us. We will allow you to enter and face a trial as if you were one of ours. More we cannot do. Beware, for if you fail, well...'
  627. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  628. [/STORY]
  629. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  630. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  631. [OUT]Attack!
  632. [OUT]Offer to trade instead.
  633. [/NODE]
  634. +[NODE]26
  635. [STORY]
  636. 'Ha, ha! What? It was no jest you spoke? Go away now, before you taste our stone and iron!'
  637. [/STORY]
  638. [OUT]Fine, leave.
  639. [OUT]Attack!
  640. [/NODE]
  641. +[NODE]29
  642. [STORY]
  643. You were not deemed worthy and are weakened.
  644. 'Ah, worry not, for few pass the trials. Stone and iron be with you on your way.'
  645. [/STORY]
  646. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  647. [/NODE]
  648. +[NODE]33
  649. [STORY]
  650. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  651. [/STORY]
  652. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  653. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  654. [OUT]Attack!
  655. [/NODE]
  656. +[NODE]34
  657. [STORY]
  658. You defeat the guardians. Within the underground structure, you find a stone ring -- empty, quiet.
  659. [/STORY]
  660. [OUT]Go in and gather some of the stone.
  661. [OUT]Better just leave now.
  662. [/NODE]
  663. +[NODE]39
  664. [STORY]
  665. 'Always good to trade with honest kin. Now will you face the stone and iron inside?'
  666. They show you a stone ring. You know you must enter and be judged by the stone and iron spirit.
  667. [/STORY]
  668. [OUT]Enter the ring.
  669. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  670. [/NODE]
  671. +[NODE]40
  672. [STORY]
  673. The ancient spirit within the earth judges you worthy of its abundance. You gain a blessing and a small gift.
  674. [/STORY]
  675. [OUT]Give thanks and leave.
  676. [/NODE]
  677. +[NODE]44
  678. [STORY]
  679. You were not deemed worthy and are weakened.
  680. 'Bah. It was always a long shot for a stranger to pass. Put some herbs on it -- may help ya. Now leave.'
  681. [/STORY]
  682. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  683. [/NODE]
  684. +[NODE]45
  685. [STORY]
  686. 'Good tradin' with ya. Now be off.'
  687. [/STORY]
  688. [OUT]Leave.
  689. [/NODE]
  690. +[NODE]46
  691. [STORY]
  692. You are beaten badly and forced to flee.
  693. [/STORY]
  694. [OUT]Leave.
  695. [/NODE]
  696. [/EVENT]
  697. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery dwrockers(9)
  698. +[NODE]3
  699. [STORY]
  700. You enter an old underground chamber, made accessible when the earth moved, and you see what must have been a dwarf cemetery. It now stands in ruins. Worse yet, whatever remains is being vigorously eaten by a pack of small stone creatures, likely rockers!
  701. [/STORY]
  702. [OUT][Dwarf]Defilers of sacred grounds. Attack!
  703. [OUT][Dwarf]Command the stone creatures to obey.
  704. [OUT]Attack!
  705. [OUT]Try talking to the creatures.
  706. [OUT][Domain]Allow your domain to guide you and figure out why the creatures are so agitated.
  707. [OUT]Better not mess with dwarven graves or rockers. Leave.
  708. [/NODE]
  709. +[NODE]10
  710. [STORY]
  711. You destroy the rockers and feel the spirits of the elders looking down on you in thanks. Even though these were creatures of stone, they were clearly mad to attack a sacred ground.
  712. One of the statues presents you with a weapon in reward!
  713. [/STORY]
  714. [OUT]Leave.
  715. [/NODE]
  716. +[NODE]11
  717. [STORY]
  718. You destroy the rockers and feel the spirits of the elders looking down on you in thanks. Even though these were creatures of stone, they were clearly mad to attack a sacred ground.
  719. [/STORY]
  720. [OUT]Leave.
  721. [/NODE]
  722. +[NODE]13
  723. [STORY]
  724. There are too many of them -- oh, the shame! Your dwarven pride suffers, but they were creatures of stone, so maybe it was meant to be.
  725. [/STORY]
  726. [OUT]Leave.
  727. [/NODE]
  728. +[NODE]15
  729. [STORY]
  730. The rockers hear you and look terrified. One of them rolls over to you and cries:
  731. 'You, you small stone people, you help? Me want papa and mamma back. We eat and eat, but can't eat down...'
  732. The rocker cries pebbles, and the others join in.
  733. [/STORY]
  734. [OUT]Look around and try to help them.
  735. [OUT]Just chase them away!
  736. [/NODE]
  737. +[NODE]16
  738. [STORY]
  739. The rockers are so scared of you that they roll out without any resistance. There's a lot of stone here that you can salvage without disrespecting the graves.
  740. [/STORY]
  741. [OUT]Gather up the stones, pay your respects to the elders, and leave.
  742. [/NODE]
  743. +[NODE]17
  744. [STORY]
  745. You see large metal gates on the ground. This is where the little ones think their parents are. Since they cannot chew through metal yet, they tried eating all around.
  746. The gates are actually not that hard to open, but these rockers are clearly too young to think much.
  747. [/STORY]
  748. [OUT]Open the gates for them.
  749. [OUT]Open the gates for them.
  750. [/NODE]
  751. +[NODE]18
  752. [STORY]
  753. You move one of the gate doors and see only ground and rock, but the little ones get excited. They lunge into the rocks and within minutes disappear into the depths. Perhaps with years of digging, one could follow them, but then again, they did say troll parents await them.
  754. There is plenty of stone for you to gather without disrespecting the elders, so perhaps it is best to leave it be.
  755. [/STORY]
  756. [OUT]Gather up the stones, pay your respects to the elders, and leave.
  757. [/NODE]
  758. +[NODE]19
  759. [STORY]
  760. You try to lift one of the gate doors, and the rockers spill under it as soon as you move it off the ground. Alas, the gate is too heavy and the walls too unstable. The whole thing collapses, crushing the little creatures and wounding you in the process.
  761. [/STORY]
  762. [OUT]Leave.
  763. [/NODE]
  764. +[NODE]20
  765. [STORY]
  766. The rockers seem to be trying to eat their way underneath fallen metal gates. The gates would be easy for you to move or open and the creatures seem preoccupied, but there could be some risk. You could also scavenge stone away from the rockers without disturbing the burial ground any further.
  767. [/STORY]
  768. [OUT]Open the gates for them.
  769. [OUT]Open the gates for them.
  770. [OUT]Just gather some stone and leave.
  771. [/NODE]
  772. +[NODE]22
  773. [STORY]
  774. You have no idea why the rockers are in such a frenzy. But there's a lot of potential loot to gather here.
  775. [/STORY]
  776. [OUT]Attack!
  777. [OUT]Better just leave.
  778. [/NODE]
  779. +[NODE]24
  780. [STORY]
  781. The rockers hear you and look terrified. One of them rolls over to you and cries:
  782. 'You, you small stone people, you help? Me want papa and mamma back. We eat and eat, but can't eat down...'
  783. The rocker cries pebbles, and the others join in.
  784. [/STORY]
  785. [OUT]Look around and try to help them.
  786. [OUT]Just chase them away!
  787. [/NODE]
  788. +[NODE]25
  789. [STORY]
  790. The rockers get even more agitated and violent, but do not respond to you.
  791. [/STORY]
  792. [OUT]Attack!
  793. [OUT]Well, better leave this place, even though the ancestors may get angry.
  794. [/NODE]
  795. +[NODE]27
  796. [STORY]
  797. The rockers get even more agitated and violent, but do not respond to you.
  798. [/STORY]
  799. [OUT]Attack!
  800. [OUT]Better just leave.
  801. [/NODE]
  802. +[NODE]34
  803. [STORY]
  804. You are badly beaten and forced to flee.
  805. [/STORY]
  806. [OUT]Leave.
  807. [/NODE]
  808. [/EVENT]
  809. -- [EVENT] --cemetery graverob(10)
  810. +[NODE]2
  811. [STORY]
  812. Despite its first appearance, this seems to be an old dwarven burial ground -- an unusual find. You spot a rugged group of grave robbers who got here before you!
  813. [/STORY]
  814. [OUT][Dwarf]Attack the defilers of sacred ground!
  815. [OUT]Attack!
  816. [OUT]Try talking to them. Maybe you can share the spoils.
  817. [OUT]Wait till they leave.
  818. [OUT]Leave.
  819. [/NODE]
  820. +[NODE]5
  821. [STORY]
  822. The grave robbers destroy much of the burial ground, then suddenly grab their stuff and skulk away in haste.
  823. [/STORY]
  824. [OUT][Zerca or dwarf]Perform the correct burial rites to appease the disturbed spirits here.
  825. [OUT]Try to repair the burial ground to honour the dead.
  826. [OUT]Try to repair the burial ground to honour the dead.
  827. [OUT]See if they left anything to loot.
  828. [OUT]See if they left anything to loot.
  829. [/NODE]
  830. +[NODE]7
  831. [STORY]
  832. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  833. [/STORY]
  834. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  835. [/NODE]
  836. +[NODE]10
  837. [STORY]
  838. You try to repair the burial site, but you feel the spirits that linger are angry, and they lash out at you!
  839. [/STORY]
  840. [OUT]Try performing a ritual to calm the spirits.
  841. [OUT]Just leave this place.
  842. [OUT]Attack!
  843. [/NODE]
  844. +[NODE]11
  845. [STORY]
  846. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  847. [/STORY]
  848. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  849. [/NODE]
  850. +[NODE]17
  851. [STORY]
  852. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  853. [/STORY]
  854. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  855. [/NODE]
  856. +[NODE]19
  857. [STORY]
  858. The angered ghosts leave you depleted, but they do not follow you as you flee.
  859. [/STORY]
  860. [OUT]Leave.
  861. [/NODE]
  862. +[NODE]20
  863. [STORY]
  864. You realise the grave robbers left because angry ghosts rose up, and now they are ready to attack!
  865. [/STORY]
  866. [OUT]Fight!
  867. [OUT]Run away!
  868. [/NODE]
  869. +[NODE]23
  870. [STORY]
  871. You lost, and the grave robbers rob you as well!
  872. Getting your stuff back while butt naked won't be easy.
  873. [/STORY]
  874. [OUT]Leave.
  875. [/NODE]
  876. +[NODE]29
  877. [STORY]
  878. 'What? You mean instead of stickin' ya, lettin' ya take stuff?'
  879. [/STORY]
  880. [OUT][Harmony]As harmony is your path, say that you seek peace, not violence.
  881. [OUT]Confirm.
  882. [OUT][Dwarf]Shake your fist at them and say that no, you mean you will not kill them if they leave now!
  883. [/NODE]
  884. +[NODE]30
  885. [STORY]
  886. You gather the loot, but you soon realise that whatever spirits these grave robbers unsettled, they are equally unimpressed with you.
  887. [/STORY]
  888. [OUT]Leave.
  889. [/NODE]
  890. +[NODE]33
  891. [STORY]
  892. You destroy the grave robbers and put the graves back as they should be.
  893. You feel the spirits of metal and stone favour you.
  894. [/STORY]
  895. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  896. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  897. [/NODE]
  898. +[NODE]35
  899. [STORY]
  900. With the grave robbers gone, you put the graves back as they should be.
  901. You feel the spirits of metal and stone favour you.
  902. [/STORY]
  903. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  904. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  905. [/NODE]
  906. +[NODE]39
  907. [STORY]
  908. 'You talk and talk, but we ain't no talkers, so just leave us be or get your teeth smashed!'
  909. [/STORY]
  910. [OUT]Attack!
  911. [OUT]Leave.
  912. [/NODE]
  913. +[NODE]42
  914. [STORY]
  915. You are badly beaten and forced to flee.
  916. [/STORY]
  917. [OUT]Leave.
  918. [/NODE]
  919. +[NODE]44
  920. [STORY]
  921. 'I guess there's lots of lootin' to do here. We go that way, you go there.'
  922. [/STORY]
  923. [OUT]Agree and loot your area.
  924. [OUT]Agree and loot your area.
  925. [/NODE]
  926. +[NODE]48
  927. [STORY]
  928. 'All right, all right, mister dwarf, we'll go. Sorry...'
  929. [/STORY]
  930. [OUT]Allow them to leave. Remake the burial ground.
  931. [/NODE]
  932. [/EVENT]
  933. -- [EVENT] --Cem dwarf ghost(11)
  934. +[NODE]2
  935. [STORY]
  936. This foreboding grave site must have been exposed when the earth moved. Stone and metal statues of fallen dwarves stand tall and proud, despite any damage.
  937. And yet, apart from the expected damage, you see some of the graves were clearly robbed! The air here is cold and threatening.
  938. [/STORY]
  939. [OUT][Dwarf]This dishonour requires blood! Rush in and see who is responsible.
  940. [OUT][Ghost]Ghosts can sense each other. There's a spirit here somewhere.
  941. [OUT]Investigate the grave.
  942. [OUT]You sense the weaves of magic here -- perhaps a spirit presence. Perform a ritual to call upon this presence.
  943. [OUT][Goblin shaman]There is a spirit presence here -- a strange one, but unmistakable. Try speaking to it.
  944. [OUT]Leave.
  945. [/NODE]
  946. +[NODE]3
  947. [STORY]
  948. You walk over and sense that something is watching you. From one of the statues a voice speaks up: 'Who goes there? Friend or foe? Speak ya fast!'
  949. [/STORY]
  950. [OUT][Runemaster]A stone spirit! Say that you are kindred souls.
  951. [OUT]Say you are a friend.
  952. [/NODE]
  953. +[NODE]4
  954. [STORY]
  955. You focus and immediately know there is a ghostly presence. It speaks to you:
  956. 'Help me, ethereal friend. Though we are not the same, surely you can hear my plea?'
  957. [/STORY]
  958. [OUT]Ask how they are different from you.
  959. [OUT]Ask how you can help.
  960. [/NODE]
  961. +[NODE]8
  962. [STORY]
  963. A spirit emerges and speaks to you:
  964. 'Help me...'
  965. [/STORY]
  966. [OUT]Ask what help they need.
  967. [OUT]Why should you care?
  968. [OUT]Attack the ghost!
  969. [/NODE]
  970. +[NODE]10
  971. [STORY]
  972. The air is stale and cold, and you realise that everything around you slowly drains of colour, turning grey.
  973. You see flickers of a ghostly figure, its arms outstretched, its mouth open in a silent scream.
  974. [/STORY]
  975. [OUT]Attack the ghost!
  976. [OUT][Mysticism] You sense the weaves of magic here -- perhaps a spirit presence. Perform a ritual to call upon this presence.
  977. [OUT]Run away!
  978. [/NODE]
  979. +[NODE]14
  980. [STORY]
  981. The spirit shifted from existence, so your weapons proved useless.
  982. You feel some life drained from you, but as you stumble outside the boundaries of the grave site to escape, you realise the angry soul cannot pursue.
  983. [/STORY]
  984. [OUT]Leave.
  985. [/NODE]
  986. +[NODE]18
  987. [STORY]
  988. 'A stone and iron son, good!'
  989. The stone statue becomes animated and turns to you.
  990. 'A runesmith, no less! Can you forge me a new deathstone, so that I may be free? No, not enough time, I suppose.'
  991. [/STORY]
  992. [OUT]Ask who is holding the spirit here.
  993. [OUT]Ask about deathstones.
  994. [OUT]Say you have never met a stone spirit before, only heard about them.
  995. [/NODE]
  996. +[NODE]19
  997. [STORY]
  998. 'A stone and iron son, good! You can help. You can kill those honourless buggers that hold me here!'
  999. [/STORY]
  1000. [OUT]Ask who is holding the spirit here.
  1001. [OUT]Ask what he is.
  1002. [/NODE]
  1003. +[NODE]20
  1004. [STORY]
  1005. 'Aye, aye, deathstone. Only the runesmiths of old know them well. But in short, it is the rune stone that binds me in my form, makes me a guardian. It should be lodged where my heart was, but as you see, it is gone, so my power fades.'
  1006. [/STORY]
  1007. [OUT]Say you have never met a stone spirit before, only heard about them.
  1008. [OUT]Ask who is holding the spirit here.
  1009. [/NODE]
  1010. +[NODE]21
  1011. [STORY]
  1012. 'I am weak, and you are no kin of mine... please help...'
  1013. [/STORY]
  1014. [OUT]So what can be done?
  1015. [/NODE]
  1016. +[NODE]22
  1017. [STORY]
  1018. 'Filthy grave robbers came and defiled our forefathers. Lucky bastards took the deathstone before I was able to fully awaken. Now they are trapped in a tomb, but they hold my deathstone. We're at an impasse.'
  1019. [/STORY]
  1020. [OUT][Orc witch]Offer to perform a ritual instead. It will give the spirit enough power to sort this out themselves.
  1021. [OUT]Offer to perform a ritual instead. It will give the spirit enough power to sort this out themselves.
  1022. [OUT]Agree to go in and fight the grave robbers.
  1023. [OUT]Say that you are sorry, but you will not risk it. Leave.
  1024. [/NODE]
  1025. +[NODE]24
  1026. [STORY]
  1027. 'My deathstone, my heart... stolen... gone... '
  1028. [/STORY]
  1029. [OUT]So what can be done?
  1030. [OUT]Deathstone?
  1031. [/NODE]
  1032. +[NODE]25
  1033. [STORY]
  1034. The spirit remains silent, its presence flickering in and out of focus. You feel a buildup of dark energies.
  1035. [/STORY]
  1036. [OUT]Ask what help they need.
  1037. [OUT]Leave.
  1038. [/NODE]
  1039. +[NODE]29
  1040. [STORY]
  1041. 'Stone spirit is one name I am given, and a good one, I say. From what I gather, and knowin' was not my strength, I was once a fallen warrior, my soul so strong it wished to remain and serve, so great smiths forged me a stone heart -- the deathstone -- and thus made me guardian of this burial ground.
  1042. [/STORY]
  1043. [OUT]Ask who is holding the spirit here.
  1044. [OUT]Ask about deathstones.
  1045. [/NODE]
  1046. +[NODE]30
  1047. [STORY]
  1048. 'Aye! Risk is good. It is bad that I will leave my place of duty, but if we succeed, I will return strong again!'
  1049. [/STORY]
  1050. [OUT]Capture the willing essence.
  1051. [/NODE]
  1052. +[NODE]33
  1053. [STORY]
  1054. 'Bah, filthy orc magic to meddle with my soul. Eh!'
  1055. [/STORY]
  1056. [OUT]Grunt something offensive about their stone brain in return, but perform the ritual.
  1057. [OUT]'Who are you calling filth, you stone brain can of rubble?' Attack the ghost instead.
  1058. [/NODE]
  1059. +[NODE]35
  1060. [STORY]
  1061. You jump to attack the dwarven ghost, but realise you are facing the grave robbers he needed someone to dispose of. The damned rockbrain has tricked you.
