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  3. <Entry Key="QUEST_RATS_NEST" Val="Nid de rats"/> <!-- Quest name example -->
  4. <Entry Key="QUEST_RATS_NEST_DES" Val="Votre grand-mère vous a demandé de nettoyer sa cave d'une poignée de rats."/> <!-- Quest description example -->
  5. <Entry Key="QUEST_RATS_NEST" Val="Nid de rats"/>
  6. <!-- Quest name example -->
  7. <Entry Key="QUEST_RATS_NEST_DES" Val="Votre grand-mère vous a demandé de nettoyer sa cave d'une poignée de rats."/>
  8. <!-- Quest description example -->
  9. <Entry Key="QUEST_MAINLOGBOOK1" Val="Porte-lumière"/>
  10. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SHATTERING1" Val="Une maison a été détruite par le Cataclysme."/>
  11. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SHATTERING1_DES" Val="La famille qui vivait ici a été emmenés par les porte-lumière et ils se comportent bizarrement depuis. Ces attaques de lumière sont de plus en plus fréquentes. Restez vigilant et enquêtez sur tout phénomène similaire dont vous pourriez entendre parler."/>
  12. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DREAM" Val="Les dieux rendent visites à vos rêves."/>
  13. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DREAM_DES" Val="Que vous le vouliez ou non, vous avez été marqués par les dieux, qui vous ont désignés comme leur Élu. Vous devrez, un jour ou l'autre, accomplir la grande tâche qu'ils auront choisis."/>
  14. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_STOLEN" Val="Des bandits vous ont volé vos biens."/>
  15. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_STOLEN_DES" Val="Vous avez retrouvé le repaire des bandits. Vous pouvez désormais vous venger et récupérer vos affaires."/>
  16. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_STOLEN2_DES" Val="Les salopards se sont enfuis avec vos affaires, mais avec un peu de chance, vous pourrez les rattraper."/>
  17. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_HAHALEK" Val="Un démon, un halalek, détenais vos affaires."/>
  18. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_HAHALEK_DES" Val="Le démon évoqua une lumière qui le blessait, sa maison qui n'était plus sûre, ce qui l'obligeait à travailler pour les bandits. Les porte-lumière perturbent clairement l'équilibre précaire de nos contrées."/>
  19. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_HAHALEK2_DES" Val="Vous avez tué ce satané démon, mais vous ne comprenez pas bien pourquoi un démon du foyer travaille pour les bandits. Les démons se comportent bizarrement ces derniers temps."/>
  20. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CMUCH" Val="Vous trouvez des marais étrangement calmes, dans lesquels ne se trouve qu'un seul crapaud avec une drôle de tête."/>
  21. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CMUCH_DES" Val="Le crapaud vous a demandé de l'emmener dans la hutte d'une sorcière proche d'ici. Il vous a indiqué le chemin. Si vous la cherchez, vous devriez la trouver."/>
  22. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CMUCH2_DES" Val="Vous avé tué l'étrange crapaud."/>
  23. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CMUCH3_DES" Val="Vous avez quitté ces marais."/>
  24. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA" Val="Vous avez trouvé la hutte de la sorcière, ainsi que la sorcière qui l'habite : une baba yaga. Elle a demandé à ce que vous lui donniez le crapaud."/>
  25. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA_DES" Val="Le crapaud ressemblait à un cmuch, mais était en fait un vodnik maudit. Le &quot;prince&quot; vous a remercié de l'avoir libéré. Il vous a parlé de démons, brûlés par la lumière provenant du sol. Certains en sont morts, d'autres en ont été transformés. Cette lumière emposoinne très certainement le pays."/>
  26. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA2_DES" Val="Vous avez échoué à lever la malédiction dont était atteint le cmuch. Cependant, la yaga a mentionné quelque chose au sujet de démons disparaissant après la survenue du Cataclysme durant lequel de la lumière était apparue. Certainement encore une histoire en lien avec les porte-lumière."/>
  27. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA3_DES" Val="Vous avez attaqué la baba yaga et n'avez donc pas obtenu beaucoup d'informations de sa part ou de celle du cmuch. Soyez attentifs à toute autre information en lien avec les porte-lumière."/>
  28. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA4_DES" Val="Vous avez laissé le cmuch à la yaga. Elle a alors mentionné quelque chose au sujet de démons disparaissant après la survenue du Cataclysme durant lequel de la lumière était apparue. Certainement encore une histoire en lien avec les porte-lumière."/>
  29. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BABA5_DES" Val="Vous avez attaqué le vodnik et n'avez donc pas obtenu beaucoup d'informations de sa part ou de celle de la yaga. Soyez attentifs à toute autre information en lien avec les porte-lumière."/>
  30. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_WISPS" Val="Vous avez été attaqués par des feux-follets."/>
  31. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_WISPS_DES" Val="Les feux follets finissent par s'enfuir en direction du soleil, puis disparaissent. Vous découvrez des cadavres carbonisés d'insectes en tout genre autour de vous et repérez également un petit groupe d'étranges créatures qui se déplacent ensemble, comme si elles essayaient de suivre les feux-follets. Ce fléau que représente le mal-lumière doit être arrêté coûte que coûte. Restez toujours sur le qui-vive pour découvrir de nouvelles informations."/>
  32. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_AMBUSH" Val="Les brigands qui vous ont dérobé vos bien un peu plus tôt vous tendent une embuscade."/>
  33. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_AMBUSH_DES" Val="Vous êtes venus à bout des brigands et avez pu récupérer vos biens. Les gredins ont évoqué une terre qui s'ouvre, engloutissant leurs maisons, et une lumière qui s'emparait de leurs compagnons. Les survivants n'avaient d'autre choix que de se tourner vers le banditisme. Ce fléau que représente le mal-lumière doit être arrêté coûte que coûte. Restez toujours sur le qui-vive pour découvrir de nouvelles informations."/>
  34. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_AMBUSH2_DES" Val="Les brigands vous ont vaincu, mais vous ont laissé fuir. Ils ont évoqué une terre qui s'ouvre, engloutissant leurs maisons, et une lumière qui s'emparait de leurs compagnons. Les survivants n'avaient d'autre choix que de se tourner vers le banditisme. Ce fléau que représente le mal-lumière doit être arrêté coûte que coûte. Restez toujours sur le qui-vive pour découvrir de nouvelles informations."/>
  35. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ALECHEMIST" Val="Vous avez fait la rencontre d'un homme étrange se faisant appeler l'Alchimiste."/>
  36. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ALECHEMIST2_DES" Val="Vous tuez l'homme et ramassez ce qui se trouve sur son étrange table. Parmi ses affaires, vous trouvez une carte qui indique un emplacement précis avec le commentaire qui suit : « Stupides bandits incapables de comprendre l'importance de la caverne. Je dois m'y rendre avant qu'il ne reste plus rien de notre monde ! »"/>
  37. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ALECHEMIST3_DES" Val="Vous avez échoué lors de votre tentative pour tuer l'Alchimiste. Il vous a cependant laissé vivre et vous a indiqué suivre la volonté des dieux, tout comme vous. Il vous a parlé d'une caverne rouge, dans laquelle pourrait bien se trouver la source du fléau que représentent les porte-lumière. Cependant, afin de rentrer dans cette cave, il vous faudra traiter avec les brigands de la Crête Rouge, qui ont installé leur campement à proximité de l'entrée de la caverne. Ce campement apparaît désormais sur votre carte."/>