  1062. [/STORY]
  1063. [OUT]Fight!
  1064. [/NODE]
  1065. +[NODE]36
  1066. [STORY]
  1067. A spirit emerges and speaks to you:
  1068. 'Help me...'
  1069. [/STORY]
  1070. [OUT]Ask what help they need.
  1071. [OUT]Ask what sort of spirit presence they are.
  1072. [OUT]Attack the ghost!
  1073. [/NODE]
  1074. +[NODE]38
  1075. [STORY]
  1076. You defeat the spirits that assailed you. The ground shakes and the cemetery, with its statues and underground chambers, collapses. You hear screams of dying people from one such chamber... but at least there is extra loot to gather.
  1077. [/STORY]
  1078. [OUT]Gather what you can and leave.
  1079. [/NODE]
  1080. +[NODE]40
  1081. [STORY]
  1082. The grave robbers lie dead, and you find a stone covered in runes -- the deathstone. The guardian spirit calls out to you:
  1083. 'Have you got it? Put it in my chest, quickly.'
  1084. [/STORY]
  1085. [OUT]Put the deathstone into the dwarven statue's chest.
  1086. [OUT]Destroy the deathstone.
  1087. [/NODE]
  1088. +[NODE]41
  1089. [STORY]
  1090. 'Thank you,' the spirit whispers as the stone absorbs its heart and the statue grows quiet.
  1091. The ground shakes, and from under a stone comes a gift for you.
  1092. [/STORY]
  1093. [OUT]Nod and take your leave.
  1094. [/NODE]
  1095. +[NODE]42
  1096. [STORY]
  1097. The earth shakes beneath your feet as the stone crumbles. You see the spirit released, but it is angered.
  1098. The cemetery falls to ruin -- nothing but rubble left.
  1099. [/STORY]
  1100. [OUT]Leave.
  1101. [/NODE]
  1102. +[NODE]45
  1103. [STORY]
  1104. You are defeated and forced to flee. As you run, you see the guardian statue collapse into rubble and hear the spirit cry out in despair.
  1105. [/STORY]
  1106. [OUT]Leave.
  1107. [/NODE]
  1108. +[NODE]48
  1109. [STORY]
  1110. The ritual worked. You called upon your divine link and weaved the magic around you to strengthen the stone spirit.
  1111. You see the statue move faster than any stone should. It rushes into the nearby catacombs, and you hear the cries of dying grave robbers.
  1112. [/STORY]
  1113. [OUT]Wait.
  1114. [/NODE]
  1115. +[NODE]49
  1116. [STORY]
  1117. The statue returns to its place, and you see its chest now has a runestone inside.
  1118. 'Thank you. I will sleep now. Dare not rob this place, but instead take whatever the scum left, and this gift as my thanks.'
  1119. [/STORY]
  1120. [OUT]Nod, gather the loot, and leave.
  1121. [/NODE]
  1122. +[NODE]51
  1123. [STORY]
  1124. The ritual failed and instead caused the spirit harm. The ground shakes, the catacombs collapse, and screams of dying grave robbers reach you as you run. You see the guardian statue collapse into rubble and hear the spirit cry out in despair.
  1125. [/STORY]
  1126. [OUT]Leave.
  1127. [/NODE]
  1128. [/EVENT]
  1129. -- [EVENT] --smith ghost(12)
  1130. +[NODE]2
  1131. [STORY]
  1132. What you thought was a cemetery is actually much more. You enter the ancient ruins of a dwarven city, now unearthed and exposed to the surface. Fallen statues, crumbled and forlorn yet still imposing, gaze upon you as you wander the silent streets.
  1133. [/STORY]
  1134. [OUT][Dwarf]You know the layout well. Explore the ruins.
  1135. [OUT]Search the ruins for loot or anything of interest.
  1136. [OUT]Search the ruins for loot or anything of interest.
  1137. [OUT]Search the ruins for loot or anything of interest.
  1138. [OUT]Leave.
  1139. [/NODE]
  1140. +[NODE]4
  1141. [STORY]
  1142. You soon realise this is only a small part of a greater city clearly pushed out by the Shattering. You also see that it has been looted many times already.
  1143. Still, you think this was the craftsman district, so you know where to look for the great forge, the artisan workshop, and the runemaster's study.
  1144. [/STORY]
  1145. [OUT]Go to the forge.
  1146. [OUT]Go to the workshop.
  1147. [OUT]Go to the study.
  1148. [/NODE]
  1149. +[NODE]5
  1150. [STORY]
  1151. You find the great forge mostly in ruins, but you know that the real forge would have been hidden away deep within, so you can try to search for the entrance.
  1152. [/STORY]
  1153. [OUT][Smith]You know exactly where to find it. Go in.
  1154. [OUT]Look for the entrance.
  1155. [/NODE]
  1156. +[NODE]6
  1157. [STORY]
  1158. Among the rubble and dust of the fallen main hall, behind the remains of a giant anvil, you find the passage leading deeper into the city, where you discover the master smith's forge.
  1159. The place is abandoned, cleared out not by looters but likely by the owner, although you spot several tools and resources you can still salvage.
  1160. As you start collecting the loot, you hear a faint, dull thud that becomes more and more regular.
  1161. [/STORY]
  1162. [OUT]Investigate.
  1163. [/NODE]
  1164. +[NODE]8
  1165. [STORY]
  1166. You are now sure you hear the sounds of a working forge, the smelting of metal, and the drumming of the hammer. You even smell the hot coals.
  1167. You blink, and suddenly you find yourself in that forge! A blacksmith here works on something with his back to you.
  1168. [/STORY]
  1169. [OUT]Attack!
  1170. [OUT]Politely ask the smith what this place is and how you got here.
  1171. [/NODE]
  1172. +[NODE]9
  1173. [STORY]
  1174. 'Ah, it is a long story, laddie.'
  1175. As the smith turns to you, you see a dwarven corpse that has been partially eaten by bugs, its eye sockets empty and dark, jaw hanging by a thread, rotten flesh falling off.
  1176. [/STORY]
  1177. [OUT]Exclaim your outrage at the fate of your brother.
  1178. [OUT]Say that he has clearly been here a while, perhaps taking his duties a tad too seriously.
  1179. [OUT]Ignore his looks and ask how you got here when just a moment before you were standing in old ruins.
  1180. [/NODE]
  1181. +[NODE]10
  1182. [STORY]
  1183. 'Brother... I had not hoped to be called that again. Like I said, 'tis a long tale, and you be alive and wantin' to be on your way. So I can tell ya the gist of it, if you like?'
  1184. [/STORY]
  1185. [OUT]Say that you have time to hear the full story.
  1186. [OUT]Yes, say that you'd like the short version.
  1187. [/NODE]
  1188. +[NODE]11
  1189. [STORY]
  1190. 'This city was once the marvel of the underkingdoms, and me, I was a young and ambitious master's apprentice. Sure, I was good, but I was mostly cocky and thought myself touched by the great smiths.'
  1191. [/STORY]
  1192. [OUT]Say that's often the way of youth.
  1193. [/NODE]
  1194. +[NODE]12
  1195. [STORY]
  1196. 'Like I said, 'tis a long tale, and you be alive and wantin' to be on your way. So I can tell ya the gist of it, if you like?'
  1197. [/STORY]
  1198. [OUT]Say that you have time to hear the full story.
  1199. [OUT]Yes, say that you'd like the short version.
  1200. [/NODE]
  1201. +[NODE]13
  1202. [STORY]
  1203. 'Heh, well, I'll be honest with ya, laddie, I pulled you here because I'm a selfish sort.
  1204. Like I said, 'tis a long tale, and you be alive and wantin' to be on your way. So I can tell ya the gist of it, if you like?'
  1205. [/STORY]
  1206. [OUT]Say that you have time to hear the full story.
  1207. [OUT]Yes, say that you'd like the short version.
  1208. [/NODE]
  1209. +[NODE]14
  1210. [STORY]
  1211. 'Aye, you're right there. I boasted my skill and climbed the ladder, oh, I did, laddies. And in time my master was so sick of me he sent me off to the surface to learn and prove my worth.'
  1212. [/STORY]
  1213. [OUT]So you lived up top, with us?
  1214. [/NODE]
  1215. +[NODE]15
  1216. [STORY]
  1217. 'That I did. I lived through the dark times, and in time, I forgot about the underkingdoms, or at least I no longer felt the call. I grew ever more ambitious and proud. Calling myself the master smith of all times, bragging about how I was the best.'
  1218. [/STORY]
  1219. [OUT]Continue.
  1220. [/NODE]
  1221. +[NODE]16
  1222. [STORY]
  1223. 'I got... entangled in some, well, personal stuff, and to cut this tale short, a demon calling himself the treasurer called my bluff.'
  1224. [/STORY]
  1225. [OUT]Bluff? So you weren't that great after all?
  1226. [/NODE]
  1227. +[NODE]17
  1228. [STORY]
  1229. 'Bah, I was. Still am! But... well, he played me, okay? He commissioned me to craft a runic mithril cage. It was to be delicate, intricate and light, yet sturdy enough to hold even a dragon! It was to be a masterpiece, you see?'
  1230. [/STORY]
  1231. [OUT]'Impressive.' Wait for him to continue.
  1232. [/NODE]
  1233. +[NODE]18
  1234. [STORY]
  1235. 'Ah, my laddie, it was, it is, a thing of beauty and skill! But here's the snag. The creature didn't just commission me.'
  1236. [/STORY]
  1237. [OUT]Oh?
  1238. [/NODE]
  1239. +[NODE]19
  1240. [STORY]
  1241. 'He made me a bet. Said if I do it in three months, I will get riches and recognition beyond my dreams. If I lose, however, I will forever serve as his smith.'
  1242. [/STORY]
  1243. [OUT]So you lost?
  1244. [/NODE]
  1245. +[NODE]20
  1246. [STORY]
  1247. 'Aye, the damned trickster. Just as I was about to finish, he stole a vital piece of runic stone that was needed to complete the cage. Without it, I could not finish, for the cage will never hold a dragon.'
  1248. [/STORY]
  1249. [OUT]Isn't that cheating?
  1250. [/NODE]
  1251. +[NODE]21
  1252. [STORY]
  1253. 'Tell that to the bloody demon! The rules never said he couldn't interfere. Or, as he put it, 'You should have watched your materials better, old man!' Oh, that fiend!'
  1254. [/STORY]
  1255. [OUT]So why are you here?
  1256. [/NODE]
  1257. +[NODE]22
  1258. [STORY]
  1259. 'I know where the fiend dwells, but I cannot go, obviously. If ya go and kill it, I will be free! And thankful, of course. My smithy will die with my spirit, but if you do the deed, you will find abundant gifts from me in the rubble!
  1260. And here, have this as an incentive.'
  1261. [/STORY]
  1262. [OUT]Agree.
  1263. [OUT]Decline, loot this place, and leave.
  1264. [/NODE]
  1265. +[NODE]23
  1266. [STORY]
  1267. 'Well, I was a master blacksmith in my youth, or so I believed. I boasted and boasted, and in search of more knowledge I even ventured outside the underkingdoms.'
  1268. [/STORY]
  1269. [OUT]So you lived up top, with us?
  1270. [/NODE]
  1271. +[NODE]24
  1272. [STORY]
  1273. 'Aye, I did. I lived through the dark times and had me a good life, but then came the demon with his trickster ways.'
  1274. [/STORY]
  1275. [OUT]Right, as demons usually are?
  1276. [/NODE]
  1277. +[NODE]25
  1278. [STORY]
  1279. 'It made me a bet -- make him a wondrous cage light as feather, pretty as an elf, and strong enough to hold a dragon. Do it in three months and fame and riches would be mine!'
  1280. [/STORY]
  1281. [OUT]So naturally, you took the bait?
  1282. [/NODE]
  1283. +[NODE]26
  1284. [STORY]
  1285. 'Right you are again. The little bastard stole a vital part on the night before I finished. And so, I am bound to serve it for an eternity.'
  1286. [/STORY]
  1287. [OUT]So why are you here?
  1288. [/NODE]
  1289. +[NODE]27
  1290. [STORY]
  1291. Among the rubble and dust of the fallen main hall, behind the remains of a giant anvil, you find the passage leading deeper into the city, where you discover the master smith's forge.
  1292. The place is abandoned, cleared out not by looters but likely by the owner, although you spot several tools and resources you can still salvage.
  1293. As you start collecting the loot, you hear a faint, dull thud that becomes more and more regular.
  1294. [/STORY]
  1295. [OUT]Investigate.
  1296. [/NODE]
  1297. +[NODE]28
  1298. [STORY]
  1299. Among the rubble and dust of the fallen main hall, behind the remains of a giant anvil, you find the passage leading deeper into the city, where you discover the master smith's forge.
  1300. The place is abandoned, cleared out not by looters but likely by the owner, although you spot several tools and resources you can still salvage.
  1301. You hear a strange rummaging in the corner, and you realise you're being watched by some unliving!
  1302. [/STORY]
  1303. [OUT]Attack!
  1304. [OUT]Run away!
  1305. [/NODE]
  1306. +[NODE]30
  1307. [STORY]
  1308. The bones are crushed and lifeless, as they should be. You are free to loot the forge now.
  1309. [/STORY]
  1310. [OUT]Gather what you can and leave.
  1311. [/NODE]
  1312. +[NODE]32
  1313. [STORY]
  1314. You are defeated and forced to flee.
  1315. [/STORY]
  1316. [OUT]Leave.
  1317. [/NODE]
  1318. +[NODE]34
  1319. [STORY]
  1320. You come to a place where some kind of craftsman's workstation must have stood once. Ornate tables hold the remains of odd tools and trinkets. Many wonderful stone and metal statues still stand here.
  1321. [/STORY]
  1322. [OUT][Dwarf]An artisan workshop. Take only what is left lying around. Do not touch the statues.
  1323. [OUT]Gather whatever you can salvage here.
  1324. [/NODE]
  1325. +[NODE]35
  1326. [STORY]
  1327. You gather up what you can, but when you pilfer the statues, a mechanism comes to life that locks you in the chamber!
  1328. [/STORY]
  1329. [OUT][Smith]Find the opening handle and leave.
  1330. [OUT]Try to figure out how to open it.
  1331. [OUT]Bash it open.
  1332. [/NODE]
  1333. +[NODE]36
  1334. [STORY]
  1335. No matter how hard you hit, the stone remains unmovable.
  1336. [/STORY]
  1337. [OUT]Try to figure out how to open it.
  1338. [/NODE]
  1339. +[NODE]38
  1340. [STORY]
  1341. After many hours, you finally open the doors and leave the wretched place.
  1342. The rest of the ruins have already been scavenged.
  1343. [/STORY]
  1344. [OUT]Leave.
  1345. [/NODE]
  1346. +[NODE]39
  1347. [STORY]
  1348. It took what felt like days to figure out the opening sequence. By the time the doors open, you are exhausted, hungry, and ill. Worse yet, as you prepare to leave, you see the doors start to close again, so you run out, abandoning most of what you looted.
  1349. [/STORY]
  1350. [OUT]Leave.
  1351. [/NODE]
  1352. +[NODE]45
  1353. [STORY]
  1354. You come to a closed metal-clad door. Upon the stones in the wall you see many runes carved deep into the surface.
  1355. [/STORY]
  1356. [OUT][Runemaster]Speak the passphrase and enter the runesmith's workshop.
  1357. [OUT]Try to break the magic binding this door shut.
  1358. [OUT]You have no folk skilled enough in mysticism. Leave.
  1359. [/NODE]
  1360. +[NODE]46
  1361. [STORY]
  1362. Within the chamber you see a wide, empty space. Whatever was here has been looted or taken by the owner.
  1363. Strangely, however, you find a stone mannequin wearing robes and holding a dwarven weapon. There is a note: 'You got in, so help yourself.'
  1364. [/STORY]
  1365. [OUT]Take the present and leave.
  1366. [/NODE]
  1367. +[NODE]49
  1368. [STORY]
  1369. You cannot enter, and the runes seep some life force out of you, forcing you to flee.
  1370. [/STORY]
  1371. [OUT]Leave.
  1372. [/NODE]
  1373. +[NODE]52
  1374. [STORY]
  1375. Alas, you do not find anything. Perhaps it was destroyed or you were mistaken. Tired, you leave the ruins.
  1376. [/STORY]
  1377. [OUT]Leave.
  1378. [/NODE]
  1379. +[NODE]58
  1380. [STORY]
  1381. The dwarf sighs, then disappears. The forge is empty.
  1382. [/STORY]
  1383. [OUT]Loot it and leave.
  1384. [/NODE]
  1385. [/EVENT]
  1386. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery Human D3(13)
  1387. +[NODE]3
  1388. [STORY]
  1389. You discover the ruins of an ancient human cemetery, one where burial was clearly the custom. There are gravestones with faded markings and even some large stone crypts.
  1390. [/STORY]
  1391. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1392. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1393. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1394. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1395. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1396. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1397. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  1398. [/NODE]
  1399. [/EVENT]
  1400. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(14)
  1401. +[NODE]2
  1402. [STORY]
  1403. Near the gravestones that tell the tale of the old days, you find a spot where a single slab of sandstone lies with some very faint and unreadable markings on it. Something draws your attention towards it.
  1404. [/STORY]
  1405. [OUT]Investigate.
  1406. [OUT]Investigate.
  1407. [OUT]Investigate.
  1408. [OUT]Leave.
  1409. [/NODE]
  1410. +[NODE]3
  1411. [STORY]
  1412. The placement of the stone and the faded markings look to you like some sort of warding symbols, suggesting that whoever was buried here was an undesirable, but also feared. Were the wards meant to protect whoever lies here, or the other way around? Alas, this is unclear.
  1413. [/STORY]
  1414. [OUT]Search for anything usable.
  1415. [/NODE]
  1416. +[NODE]4
  1417. [STORY]
  1418. This seems likely to be a place of burial for outcasts, criminals, those who were unwanted in a community, or perhaps those too poor to get a proper burial. As you get closer, you get a fleeting feeling of unease -- dark magics could be in play here...
  1419. [/STORY]
  1420. [OUT]Search for anything usable.
  1421. [/NODE]
  1422. +[NODE]5
  1423. [STORY]
  1424. This seems likely to be a place of burial for outcasts, criminals, those who were unwanted in a community, or perhaps those too poor to get a proper burial.
  1425. [/STORY]
  1426. [OUT]Search for anything usable.
  1427. [/NODE]
  1428. +[NODE]7
  1429. [STORY]
  1430. 'You, you there, live one! Come here. I need a favour and you seem the sort to listen.'
  1431. You realise the sound is coming from the stone slab. As you turn towards it, you can see the outlines of a ghostly figure.
  1432. [/STORY]
  1433. [OUT][Ghost]Tell him to speak plainly, without the drama. Ask him why he is here.
  1434. [OUT][Goblin shaman]You sense this ghost is bound to the gravestone. Ask him why.
  1435. [OUT]Ask him what his problem is.
  1436. [OUT]Attack!
  1437. [OUT]Leave him to his fate.
  1438. [/NODE]
  1439. +[NODE]8
  1440. [STORY]
  1441. 'Well, you know, cemeteries, dead folk, after the gates to the underworlds were shut for centuries and then that god of yours, Veles, disappeared, we're quite overcrowded here, you know.
  1442. But say, ghost to ghost, will you help me out?'
  1443. [/STORY]
  1444. [OUT]Say that you see he is stuck here, and ask why.
  1445. [/NODE]
  1446. +[NODE]10
  1447. [STORY]
  1448. 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...'
  1449. [/STORY]
  1450. [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth.
  1451. [OUT]Attack!
  1452. [OUT]Leave him to his fate.
  1453. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him.
  1454. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1455. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1456. [/NODE]
  1457. +[NODE]11
  1458. [STORY]
  1459. You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.
  1460. An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed.
  1461. [/STORY]
  1462. [OUT]Leave.
  1463. [/NODE]
  1464. +[NODE]12
  1465. [STORY]
  1466. You fail to perform the ritual and the spirit shifts into an angry wraith. 'Useless lumps of meat!'
  1467. You feel weakened, but perhaps it is good that the ghost remained trapped.
  1468. [/STORY]
  1469. [OUT]Leave.
  1470. [/NODE]
  1471. +[NODE]13
  1472. [STORY]
  1473. 'Oh, fine, fine -- yes, I was a wretched soul. A murderous villain I was called, damned to eternity shackled to this stone. Can you imagine the boredom? Just let me leave and I will reward you -- I promise.'
  1474. [/STORY]
  1475. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him.
  1476. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1477. [OUT]Strengthen the ritual to make sure he stays where he is.
  1478. [OUT]Attack!
  1479. [OUT]Leave him to his fate.
  1480. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1481. [/NODE]
  1482. +[NODE]14
  1483. [STORY]
  1484. You strengthen the ritual binding the spirit here. It skulks away into the shadows, unable to do anything to stop you. You feel a wave of good energy fall upon you -- an aftereffect of the original spell, you think.
  1485. [/STORY]
  1486. [OUT]Leave.
  1487. [/NODE]
  1488. +[NODE]21
  1489. [STORY]
  1490. You fail to strengthen the ritual and feel depleted from the attempt.
  1491. The ghost is angered and lashes out at you, forcing you to leave.
  1492. [/STORY]
  1493. [OUT]Leave.
  1494. [/NODE]
  1495. +[NODE]23
  1496. [STORY]
  1497. 'You know, in the old days, I would have thrown a curse on you and gathered my dark minions to reap death and destruction on the lands. But all my time in solitude taught me a lesson. I will serve you awhile instead.'
  1498. [/STORY]
  1499. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  1500. [/NODE]
  1501. +[NODE]25
  1502. [STORY]
  1503. You kill the ghost, but you suspect it will eventually return here. Still, it is gone for now.
  1504. [/STORY]
  1505. [OUT]Leave.
  1506. [/NODE]
  1507. +[NODE]26
  1508. [STORY]
  1509. The ghost defeats you and leaves you cursed as you run away from its range.
  1510. [/STORY]
  1511. [OUT]Leave.
  1512. [/NODE]
  1513. +[NODE]28
  1514. [STORY]
  1515. You smash the gravestone to pieces, but the ghost remains bound to this place. Clearly, brute force will not break this curse.
  1516. The ghost skulks away, cursing at you, and you see a glimmer of malice in its dead eyes.
  1517. You feel your spirit fatigued from the effort.
  1518. [/STORY]
  1519. [OUT]Leave.
  1520. [/NODE]
  1521. +[NODE]31
  1522. [STORY]
  1523. You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.
  1524. An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed.
  1525. [/STORY]
  1526. [OUT]Leave.
  1527. [/NODE]
  1528. +[NODE]32
  1529. [STORY]
  1530. 'I guess you could call my troubles your typical ghost conundarumum, eh, problem. We... I mean, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place.'
  1531. [/STORY]
  1532. [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth.
  1533. [OUT]Attack!
  1534. [OUT]Leave him to his fate.
  1535. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him.
  1536. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1537. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1538. [/NODE]
  1539. +[NODE]33
  1540. [STORY]
  1541. 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...'
  1542. [/STORY]
  1543. [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth.
  1544. [OUT]Attack!
  1545. [OUT]Leave him to his fate.
  1546. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him.
  1547. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1548. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him.
  1549. [/NODE]
  1550. [/EVENT]
  1551. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum mix(15)
  1552. +[NODE]2
  1553. [STORY]
  1554. You enter an ancient human graveyard. Here, you feel the presence of otherworldly beings lingering in dark corners, but they do not react to you in any way.
  1555. [/STORY]
  1556. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead.
  1557. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead.
  1558. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead.
  1559. [OUT]Leave.
  1560. [/NODE]
  1561. +[NODE]3
  1562. [STORY]
  1563. The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. There's some rubble and dirt.
  1564. You do, however, find a faded pentagram and a dead body that is not buried. Among its rotten belongings, you find a map drawn on a piece of leather.
  1565. [/STORY]
  1566. [OUT]Take the map and leave.
  1567. [OUT]Take the map and leave.
  1568. [/NODE]
  1569. +[NODE]6
  1570. [STORY]
  1571. The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. There's some rubble and dirt.
  1572. You find one large crypt that could still hold some mysteries, but you'd need to move a large slab of stone to get in.
  1573. [/STORY]
  1574. [OUT]You're strong enough to move the slab without much effort.
  1575. [OUT]Try to move the slab.
  1576. [OUT]Leave.
  1577. [/NODE]
  1578. +[NODE]8
  1579. [STORY]
  1580. You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.
  1581. As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged.
  1582. [/STORY]
  1583. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1584. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1585. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1586. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin.
  1587. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin.
  1588. [/NODE]
  1589. +[NODE]11
  1590. [STORY]
  1591. The crypt remains untouched and the effort leaves you exhausted.
  1592. [/STORY]
  1593. [OUT]Leave.
  1594. [/NODE]
  1595. +[NODE]13
  1596. [STORY]
  1597. You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens.
  1598. [/STORY]
  1599. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave.
  1600. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave.
  1601. [/NODE]
  1602. +[NODE]16
  1603. [STORY]
  1604. You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine. You see nothing, but you feel a dark curse attacking you!
  1605. [/STORY]
  1606. [OUT]Defend yourselves.
  1607. [/NODE]
  1608. +[NODE]18
  1609. [STORY]
  1610. You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens.
  1611. [/STORY]
  1612. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave.
  1613. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave.
  1614. [/NODE]
  1615. +[NODE]19
  1616. [STORY]
  1617. Whatever dark force tried breaking you, it fails and retreats from whence it came.
  1618. [/STORY]
  1619. [OUT]Gather what you can and leave.
  1620. [/NODE]
  1621. +[NODE]23
  1622. [STORY]
  1623. You open the crypt and stab whatever was inside. It looks like a very dead body and now it is, er, deader.
  1624. [/STORY]
  1625. [OUT]Good. Loot the place and leave.
  1626. [/NODE]
  1627. +[NODE]25
  1628. [STORY]
  1629. The striga that lay within met its true death. The tomb lies open for your looting.
  1630. [/STORY]
  1631. [OUT]Gather what you can and leave.
  1632. [/NODE]
  1633. +[NODE]26
  1634. [STORY]
  1635. You are beaten badly, your blood drawn, your souls weakened, but you manage to run away before death followed.
  1636. [/STORY]
  1637. [OUT]Leave.
  1638. [OUT]Leave.
  1639. [/NODE]
  1640. +[NODE]27
  1641. [STORY]
  1642. The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. There's some rubble and dirt.
  1643. You also notice a creature burrowing under one of the gravestones.
  1644. [/STORY]
  1645. [OUT]Take a closer look to try to identify it.
  1646. [OUT]Attack!
  1647. [OUT]Leave it be.
  1648. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude.
  1649. [/NODE]
  1650. +[NODE]28
  1651. [STORY]
  1652. These are unliving vermin!
  1653. [/STORY]
  1654. [OUT]Kill them!
  1655. [OUT]Lure them away with some food and a bit of your blood. Then loot the grave they were digging.
  1656. [OUT]Leave.
  1657. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude.
  1658. [/NODE]
  1659. +[NODE]35
  1660. [STORY]
  1661. The rats beat you badly and you are forced to flee. Some of you are infected by the unliving vermin.
  1662. [/STORY]
  1663. [OUT]Leave.
  1664. [/NODE]
  1665. +[NODE]43
  1666. [STORY]
  1667. A dark, foreboding force clasps at your souls, corrupting them from within. You feel soiled, violated.
  1668. You manage to force yourself out of this place, but not without scars.
  1669. [/STORY]
  1670. [OUT]Leave.
  1671. [/NODE]
  1672. +[NODE]45
  1673. [STORY]
  1674. You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.
  1675. As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged.
  1676. [/STORY]
  1677. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1678. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1679. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly.
  1680. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin.
  1681. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin.
  1682. [/NODE]
  1683. +[NODE]46
  1684. [STORY]
  1685. Alas, for one of you, the wounds were deadly -- or so it seemed, until you rose up as a nightwalker, a striga. Fortunately, your connection to the cosmic pantheon remains strong, so you are free to follow your own path again.
  1686. [/STORY]
  1687. [OUT]Leave.
  1688. [/NODE]
  1689. +[NODE]50
  1690. [STORY]
  1691. Your plan works, but the stuff you loot is infected with some nasty rat disease.
  1692. [/STORY]
  1693. [OUT]Leave.
  1694. [/NODE]
  1695. +[NODE]52
  1696. [STORY]
  1697. You dominate the unliving rats swarming the grave, but they are too scared for servitude. They simply scamper off into the shadows.
  1698. [/STORY]
  1699. [OUT]Leave.
  1700. [/NODE]
  1701. [/EVENT]
  1702. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum striga(16)
  1703. +[NODE]2
  1704. [STORY]
  1705. You enter an ancient grave site, long forgotten by mankind. Among old, decrepit gravestones, you find a large crypt, crushed by a fallen tree. The entrance stands ajar and cold darkness looms within...
  1706. [/STORY]
  1707. [OUT]Go in.
  1708. [OUT]No time to explore. Just leave.
  1709. [/NODE]
  1710. +[NODE]3
  1711. [STORY]
  1712. Within the crypt is a single stone coffin. The chamber is dark and covered in dust, decay, and spiderwebs, but you notice a pentagram carved into the floor and a thick silver chain that holds the coffin secure.
  1713. [/STORY]
  1714. [OUT]Consider this setup carefully.
  1715. [OUT]Consider this setup carefully.
  1716. [OUT][Striga]You sense something familiar. Get in closer to have a look.
  1717. [OUT]Take the silver chain and leave quickly before anything comes out.
  1718. [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight.
  1719. [/NODE]
  1720. +[NODE]4
  1721. [STORY]
  1722. Some of the symbols used on the pentagram and the chain point towards an unliving fiend being laid here, most likely a striga.
  1723. [/STORY]
  1724. [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain.
  1725. [OUT]Create a protective circle of fire and take the silver chain, then open the coffin to see what lies inside.
  1726. [/NODE]
  1727. +[NODE]5
  1728. [STORY]
  1729. You study the pentagram and find that it was infused with the power of light to hold something of great darkness within.
  1730. Considering the presence of the silver chain, you believe an unliving creature may lie within.
  1731. [/STORY]
  1732. [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain.
  1733. [OUT]Better just leave it be.
  1734. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without the chain -- it is good silver, after all.
  1735. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever lies inside. It must be weakened, anyway!
  1736. [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend!
  1737. [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight.
  1738. [/NODE]
  1739. +[NODE]12
  1740. [STORY]
  1741. You determine that the load-bearing columns in this crypt are barely standing, and that with a little effort, you can collapse this place on your way out. That way, whatever lies inside should be killed and you'll have the silver.
  1742. In theory...
  1743. [/STORY]
  1744. [OUT]Do it.
  1745. [OUT]Do it.
  1746. [/NODE]
  1747. +[NODE]15
  1748. [STORY]
  1749. There doesn't seem to be a way to get the silver chain safely.
  1750. [/STORY]
  1751. [OUT]Just leave.
  1752. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside!
  1753. [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend!
  1754. [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight.
  1755. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside!
  1756. [/NODE]
  1757. +[NODE]16
  1758. [STORY]
  1759. You create a ring of fire, hold on to the chain, and open the crypt. Within is a dried-up striga master, his eyes red with hunger and rage, and the iron and silver chains holding him broken. You have no more than a few breaths before he lunges at you!
  1760. [/STORY]
  1761. [OUT]Close the lid and put the chain around it!
  1762. [OUT]Kill the striga!
  1763. [OUT]Take the chain and run for it!
  1764. [OUT]Take the chain and run for it!
  1765. [/NODE]
  1766. +[NODE]18
  1767. [STORY]
  1768. You shudder in pain when you come close to the protective runes. There is no doubt -- a fellow striga is trapped within, one likely still driven by bloodlust.
  1769. [/STORY]
  1770. [OUT]Wild strigas are dangerous. Better to put it out of its misery. Kill it while it is weakened.
  1771. [OUT]Open the coffin and talk to the striga.
  1772. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without the chain -- it is good silver, after all.
  1773. [/NODE]
  1774. +[NODE]19
  1775. [STORY]
  1776. While your striga friend stands back, you dismantle the protection and free what sleeps within.
  1777. A thirsty bloodsucker emerges, hissing, 'Blood, blood!'
  1778. It will be tough to talk to the striga in this state.
  1779. [/STORY]
  1780. [OUT]You are supreme. Dominate him!
  1781. [OUT]Convince him you are a friend.
  1782. [OUT]Attack!
  1783. [/NODE]
  1784. +[NODE]25
  1785. [STORY]
  1786. 'Yes, oh great one, I serve your superior will.'
  1787. Despite its words, you know a striga won't stay obedient for long.
  1788. He leaves you all his equipment as a sign of honour, though.
  1789. [/STORY]
  1790. [OUT]Bid it to leave you a servant in its stead.
  1791. [/NODE]
  1792. +[NODE]30
  1793. [STORY]
  1794. The creature does not attack you, but scampers off into the distance.
  1795. You are free to take the loot.
  1796. [/STORY]
  1797. [OUT]Good, now leave this place.
  1798. [/NODE]
  1799. +[NODE]31
  1800. [STORY]
  1801. The striga's eyes turn red, its posture grows, and you feel a presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.
  1802. When you regain your willpower, the master is gone, and you feel your blood corrupted.
  1803. [/STORY]
  1804. [OUT]Leave this place.
  1805. [/NODE]
  1806. +[NODE]32
  1807. [STORY]
  1808. 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'
  1809. The striga turns into its bat form and remains to serve you.
  1810. [/STORY]
  1811. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave.
  1812. [/NODE]
  1813. +[NODE]36
  1814. [STORY]
  1815. 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'
  1816. You beat the striga into submission and can now call upon its services.
  1817. [/STORY]
  1818. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave.
  1819. [/NODE]
  1820. +[NODE]37
  1821. [STORY]
  1822. At first it seems the coffin holds nothing more than a dried-up striga body, but before you know it, you hear a voice in your head: 'Kneel before me, vermin! Serve my appetites!'
  1823. [/STORY]
  1824. [OUT]Try to resist this power!
  1825. [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken.
  1826. Attack it!
  1827. [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken. Run away!
  1828. [OUT]Obey the call.
  1829. [/NODE]
  1830. +[NODE]42
  1831. [STORY]
  1832. You were too slow and clumsy and while you were busy looting the chain, a powerful striga escaped, draining some of your blood on its way out!
  1833. [/STORY]
  1834. [OUT]Damn it. Leave.
  1835. [/NODE]
  1836. +[NODE]52
  1837. [STORY]
  1838. The striga's eyes turn red, its posture grows, and you feel a presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.
  1839. When you regain your willpower, the master is gone, and you feel your blood corrupted.
  1840. [/STORY]
  1841. [OUT]Leave this place.
  1842. [/NODE]
  1843. +[NODE]53
  1844. [STORY]
  1845. You resist, and the beast runs away in fear, leaving you free to loot the crypt.
  1846. [/STORY]
  1847. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave.
  1848. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave.
  1849. [/NODE]
  1850. +[NODE]54
  1851. [STORY]
  1852. You thought you were safe, but your ritual clearly failed, as a striga climbs out of its crypt and sucks your blood before running away!
  1853. [/STORY]
  1854. [OUT]Damn it. Leave.
  1855. [/NODE]
  1856. +[NODE]56
  1857. [STORY]
  1858. The striga almost gets you, but fortunately it's only able to slash at you a few times before you run out of the cemetery. For some reason, it cannot follow.
  1859. [/STORY]
  1860. [OUT]Leave.
  1861. [/NODE]
  1862. +[NODE]64
  1863. [STORY]
  1864. You open the lid and face a striga master, its eyes red with hunger, its claws ready to rip your body apart.
  1865. You stab it repeatedly before it can rise fully, but it put up a fight and left you bleeding.
  1866. [/STORY]
  1867. [OUT]Leave.
  1868. [/NODE]
  1869. [/EVENT]
  1870. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(17)
  1871. +[NODE]2
  1872. [STORY]
  1873. As soon as you enter the grave site, you feel something is amiss. Many of the gravestones are crushed and the earth beneath them has been moved.
  1874. It could be grave robbers, but it could be something more...
  1875. [/STORY]
  1876. [OUT]Investigate.
  1877. [OUT]Investigate.
  1878. [OUT]Leave.
  1879. [/NODE]
  1880. +[NODE]4
  1881. [STORY]
  1882. You go in closer and notice a figure sitting on a gravestone, crying. The figure shifts its shape from a black cat to a mouse to a ghostly visage of a woman and back again.
  1883. [/STORY]
  1884. [OUT][Demon or zerca]Try to figure out what creature this may be.
  1885. [OUT][Magic users]You sense some magic here. Take a closer look.
  1886. [OUT][Harmony]Your connection to the divine tingles. Time to investigate.
  1887. [OUT][Nature]You feel something unnatural. Investigate.
  1888. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Best approach with caution.
  1889. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Kill the creature!
  1890. [/NODE]
  1891. +[NODE]5
  1892. [STORY]
  1893. You spot a couple of unliving corpses coming in and out of a crypt. There may be more inside, as you see many tracks around the place.
  1894. [/STORY]
  1895. [OUT]Attack!
  1896. [OUT][Unliving]These seem to be awakened, like you, or at least acting with more purpose than usual. Go in to talk to them.