  38. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ALECHEMIST_DES" Val="Il se trouve que l'Alchimiste suit, tout comme vous, la volonté des dieux. Il vous a parlé d'une caverne rouge, dans laquelle pourrait bien se trouver la source du fléau que représentent les porte-lumière. Cependant, afin de rentrer dans cette cave, il vous faudra traiter avec les brigands de la Crête Rouge, qui ont installé leur campement à proximité de l'entrée de la caverne. Ce campement apparaît désormais sur votre carte."/>
  39. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR" Val="Vous avez trouvé le repaire des brigands de la Crête Rouge."/>
  40. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR_DES" Val="Vous avez anéanti les brigands, l'entrée de la Caverne Rouge vous est désormais accessible. L'Alchimiste est d'accord pour vous y rencontrer dès que vous serez prêts."/>
  41. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR2_DES" Val="Vous avez essayé de tuer les brigands, mais ils vous ont vaincu. Il est donc peu probable que vous puissiez accéder à la caverne en passant par là. L'Alchimiste vous recommande d'aller à un campement de pillards à proximité, ils pourraient vous aider à battre les brigands."/>
  42. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR3_DES" Val="Les brigands sont d'accord pour vous laisser l'accès à la Caverne Rouge, mais à condition que vous vous débarrassiez d'un groupe de pillards qui les gênent, ou démon nuisible qui vit dans une vieille mine. Les deux endroits apparaissent désormais sur votre carte."/>
  43. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR4_DES" Val="Les brigands sont d'accord pour vous laisser l'accès à la Caverne Rouge, mais à condition que vous vous débarrassiez d'un groupe de pillards qui les gênent, ou d'une baba yaga qui vit dans une hutte à proximité. Les deux endroits apparaissent désormais sur votre carte."/>
  44. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR5_DES" Val="Vous vous faufilez discrètement dans le camp des brigands et parvenez à libérer le petit des pillards ainsi que plusieurs autres enfants. Assez étonnamment, ils semblent particulièrement réticents à l'idée d'être sauvés et font un raffut tel que vous devez courir à toute allure pour ne pas vous faire attraper par les bandits. Il est à présent peu probable que ces derniers se montrent encore conciliants à votre égard. Cependant, vous pouvez désormais retourner voir les pillards et leur indiquer la réussite de votre mission."/>
  45. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR6_DES" Val="Les brigands vous ont vendu le petit des pillards. Vous pouvez désormais retourner voir les pillards et leur indiquer la réussite de votre mission."/>
  46. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR7_DES" Val="Les brigands de la Crête Rouge vous ont donné l'accès à la Caverne Rouge, comme convenu. L'Alchimiste vous y rencontrera dès que vous serez prêts."/>
  47. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_BANDITLAIR8_DES" Val="Après vous être mis d'accord avec les pillards, vous avec tué les brigands. Pour accéder à la Caverne Rouge, retournez voir les pillards afin de leur rendre leur petit."/>
  48. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS" Val="Vous êtes arrivés au campement des pillards, qui sont en conflit avec les brigands de la Crête Rouge."/>
  49. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS_DES" Val="Vous vous êtes mis d'accord pour prétendre avoir tué les pillards, et ensuite soit d'empoisonner les brigands, soit de récupérer le petit des pillards. Retournez au campement des brigands de la Crête Rouge et mentez-leur."/>
  50. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS2_DES" Val="Vous n'avez pas réussi à convaincre les pillards de vous aider, et ils vous ont chassés. Vous pouvez toujours tenter de les tuer quand vous serez mieux préparé."/>
  51. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS3_DES" Val="Vous n'avez pas réussi à tuer les pillards, et ils vous ont chassés. Vous pouvez toujours tenter de les tuer quand vous serez mieux préparé."/>
  52. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS4_DES" Val="Vous avez tué les pillards. Il est maintenant temps d'aller voir les brigands et de leur indiquer le succès de votre mission. Vous pourrez alors accéder à la Caverne Rouge."/>
  53. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS5_DES" Val="Vous avez convaincu les pillards de s'en aller. Il est maintenant temps d'aller voir les brigands et de leur indiquer le succès de votre mission. Vous pourrez alors accéder à la Caverne Rouge."/>
  54. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS6_DES" Val="Les pillards n'ont pas l'intention de vous aider. Tuer les brigands semble être désormais le seul moyen d'accéder à la Caverne Rouge."/>
  55. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS7_DES" Val="Les pillards sont satisfaits de vos résultats. Ils vous permettent donc d'accéder à la Caverne Rouge. L'Alchimiste vous attendra à son entrée, dès que vous serez prêts."/>
  56. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_SCAVENGERS8_DES" Val="Vous voyez les restes du campement des pillards, qui a été détruit et n'est plus que ruines. Peut-être que les brigands ont finalement décidé de s'occuper du problème eux-mêmes."/>
  57. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA" Val="Vous avez trouvé la hutte de la sorcière que les brigands veulent voir détruite."/>
  58. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA_DES" Val="Vous avez échoué. La maison bouge dans tous les sens, et vous avez le sentiment qu'elle vous est désormais vraiment hostile. Vous pourrez l'attaquer plus tard, ou bien trouver un autre moyen d'entrer."/>
  59. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA2_DES" Val="Vous vous êtes occupés de la sorcière. Vous pouvez désormais retourner voir les brigands pour leur signifier la réussite de votre mission."/>
  60. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA3_DES" Val="La sorcière vous a convaincu de ne pas la tuer. Elle fera profil bas pour un temps. Vous pouvez essayer de mentir aux brigands et leur dire que vous l'avez tuée."/>
  61. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA4_DES" Val="Vous avez choisi de partir pour l'instant."/>
  62. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_YAGA5_DES" Val="La sorcière a été heureuse d'apprendre votre réussite et vous a souhaité bonne chance. Elle a quitté ces lieux avec sa hutte."/>
  63. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE" Val="Vous avez trouvé la mine hantée par des démons que les brigands veulent voir nettoyée."/>
  64. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE_DES" Val="Vous avez choisi de partir pour l'instant."/>
  65. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE2_DES" Val="Les démons ont été heureux d'apprendre votre réussite et vous ont souhaité bonne chance."/>
  66. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE3_DES" Val="Vous avez passé un accord avec les démons. Vous allez retourner voir les brigands, leur mentir en affirmant avoir tué les démons, puis les conjurer grâce à un mot magique. Ils vous aideront alors à vous débarrasser des brigands de la Crête Rouge."/>
  67. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE4_DES" Val="Les démons vous ont proposé un marché : ils vous aideront à tuer les brigands. Vous y réfléchissez."/>
  68. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE5_DES" Val="Les démons vous proposèrent de se dissimuler. Vous pourrez ainsi mentir aux brigands, en leur affirmant les avoir tués. Retournez à leur campement."/>
  69. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE6_DES" Val="Vous avez tué les démons, comme demandé. Vous pouvez désormais rapporter votre succès aux brigands."/>
  70. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE7_DES" Val="Les démons vous ont battus à plat de couture. Vous avez du fuir. Vous pouvez retenter votre chance, ou bien trouver un autre moyen d'entrer."/>
  71. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MINE8_DES" Val="Vous n'avez pas su vous occuper des démons. Vous pouvez retenter votre chance, ou bien trouver un autre moyen d'entrer."/>
  72. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_REDCAVE" Val="Vous arrivez à la Caverne Rouge, où l'Alchimiste vous attend."/>
  73. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_REDCAVE_DES" Val="Vous avez essayé, sans succès, de traverser la barrière. Il vous faudra revenir lorsque vous serez plus fort ou que vos capacités magique seront plus développées."/>
  74. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_REDCAVE2_DES" Val="You entered deeper into the cave, but it holds more mysteries and you need aid to unravel them. You can choose to rescue an old dwarf from a prison - a tough but straightforward path. Or you can look for aid from other factions, such as the orcs, goblins, dwarves, or elves. Seek any of their larger villages and make sure you are friendly before approaching them."/>
  75. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_PRISON" Val="You arrived at the dungeon where the dwarven prisoner is held."/>
  76. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_PRISON_DES" Val="You failed to rescue the dwarven grandmaster and were forced to leave. Try again, or perhaps look for other paths. The elves, dwarves, goblins, or orcs may have answers for you. Search for their villages."/>
  77. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_PRISON2_DES" Val="You rescued the grandmaster dwarf. Time to return to the Red Cave."/>
  78. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_PRISON3_DES" Val="You come to where the dwarven prisoner was supposed to be held, but you find the earth parted and only rubble where the entrance once was."/>
  79. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_REDCAVEONE" Val="You returned to the Red Cave after rescuing the grandmaster dwarf."/>
  80. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_REDCAVEONE_DES" Val="The Alchemist sent you to find a druid-tree and retrieve its blood so that a new heart may be forged and stabilise the earth."/>
  81. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE" Val="You find the druid-tree in an old grove."/>
  82. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE_DES" Val="The druid-tree agreed to sacrifice its life for your cause. You have the blood so you can return to the Red Cave."/>
  83. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE2_DES" Val="You were tasked with finding a dying druid-tree and ending its misery. This way you will also achieve your goal. Search for the forest where the tree is trapped."/>
  84. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE3_DES" Val="The druid-tree did not agree to aid you. You must either force it or try another path."/>
  85. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE4_DES" Val="You killed the druid-tree and got the blood. Time to return to the Red Cave."/>
  86. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DRUIDTREE5_DES" Val="La forêt est silencieuse et d'un calme ordinaire. Bien que vous marchiez et exploriez les bois pendant un long moment, vous ne parvenez pas à trouver l'arbre druidique où que ce soit."/>
  87. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKI" Val="You find the place where a dying druid-tree is supposed to be held or trapped."/>
  88. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKI_DES" Val="You failed to retrieve the druid-tree's blood. Try again later or try another path amongst the other factions."/>
  89. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKI2_DES" Val="You retrieved the blood of the druid-tree. Return to the Red Cave."/>
  90. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKI3_DES" Val="Il n'y a rien qui soit digne d'intérêt dans les environs."/>
  91. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CULT" Val="You were attacked by lightbringers who wanted to take the druid blood."/>
  92. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CULT_DES" Val="After the fight, you were approached by a group of hooded figures. You decided to move away and do not engage."/>
  93. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CULT2_DES" Val="You were told that they were the cult of Nyia and that they were the ones led astray and used to destroy the earth-heart that held the ground together. They recognise your mission and wish you well on your path."/>
  94. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_CULT3_DES" Val="You were defeated, and the cultists stole the druid blood! Try to track them down."/>
  95. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTBRINGERS" Val="You catch the lightbringers who took the druid blood and one of your people."/>
  96. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTBRINGERS_DES" Val="You retrieve the stolen blood, so you can now go back to the Red Cave."/>
  97. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTBRINGERS2_DES" Val="You decided not to approach for now."/>
  98. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTBRINGERS3_DES" Val="You were badly beaten and forced to flee. You must try again if you want to retrieve the druid blood."/>
  99. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DSTATUES" Val="You enter the ancient, underground chamber where four dwarven statues stand guard over the entrance to the heart-chamber."/>
  100. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DSTATUES_DES" Val="You defeated the guardians and they bid you to right their wrongs and restore balance. Go back to the Red Cave to complete the stone heart."/>
  101. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DSTATUES2_DES" Val="You were defeated by the guardians and they bid you to return when you are ready."/>
  102. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTZMEY" Val="You finally enter the heart chamber where the light-beast dwells and seeks to escape into the world."/>
  103. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTZMEY_DES" Val="You have defeated the light-zmey! It will take time for Thea to fully absorb the changes your decisions brought, but your task as chosen is done. For now..."/>
  104. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_LIGHTZMEY2_DES" Val="The light-zmey defeats you. Return when you are ready to face him again."/>
  105. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKINEC" Val="Vous repérez un groupe de mrokis. Vous pouvez peut-être essayer de récupérer leurs cœurs afin de les ramener au nécromancien."/>
  106. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKINEC_DES" Val="You defeated the mroki. You can now head to the Red Cave and meet the necromancer and find your way into the chamber where the light-beast awaits."/>
  107. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_MROKINEC2_DES" Val="The mroki defeated you, but perhaps you can track them down again."/>
  108. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATHBROKEN" Val="The elven mage confronted you and demanded you follow her path."/>
  109. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATHBROKEN_DES" Val="You agreed to follow her path and go straight to the zmey cave, and not back to the Alchemist."/>
  110. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATHBROKEN2_DES" Val="You decided you do not want to follow her path and defeated the elf in combat. Seek out another path to end the light-zmey."/>
  111. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATHBROKEN3_DES" Val="You decided you do not want to follow her path and tried to kill the mage. She defeated you but allowed you to live. Seek out another path to end the light-zmey."/>
  112. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ORCPATH" Val="You visited the alpha clans and asked for aid in defeating the light-beast."/>
  113. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ORCPATH_DES" Val="The orcs were unable to aid you in discovering more about the Red Cave, but they recommended you seek out an orc necromancer who is known to meddle in many mysteries."/>
  114. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_GOBPATH" Val="You visited the spirit talkers and asked for aid in defeating the light-beast."/>
  115. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_GOBPATH_DES" Val="The goblins were unable to aid you in discovering more about the Red Cave, but they recommended you seek out an orc necromancer who is known to meddle in many mysteries."/>