  1897. [OUT]Better just leave.
  1898. [/NODE]
  1899. +[NODE]7
  1900. [STORY]
  1901. Drawing on your special rare knowledge, you recognise what's happening. These forms together suggest that this may be a dola demon. They are usually guardians, especially fond of protecting young ones and bringing good fortune to those they choose. It is odd to find one here, alone.
  1902. [/STORY]
  1903. [OUT]Ask what the dola is doing here.
  1904. [OUT]Attack!
  1905. [/NODE]
  1906. +[NODE]9
  1907. [STORY]
  1908. 'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!'
  1909. You hear movement accompanied by unnatural groans. You soon see the first unliving bodies looming behind a crypt. They haven't noticed you yet.
  1910. [/STORY]
  1911. [OUT]Figure out a way to wake up the dola and remind it of its duty to protect.
  1912. [OUT]The binding of these unliving is very weak and fresh. Use a cleansing ritual to break the bond and thus destroy them.
  1913. [OUT]Attack!
  1914. [OUT]Run away!
  1915. [/NODE]
  1916. +[NODE]10
  1917. [STORY]
  1918. Cats and mice are often familiars of witches or demons. More disturbingly, you sense a growing weave of magic coming your way.
  1919. Judging from the setting, you suspect that the unliving roam these grounds!
  1920. [/STORY]
  1921. [OUT]Speak out to see if anyone hides here.
  1922. [OUT]Attack the creature and whatever minions it may have.
  1923. [/NODE]
  1924. +[NODE]11
  1925. [STORY]
  1926. You sense the overwhelming power of harmony, twisted and unnatural. Something is very wrong here; the laws of harmony and nature are being broken!
  1927. The figure sees you and speaks: 'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!'
  1928. [/STORY]
  1929. [OUT]Perform a dance of nature and harmony to try to bring this creature back from its torment.
  1930. [OUT]Attack!
  1931. [OUT]Leave this place of unnatural turmoil.
  1932. [/NODE]
  1933. +[NODE]15
  1934. [STORY]
  1935. 'A dola, dola... yes. Oh, no, what happened here? I, I just wanted my charge to be safe, living, but he wasn't. He was here, so cold, so I tried, but they all come out wrong!'
  1936. [/STORY]
  1937. [OUT]So she made the unliving?
  1938. [/NODE]
  1939. +[NODE]16
  1940. [STORY]
  1941. 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong, it made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...
  1942. Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.'
  1943. [/STORY]
  1944. [OUT]Agree to her request. Strike her down.
  1945. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1946. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1947. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1948. [OUT]Kill the unliving only. Tell the dola to leave here and never do this again.
  1949. [/NODE]
  1950. +[NODE]17
  1951. [STORY]
  1952. The dola dies quietly, and with it, the unliving bodies that were coming your way collapse.
  1953. The remaining light of the dola leaves a blessing upon you.
  1954. [/STORY]
  1955. [OUT]Leave.
  1956. [/NODE]
  1957. +[NODE]20
  1958. [STORY]
  1959. The ritual banished the dola, but it did not destroy the unliving. A small group remains, frenzied and bloodthirsty. Fortunately, they run off into the distance.
  1960. [/STORY]
  1961. [OUT]Leave.
  1962. [/NODE]
  1963. +[NODE]21
  1964. [STORY]
  1965. The ritual works and the dola slowly dissolves into light energy. The unliving corpses collapse on the ground. Before vanishing, the dola leaves a blessing upon you.
  1966. [/STORY]
  1967. [OUT]Leave.
  1968. [/NODE]
  1969. +[NODE]22
  1970. [STORY]
  1971. The ritual seems to work as the unliving collapse on the ground and the dola begins to disappear, but you see her form twist and turn in silent agony!
  1972. You feel a curse upon you.
  1973. [/STORY]
  1974. [OUT]Leave.
  1975. [/NODE]
  1976. +[NODE]24
  1977. [STORY]
  1978. The dola suddenly looks more composed, tears in her eyes. She speaks: 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong. It made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...
  1979. Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.'
  1980. [/STORY]
  1981. [OUT]If it is the only way, we must do it. Kill the dola.
  1982. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1983. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1984. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking.
  1985. [/NODE]
  1986. +[NODE]25
  1987. [STORY]
  1988. 'A dola... I remember not what that means. My charges, my charges are walking again, and now they must feed. You'd better leave...'
  1989. You notice figures moving in the shadows, slowly but surely making their way towards you.
  1990. [/STORY]
  1991. [OUT]Run away!
  1992. [OUT]Attack!
  1993. [/NODE]
  1994. +[NODE]27
  1995. [STORY]
  1996. The ritual works and the unliving collapse where they stand. The creature who summoned them cries out as if in pain.
  1997. 'Noooo! My charges, dead. I failed... again... worry not my dears, I will make you right again...'
  1998. [/STORY]
  1999. [OUT]Kill the demon as well before she summons more unliving.
  2000. [OUT]Bind the demon to your service with magic. This is risky, and may end up cursing you but it could work.
  2001. [OUT]Bind the demon to your service with magic. This is risky, and may end up cursing you but it could work.
  2002. [OUT]Just leave this place.
  2003. [/NODE]
  2004. +[NODE]34
  2005. [STORY]
  2006. The ritual fails and the unliving corpses move towards you. The demon who seems to control them cries but does nothing to stop them.
  2007. [/STORY]
  2008. [OUT]Run away!
  2009. [OUT]Attack!
  2010. [/NODE]
  2011. +[NODE]43
  2012. [STORY]
  2013. You kill the unliving and find a human-looking child crying: 'Noooo, mamma, papa, brothers!'
  2014. When you try to talk to the child, it doesn't know what happened, only that its family is gone.
  2015. [/STORY]
  2016. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you.
  2017. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but it hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel. Leave.
  2018. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you.
  2019. [/NODE]
  2020. +[NODE]47
  2021. [STORY]
  2022. Apart from the two corpses you saw, you spot three more that look like teenagers. The unliving are doing various chores around the crypt -- gardening, bringing in firewood, and sweeping.
  2023. You also spot someone sitting inside the crypt, playing with dolls on the floor. It's a girl of no more than five.
  2024. [/STORY]
  2025. [OUT]Attack!
  2026. [OUT]Greet your fellow unliving and ask why they have a living child with them.
  2027. [/NODE]
  2028. +[NODE]49
  2029. [STORY]
  2030. You try to comfort the child, but it is inconsolable. To your dismay, the next night you find it died in its sleep, and its body looks as if it's decades old.
  2031. But you do feel a blessing from an unknown source fall upon you.
  2032. [/STORY]
  2033. [OUT]Damn. Bury the child and continue onwards.
  2034. [/NODE]
  2035. +[NODE]53
  2036. [STORY]
  2037. One of the unliving stops and turns to you. It smiles and says in a harsh, throaty voice:
  2038. 'Family, yes. Our baby brought us back, now we are a family, forever and ever and a day, and forever we can play...
  2039. Help... please... forever like this...'
  2040. [/STORY]
  2041. [OUT]Ask how you can help.
  2042. [/NODE]
  2043. +[NODE]54
  2044. [STORY]
  2045. The little girl hops out of the crypt and frowns when she sees you, saying:
  2046. 'You're strangers! Go away or I'll have my daddy and brothers eat you!'
  2047. The girl's eyes are grey and empty, but you see a doll she carries has human eyes that glisten with bright light.
  2048. [/STORY]
  2049. [OUT]Keep listening.
  2050. [OUT]Kill the girl.
  2051. [/NODE]
  2052. +[NODE]55
  2053. [STORY]
  2054. 'The ground shook and shook, and mummy and daddy and my brothers were shook to death. I cried and cried and a lady came from where the ground shook. She gave me the dolly and said I can have my family back! Now they are back, and we play forever and a day!'
  2055. [/STORY]
  2056. [OUT]Kill the unliving.
  2057. [OUT]Kill the girl.
  2058. [OUT]Leave the odd family be. It's not for you to judge.
  2059. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll.
  2060. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll.
  2061. [/NODE]
  2062. +[NODE]56
  2063. [STORY]
  2064. You kill the unliving and the dola cries out in pain, but she too disappears, whispering only: 'Perhaps this is best...'
  2065. [/STORY]
  2066. [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the penance and leave.
  2067. [OUT]Leave.
  2068. [/NODE]
  2069. +[NODE]59
  2070. [STORY]
  2071. You are badly beaten and forced to flee.
  2072. [/STORY]
  2073. [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the defeat and leave.
  2074. [OUT]Leave.
  2075. [/NODE]
  2076. +[NODE]67
  2077. [STORY]
  2078. 'So the dolly is bad? Making mummy and daddy ill? Okay, then...'
  2079. She hands you the doll. You destroy it and the unliving fall down, their unnatural life leaving them. The father nods at you in thanks.
  2080. The girl bursts out crying uncontrollably.
  2081. [/STORY]
  2082. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you.
  2083. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but she hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel.
  2084. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you.
  2085. [/NODE]
  2086. +[NODE]68
  2087. [STORY]
  2088. You are badly beaten and forced to flee.
  2089. [/STORY]
  2090. [OUT]Leave.
  2091. [/NODE]
  2092. +[NODE]69
  2093. [STORY]
  2094. 'No, no, no! Now go away!'
  2095. She throws a tantrum and the unliving get agitated. They grunt and walk towards you aggressively.
  2096. [/STORY]
  2097. [OUT]Attack!
  2098. [OUT]Leave.
  2099. [/NODE]
  2100. +[NODE]70
  2101. [STORY]
  2102. You swing your weapon once and chop the girl's face off with a clean swipe.
  2103. The unliving stand there for a second, staring at you in disbelief. The mother falls on the floor behind her child. The girl then rises -- unliving too. You get the sense the family may still have mixed feelings about you.
  2104. [/STORY]
  2105. [OUT]Leave before they decide to attack.
  2106. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion.
  2107. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion.
  2108. [/NODE]
  2109. +[NODE]72
  2110. [STORY]
  2111. The father speaks up: 'You harm my little girl... but now we feel... hmm... free from something, able to think again. So yes, have this as thanks. But please, go now, my wife may not see it as I do...'
  2112. [/STORY]
  2113. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  2114. [/NODE]
  2115. +[NODE]73
  2116. [STORY]
  2117. The unliving charge at you!
  2118. [/STORY]
  2119. [OUT]Fight!
  2120. [OUT]Run away.
  2121. [/NODE]
  2122. +[NODE]76
  2123. [STORY]
  2124. The binding fails. You leave, but as you do, you hear the dola scream once more, then her voice changes and you see angry wraiths roaming the land.
  2125. [/STORY]
  2126. [OUT]Leave.
  2127. [/NODE]
  2128. [/EVENT]
  2129. -- [EVENT] --cemetery elf(18)
  2130. +[NODE]2
  2131. [STORY]
  2132. You discover an elven sacred ground, committed to the memory of the dead.
  2133. [/STORY]
  2134. [OUT]Investigate.
  2135. [OUT]Investigate.
  2136. [OUT]Investigate.
  2137. [/NODE]
  2138. [/EVENT]
  2139. -- [EVENT] --cemetery elf guard(19)
  2140. +[NODE]2
  2141. [STORY]
  2142. You step in closer and hear a faint rustling of leaves. You look up and see bows aimed at you.
  2143. 'What do you seek in this sacred place?'
  2144. [/STORY]
  2145. [OUT][Forest folk]State you have come for the blessings of the memory tree, as is your right.
  2146. [OUT][Harmony, Nature or Light]Bow in respect and say you have come seeking wisdom from the elves.
  2147. [OUT][Orc or turmoil]You feel strangely weakened standing in the presence of the tree. Say you come in peace.
  2148. [OUT]Attack the elves and pillage the tree.
  2149. [OUT]Say you are merely here out of curiosity.
  2150. [OUT]Leave.
  2151. [/NODE]
  2152. +[NODE]4
  2153. [STORY]
  2154. 'Forgive our caution. Some of our kin has moved far from the light and remembers our ways not. Come to the memory tree, then, and ask for your blessings.'
  2155. [/STORY]
  2156. [OUT]Thank them.
  2157. [OUT]Thank them.
  2158. [/NODE]
  2159. +[NODE]5
  2160. [STORY]
  2161. 'Since you are here, we have a boon to ask.
  2162. A corrupted spirit invades this sacred place, and we are bound not to leave this tree.
  2163. The spirit resides not far away and can only be dealt with there. Will you help? All you need to do is carry this branch to the place. It will trap the evil spirit and prevent it from pestering the memory tree.'
  2164. [/STORY]
  2165. [OUT]Agree to help. Tell them to point you to where the spirit lies.
  2166. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2167. [OUT]Ask why they haven't done it yet.
  2168. [/NODE]
  2169. +[NODE]6
  2170. [STORY]
  2171. 'You follow the right path. You may proceed.'
  2172. You stand by the memory tree and meditate. You hear a faint yet moving song in your head, and the words seem to come from every crystal that hangs before you.
  2173. [/STORY]
  2174. [OUT]Bow in thanks for the blessing.
  2175. [/NODE]
  2176. +[NODE]10
  2177. [STORY]
  2178. You stand by the memory tree and meditate. You hear a faint yet moving song in your head, and the words seem to come from every crystal that hangs before you.
  2179. [/STORY]
  2180. [OUT]Bow in thanks for the blessing.
  2181. [/NODE]
  2182. +[NODE]13
  2183. [STORY]
  2184. 'We can deal with the matter at the next guard change, but that will not be for several cycles yet. It is an annoyance; thus, we saw an opportunity to be rid of it.'
  2185. [/STORY]
  2186. [OUT]Agree to help.
  2187. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2188. [/NODE]
  2189. +[NODE]14
  2190. [STORY]
  2191. You come to the place and see a spirit form intertwined with a young sapling. You feel no dark magic from it, but you do sense a lot of anger and fear.
  2192. This is clearly a forest spirit gone rogue rather than a lost soul. Perhaps this is why the elves wished it captured, not killed.
  2193. [/STORY]
  2194. [OUT][Goblin shaman]The spirit is in a volatile form. You can use a ritual to try to bind it to your service.
  2195. [OUT]Use the elf branch.
  2196. [OUT]Kill the spirit instead.
  2197. [OUT][Forest demon]Give some of your own spirit to help heal this forest creature.
  2198. [/NODE]
  2199. +[NODE]19
  2200. [STORY]
  2201. The forest spirit twists in agony from your ritual and transforms into a wraith, but it will serve you now.
  2202. There is an ominous rustling of leaves and you sense a curse fall upon you, likely for breaking your word.
  2203. [/STORY]
  2204. [OUT]Leave.
  2205. [/NODE]
  2206. +[NODE]20
  2207. [STORY]
  2208. The forest spirit responds to your bidding. It transforms into its demon form and will now serve you.
  2209. There is an ominous rustling of leaves, and you think you'd better leave the forest before the elven guards decide you broke your word.
  2210. [/STORY]
  2211. [OUT]Leave.
  2212. [/NODE]
  2213. +[NODE]23
  2214. [STORY]
  2215. You bind the spirit and return it to the guards. They thank you and leave you gifts from the memory tree.
  2216. [/STORY]
  2217. [OUT]Give thanks and leave.
  2218. [/NODE]
  2219. +[NODE]26
  2220. [STORY]
  2221. You kill the forest spirit, or rather spirits that proved to be pineconettes.
  2222. You feel a growing, heavy stare of the forest itself upon you.
  2223. [/STORY]
  2224. [OUT]Leave.
  2225. [/NODE]
  2226. +[NODE]27
  2227. [STORY]
  2228. You fail to kill the spirit and you feel a growing, heavy stare of the forest itself upon you.
  2229. You get the sense that you are lucky the elf guards cannot leave their post.
  2230. [/STORY]
  2231. [OUT]Leave.
  2232. [/NODE]
  2233. +[NODE]28
  2234. [STORY]
  2235. 'Strange words coming from you. You follow a path of turmoil and warmongering. It is not welcome in this place.
  2236. If you wish to stay, you may be judged harshly by the memories and risk your spirit, but we will allow you to touch the tree if you wish.'
  2237. [/STORY]
  2238. [OUT]Agree to be tested.
  2239. [OUT]Agree to be tested.
  2240. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2241. [OUT]Attack instead!
  2242. [/NODE]
  2243. +[NODE]29
  2244. [STORY]
  2245. You reach for the tree and feel its energy reaching back. It is full of light and calmness, serenity... dull, stifling, suffocating, tugging at the very fibre of turmoil within you!
  2246. You manage to step back, but you feel a deep burning within.
  2247. [/STORY]
  2248. [OUT]Leave.
  2249. [OUT]Attack!
  2250. [/NODE]
  2251. +[NODE]30
  2252. [STORY]
  2253. You reach for the tree and feel its energy reaching back. It is full of light and calmness, serenity.
  2254. One of the crystals floats towards you and shares its wisdom with you.
  2255. [/STORY]
  2256. [OUT]Great. Pay your respects and leave.
  2257. [/NODE]
  2258. +[NODE]33
  2259. [STORY]
  2260. You kill the guardians and try to loot the tree of its crystals, but most simply turn to dust when you touch them.
  2261. [/STORY]
  2262. [OUT]Leave.
  2263. [/NODE]
  2264. +[NODE]34
  2265. [STORY]
  2266. You kill the guardians and try to loot the tree of its crystals, but each one you touch turns to dust, and you feel a sickness befall you.
  2267. [/STORY]
  2268. [OUT]Leave.
  2269. [/NODE]
  2270. +[NODE]35
  2271. [STORY]
  2272. You lose and although the elves let you leave, you feel a heavy curse upon you.
  2273. [/STORY]
  2274. [OUT]Leave.
  2275. [/NODE]
  2276. +[NODE]36
  2277. [STORY]
  2278. You kill the guardians and try to loot the tree of its crystals, but each one you touch simply turns to dust.
  2279. With every disappearing crystal, you feel a stain on your elven soul.
  2280. [/STORY]
  2281. [OUT]Leave.
  2282. [/NODE]
  2283. +[NODE]44
  2284. [STORY]
  2285. The ritual fails, and the creature dies in great torment. The woodland close to it withers away also. You get the sense that you are lucky the elf guards cannot leave their post.
  2286. [/STORY]
  2287. [OUT]Leave.
  2288. [/NODE]
  2289. +[NODE]48
  2290. [STORY]
  2291. Something went wrong. The branch twisted into a dried-up piece of coal, and the spirit seems to have grown more unruly. When you report back, the guards nod solemnly:
  2292. 'You did what you could. We should not have asked this of a stranger. Fare thee well, traveller. We must focus on protecting the memory tree now until our guard change.'
  2293. [/STORY]
  2294. [OUT]Bow and leave.
  2295. [/NODE]
  2296. +[NODE]56
  2297. [STORY]
  2298. 'You are a stranger here. Still, the memory tree is a place of contemplation for all.