  116. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_NECROMANCER" Val="You visited the necromancer in his tower."/>
  117. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_NECROMANCER_DES" Val="He told you of his design to release the power of darkness, so it may destroy light. You agreed to follow his path. Hunt down some mroki, in the lands of darkness or the volcanic wastelands. Afterwards, meet the necromancer at the Red Cave to defeat the light-beast."/>
  118. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_NECROMANCER2_DES" Val="He told you of his design to release the power of darkness, so it may destroy light. You refused to follow his path, so you must now find another way."/>
  119. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DWARFPATH" Val="You sought the aid of the dwarves in the fight against the lightbringers."/>
  120. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DWARFPATH_DES" Val="The earthbound admitted their shame in failing their duty and allowing the destruction of the earth-heart. They will forge a new heart rune, but you need to seek out the dziad mroz. The ancient demon dwells in the ice plains."/>
  121. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DZIAD" Val="You found the dziad mroz in his domain of the ice plains."/>
  122. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DZIAD_DES" Val="The ancient demon agreed to hand over the ice drop that you need for the dwarves. You can now return to the cave to fight the light-beast."/>
  123. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DZIAD2_DES" Val="You killed the dziad mroz, so you now need to seek another way to deal with the light-beast."/>
  124. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_DZIAD3_DES" Val="You failed to obtain the ice heart from the dziad mroz, so you now need to seek another way to deal with the light-beast."/>
  125. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATH" Val="You approached the Woodlandkin in search of answers and aid with the lightbringer threat."/>
  126. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFPATH_DES" Val="A young elven druid, Nai-ysir, told you that the council is too slow to act. But she also said she knows of an elf mage that may be the cause of all this. Capturing her and bringing her before the council may secure their aid. Go seek out the rogue mage."/>
  127. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE" Val="You found the hideout of Ail'yleth, the rogue elven mage."/>
  128. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE_DES" Val="Ail'yleth tried to sway you to her side, claiming it is time for light to rule. You agreed to follow her path and seek out a hidden entrance into the heart chamber where the light-beast resides."/>
  129. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE2_DES" Val="Ail'yleth tried to sway you to her side, claiming it is time for light to rule. You did not agree, and instead you convinced her balance needs to be served. The mage will join you at the old prison and help rescue the dwarven grandmaster."/>
  130. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE3_DES" Val="Ail'yleth tried to sway you to her side, claiming it is time for light to rule. You refused to listen to her madness and captured her to be taken to back to the elves."/>
  131. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE4_DES" Val="Ail'yleth tried to sway you to her side, claiming it is time for light to rule. You refused to listen to her madness, but also failed to capture her. You must seek another way to destroy the light."/>
  132. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE5_DES" Val="You returned the elf mage to the council and they agreed to aid you in destroying the light-beast. An envoy will meet you back at the Red Cave."/>
  133. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFMAGE6_DES" Val="You returned the elf mage to the council, but they did not agree to aid you. Nai-ysir was angry and decided to join you, but you must now find another way to deal with the light."/>
  134. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFZMEY" Val="You found the entrance to the heart chamber just as Ail'yleth directed you."/>
  135. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFZMEY_DES" Val="The mage joins you and guides you to face some dwarven guardians."/>
  136. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFZMEY2_DES" Val="You have defeated the dwarven guardians and aided the light-zmey so that one day, light will rule Thea. For better or worse, you have completed your task."/>
  137. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFZMEY3_DES" Val="The dwarven guardians have defeated you. Return when you are better prepared."/>
  138. <Entry Key="QUEST_MQ_ELFZMEYCAVE" Val="You entered the heart chamber to face the dwarven guards and aid the light-zmey."/>
  139. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_START" Val="Theodore, a former house demon, now a divine messenger, visited you."/>
  140. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_START_DES" Val="He laid out some of the basic rules to survive in this world. His final words were: 'I may pop up now and again to tell you things, but for now, you must take your first steps into this hostile land. Remember to check for resources on the map for Gathering, set up camp for Craft and Cooking, and check your Inventory to make sure you are well equipped. Here have some wood, so you may heal when camping. My advice is to explore, learn the ropes, and only then decide if you wish to set up a settlement.'"/>
  141. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_VISIT2_DES" Val="Theodore praised you on your progress with the lightbringers and awarded you a second cosmic seed."/>
  142. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_TUTORIAL" Val="Theodore has once again visited you."/>
  143. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_TUTORIAL_DES" Val="The messenger asked you to find a Slavyan village where an ex-chosen needs to be taught a lesson. You should find the village on your map."/>
  144. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_FOODTASK" Val="Theodore showed up to give you some more advice."/>
  145. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_FOODTASK_DES" Val="You were tasked with gathering or cooking more food, since this is a crucial skill in surviving Thea. He also reminded you that the death of the chosen will mean the end for all."/>
  146. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_WITCH" Val="Theodore showed up again with yet another task."/>
  147. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_WITCH_DES" Val="He was happy with the food and he asked you to visit an old hut nearby."/>
  148. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_WITCHHOUSE" Val="Theodore showed up again after your meeting with the witch."/>
  149. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_WITCHHOUSE_DES" Val="He praised you for defeating the hag and said you will make a good chosen. He mentioned he will be back for a final, small task before you are ready for the big stuff."/>
  150. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_WITCHHOUSE2_DES" Val="He was worried you did not do well, but said you have time to get better. He mentioned he will be back for a final, small task before you are ready for the big stuff."/>
  151. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO" Val="Theodore"/>
  152. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_HERESY" Val="You found the village where Theodore sent you."/>
  153. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_HERESY_DES" Val="The villagers pointed you towards the location of Zbigniev, the fallen chosen, but all they could say was 'go that way'. You must search for him nearby."/>
  154. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_HERESY2_DES" Val="You destroyed the village and Theodore seems pleased with the firm message this sends to other nonbelievers. He said it is time for him to disappear. He told you to keep an eye out for the lightbringers, and that in time, you will find clues to your next task."/>