  2299. If you wish to stay, you may be judged harshly by the memories and risk your spirit, but we will allow you to touch the tree if you wish.'
  2300. [/STORY]
  2301. [OUT]Agree to be tested.
  2302. [OUT]Agree to be tested.
  2303. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2304. [/NODE]
  2305. +[NODE]57
  2306. [STORY]
  2307. You reach for the tree and feel its energy reaching back. It is full of light and calmness, serenity... dull, stifling, suffocating, tugging at the very fibre of turmoil within you!
  2308. You manage to step back, but you feel a deep burning within.
  2309. [/STORY]
  2310. [OUT]Leave.
  2311. [OUT]Attack!
  2312. [/NODE]
  2313. +[NODE]60
  2314. [STORY]
  2315. You sacrifice your own spirit and the woodland creature slowly regains control.
  2316. [/STORY]
  2317. [OUT]Give thanks and leave.
  2318. [/NODE]
  2319. [/EVENT]
  2320. -- [EVENT] --cemetery elf ghost(20)
  2321. +[NODE]2
  2322. [STORY]
  2323. You come closer to the tree and look at the various crystals beaming among the leaves.
  2324. You hear a faint song as if whispered from within the tree itself.
  2325. [/STORY]
  2326. [OUT]Listen to the song but stay vigilant.
  2327. [OUT]Listen to the beautiful song.
  2328. [/NODE]
  2329. +[NODE]3
  2330. [STORY]
  2331. The melody is entrancing, but you know this may be dangerous. You focus and see a ghostly figure sitting on a branch and looking at you with a pleasant smile:
  2332. 'So your will is not a plaything. Good. What seek you here, stranger?'
  2333. [/STORY]
  2334. [OUT][Elf]Welcome the forest kin as one of your own.
  2335. [OUT]Say you have come to admire the beauty of this place.
  2336. [OUT]Say these crystals looked abandoned, so you wished to have them.
  2337. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2338. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2339. [/NODE]
  2340. +[NODE]4
  2341. [STORY]
  2342. You get lost in the song and don't even realise that you no longer see the tree. In fact, what tree?
  2343. You hear a final whisper in your head.
  2344. 'Weary travellers, hear my song, and may your spirit remain ever strong.'
  2345. You feel weakened and disoriented, yet you also feel positive.
  2346. [/STORY]
  2347. [OUT]Leave.
  2348. [/NODE]
  2349. +[NODE]5
  2350. [STORY]
  2351. 'Ah, of course, my apologies. Physical senses in this form are still a mystery to me. What do you seek, brethren? Have you come for the ever-sleep?'
  2352. [/STORY]
  2353. [OUT]Say that you are not yet ready to leave the physical plane, merely here to pay your respects.
  2354. [OUT]Tell them you are young and do not recall the ever-sleep.
  2355. [OUT]Remind them you are forest kin, but not elven. Ask about this ever-sleep.
  2356. [/NODE]
  2357. +[NODE]6
  2358. [STORY]
  2359. 'I came for the ever-sleep, but my soul was tainted with darkness. As such, it could not join in the light. Instead, I am stuck here, guarding the memory tree until I am cleansed.'
  2360. [/STORY]
  2361. [OUT]Ask if they need aid.
  2362. [OUT]Yes, you have heard of your kin cursed by darkness, shadow kin. Wish them good fortune in cleansing their taint and ask if you can obtain a blessing from the memory tree.
  2363. [OUT]Apologise for your ignorance, but ask what the memory tree is.
  2364. [/NODE]
  2365. +[NODE]7
  2366. [STORY]
  2367. 'I thank you, brethren, but I do not. The cleansing must proceed unaided for it to be true. But I feel that you follow the path of the mortal gods instead of ours. How odd.'
  2368. [/STORY]
  2369. [OUT]Confirm that you follow the path of the cosmic pantheon, for they are guardians of balance. Affirm that this is still the goal of all elves.
  2370. [/NODE]
  2371. +[NODE]8
  2372. [STORY]
  2373. 'True, you are elven even if somewhat misguided, and thus I can offer you a boon. Pick one of the memory crystals and take its blessings with you.
  2374. I will also allow you to reach for the ones up top, which carry greater blessings, but you must face a challenge to take them.'
  2375. [/STORY]
  2376. [OUT]Accept the memory crystal and say you will not face the challenge this day. Thank him and depart.
  2377. [OUT]Thank him for the offer and face the challenge.
  2378. [/NODE]
  2379. +[NODE]13
  2380. [STORY]
  2381. 'You are elven, and you speak plainly with me, and thus I can offer you a boon. Pick one of the memory crystals and take its blessings with you.
  2382. I will also allow you to reach for the ones up top, which carry greater blessings, but you must face a challenge to take them.'
  2383. [/STORY]
  2384. [OUT]Accept the memory crystal and say you will not face the challenge this day. Thank him and depart.
  2385. [OUT]Thank him for the offer and face the challenge.
  2386. [/NODE]
  2387. +[NODE]14
  2388. [STORY]
  2389. 'Such desires can lead you astray, young one. Be wary of them.
  2390. Yet I do not sense malice in your intent, so I will allow you to face a challenge of your wits or spirits. If either proves to my liking, I will grant you the boon from the memory tree.'
  2391. [/STORY]
  2392. [OUT]What is this memory tree?
  2393. [OUT]Agree to face the spirit challenge.
  2394. [OUT]Agree to face the mental challenge.
  2395. [/NODE]
  2396. +[NODE]15
  2397. [STORY]
  2398. 'The memory tree is a place of remembrance for those elven souls who chose ever-sleep. Before joining the light, they cry a single tear for the material lives they lived here, and they leave those tears to be remembered by. This is what you see here.
  2399. The tears can grant boons if given by a guardian willingly.'
  2400. [/STORY]
  2401. [OUT]Agree to face the spirit challenge.
  2402. [OUT]Agree to face the mental challenge.
  2403. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2404. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2405. [/NODE]
  2406. +[NODE]16
  2407. [STORY]
  2408. 'Seeking knowledge is not a matter for forgiveness, but admiration.
  2409. The memory tree is a place of remembrance for those elven souls who chose ever-sleep. Before joining the light, they cry a single tear for the material lives they lived here, and they leave those tears to be remembered by. This is what you see here.
  2410. The tears can grant boons if given by a guardian willingly.'
  2411. [/STORY]
  2412. [OUT]Ask if they need aid in their cleansing.
  2413. [OUT]Wish them good fortune in cleansing their taint and ask if you can obtain a blessing from the memory tree.
  2414. [/NODE]
  2415. +[NODE]17
  2416. [STORY]
  2417. 'This is the consequence of following these mortal gods, my young brethren. Be cautious on your path.
  2418. The ever-sleep is when we decide to shed our material shells and rejoin the ever-light from whence we came.'
  2419. [/STORY]
  2420. [OUT]Say that you are not yet ready to leave the physical plane, merely here to pay your respects.
  2421. [/NODE]
  2422. +[NODE]18
  2423. [STORY]
  2424. You attack the ghostly figure, but all you hear is laughter. Instead of the ghost, the forest comes to life and strikes back at you!
  2425. [/STORY]
  2426. [OUT]Fight!
  2427. [/NODE]
  2428. +[NODE]20
  2429. [STORY]
  2430. You attack the ghostly figure to no avail and find yourselves assailed by strong magic!
  2431. [/STORY]
  2432. [OUT]Defend yourselves!
  2433. [/NODE]
  2434. +[NODE]25
  2435. [STORY]
  2436. 'A bold claim indeed, stranger! And pray, why would I allow such a deed? These are no trinkets, but tears of those gone to their ever-sleep. Will you defile their memory?'
  2437. [/STORY]
  2438. [OUT]Admit you were in search of resources.
  2439. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2440. [OUT]Attack the apparition!
  2441. [OUT]Leave.
  2442. [/NODE]
  2443. +[NODE]26
  2444. [STORY]
  2445. 'No. Your boldness has endeared itself to my soul. You seek to survive, and I sympathise. I will allow you to take a challenge of spirit, a hard one. If you pass, you may be granted a boon. Otherwise, leave here, now.'
  2446. [/STORY]
  2447. [OUT]Agree to be tested.
  2448. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2449. [/NODE]
  2450. +[NODE]32
  2451. [STORY]
  2452. 'This is the consequence of following these mortal gods, my young brethren. Be cautious on your path.
  2453. The ever-sleep is when we decide to shed our material shells and rejoin the ever-light from whence we came.'
  2454. [/STORY]
  2455. [OUT]Say that you are not yet ready to leave the physical plane, merely here to pay your respects.
  2456. [/NODE]
  2457. +[NODE]35
  2458. [STORY]
  2459. The memory tree deems you unworthy, and your soul feels wounded from its rejection.
  2460. [/STORY]
  2461. [OUT]Leave.
  2462. [/NODE]
  2463. +[NODE]38
  2464. [STORY]
  2465. You have defeated the guardians that rose to fight you. The memory tree stands unguarded.
  2466. [/STORY]
  2467. [OUT]You are satisfied with your win. Time to leave.
  2468. [OUT]Take the crystals from the tree. They may be worth something.
  2469. [OUT]Take the crystals and chop down the tree.
  2470. [/NODE]
  2471. +[NODE]42
  2472. [STORY]
  2473. You are badly beaten and forced to flee. You feel the forest's anger upon you.
  2474. [/STORY]
  2475. [OUT]Leave.
  2476. [/NODE]
  2477. [/EVENT]
  2478. -- [EVENT] --cemetery elf statue(21)
  2479. +[NODE]2
  2480. [STORY]
  2481. You come closer to the tree and realise that out of one of the roots grows a figure of an elf -- a wooden statue, lifelike yet clearly static. It has several ornaments made of precious stones and metals, including a tiara, some rings, and a decorative chest piece.
  2482. [/STORY]
  2483. [OUT]You feel your divine connection pulling you towards the statue. Touch it.
  2484. [OUT][Elf]Sing the ever-sleep song to soothe your elven brethren on their journey.
  2485. [OUT]You sense faint remnants of life within the woodwork -- a spirit almost crossed over, perhaps? Meditate in respect for this soul.
  2486. [OUT][Dwarf]As statues go, this one was not made by mortal hands. Examine the craft.
  2487. [OUT]Take the precious stuff out.
  2488. [OUT]Take the precious stuff out.
  2489. [OUT]Pay your respects and leave.
  2490. [/NODE]
  2491. +[NODE]3
  2492. [STORY]
  2493. When you touch the statue, you feel it tugging at your bond to the gods.
  2494. There is an emptiness inside the sleeping elf, and your domain seems to correspond to what is missing. You feel that you would be able to feed this emptiness, but it may be risky.
  2495. [/STORY]
  2496. [OUT]Give some of your spirit so that this soul may cross over in peace.
  2497. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2498. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2499. [OUT]Do not offer your spirit, but pay your respects before leaving here.
  2500. [/NODE]
  2501. +[NODE]4
  2502. [STORY]
  2503. The carving is too delicate, the design too imperfect in its absolute perfection. This must the sacred elven ever-sleep. Like some of your own ancient kin who fall to stone upon death, the elves are said to choose their time of death and turn into statues before their spirit forms float away.
  2504. [/STORY]
  2505. [OUT]Create a small stone carving and add it to this statue in honour of the soul that is passing.
  2506. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2507. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2508. [/NODE]
  2509. +[NODE]5
  2510. [STORY]
  2511. You try to take the statue apart, but its eyes open and a ray of stifling bright light engulfs you in its burning blaze.
  2512. [/STORY]
  2513. [OUT]Try to resist.
  2514. [OUT]Run away.
  2515. [/NODE]
  2516. +[NODE]9
  2517. [STORY]
  2518. You know this statue to be an elf who entered the ever-sleep but did not shed their physical shell entirely. The elven kin can remain for centuries in this state, still aware of what happens around them and able to awaken if needed but resting and contemplating at the same time.
  2519. The ever-sleep song soothes such sleepers and tells them of your own life path.
  2520. [/STORY]
  2521. [OUT]Continue the song before leaving.
  2522. [OUT]Brethren or not, they have precious stones. Loot the sleeping elf.
  2523. [OUT]Brethren or not, they have precious stones. Loot the sleeping elf.
  2524. [/NODE]
  2525. +[NODE]12
  2526. [STORY]
  2527. You ravage the sleeping elf and see their face fall to sadness. Your spirit sinks at your deeds, but you get the precious stones.
  2528. [/STORY]
  2529. [OUT]Leave.
  2530. [/NODE]
  2531. +[NODE]18
  2532. [STORY]
  2533. You feel an energy trying to escape from this plane, but you also sense a stifling force keeping it unnaturally trapped.
  2534. You can attempt a ritual to help free this soul, but if you fail, it could harm you.
  2535. [/STORY]
  2536. [OUT]Attempt the ritual.
  2537. [OUT]Pay your respects and leave.
  2538. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2539. [OUT]Pillage the goods from the statue.
  2540. [/NODE]
  2541. +[NODE]19
  2542. [STORY]
  2543. As you touch the stone to try to defile it, the figure opens its eyes, gasps, and turns to silver ash.
  2544. Your elven souls are wounded by the disrespect you showed, but you gather up some silver...
  2545. [/STORY]
  2546. [OUT]Leave.
  2547. [/NODE]
  2548. +[NODE]25
  2549. [STORY]
  2550. You ravage the sleeping elf and see their face fall to sadness. Your spirit sinks at your deeds, but you get the precious stones.
  2551. [/STORY]
  2552. [OUT]Leave.
  2553. [/NODE]
  2554. +[NODE]26
  2555. [STORY]
  2556. The light scorches your soul and leaves it scarred. You are forced to run before you lose yourself to the blaze.
  2557. [/STORY]
  2558. [OUT]Leave.
  2559. [/NODE]
  2560. +[NODE]27
  2561. [STORY]
  2562. As you touch the stone to try to defile it, the figure opens its eyes, gasps, and turns to silver ash.
  2563. Any elven souls are wounded by the disrespect you showed, but you gather up some silver...
  2564. [/STORY]
  2565. [OUT]Leave.
  2566. [/NODE]
  2567. +[NODE]29
  2568. [STORY]
  2569. You open your spirit and, through the connection of the divine, the force flows into the sleeping elven soul. The statue looks at peace and then slowly, before your eyes, it turns to silver ash.
  2570. You feel that you can take whatever the soul left for you without being disrespectful.
  2571. [/STORY]
  2572. [OUT]Leave.
  2573. [/NODE]
  2574. +[NODE]36
  2575. [STORY]
  2576. Your ritual disrupts whatever held the soul here. The statue looks at peace and then slowly, before your eyes, it turns to silver ash.
  2577. You feel that you can take whatever the soul left for you without being disrespectful.
  2578. [/STORY]
  2579. [OUT]Leave.
  2580. [/NODE]
  2581. +[NODE]38
  2582. [STORY]
  2583. Your ritual backfires, and you see a blaze of bright light scorch the statue. Its fleeting soul gasps in a mute scream before it disappears forever.
  2584. Any who know of elven cultures are struck by the finality of this death.
  2585. [/STORY]
  2586. [OUT]Leave.
  2587. [/NODE]
  2588. [/EVENT]
  2589. -- [EVENT] --cemetery orc D5(22)
  2590. +[NODE]3
  2591. [STORY]
  2592. You discover an orc burial ground. The setup is simple and pragmatic. There are funeral pyres and signs of a feast. Some pyres have ornaments and even basic weaponry, but they are clearly ornamental, rather than the good stuff.
  2593. [/STORY]
  2594. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  2595. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  2596. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  2597. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  2598. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  2599. [/NODE]
  2600. [/EVENT]
  2601. -- [EVENT] --cemetery orc witch(23)
  2602. +[NODE]2
  2603. [STORY]
  2604. You move in closer. One of the funeral pyres seems like it may be fresh, as dark smoke lingers still.
  2605. [/STORY]
  2606. [OUT][Light or Harmony]Your god's domain feels weakened here, as if the world is swirling with turmoil and darkness! Focus on your domain to investigate this.
  2607. [OUT][Turmoil or Magic]Your domain is strong here and you feel a pull towards the dark smoke, yet you know it may be perilous. Open yourself up and try to sense what you're facing.
  2608. [OUT][Orc witch]The funeral pyre has the ornaments of a witch and the smoke is not smoke at all. Prepare a ritual to approach it safely.
  2609. [OUT][Orc]The funeral pyre has ornaments for a witch burial -- better approach carefully.
  2610. [OUT][Magic user] There's a definite sense of magic here -- dark, chaotic, unsettling magic. Prepare wards before moving closer.
  2611. [OUT]Move in closer.
  2612. [OUT]Seems dangerous - better leave.
  2613. [/NODE]
  2614. +[NODE]5
  2615. [STORY]
  2616. You are now sure the smoke is a manifestation of darkness in its pure, unnatural form. It will seek to corrupt or destroy anything it touches, and it is reaching out to you!
  2617. Since the power of your domain is directly opposed to this force, you can try to destroy it completely, but it will be hard.
  2618. [/STORY]
  2619. [OUT]Unnatural darkness like this cannot be left to run amok. Prepare a ritual of light and harmony to lock it away!
  2620. [OUT]This fight is too great for now. Leave this place.
  2621. [/NODE]
  2622. +[NODE]7
  2623. [STORY]
  2624. The smoke is clearly the darkness itself, and it vibrates with turmoil and dark magic, seeking to be released or devour whatever comes its way.
  2625. This manifestation is unnaturally strong and can be very dangerous, but since you are attuned to it, you could try to harness it safely. It won't be easy.
  2626. [/STORY]
  2627. [OUT]Yes, try to harness the energy.
  2628. [OUT]No, it will be safer and easier to lock it away.
  2629. [OUT]The task is too great for now. Leave this place.
  2630. [/NODE]
  2631. +[NODE]10
  2632. [STORY]
  2633. You pushed the dark force back and locked it away safely.
  2634. You find an object of power that was causing this corruption. It is now cleansed and bound to your service.
  2635. [/STORY]
  2636. [OUT]Leave.
  2637. [/NODE]
  2638. +[NODE]11
  2639. [STORY]
  2640. You pushed the dark force back and locked it away safely.
  2641. The now-cleansed funeral pyre glows with faint green light for a second, and you sense that whoever was laid to rest here has blessed you with a gift.
  2642. [/STORY]
  2643. [OUT]Leave.
  2644. [/NODE]
  2645. +[NODE]13
  2646. [STORY]
  2647. You failed to tame this wild power, and it lashes out at you! You manage to escape, but you feel a taint upon your soul.
  2648. [/STORY]
  2649. [OUT]Leave.
  2650. [/NODE]
  2651. +[NODE]17
  2652. [STORY]
  2653. Your rituals worked well, capturing the rogue darkness and harnessing its turbulent force for yourself. You safely banish the rest into oblivion.