  155. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_HERESY3_DES" Val="You attacked the villagers but failed. You must return when you're better prepared."/>
  156. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_ZBIGNIEV" Val="You found Zbigniev, the fallen chosen who seemed very angry with the gods."/>
  157. <Entry Key="QUEST_THEO_ZBIGNIEV_DES" Val="You dealt with the heretic and Theodore appeared to speak to you. He said it is time for him to disappear. He told you to keep an eye out for the lightbringers, and that in time, you will find clues to your next task."/>
  158. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIVINELOGBOOK" Val="Divine path"/>
  159. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_CROW" Val="A crow visited you and spoke of your chosen path."/>
  160. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_CROW_DES" Val="The bird measured your worth as chosen so far and said that you must unlock your true potential if you are to truly aid the gods. You chose to follow one of your divine domains to discover more."/>
  161. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ALLPATHS1" Val="You came to the place where the crow sent you to unlock your true potential as chosen."/>
  162. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ALLPATHS_ONE_DES" Val="But you cannot proceed without the chosen being present."/>
  163. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_ONEA_DES" Val="The placed proved to be the fallen temple of Jarillo, a forgotten god. He spoke to you of Perun, the father of the pantheon, and he urged you to discover what become of the god of thunder, so that your own divine path may become clearer. You are to go to the ice lands, where you will find your next task."/>
  164. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_ONEB_DES" Val="The place proved to be one of the divine roots of the old goddess Mokosh. Some lightbringers were assaulting the root, and you had to deal with them. When you touched the root, you knew you must seek out another such place and discover the truth of Mokosh's fate so that your own divine path may become clearer. You are to go to the ancient forest; there you will find your next task."/>
  165. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_ONEC_DES" Val="You interrupted a sabbath of witches, loyal to the old god and father of human witchcraft, Veles. You must seek out the resting place of Veles and discover the truth of his fate so that your own divine path may become clearer. You are to go to the ancient forest; there you will find your next task."/>
  166. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOCMAROVIT_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. When you spoke to the zmey, he told you that you must now seek out and release your own god to complete your journey as chosen. Find Marovit's trail in the lands of darkness."/>
  167. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOCZORYA_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. When you spoke to the zmey, he told you that you must now seek out and release your own god to complete your journey as chosen. Find Zorya's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  168. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOCNYIA_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. When you spoke to the zmey, he told you that you must now seek out and release your own god to complete your journey as chosen. Find Nyia's trail in the lands of darkness or metal."/>
  169. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOCHORZ_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. When you spoke to the zmey, he told you that you must now seek out and release your own god to complete your journey as chosen. Find Horz's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  170. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOCLADA_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. When you spoke to the zmey, he told you that you must now seek out and release your own god to complete your journey as chosen. Find Lada's trail in the lands of the ancient forest or the ice plains."/>
  171. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOC_DES" Val="The place proved to be the resting place of the old god, Veles, and one of the gates to the underworlds guarded by a zmey. Alas, you were defeated in battle. Return when you are better prepared."/>
  172. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_ALLPATHS2" Val="You found the divine location where your chosen's path may continue."/>
  173. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_ONEB1_DES" Val="The place proved to be one of the divine roots of the old goddess Mokosh. Some lightbringers were assaulting the root and you were defeated by them. Return when you are ready for the challenge."/>
  174. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOA_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun but failed to release it. You must return when you are better prepared."/>
  175. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOAZORYA_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun and released it from the giant's grasp. The voice of the old god spoke to you and commanded you go seek out your own god's fate now, to complete your journey. Find Zorya's trail in the volcanic lands. "/>
  176. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOATRIGLAV_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun and released it from the giant's grasp. The voice of the old god spoke to you and commanded you go seek out your own god's fate now, to complete your journey. Find Triglav's trail in the volcanic lands. "/>
  177. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOASVAROG_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun and released it from the giant's grasp. The voice of the old god spoke to you and commanded you go seek out your own god's fate now, to complete your journey. Find Svarog's trail in the lands of metal. "/>
  178. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOASTRIBOG_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun and released it from the giant's grasp. The voice of the old god spoke to you and commanded you go seek out your own god's fate now, to complete your journey. Find Stribog's trail while sailing the seas."/>
  179. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOB_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree but failed to interact with it properly. You must return when you are better prepared."/>
  180. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOB1_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree but decided to attack its keeper and destroy it. The divine path is now closed to you."/>
  181. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBDZIEVANNA_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Dzievanna's trail in the lands of the ancient forest."/>
  182. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBHORZ_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and you offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Horz's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  183. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBTRIGLAV_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Triglav's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  184. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBNYIA_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Nyia's trail in the lands of darkness or metal."/>
  185. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBLADA_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Lada's trail in the lands of the ancient forest or the ice plains."/>
  186. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBSTRIBOG_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek out your own god now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Stribog's trail while sailing the seas."/>
  187. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_MAROVIT" Val="You followed the divine path and found Marovit's avatar."/>
  188. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ALLGODS_DES" Val="You have completed your divine path of the chosen. As reward, your children will now have a chance to grow stronger, in accordance to the domain you chose."/>
  189. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ALLGODSs_DES" Val="You have completed your divine path of the chosen. As reward, your children will now have a chance to grow up into unusual creatures, blessed by your god."/>
  190. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_SVAROG" Val="You have followed the divine path and found Svarog's avatar."/>
  191. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_LADA_DES" Val="You were violent and disrespectful to your Lady's path. She deemed you unworthy. Your divine path has ended, and you can only hope you will redeem yourself in Her eyes one day."/>
  192. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_LADA" Val="You followed the divine path and found Lada's avatar."/>
  193. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_DZIEVANNA" Val="You followed the divine path and found Dzievanna's avatar."/>
  194. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_DZIEVANNA_DES" Val="You destroyed nature's children for no reason and thus disrespected your goddess. She deemed you unworthy. Your divine path has ended, and you can only hope you will redeem yourself in Her eyes one day."/>
  195. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_HORZ" Val="You followed the divine path and found Horz's avatar."/>
  196. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_HORZ_DES" Val="You attacked the night children and lost, showing only weakness. You are not the pack leader Horz hoped for and this is where your chosen's path ended. You can only hope you will show your worth through all your actions from now on..."/>
  197. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_STRIBOG" Val="You followed the divine path and found Stribog's avatar."/>
  198. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_TRIGLAV" Val="You followed the divine path and found Triglav's avatar."/>
  199. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ZORYA" Val="You followed the divine path and found Zorya's avatar."/>
  200. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_ZORYA_DES" Val="You failed to unchain the essence of your goddess. You still feel your connection to Zorya and know she is not gone, but you also know you have failed your final task and will not receive any last blessings."/>
  201. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_NYIA" Val="You followed the divine path and found Nyia's avatar."/>
  202. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_NYIA_DES" Val=" You know that you failed your goddess and you will have to prove your worth with the gifts you already received on this journey."/>
  203. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG1" Val="The Smith's Legacy"/>
  204. <Entry Key="QUEST_SMITH" Val="You notice an interesting building nearby."/>
  205. <Entry Key="QUEST_SMITH_DES" Val="The place is secluded, but there is smoke coming out and the sounds of a smithy."/>
  206. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN" Val="You found the forge of Bohdan, the dwarf."/>
  207. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN_DES" Val="Bohdan asked you to track down his two wayward granddaughters who have run away. He is too old to do it himself and promises a good reward. There are two possible spots on your map where the girls could be."/>
  208. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN2_DES" Val="You killed Bohdan and his troll, and you loot the place."/>
  209. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN3_DES" Val="You attacked Bohdan, but he and his troll friend beat you badly and chased you away."/>
  210. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN4_DES" Val="You brought the bad news to Bohdan and he was not happy with you. He told you to leave before he sends his troll friend after you."/>
  211. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDAN5_DES" Val="You dealt with Bohdan's unruly granddaughters and he was very grateful."/>
  212. <Entry Key="QUEST_POND" Val="You found the pond where Bohdan's granddaughters may be."/>
  213. <Entry Key="QUEST_POND_DES" Val="You found the girls and made sure they went back to Bohdan. Go back to the smithy for your reward."/>
  214. <Entry Key="QUEST_POND2_DES" Val="There were some rusalka trying to entrance you, but no sign of the girls. Check the other location."/>
  215. <Entry Key="QUEST_POND4_DES" Val="There were some rusalka trying to entrance you."/>
  216. <Entry Key="QUEST_POND3_DES" Val="You found the girls and supported their decision to stay and become rusalka by drowning some children. Return to the smithy to tell Bohdan of his granddaughters' decision."/>
  217. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDANCAVE" Val="You found the cave where Bohdan's granddaughters might be."/>
  218. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDANCAVE_DES" Val="You managed to get the girls out before angry trolls killed them. Go back to Bohdan for your reward."/>
  219. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDANCAVE2_DES" Val="You managed to get one of the girls out before angry trolls killed them both. Go back to Bohdan for your reward."/>
  220. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDANCAVE3_DES" Val="You found the cave, but no sign of the girls. Check the second location."/>
  221. <Entry Key="QUEST_BOHDANCAVE4_DES" Val="You found the cave, but no sign of the girls as you already dealt with them."/>
  222. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG2" Val="Kurv Game"/>
  223. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO" Val="You were visited by a skshack, Leopold."/>
  224. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_DES" Val="The house demon begged for your help or he may be forced to steal from you again. He asked you to gain entrance into a demon game and win it for him. To do so, you must search for one of his demon friends first and gain their help."/>
  225. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO2_DES" Val="You killed Leopold; he should bother you no more."/>
  226. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO3_DES" Val="You tried to kill it, but you failed. The very surprised house demon escaped."/>
  227. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCH" Val="A hochlick came to you offering a deal."/>
  228. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCH_DES" Val="The hochlick wanted you to kill Leopold the next time he appears. In exchange it will offer a reward. You agreed."/>
  229. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCH2_DES" Val="The hochlick wanted you to kill Leopold the next time he appears. In exchange it will offer a reward. You declined."/>
  230. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCH3_DES" Val="The hochlick wanted you to kill Leopold the next time he appears. In exchange it will offer a reward. You killed the hochlick."/>
  231. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_KILL_DES" Val="You killed Leopold and got your reward from the hochlick."/>
  232. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_KILL2_DES" Val="You failed to kill Leopold. He asked you to play the demon game for him anyway and ran off. If you visited the dola or cmuch, you will soon find the entrance to the game."/>
  233. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_KILL3_DES" Val="You did not kill Leopold like the hochlick asked, so you still need to play the demon game. If you visited the dola or cmuch, you will soon find the entrance to the game. "/>
  234. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCH4_DES" Val="You agreed to sell Leopold into servitude after you win the demon game. In exchange, the hochlick will offer a reward. You must now seek out the game. If you visited the dola or cmuch, you will soon find the entrance to the game. "/>