  2654. [/STORY]
  2655. [OUT]Leave.
  2656. [/NODE]
  2657. +[NODE]18
  2658. [STORY]
  2659. Your rituals worked well, capturing the rogue darkness and harnessing its turbulent force for yourself. You safely banish the rest into oblivion.
  2660. [/STORY]
  2661. [OUT]Leave.
  2662. [/NODE]
  2663. +[NODE]19
  2664. [STORY]
  2665. A fellow witch was laid to rest here, but her magic clearly was not secured. Perhaps due to a violent death or a curse from a rival - whatever the cause, a heavy, lingering, hungry darkness lurks here.
  2666. But its power can be harnessed and used with more balance. It won't be easy but it can be done.
  2667. [/STORY]
  2668. [OUT]Yes, try to harness the energy.
  2669. [OUT]No, it will be safer and easier to lock it away.
  2670. [OUT]The task is too great for now. Leave this place.
  2671. [/NODE]
  2672. +[NODE]20
  2673. [STORY]
  2674. You sense a strong concentration of darkness and know that the smoke is not smoke at all.
  2675. You can try to perform a magic ritual to banish the darkness from this place.
  2676. [/STORY]
  2677. [OUT]Yes, try to banish the darkness. It cannot be left to run amok.
  2678. [OUT]No, this task is too hard for now. Leave.
  2679. [/NODE]
  2680. +[NODE]22
  2681. [STORY]
  2682. You come closer, but before long you realise you are surrounded by growing, unnatural darkness!
  2683. Dread fills your souls and terror follows suit.
  2684. [/STORY]
  2685. [OUT]Try to stay and fight it off!
  2686. [OUT]Run away!
  2687. [/NODE]
  2688. +[NODE]24
  2689. [STORY]
  2690. You manage to stay safe and sane, and some of you even feel your wills strengthened from the ordeal.
  2691. [/STORY]
  2692. [OUT]Gather any loot and leave.
  2693. [/NODE]
  2694. +[NODE]33
  2695. [STORY]
  2696. From the markings, you gather that an orc witch was laid to rest here. Every orc knows it can be deadly to stick around when a witch is taken by the flame.
  2697. You know which of the weapons laid here are proper and which are mere honour symbols. You grab them as is your clan-right.
  2698. [/STORY]
  2699. [OUT]Perform the last journey rite quickly to pay your respects, then leave.
  2700. [/NODE]
  2701. +[NODE]40
  2702. [STORY]
  2703. Your rituals worked well, capturing the rogue darkness and harnessing its turbulent force for yourself. You safely banish the rest into oblivion.
  2704. [/STORY]
  2705. [OUT]Leave.
  2706. [/NODE]
  2707. [/EVENT]
  2708. -- [EVENT] --cemetery orc ghost(24)
  2709. +[NODE]2
  2710. [STORY]
  2711. As you examine the funeral pyres, you realise they are very old and have nothing of use, but you see a figure hunched by one of them.
  2712. The figure turns to you. It is a ghost.
  2713. 'Oh, live ones, want to play a game?'
  2714. [/STORY]
  2715. [OUT][Orc]Reply with indignation that this is orc ground, and the only games would be blood games!
  2716. [OUT]Ask what game they mean.
  2717. [OUT]Attack!
  2718. [OUT]Leave.
  2719. [/NODE]
  2720. +[NODE]3
  2721. [STORY]
  2722. The ghost shrugs -- at least, it tries, but its ethereal body just flickers a bit.
  2723. 'Oh, orcs. I guess I should be all about the "Argh, stay away from our burial site, argh..."
  2724. You wanna play a game or no?'
  2725. [/STORY]
  2726. [OUT]Insist this is a corruption of your culture.
  2727. [OUT]Ask what game they mean.
  2728. [OUT]Attack the abomination!
  2729. [/NODE]
  2730. +[NODE]4
  2731. [STORY]
  2732. The ghost rolls its empty eye sockets at you.
  2733. 'I am a spirit, a soul trapped here, tied to this place by the powers that be, formless, bored and very much aware of the futility of clinging to my old self. You'd be surprised how philosophical one gets when stuck contemplating life in a lifeless form for eternity.'
  2734. [/STORY]
  2735. [OUT]And playing games is their deep philosophical answer?
  2736. [OUT]Attack the abomination!
  2737. [/NODE]
  2738. +[NODE]8
  2739. [STORY]
  2740. 'You have an oak tree, ancient and tall, and you need wood for your fire. What will you take to cut it down??
  2741. [/STORY]
  2742. [OUT]An axe.
  2743. [OUT]An axe.
  2744. [OUT]A witch.
  2745. [OUT]A witch.
  2746. [OUT]A friend.
  2747. [OUT]A friend.
  2748. [OUT]All three.
  2749. [OUT]All three.
  2750. [/NODE]
  2751. +[NODE]9
  2752. [STORY]
  2753. 'Simplicity is often the key to success. An axe will crush any demons or pointy ears and cut the wood.'
  2754. [/STORY]
  2755. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2756. [/NODE]
  2757. +[NODE]10
  2758. [STORY]
  2759. 'Yes, that was it. You may leave.'
  2760. [/STORY]
  2761. [OUT]Leave this place.
  2762. [OUT]But it was stupid. What was the lesson?
  2763. [/NODE]
  2764. +[NODE]11
  2765. [STORY]
  2766. 'The most obvious choice -- how disappointing.'
  2767. [/STORY]
  2768. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2769. [/NODE]
  2770. +[NODE]12
  2771. [STORY]
  2772. 'Ah, yes, you bring wisdom with you, good.'
  2773. [/STORY]
  2774. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2775. [/NODE]
  2776. +[NODE]13
  2777. [STORY]
  2778. 'And what, are you going to chop with her? I hear witches are rather blunt. Stupid.'
  2779. [/STORY]
  2780. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2781. [/NODE]
  2782. +[NODE]14
  2783. [STORY]
  2784. 'Ah, yes, clever cogs, your friend could be a woodcutter, no?'
  2785. [/STORY]
  2786. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2787. [/NODE]
  2788. +[NODE]15
  2789. [STORY]
  2790. 'So vague, uninspiring...'
  2791. [/STORY]
  2792. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2793. [/NODE]
  2794. +[NODE]16
  2795. [STORY]
  2796. 'Ah, yes, the safe answer, but wise, for the axe will cut the wood, the witch will protect you from forest magics, and a friend is always good.'
  2797. [/STORY]
  2798. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2799. [/NODE]
  2800. +[NODE]17
  2801. [STORY]
  2802. 'So safe, so seemingly clever... how boring.'
  2803. [/STORY]
  2804. [OUT]Is that it? The game?
  2805. [/NODE]
  2806. +[NODE]23
  2807. [STORY]
  2808. 'Why, do you think everything in life has to have logic or meaning?'
  2809. [/STORY]
  2810. [OUT]And that's it?
  2811. [/NODE]
  2812. +[NODE]24
  2813. [STORY]
  2814. 'It is.'
  2815. [/STORY]
  2816. [OUT]Ask what game they mean.
  2817. [OUT]Attack the abomination!
  2818. [/NODE]
  2819. +[NODE]25
  2820. [STORY]
  2821. 'I ask a question and thus pass on knowledge acquired through decades in this unliving state. No trickery, I am no demon, just a game.
  2822. It can teach you good or bad things about life, mind you.'
  2823. [/STORY]
  2824. [OUT]Ask what game they mean.
  2825. [OUT]Kill it!
  2826. [OUT]Leave.
  2827. [/NODE]
  2828. +[NODE]32
  2829. [STORY]
  2830. 'So you yield to my power, good!
  2831. Now leave me be, I am in no mood for your antics.' The ghost disappears.
  2832. [/STORY]
  2833. [OUT]Leave.
  2834. [/NODE]
  2835. +[NODE]33
  2836. [STORY]
  2837. You approach the pyres and see an orc skeleton sitting by a stone slab, rolling dice. The dice are made of bone and amber, and the cup looks like orc skin.
  2838. [/STORY]
  2839. [OUT]Attack it!
  2840. [OUT][Skeleton]Greet your skeletal friend and ask what it is playing.
  2841. [OUT][Orc]Ask this fiend why it sits on the sacred grounds.
  2842. [OUT][Demon]With a demon by your side, trickery is no problem. Play.
  2843. [OUT]Agree to play.
  2844. [OUT]Seems like a waste of time. Leave.
  2845. [/NODE]
  2846. +[NODE]38
  2847. [STORY]
  2848. 'Fiend? Who are you calling a fiend, filth?
  2849. I sit here guarding this place, even though I could bugger off and do all sorts, and my own kin throws dirt at me!'
  2850. [/STORY]
  2851. [OUT]How dare it insult you? Attack!
  2852. [OUT]Nod to acknowledge that it has a point. Ask why it isn't attacking.
  2853. [OUT]Leave.
  2854. [OUT]Ask why it sits here.
  2855. [/NODE]
  2856. +[NODE]39
  2857. [STORY]
  2858. 'Why? Should I? Do you intend to loot the pyres or piss on the bones or something? No? Then let's play a game of dice, for I am bored.'
  2859. [/STORY]
  2860. [OUT][Intellect]A game of dice is simply a matter of probabilities, and chance is no stranger to your god's domain. Play.
  2861. [OUT][Demon]With a demon by your side, trickery is no problem. Play.
  2862. [OUT]Play.
  2863. [OUT]Yes, you would like to loot. Attack!
  2864. [/NODE]
  2865. +[NODE]40
  2866. [STORY]
  2867. Logic and intellect are your weapons, so with every roll you predict the next move.
  2868. But the skeleton doesn't seem to mind this divine intervention.
  2869. You roll many turns until the final roll that will decide the winner.
  2870. [/STORY]
  2871. [OUT]Despite your sharp mind, chance has its way. You lose and realise too late that some of your belongings are gone. When you turn to face the skeleton, it is nowhere to be found. Leave.
  2872. [OUT]Chance has its way with you for a time, but then you turn the tables and win. The skeleton simply nods, and you feel different after the experience. Leave.
  2873. [OUT]Your game is flawless. You win, and the skeleton looks impressed. It hands you the dice as a reward and adds another gift. Nod in thanks and leave.
  2874. [OUT]The game is a draw. The skeleton nods in thanks for the time well spent, then ignores you. Leave.
  2875. [/NODE]
  2876. +[NODE]41
  2877. [STORY]
  2878. Playing against demons is a sure way to lose one's soul, but the skeleton seems beyond such concerns. The game begins.
  2879. You roll many turns until the final roll that will decide the winner.
  2880. [/STORY]
  2881. [OUT]You cheat your way to victory and the skeleton looks impressed. It hands you the dice as a reward, then leaves. Nod in thanks and leave.
  2882. [OUT]Despite your sharp mind, chance has its way. You lose and realise too late that some of your belongings are gone. When you turn to face the skeleton, it is nowhere to be found. Leave.
  2883. [OUT]The game is a draw. The skeleton nods in thanks for the time well spent, then ignores you. Leave.
  2884. [/NODE]
  2885. +[NODE]42
  2886. [STORY]
  2887. You roll many turns until the final roll that will decide the winner.
  2888. [/STORY]
  2889. [OUT]Despite your sharp mind, chance has its way. You lose and realise too late that some of your belongings are gone. When you turn to face the skeleton, it is nowhere to be found. Leave.
  2890. [OUT]Chance has its way with you for a time, but then you turn the tables and win. The skeleton simply nods, and you feel different after the experience. Leave.
  2891. [OUT]Your game is flawless. You win, and the skeleton looks impressed. It hands you the dice as a reward, then leaves. Leave.
  2892. [OUT]The game is a draw. The skeleton nods in thanks for the time well spent, then ignores you. Leave.
  2893. [/NODE]
  2894. +[NODE]48
  2895. [STORY]
  2896. 'A fellow awakened bone man! Nice to meet you.
  2897. You wanna play a game of dice? I hope you don't mind the garish materials -- my dark sense of humour, I am afraid.'
  2898. He shakes the orc leather cup that holds the bone dice.
  2899. [/STORY]
  2900. [OUT]Disgusting. Attack!
  2901. [OUT]Agree to play.
  2902. [OUT]Ask why he sits here.
  2903. [/NODE]
  2904. +[NODE]49
  2905. [STORY]
  2906. 'I woke up in the pyre, alive -- or, well, you know what I mean. So I decided my duty is to sit here and guard this place. I was one of the matriarch daughters and her ashes lie here, so I will guard her.
  2907. But it is boring, so I like to play games.'
  2908. [/STORY]
  2909. [OUT]Agree to play.
  2910. [OUT]Decline and leave.
  2911. [OUT]How un-orcish. Attack!
  2912. [/NODE]
  2913. +[NODE]53
  2914. [STORY]
  2915. 'Good, good. Let's have some fun. Roll the dice.'
  2916. [/STORY]
  2917. [OUT] [Intellect]A game of dice is simply a matter of probabilities, and chance is no stranger to your god's domain. Play.
  2918. [OUT][Demon]With a demon by your side, trickery is no problem. Play.
  2919. [OUT]Play.
  2920. [/NODE]
  2921. +[NODE]69
  2922. [STORY]
  2923. As you get up to leave, you suddenly realise that more time has passed than you thought, and you see markings on your body that were not there before.
  2924. You wonder what the creature may have done to you. The orc skeleton, however, is gone.
  2925. [/STORY]
  2926. [OUT]Leave.
  2927. [/NODE]
  2928. +[NODE]70
  2929. [STORY]
  2930. 'Pathetic. You call me a bad orc, ha! I shall feed on your spirit but let you leave, weaklings.'
  2931. [/STORY]
  2932. [OUT]Leave.
  2933. [/NODE]
  2934. [/EVENT]
  2935. -- [EVENT] --place of power spaw(25)
  2936. +[NODE]2
  2937. [STORY]
  2938. You come to a seemingly unassuming spot where a single crooked tree stands over a tiny pond.
  2939. There is an overwhelming sense of tranquillity the closer you get to the pond, and those sensitive to the weaves of magic know this to be an old place of power.
  2940. If you're a magic user, you can perform some rituals here.
  2941. [/STORY]
  2942. [OUT]What is a place of power, exactly?
  2943. [OUT]Take the spirit essence of the dwarf and try to release him here.
  2944. [OUT]Ignore the dwarves' fate, leave.
  2945. [/NODE]
  2946. +[NODE]3
  2947. [STORY]
  2948. Places of power are spots where an unusual spiritual or magical presence has left a lasting mark. They can come in many forms.
  2949. [/STORY]
  2950. [OUT]Like what?
  2951. [OUT]Take the spirit essence of the dwarf and try to release him here.
  2952. [/NODE]
  2953. +[NODE]4
  2954. [STORY]
  2955. They can be places where the connection to the greyworld -- the realm of the spirits -- is strong, or where a spirit decided to dwell and aid the living.
  2956. They can also be places where extreme events occurred, creating emotional imprints, or perhaps great magical deeds that left behind traces. They can be places where great mages resided, letting their magic seep into the very soil.
  2957. The list goes on.
  2958. [/STORY]
  2959. [OUT]Take the spirit essence of the dwarf and try to release him here.
  2960. [/NODE]
  2961. +[NODE]5
  2962. [STORY]
  2963. You take the dwarven spirit and place it carefully into the small pond by the tree. You feel that the waters are blessed by an elder spirit and can indeed free the dwarf.
  2964. But, if done improperly, the ritual can cost you your own faith.
  2965. You feel that you could also try to bind the spirit to you instead of freeing it.
  2966. [/STORY]
  2967. [OUT]Release the spirit.
  2968. [OUT]Bind the spirit.
  2969. [OUT]Come back later.
  2970. [/NODE]
  2971. +[NODE]8
  2972. [STORY]
  2973. Binding a spirit against its will is filthy business. You succeed, but you feel your soul weakened by the deed.
  2974. [/STORY]
  2975. [OUT]Leave.
  2976. [/NODE]
  2977. +[NODE]9
  2978. [STORY]
  2979. Your ritual succeeds, but the spirit proves too strong for binding. You do, however, feel that you've learned a lot from the ritual.
  2980. [/STORY]
  2981. [OUT]Good, leave.
  2982. [/NODE]
  2983. +[NODE]10
  2984. [STORY]
  2985. The ritual works, but the forceful binding of an unwilling dwarven spirit is dreadfully dishonourable.
  2986. The dwarves in your party feel the brunt of their shame.
  2987. [/STORY]
  2988. [OUT]Leave.
  2989. [/NODE]
  2990. +[NODE]11
  2991. [STORY]
  2992. The dwarven spirit is now bound to servitude.
  2993. [/STORY]
  2994. [OUT]Good, leave.
  2995. [/NODE]
  2996. +[NODE]17
  2997. [STORY]
  2998. The ritual works and the ancient spirit from the pond unlocks the bonds that held the dwarven soul captive. The freed dwarf pounds his hand on his chest:
  2999. 'You kept your word, and I deem you worthy of my services. The graveyard be fine for a time.'
  3000. [/STORY]
  3001. [OUT]Great. Now leave together.
  3002. [/NODE]
  3003. +[NODE]18
  3004. [STORY]
  3005. The ritual works and the ancient spirit from the pond unlocks the bonds that held the dwarven soul captive. The freed dwarf pounds his hand on his chest:
  3006. 'You kept your word, and now I must return to my duties. May stone and iron ever be with ya!'
  3007. [/STORY]
  3008. [OUT]Great. Leave.
  3009. [/NODE]
  3010. +[NODE]27
  3011. [STORY]
  3012. You come to a place of power. It is ever present and clear, but alas, you are not the one who carries the ghost essence, so you cannot do anything here.
  3013. [/STORY]
  3014. [OUT]Leave.
  3015. [/NODE]
  3016. +[NODE]30
  3017. [STORY]
  3018. Your efforts fail, and the ritual drains a lot out of you.
  3019. The dwarves in your party feel the brunt of their shame.
  3020. [/STORY]
  3021. [OUT]Leave.
  3022. [/NODE]
  3023. [/EVENT]
  3024. -- [EVENT] --Dwarf demon spwn(26)
  3025. +[NODE]2
  3026. [STORY]
  3027. You come to a small shack where you were told the demon that enslaved the dwarf smith dwells.
  3028. As you approach, you feel a concentration of darkness within.
  3029. [/STORY]
  3030. [OUT]Go in.
  3031. [OUT]Ignore the dwarven request and leave.
  3032. [/NODE]
  3033. +[NODE]5
  3034. [STORY]
  3035. Inside, the house is abandoned, decaying, and dark -- so dark, in fact, that no manner of light illuminates it.
  3036. A voice croaks: 'I smell nothing of use for me, so leave me be, or I'll devour you just for fun!'
  3037. [/STORY]
  3038. [OUT]Turmoil and magic can both cut through darkness. Use your domain to see the truth here.
  3039. [OUT]Nature and intellect do not bend easily to trickery, and you sense truth concealed. Try to see through it.
  3040. [OUT]Harmony and light do not fare well under the pressure of darkness. Yet here, you do not feel weakened. Try to see through the deception.
  3041. [/NODE]
  3042. +[NODE]7
  3043. [STORY]
  3044. The dark veil drops and behind it sits nothing more than a karakandza demon.
  3045. It stares at you in fear. 'Ehmmm, I was not prepared for fighting. Can we make a deal?'
  3046. [/STORY]
  3047. [OUT]No deals. Kill it.
  3048. [OUT]What deal?
  3049. [/NODE]
  3050. +[NODE]8
  3051. [STORY]
  3052. 'I'll give you some of the goods that dwarf smith's been making for me. I'll even throw in a little something extra -- goodwill and all that...'
  3053. [/STORY]
  3054. [OUT]Agree only if he lets the dwarf free.
  3055. [OUT]Agree to the deal, ignoring the dwarf's fate.
  3056. [OUT]No deals. Kill it.
  3057. [/NODE]
  3058. +[NODE]9
  3059. [STORY]
  3060. 'The deal's sealed.'
  3061. The demon claps its hands and disappears, leaving you the promised goods -- and, you hope, nothing more...
  3062. [/STORY]
  3063. [OUT]Leave.
  3064. [OUT]Leave.
  3065. [/NODE]
  3066. +[NODE]11
  3067. [STORY]
  3068. 'You can either have the dwarf freed or have my goodies, and before you waste your time with death threats, that's all I can offer.'
  3069. [/STORY]
  3070. [OUT]Deal for the dwarf's freedom.
  3071. [OUT]Agree to the deal, ignoring the dwarf's fate.
  3072. [OUT]No deals. Kill it.
  3073. [/NODE]
  3074. +[NODE]12
  3075. [STORY]
  3076. The creature looks angry, but nods and claps its hands. It then disappears.
  3077. When you go back to the dwarf, the smithy is collapsed in rubble, and all you find is a very old stone skeleton.
  3078. But, as promised, the skeleton has some good loot waiting for you.
  3079. [/STORY]
  3080. [OUT]Leave.
  3081. [/NODE]
  3082. +[NODE]15
  3083. [STORY]
  3084. The creature dissolves into green goo as you strike it. It is probably dead.
  3085. When you go back to the dwarf, the smithy is collapsed in rubble, and all you find is a very old stone skeleton.
  3086. But, as promised, the skeleton has some good loot waiting for you.
  3087. [/STORY]
  3088. [OUT]Leave.
  3089. [/NODE]
  3090. +[NODE]17
  3091. [STORY]
  3092. Before you can figure it out, you feel the overwhelming presence of true darkness. Whoever was trying to trick you managed to summon the real thing, probably.
  3093. [/STORY]
  3094. [OUT]Leave!
  3095. [/NODE]
  3096. [/EVENT]
  3097. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery beasts orc(27)
  3098. +[NODE]2
  3099. [STORY]
  3100. You realise these are no ruins, but a burial ground of an orc clan.
  3101. You see several old pyres and one that is new. You also spot a pack of wolves circling.
  3102. [/STORY]
  3103. [OUT][Orc]Take a closer look at the pack to see if they have the mark of the starchasers.
  3104. [OUT][Orc]Take a closer look at the pack to see if they have the mark of the starchasers.
  3105. [OUT]You have the skills to deal with angry beasts. Watch the pack to figure out a way to handle this.
  3106. [OUT]Attack the wolves!
  3107. [OUT]In the name of Horz, make them bow to you!
  3108. [OUT]Leave.
  3109. [/NODE]
  3110. +[NODE]4
  3111. [STORY]
  3112. These wolves are indeed the starchasers, loyal companions to bloodtrackers, clearly guarding their masters' resting place.
  3113. Their pack leader must be laid to rest here. It is best to leave them be, but if you want to loot the pyres (which is your right), you will need to face the wolves.
  3114. [/STORY]
  3115. [OUT]Avoid the pyre belonging to the wolves' former masters, and loot the others as is your right.
  3116. [OUT]Kill the wolves. They are of no use once their master is gone.
  3117. [/NODE]
  3118. +[NODE]5
  3119. [STORY]
  3120. These wolves are indeed the starchasers, loyal companions to bloodtrackers.
  3121. They are left without a pack leader. This is your chance to claim their loyalty, but beware, it may become bloody!
  3122. [/STORY]
  3123. [OUT]As a bloodtracker, show these wolves your raw will and make them heel!
  3124. [OUT]As matriarch, dominate these wolves with your sheer power!
  3125. [OUT]Avoid the pyre belonging to the wolves' former masters, and loot the others as is your right.
  3126. [OUT]Avoid the pyre belonging to the wolves' former masters, and loot the others as is your right.
  3127. [/NODE]
  3128. +[NODE]11
  3129. [STORY]
  3130. The wolves are beaten and submit to your charge.
  3131. One of the wolves decides you are its new master.
  3132. [/STORY]
  3133. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3134. [/NODE]
  3135. +[NODE]12
  3136. [STORY]
  3137. The wolves are beaten and submit to your charge.
  3138. This pack will continue to roam, but you will be able to call on its aid.
  3139. [/STORY]
  3140. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3141. [/NODE]
  3142. +[NODE]13
  3143. [STORY]
  3144. The wolves do not submit, and you barely escape their wrath.
  3145. [/STORY]
  3146. [OUT]To zmey with them! Attack instead!
  3147. [OUT]Keep running.
  3148. [/NODE]
  3149. +[NODE]16
  3150. [STORY]
  3151. You realise these wolves are feral, angry, and starving -- a dangerous combination.
  3152. They will respond only to brute force or domination.
  3153. [/STORY]
  3154. [OUT]As a night demon, intimidate the beasts.
  3155. [OUT]Use your knowledge of wolves to dominate the pack!
  3156. [OUT][Nature] Try to reach the wolves' inner spirit to calm them in the name of nature.
  3157. [OUT]Leave.
  3158. [/NODE]
  3159. +[NODE]24
  3160. [STORY]
  3161. You defeat the wolves and are free to loot the funeral pyres.
  3162. One of the wolves decides you are the new alpha, so now you can call on its aid.
  3163. [/STORY]
  3164. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3165. [/NODE]
  3166. +[NODE]25
  3167. [STORY]
  3168. You kill the wolves and are free to loot the funeral pyres.
  3169. [/STORY]
  3170. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3171. [/NODE]
  3172. +[NODE]29
  3173. [STORY]
  3174. The wolves are beaten and submit to your charge.
  3175. One of the wolves decides you are its new master.
  3176. [/STORY]
  3177. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3178. [/NODE]
  3179. +[NODE]30
  3180. [STORY]
  3181. The wolves are beaten and submit to your charge.
  3182. This pack will continue to roam, but you may be able to call on its aid.
  3183. [/STORY]
  3184. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3185. [/NODE]
  3186. +[NODE]31
  3187. [STORY]
  3188. The wolves submit to your charge.
  3189. This pack will continue to roam, but you are free to loot the pyres.
  3190. [/STORY]
  3191. [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave.
  3192. [/NODE]
  3193. [/EVENT]
  3194. -- [EVENT] --Witch house(28)
  3195. +[NODE]2
  3196. [STORY]
  3197. You come across an old hut in the woods. At first it seems quite run down, but you spot smoke coming from the chimney.
  3198. [/STORY]
  3199. [OUT]Call out and see if anyone's home.
  3200. [OUT]Call out and see if anyone's home.
  3201. [OUT]Sneak up to investigate.
  3202. [OUT]Sneak up to investigate.
  3203. [OUT]Leave.
  3204. [/NODE]
  3205. +[NODE]4
  3206. [STORY]
  3207. As you approach the house, a set of chimes rings out. It sounds like they are made of silver.
  3208. 'Ha! You night demons can stay well away from my house! Hear me!'
  3209. [/STORY]
  3210. [OUT][Witch]Compliment the house owner on good warding charms.
  3211. [OUT]Remark that the silver and charms only weaken you, and you could still go in if you wanted to. But you don't wish her any harm. You only want to talk.
  3212. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  3213. [/NODE]
  3214. +[NODE]5
  3215. [STORY]
  3216. Inside the hut you see an old woman hunched over the stove. The room has many dried herbs, strange liquids in vials, wishbones, chicken feet, and all sorts of similar ingredients.
  3217. [/STORY]
  3218. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  3219. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  3220. [OUT][Witch]Go in to talk, but warn her not to try any funny business.
  3221. [OUT]Knock on the door.
  3222. [/NODE]
  3223. +[NODE]6
  3224. [STORY]
  3225. An old hooded woman answers the door and gestures for you to enter.
  3226. She then goes back in, sits in her rocking chair, and calls out to you. 'Come in, come in, strangers. May I offer you hot food? Sweets? Or perhaps some trade?'
  3227. [/STORY]
  3228. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  3229. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  3230. [OUT]Go in and speak to her.
  3231. [OUT][Witch]Go in to talk, but warn her not to try any funny business.
  3232. [/NODE]
  3233. +[NODE]10
  3234. [STORY]
  3235. You surprise the old hag and kill her swiftly. Alas, as she dies, she utters a curse on you!
  3236. [/STORY]
  3237. [OUT]Plunder the house and leave.
  3238. [/NODE]
  3239. +[NODE]11
  3240. [STORY]
  3241. You surprise the old hag and kill her swiftly. She tries to curse you before she dies, but you're fast enough to stop her.
  3242. [/STORY]
  3243. [OUT]Plunder the house and leave.
  3244. [/NODE]
  3245. +[NODE]14
  3246. [STORY]
  3247. 'I can make a brew with a good kick to it, if you like. Of course, there'll be a price.'
  3248. [/STORY]
  3249. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the body. [Lose 5 quartz]
  3250. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the mind. [Lose 5 topaz]
  3251. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the soul. [Lose 5 shadow bone]
  3252. [OUT]State your domain of magic or your affinity to the mystical arts, and ask if she would be kind enough to teach you.
  3253. [OUT]Offer her food supplies in exchange for some of her wisdom.
  3254. [OUT]Ask if you can trade.
  3255. [OUT]Leave.
  3256. [/NODE]
  3257. +[NODE]15
  3258. [STORY]
  3259. The old hag tells you many wise tales. She finishes by saying:
  3260. 'And so, if you ever see a pretty lass by the water or think you hear a lovely song at the sea, pray heed my words and pinch yourself three times in the left butt cheek before you go do something silly with one of those seductress demons.'
  3261. [/STORY]
  3262. [OUT]Thank her for the advice and leave.
  3263. [/NODE]
  3264. +[NODE]16
  3265. [STORY]
  3266. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.
  3267. She then spits into the blood, picks one of her warts, throws it in and eats the slimy concoction.
  3268. She then throws up violently all over you, and although you are utterly sick, you do feel the effects of the promised blessing.
  3269. [/STORY]
  3270. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  3271. [/NODE]
  3272. +[NODE]17
  3273. [STORY]
  3274. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.
  3275. She splatters the blood over a dead rabbit, adds sweat from under her armpit, and spits three times over her right shoulder.
  3276. She then hits you with the rabbit carcass repeatedly, and surprisingly, you begin to feel the desired effect.
  3277. [/STORY]
  3278. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  3279. [/NODE]
  3280. +[NODE]18
  3281. [STORY]
  3282. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.
  3283. You await the rest of the ritual, but she just laughs:
  3284. 'What, you thought I'd do something weird and nasty? It's all done. The blood did the trick. Till next time.'
  3285. [/STORY]
  3286. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  3287. [/NODE]
  3288. +[NODE]22
  3289. [STORY]
  3290. The old hag tells you many fun tales. She finishes with:
  3291. 'So now you know, in life, the most precious things are hot water, good teeth, and a soft pillow for your old arse to sit on.'
  3292. Somehow, you do not feel any wiser for it.
  3293. [/STORY]
  3294. [OUT]Thank her for the advice and leave.
  3295. [OUT]Kill her!
  3296. [OUT]Kill her!
  3297. [/NODE]
  3298. +[NODE]24
  3299. [STORY]
  3300. 'Hmm, in the old days I did follow the master, Veles, so I will honour his progeny for tonight.
  3301. Sit, drink, and listen.'
  3302. The old hag tells you many stories before she finally says it is time to go.
  3303. [/STORY]
  3304. [OUT]Leave.
  3305. [/NODE]
  3306. +[NODE]28
  3307. [STORY]
  3308. 'Ha! Good one. Well met, sister. Now, for strangers I'd play a game of deals and trades and trickery.
  3309. But for you I offer an honest trade between sisters, or I can teach ya some rituals and give ya some herbs, but I'd need some of your spirit energy in exchange.
  3310. [/STORY]
  3311. [OUT]Trade.
  3312. [OUT]Learn some rituals.
  3313. [OUT]Thank her for now and leave.
  3314. [/NODE]
  3315. +[NODE]30
  3316. [STORY]
  3317. You cut your hand, splatter the blood on the cleared ground, and throw three bones each from an unborn child's left hand.
  3318. But the bones do not fall into a pattern, and the voice laughs at you:
  3319. 'Cheap tricks don't impress me. Go away!'
  3320. [/STORY]
  3321. [OUT]Leave.
  3322. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  3323. [/NODE]
  3324. +[NODE]39
  3325. [STORY]
  3326. 'Bugger off, then. You have no business here.'
  3327. [/STORY]
  3328. [OUT]Leave.
  3329. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  3330. [/NODE]
  3331. +[NODE]43
  3332. [STORY]
  3333. 'If you are what I think you are, prove it.'
  3334. [/STORY]
  3335. [OUT]Perform a simple bone-reading ritual.
  3336. [/NODE]
  3337. +[NODE]44
  3338. [STORY]
  3339. You cut your hand, splatter the blood on the cleared ground, and throw three bones each from an unborn child's left hand.
  3340. The bones fall into a pattern.
  3341. [/STORY]
  3342. [OUT]Tell the woman that a dark handsome stranger will come to her door soon.
  3343. [/NODE]
  3344. +[NODE]48
  3345. [STORY]
  3346. The witch defeats you and lays a curse upon your souls.
  3347. [/STORY]
  3348. [OUT]Leave.
  3349. [/NODE]
  3350. +[NODE]50
  3351. [STORY]
  3352. 'Well, we traded. Now it's time to leave.'
  3353. [/STORY]
  3354. [OUT]Leave.
  3355. [/NODE]
  3356. +[NODE]51
  3357. [STORY]
  3358. 'Nice tradin' with ya. Bye.'
  3359. [/STORY]
  3360. [OUT]Leave.
  3361. [/NODE]
  3362. [/EVENT]
  3363. -- [EVENT] --Underground(29)
  3364. +[NODE]2
  3365. [STORY]
  3366. You find the ruins long abandoned and looted many times over. Just as you are about to give up, you discover a hidden entrance to an underground chamber, protected by a huge, heavy slab of stone that once may have been a doorway.
  3367. [/STORY]
  3368. [OUT]You have some craft tools. Use them to try to pry this entrance open.
  3369. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing.
  3370. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing.
  3371. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through.
  3372. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through.
  3373. [OUT]Leave.
  3374. [/NODE]
  3375. +[NODE]3
  3376. [STORY]
  3377. With tools in hand, you manage to find the hinges and pry the old stone slab open.
  3378. You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you.
  3379. [/STORY]
  3380. [OUT]Go in.
  3381. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave.
  3382. [/NODE]
  3383. +[NODE]4
  3384. [STORY]
  3385. You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.
  3386. You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you.
  3387. [/STORY]
  3388. [OUT]Go in.
  3389. [/NODE]
  3390. +[NODE]7
  3391. [STORY]
  3392. The stone slab cracks under the pressure of your brawn, but it crumbles so utterly that you fall into the corridor with the rubble.
  3393. You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you.
  3394. [/STORY]
  3395. [OUT]Go in deeper.
  3396. [/NODE]
  3397. +[NODE]10
  3398. [STORY]
  3399. The stone breaks under your assault, and the way in is clear.
  3400. You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you.
  3401. [/STORY]
  3402. [OUT]Go in.
  3403. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave.
  3404. [/NODE]
  3405. +[NODE]12
  3406. [STORY]
  3407. You descend down the winding corridor until you reach a chamber with six stone columns. Between them are alcoves with granite chests and vases.
  3408. [/STORY]
  3409. [OUT]Search the chamber.
  3410. [OUT]Search the chamber.
  3411. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave.
  3412. [/NODE]
  3413. +[NODE]15
  3414. [STORY]
  3415. You spot the silhouettes of humanoid creatures hanging from the ceiling by the columns.
  3416. They have spotted you as well...
  3417. [/STORY]
  3418. [OUT]Use your knowledge of demon lore to identify these creatures.
  3419. [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out.
  3420. [OUT]These creatures are clearly some of your demon kin. Consider how to resolve the situation.
  3421. [OUT]Attack!
  3422. [OUT]Run away.
  3423. [/NODE]
  3424. +[NODE]16
  3425. [STORY]
  3426. As you walk into the chamber, you are ambushed by creatures that fall from the ceiling upon you!
  3427. [/STORY]
  3428. [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out.
  3429. [OUT]Fight!
  3430. [OUT]Run, even though you may take some damage.
  3431. [/NODE]
  3432. +[NODE]17
  3433. [STORY]
  3434. Striga are unliving fiends known not only to drink the blood of the living but also to devour their entrails!
  3435. [/STORY]
  3436. [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony!
  3437. [OUT]Attack!
  3438. [OUT]Run away.
  3439. [OUT][Bloodless creatures]Since the strigas are after blood, bloodless creatures should be able to sneak in and out without trouble.
  3440. [/NODE]
  3441. +[NODE]18
  3442. [STORY]
  3443. You sense that these creatures are of the night, tainted by darkness. As such, you can call upon your domain to give you strength to fight them.
  3444. [/STORY]
  3445. [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony!
  3446. [OUT]Run away.
  3447. [/NODE]
  3448. +[NODE]19
  3449. [STORY]
  3450. The striga are cursed souls who need to feed on the blood of the living to survive. They were clearly locked in here for a long time and are now starving.
  3451. If you give them blood, they will let you loot in peace.
  3452. [/STORY]
  3453. [OUT]Give them some of your blood.
  3454. [OUT]Give them some of your blood.
  3455. [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony!
  3456. [OUT]Attack!
  3457. [OUT]Run away.
  3458. [/NODE]
  3459. +[NODE]20
  3460. [STORY]
  3461. You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood.
  3462. The strigas honour the deal. You can loot in peace.
  3463. [/STORY]
  3464. [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave.
  3465. [/NODE]
  3466. +[NODE]21
  3467. [STORY]
  3468. You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood, but this act is unnatural and conflicts with one of your divine domains.