  235. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCHEND" Val="The hochlick, Frix, came to you after the game."/>
  236. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_HOCHEND_DES" Val="You were rewarded for your service."/>
  237. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEOEND" Val="Leopold visited you after the Kurv Game fiasco."/>
  238. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEOEND_DES" Val="He said the game was suspended because the demons were shaken by your violent outburst. He left you a thank you gift before moving on."/>
  239. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME" Val="You entered the Kurv Game."/>
  240. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME_DES" Val="You killed all the demons, but Leopold seemed very ungrateful and simply ran off saying 'humans are bloody'. Still, no more thieving from him."/>
  241. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME2_DES" Val="You tried to kill the demons but failed badly. You're not sure what happens now."/>
  242. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME3_DES" Val="You won the game and asked for Leopold's freedom. No more thievery and one happy skshack."/>
  243. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME4_DES" Val="You won the game but condemned Leopold to servitude. After all, the little bastard stole from you."/>
  244. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME5_DES" Val="You lost the game and so condemned Leopold to further servitude. But it seems you will no longer be bothered by the game, so there's that..."/>
  245. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_CMUCH" Val="You found the swamp where Leopold's cmuch friend lives."/>
  246. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_CMUCH_DES" Val="The demon agreed to help, so you must now wait until a doorway into the game appears to you."/>
  247. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_CMUCH2_DES" Val="You killed the cmuch, so not much chance for its help now.... Perhaps Leopold will appear again and offer another option."/>
  248. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_DOLA" Val="You found the house where Leopold's dola friend lives."/>
  249. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_DOLA_DES" Val="You failed to get the dola's help. Perhaps Leopold will appear again and offer another option."/>
  250. <Entry Key="QUEST_LEO_GAME6_DES" Val="You trusted a demon to aid you, but it tricked you instead and had Leopold condemned to servitude. But the skshack did exclude you from the game, at least."/>
  251. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG3" Val="Alpha clans"/>
  252. <Entry Key="QUEST_ALPHACLANS" Val="You have discovered the main settlement of the alpha clans."/>
  253. <Entry Key="QUEST_ALPHACLANS_DES" Val="The orcs are traditionally a nomadic clan-based society, ruled by clan matriarchs. The alpha matriarch oversees all the clans, and she holds power in the settled orc villages. Orcs despise cowardice, so think twice before you choose to surrender in their presence.\n\nOrcs will not typically trade for bone or leather since they usually have those materials in abundance. When you become friends, you may be able to recruit an orc via the fighting pits. To gain friendship, you can try doing tasks for the alphas when they are available. "/>
  254. <Entry Key="QUEST_ALPHACLANSARMY" Val="You have come across an alpha clans band. This may mean their settlement lies nearby."/>
  255. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG4" Val="Slaviens"/>
  256. <Entry Key="QUEST_SLAYVANS" Val="You discovered the main settlement of the Slavyans."/>
  257. <Entry Key="QUEST_SLAVYANS_DES" Val="The Slavyans are the largest, most stable community of humans who worship the Cosmic Tree Pantheon. Some of your own folk likely came from a Slavyan village before they were thrown into the path of the chosen and forced to forge their own path. Slavyans accept all trade goods, and once friendly, you will be able to recruit up to two humans from the tavern."/>
  258. <Entry Key="QUEST_SLAVYANARMY" Val="You have come across a Slavyan group. This may mean their settlement lies nearby."/>
  259. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG5" Val="Scavengers."/>
  260. <Entry Key="QUEST_SCAVENGERS" Val="You have discovered the main settlement of the scavengers."/>
  261. <Entry Key="QUEST_SCAVENGERS_DES" Val="They are the second largest human community, but they are not followers of the pantheon. As the story goes, scavengers were folk who displeased the gods and thus never received their protection during the days of Darkness. They became wilder, often ridden with disease and madness. These days they form more organised societies and are known for slave trade across the land. You may be able to acquire some slaves from them, or even sell your own people."/>
  262. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG6" Val="The Glass King"/>
  263. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSK" Val="You found the ruins of an old city, covered in ice so clear that it almost looks like glass."/>
  264. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSK_DES" Val="The glass king asked you to help him break a curse by retrieving his beautiful face from a creature that now wears it. The location was marked on your map."/>
  265. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSK1_DES" Val="But you were not interested in helping him and left."/>
  266. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSK2_DES" Val="You killed the glass king."/>
  267. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSK3_DES" Val="You were defeated by the glass king and chased away from his land."/>
  268. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH_DES" Val="Within, there was a demon-child with the face attached to its body. You convinced the glass king to confront the demon child you found, as you suspect it is his own son. The king listened and asked you to come back to him for your reward."/>
  269. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH" Val="You found the place where the glass king sent you for his face."/>
  270. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH1_DES" Val="Within, there was a demon-child with the face attached to its body. You failed to convince the glass king to confront this child, his own son, and the king decided not to give you any reward. You left the place."/>
  271. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH2_DES" Val="Within, there was a demon-child with the face attached to its body. You killed the child, and yet the curse remained so the king did not offer any reward."/>
  272. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH3_DES" Val="You were defeated and get no reward."/>
  273. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKCH4_DES" Val="You killed the demon-child and carried its body back to the glass king. But upon seeing the body the king wept and exclaimed this was his son. The city turned black and you had to flee."/>
  274. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKSPWN" Val="You return to the ruins of an old city, covered in ice so clear that it almost looks like glass."/>
  275. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKSPWN_DES" Val="The king asked you to stab him through his heart, so that his son may be released from the curse at last. You agreed."/>
  276. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_GLASSKSPWN2_DES" Val="The king asked you to stab him through his heart, so that his son may be released from the curse at last. You declined and left the place."/>
  277. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG7" Val="Fli Catapult"/>
  278. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI" Val="You found the construction site of the Fli Catapult."/>
  279. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI_DES" Val="One of the goblin developers works around the clock, so the others asked you to get a special brew or potion for him."/>