  3469. You feel weakened in spirit, but the striga honour the deal. You can loot in peace.
  3470. [/STORY]
  3471. [OUT]Gather the loot and leave.
  3472. [/NODE]
  3473. +[NODE]35
  3474. [STORY]
  3475. The striga are dead and the chamber yours to pilfer.
  3476. [/STORY]
  3477. [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave.
  3478. [/NODE]
  3479. +[NODE]39
  3480. [STORY]
  3481. You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.
  3482. You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you.
  3483. [/STORY]
  3484. [OUT]Go in.
  3485. [/NODE]
  3486. +[NODE]40
  3487. [STORY]
  3488. No matter how much you try, the old stone slab will not move.
  3489. [/STORY]
  3490. [OUT]Leave.
  3491. [/NODE]
  3492. +[NODE]41
  3493. [STORY]
  3494. You carefully sneak in. The strigas stir, their red eyes following you, but they do not attack.
  3495. [/STORY]
  3496. [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave.
  3497. [/NODE]
  3498. +[NODE]42
  3499. [STORY]
  3500. The strigas tear your flesh and feast on your blood even as you run for your lives.
  3501. [/STORY]
  3502. [OUT]Run.
  3503. [/NODE]
  3504. [/EVENT]
  3505. -- [EVENT] --cemetery basediff6(30)
  3506. [/EVENT]
  3507. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery skeletons2(31)
  3508. +[NODE]2
  3509. [STORY]
  3510. As you enter the burial grounds, you feel the earth shift and notice bony hands coming out of the ground!
  3511. [/STORY]
  3512. [OUT]Sense the weaves of magic in this area.
  3513. [OUT][Nature] These unliving defy the lore of nature. Find a way to destroy them.
  3514. [OUT][Unliving] Speak to your kin. Perhaps they too are awakened and not merely puppets of dark magic.
  3515. [OUT]Attack!
  3516. [OUT]Run away!
  3517. [/NODE]
  3518. +[NODE]12
  3519. [STORY]
  3520. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3521. [/STORY]
  3522. [OUT]Leave.
  3523. [/NODE]
  3524. +[NODE]13
  3525. [STORY]
  3526. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3527. [/STORY]
  3528. [OUT]Leave.
  3529. [/NODE]
  3530. +[NODE]14
  3531. [STORY]
  3532. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3533. [/STORY]
  3534. [OUT]Leave.
  3535. [/NODE]
  3536. +[NODE]15
  3537. [STORY]
  3538. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3539. [/STORY]
  3540. [OUT]Leave.
  3541. [/NODE]
  3542. +[NODE]16
  3543. [STORY]
  3544. You sense these skeletal forms are controlled by a dark spell, but one that is not fresh. It may be possible to break it, but only if you have strong magic on your side.
  3545. [/STORY]
  3546. [OUT]Try to release the skeletons from their dark magic bondage.
  3547. [OUT]Attack!
  3548. [OUT]Run away!
  3549. [OUT]It may go against the laws of nature's domain, but bind the skeletons to your service!
  3550. [/NODE]
  3551. +[NODE]18
  3552. [STORY]
  3553. These unliving abominations mock the laws of nature. You should oppose them.
  3554. [/STORY]
  3555. [OUT]Use a ritual to break the dark magic binding these poor bodies into servitude.
  3556. [OUT]It may go against the laws of nature's domain, but bind the skeletons to your service!
  3557. [OUT]Attack!
  3558. [/NODE]
  3559. +[NODE]21
  3560. [STORY]
  3561. The domains of nature and harmony stand against enslaving the dead to one's will.
  3562. Your ritual dissolves and the bones collapse at peace. You feel a sickness upon you.
  3563. [/STORY]
  3564. [OUT]Leave.
  3565. [/NODE]
  3566. +[NODE]22
  3567. [STORY]
  3568. The ritual works and you gain the servitude of an unliving fiend.
  3569. [/STORY]
  3570. [OUT]Leave.
  3571. [/NODE]
  3572. +[NODE]23
  3573. [STORY]
  3574. The binding ritual seems to work, but then a burst of uncontrolled energy destroys the unliving.
  3575. However, a wraith is born out of the force and it now follows you.
  3576. [/STORY]
  3577. [OUT]Leave.
  3578. [/NODE]
  3579. +[NODE]24
  3580. [STORY]
  3581. The ritual does not work and you barely escape from the unliving.
  3582. [/STORY]
  3583. [OUT]Run away.
  3584. [/NODE]
  3585. +[NODE]27
  3586. [STORY]
  3587. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3588. [/STORY]
  3589. [OUT]Leave.
  3590. [/NODE]
  3591. +[NODE]30
  3592. [STORY]
  3593. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3594. [/STORY]
  3595. [OUT]Leave.
  3596. [/NODE]
  3597. +[NODE]33
  3598. [STORY]
  3599. 'You, you friend. Friend go, we not tear flesh.'
  3600. The unliving turn and walk away. One of them leaves its weapons for you and you see a glimmer of awakening in its eyes...
  3601. [/STORY]
  3602. [OUT]Good, leave.
  3603. [/NODE]
  3604. +[NODE]34
  3605. [STORY]
  3606. 'You, you friend. Friend go, we not tear flesh.'
  3607. The skeletons move away, but one stays behind:
  3608. 'You, you serve no more. Me, me serve you.'
  3609. This may not be the awakening you hoped for, but it's a first step. The skeleton now serves you.
  3610. [/STORY]
  3611. [OUT]Good, leave.
  3612. [/NODE]
  3613. +[NODE]35
  3614. [STORY]
  3615. The skeletons continue towards you mindlessly and some arrows fly your way.
  3616. [/STORY]
  3617. [OUT]Just leave this place.
  3618. [OUT]Attack them!
  3619. [/NODE]
  3620. +[NODE]42
  3621. [STORY]
  3622. The bones are laid to their final rest.
  3623. [/STORY]
  3624. [OUT]Leave.
  3625. [/NODE]
  3626. +[NODE]47
  3627. [STORY]
  3628. The skeletons beat you badly and you barely escape.
  3629. [/STORY]
  3630. [OUT]Leave.
  3631. [/NODE]
  3632. [/EVENT]
  3633. -- [EVENT] --CemeteryGraverob6(32)
  3634. +[NODE]2
  3635. [STORY]
  3636. Despite its first appearance, this seems to be an old dwarven burial ground -- an unusual find. You spot a rugged group of grave robbers who got here before you!
  3637. [/STORY]
  3638. [OUT][Dwarf]Attack the defilers of sacred ground!
  3639. [OUT]Attack!
  3640. [OUT]Try talking to them. Maybe you can share the spoils.
  3641. [OUT]Wait till they leave.
  3642. [OUT]Leave.
  3643. [/NODE]
  3644. +[NODE]5
  3645. [STORY]
  3646. The grave robbers destroy much of the burial ground, then suddenly grab their stuff and skulk away in haste.
  3647. [/STORY]
  3648. [OUT][Zerca or dwarf]Perform the correct burial rites to appease the disturbed spirits here.
  3649. [OUT]Try to repair the burial ground to honour the dead.
  3650. [OUT]Try to repair the burial ground to honour the dead.
  3651. [OUT]See if they left anything to loot.
  3652. [OUT]See if they left anything to loot.
  3653. [/NODE]
  3654. +[NODE]7
  3655. [STORY]
  3656. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  3657. [/STORY]
  3658. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  3659. [/NODE]
  3660. +[NODE]10
  3661. [STORY]
  3662. You try to repair the burial site, but you feel the spirits that linger are angry, and they lash out at you!
  3663. [/STORY]
  3664. [OUT][Magic user] Try performing a ritual to calm the spirits.
  3665. [OUT]Just leave this place.
  3666. [OUT]Attack!
  3667. [/NODE]
  3668. +[NODE]11
  3669. [STORY]
  3670. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  3671. [/STORY]
  3672. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  3673. [/NODE]
  3674. +[NODE]17
  3675. [STORY]
  3676. You perform the appropriate rituals and make the ground sacred again. You feel the spirits that linger are still angry, but not at you.
  3677. [/STORY]
  3678. [OUT]Gather some stone that was left loose, and leave.
  3679. [/NODE]
  3680. +[NODE]19
  3681. [STORY]
  3682. The angered wraiths leave you depleted, but they do not follow you as you flee.
  3683. [/STORY]
  3684. [OUT]Leave.
  3685. [/NODE]
  3686. +[NODE]20
  3687. [STORY]
  3688. You realise the grave robbers left because angry ghosts rose up, and now they are ready to attack!
  3689. [/STORY]
  3690. [OUT]Fight!
  3691. [OUT]Run away!
  3692. [/NODE]
  3693. +[NODE]23
  3694. [STORY]
  3695. You lost, and the grave robbers rob you as well!
  3696. Getting your stuff back while butt naked won't be easy.
  3697. [/STORY]
  3698. [OUT]Leave.
  3699. [/NODE]
  3700. +[NODE]29
  3701. [STORY]
  3702. 'What? You mean instead of stickin' ya, lettin' ya take stuff?'
  3703. [/STORY]
  3704. [OUT][Harmony]As harmony is your path, say that you seek peace, not violence.
  3705. [OUT]Confirm.
  3706. [OUT][Dwarf]Shake your fist at them and say that no, you mean you will not kill them if they leave now!
  3707. [/NODE]
  3708. +[NODE]30
  3709. [STORY]
  3710. You gather the loot, but you soon realise that whatever spirits these grave robbers unsettled, they are equally unimpressed with you.
  3711. [/STORY]
  3712. [OUT]Leave.
  3713. [/NODE]
  3714. +[NODE]33
  3715. [STORY]
  3716. You destroy the grave robbers and put the graves back as they should be.
  3717. You feel the spirits of metal and stone favour you.
  3718. [/STORY]
  3719. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  3720. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  3721. [/NODE]
  3722. +[NODE]35
  3723. [STORY]
  3724. With the grave robbers gone, you put the graves back as they should be.
  3725. You feel the spirits of metal and stone favour you.
  3726. [/STORY]
  3727. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  3728. [OUT]Bow to the spirits in thanks.
  3729. [/NODE]
  3730. +[NODE]39
  3731. [STORY]
  3732. 'You talk and talk, but we ain't no talkers, so just leave us be or get your teeth smashed!'
  3733. [/STORY]
  3734. [OUT]Attack!
  3735. [OUT]Leave.
  3736. [/NODE]
  3737. +[NODE]42
  3738. [STORY]
  3739. You are badly beaten and forced to flee.
  3740. [/STORY]
  3741. [OUT]Leave.
  3742. [/NODE]
  3743. +[NODE]44
  3744. [STORY]
  3745. 'I guess there's lots of lootin' to do here. We go that way, you go there.'
  3746. [/STORY]
  3747. [OUT]Agree and loot your area.
  3748. [OUT]Agree and loot your area.
  3749. [/NODE]
  3750. +[NODE]48
  3751. [STORY]
  3752. 'All right, all right, mister dwarf, we'll go. Sorry...'
  3753. [/STORY]
  3754. [OUT]Allow them to leave. Remake the burial ground.
  3755. [/NODE]
  3756. +[NODE]60
  3757. [STORY]
  3758. You defeat the wraiths and your spirit is lifted by the deed.
  3759. [/STORY]
  3760. [OUT]Leave.
  3761. [/NODE]
  3762. [/EVENT]
  3763. -- [EVENT] --CemGoblinTrinketDiff4(33)
  3764. +[NODE]2
  3765. [STORY]
  3766. You see a strange trinket at one of the burial sites.
  3767. [/STORY]
  3768. [OUT][Goblin]Try to work out the right combination for this trinket.
  3769. [OUT]The trinket seems to hold a puzzle. Take a closer look.
  3770. [OUT]The trinket seems to hold a puzzle. Take a closer look.
  3771. [OUT][Orc]You don't have a clue what this is but try fiddling with it.
  3772. [OUT]You don't have a clue what this is but try fiddling with it.
  3773. [OUT]Whatever this is, try to pry it open.
  3774. [OUT]Just leave it be.
  3775. [/NODE]
  3776. +[NODE]3
  3777. [STORY]
  3778. The qizicons are an old goblin tradition dating back to the old country -- a fabled place of your kind's origin. A trinket master, or shaman as you now call them, will leave such an object as a sign of their legacy. This one doesn't look too complicated, but it may be booby-trapped.
  3779. [/STORY]
  3780. [OUT]Try to open it.
  3781. [OUT]No, it is too dangerous. Leave.
  3782. [/NODE]
  3783. +[NODE]6
  3784. [STORY]
  3785. The thing explodes when you hit it! You suffer some burns, but you may yet recover some goods.
  3786. [/STORY]
  3787. [OUT]Gather what is intact inside and leave.
  3788. [OUT]Gather what is intact inside and leave.
  3789. [/NODE]
  3790. +[NODE]18
  3791. [STORY]
  3792. You were so close, but you turn the wrong lever and the whole thing explodes in your hands!
  3793. [/STORY]
  3794. [OUT]Leave.
  3795. [/NODE]
  3796. +[NODE]19
  3797. [STORY]
  3798. You read of old goblin customs where shamans would leave objects behind to trick any grave looters. Or was it to pass on some of their legacy? In either case, whatever the object may hold, it is likely rigged against tampering.
  3799. [/STORY]
  3800. [OUT]Try to open it.
  3801. [OUT]Open it forcefully.
  3802. [OUT]Leave.
  3803. [/NODE]
  3804. +[NODE]23
  3805. [STORY]
  3806. You fail and a message in smoke puffs out:
  3807. 'Ha! Stupid orc.'
  3808. The contraption then explodes.
  3809. [/STORY]
  3810. [OUT]Leave.
  3811. [/NODE]
  3812. [/EVENT]
  3813. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery lootOrc(34)
  3814. +[NODE]2
  3815. [STORY]
  3816. The cemetery is quiet and empty. You see an unburied body on the ground clutching a stash of goods.
  3817. [/STORY]
  3818. [OUT]Grab the stash.
  3819. [OUT][Orc] Place the body on a pyre and call out to the warrior's soul to face its last battle in honour. Take the stash of goods after, the dead do not need it.
  3820. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3821. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3822. [/NODE]
  3823. +[NODE]5
  3824. [STORY]
  3825. As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel a foul force has touched you.
  3826. [/STORY]
  3827. [OUT]Leave.
  3828. [/NODE]
  3829. +[NODE]8
  3830. [STORY]
  3831. You try to bury the corpse, but clearly you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you!
  3832. [/STORY]
  3833. [OUT]Leave.
  3834. [/NODE]
  3835. [/EVENT]
  3836. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery loot Gob(35)
  3837. +[NODE]2
  3838. [STORY]
  3839. The cemetery is quiet and empty. You see an unburied body on the ground clutching a stash of goods.
  3840. [/STORY]
  3841. [OUT]Grab the stash.
  3842. [OUT][Shaman] Appease the spirit of the fallen, before taking their loot.
  3843. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3844. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3845. [/NODE]
  3846. +[NODE]5
  3847. [STORY]
  3848. As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel a foul force has touched you.
  3849. [/STORY]
  3850. [OUT]Leave.
  3851. [/NODE]
  3852. +[NODE]8
  3853. [STORY]
  3854. You try to bury the corpse, but clearly you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you!
  3855. [/STORY]
  3856. [OUT]Leave.
  3857. [/NODE]
  3858. [/EVENT]
  3859. -- [EVENT] --Hum Cem Diff1(36)
  3860. +[NODE]2
  3861. [STORY]
  3862. You discover the ruins of an ancient human cemetery, one where burial was clearly the custom. There are gravestones with faded markings and even some large stone crypts.
  3863. [/STORY]
  3864. [OUT]Search the place.
  3865. [OUT]Search the place.
  3866. [OUT]Search the place.
  3867. [OUT]Search the place.
  3868. [OUT]Search the place.
  3869. [OUT]Leave.
  3870. [/NODE]
  3871. +[NODE]4
  3872. [STORY]
  3873. You're ambushed by a scruffy scavenger:
  3874. 'Oi, you, this is mine, die!'
  3875. [/STORY]
  3876. [OUT]Defend yourself!
  3877. [/NODE]
  3878. +[NODE]7
  3879. [STORY]
  3880. You defeat your enemy and search the rest of this site in peace.
  3881. [/STORY]
  3882. [OUT]Leave.
  3883. [/NODE]
  3884. +[NODE]10
  3885. [STORY]
  3886. You're ambushed by a bog bies that has its lair here!
  3887. [/STORY]
  3888. [OUT]Defend yourself!
  3889. [/NODE]
  3890. +[NODE]14
  3891. [STORY]
  3892. The creatures beat you badly and you barely escape. Worse yet, this place was clearly toxic as you feel ill afterwards.
  3893. [/STORY]
  3894. [OUT]Leave.
  3895. [/NODE]
  3896. +[NODE]16
  3897. [STORY]
  3898. You're ambushed by a bog bies that has its lair here and worse yet, it attacks you with its spirit!
  3899. [/STORY]
  3900. [OUT]Defend yourself!
  3901. [/NODE]
  3902. +[NODE]19
  3903. [STORY]
  3904. You're ambushed by a lone befuddler, who seems very out of place here, yet angry and clearly determined to take it out on you!
  3905. [/STORY]
  3906. [OUT]Defend yourself!
  3907. [OUT]Try to reason with him!
  3908. [/NODE]
  3909. +[NODE]23
  3910. [STORY]
  3911. 'Oh, I am sorry. I was just... lost. Your beautiful visage snapped me out of this wretched trance. Thank you for calming me down. I must go search for my pond now. Here, a gift for your kind deed.'
  3912. [/STORY]
  3913. [OUT]Thank him and leave.
  3914. [/NODE]
  3915. [/EVENT]
  3916. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery loot Dw(37)
  3917. +[NODE]2
  3918. [STORY]
  3919. The cemetery is quiet and empty. You see an unburied body on the ground clutching a stash of goods.
  3920. [/STORY]
  3921. [OUT]Grab the stash.
  3922. [OUT][Dwarf] Covert he bones in stone so they may return to the earth.
  3923. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3924. [OUT]Take the stash and bury the corpse.
  3925. [/NODE]
  3926. +[NODE]5
  3927. [STORY]
  3928. As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel a foul force has touched you.
  3929. [/STORY]
  3930. [OUT]Leave.
  3931. [/NODE]
  3932. +[NODE]8
  3933. [STORY]
  3934. You try to bury the corpse, but clearly you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you!
  3935. [/STORY]
  3936. [OUT]Leave.
  3937. [/NODE]
  3938. [/EVENT]
  3939. -- [EVENT] --__Cemetery dwarf(38)
  3940. +[NODE]3
  3941. [STORY]
  3942. You discover a dwarven cemetery.
  3943. [/STORY]
  3944. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3945. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3946. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3947. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3948. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3949. [OUT]Have a closer look.
  3950. [/NODE]
  3951. [/EVENT]