  280. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI2_DES" Val="A group of devoted goblin developers are constructing a complex machine called the Fli Catapult. You were not interested in helping out, so you left."/>
  281. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI3_DES" Val="A group of devoted goblin developers are constructing a complex machine called the Fli Catapult. You stole some of their stuff and ran away with it."/>
  282. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI4_DES" Val="A group of devoted goblin developers are constructing a complex machine called the Fli Catapult. You were not friendly and so you were made to leave."/>
  283. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLI5_DES" Val="A group of devoted goblin developers are constructing a complex machine called the Fli Catapult. You killed them and looted the site."/>
  284. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLISPWNTWO" Val="One of the Fli Catapult goblins approached you."/>
  285. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLISPWNTWO_DES" Val="Avix told you the others have moved to a new secret location. She thanked you for the potions and left a reward."/>
  286. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLISPWNONE" Val="You find the cave where you were told to look for a shaman who can give you a potion for the goblin, Khax."/>
  287. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLISPWNONE_DES" Val="You paid the price the shaman asked for and he promised to deliver the potions to the goblins. Look for the Fli Catapult again to get your reward."/>
  288. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_FLISPWNONE2_DES" Val="You decided the price was too high and abandoned the task."/>
  289. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG8" Val="Vanero"/>
  290. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO" Val="Vanero, the spider silk and robe trader, offered his wares to you."/>
  291. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_DES" Val="He left after you concluded your business."/>
  292. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO2_DES" Val="You killed him and looted his wares."/>
  293. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO3_DES" Val="You tried to kill him, but you were defeated and had to pay for your attack."/>
  294. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_SP" Val="You met a young girl, Suri."/>
  295. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_SP_DES" Val="She asked you to avenge her family and you agreed to help her. She said she will lead you to the murderers."/>
  296. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_SP2_DES" Val="She asked you to avenge her family, but it turned out you already killed the murderers - they were the robe traders. Suri gave you a reward and left."/>
  297. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_SP3_DES" Val="She asked you to avenge her family, but you were not interested and left."/>
  298. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO" Val="Led by Suri, you tracked down her family's murderers and it turned out it was Vanero, the trader."/>
  299. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO_DES" Val="You killed Vanero and Suri was very grateful you took her side despite her beast nature."/>
  300. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO2_DES" Val="You killed Suri and Vanero was grateful you stood with humans."/>
  301. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO3_DES" Val="You decided this was none of your business and left."/>
  302. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO4_DES" Val="You convinced the two sides to talk and find common ground. They were grateful for your insight and managed a dialogue."/>
  303. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_VANERO_TWO5_DES" Val="You fought and lost. You were forced to flee, so you never found out how the conflict ended."/>
  304. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG9" Val="Father's choice"/>
  305. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS" Val="You came across a small hamlet where a father was about to kill his cursed daughter."/>
  306. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS_DES" Val="But you decided to leave."/>
  307. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS2_DES" Val="You killed the villagers and you decided to take on the cursed girl yourself, claiming you could handle it. Zloslava is now your problem, or blessing, depending on how fate will see it."/>
  308. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS3_DES" Val="You killed the villagers and you decided to leave the girl behind."/>
  309. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS4_DES" Val="You tried to kill the villagers but failed and had to run away."/>
  310. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS5_DES" Val="You assisted the father in cleansing the curse. He was very grateful to you that his daughter is now free, even if she is not alive."/>
  311. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS6_DES" Val="You allowed the father to kill the cursed child and the villagers were grateful you did not interfere."/>
  312. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_ZLOS7_DES" Val="You tried to cleanse the curse from the child, but you failed to do it properly and so the child became a wraith."/>
  313. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG10" Val="Sea Heaven"/>
  314. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA" Val="You came across a shipwreck with a female floating atop a raft, clutching a golden treasure chest. She called out for help."/>
  315. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA_DES" Val="But you decided to ignore her."/>
  316. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA2_DES" Val="But a kraken devoured her, and you did not pursue."/>
  317. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA3_DES" Val="She told you about the treasure chest and how it must be taken to her home, or else her people will suffer. But a kraken devoured her. You decided to try to track the beast to see if you can help and you think you can find where it went once you land on the shore."/>
  318. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA4_DES" Val="But a kraken devoured her, and you could not pursue."/>
  319. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE" Val="You found the kraken that kidnapped a girl at sea."/>
  320. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE_DES" Val="You spotted the kraken's hideout in a cave nearby."/>
  321. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE2_DES" Val="You stole the chest from the kraken while it was busy devouring the girl, and you were able to recover some loot."/>
  322. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE3_DES" Val="You stole the chest from the kraken while it was busy devouring the girl, and you decided to carry it back to her home as she begged you to do. The location should become visible to you as you get closer."/>
  323. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE4_DES" Val="You killed the kraken and rescued the girl, but she was weak and said she could only be healed in her home. You decided to carry her and the chest back to this home as she begged you to do. The location should become visible to you as you get closer."/>
  324. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE5_DES" Val="You killed the kraken and rescued the girl, but she was weak and said she could only be healed in her home. But you decided to abandon her and take the chest."/>
  325. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEASHORE6_DES" Val="The kraken beat you and chased you away. You were not able to find the cave again."/>
  326. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEA_DES" Val="But you decided to ignore her."/>
  327. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEAHEAVENEND" Val="You found the refuge of the water demons."/>
  328. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_SEAHEAVENEND_DES" Val="They were happy you honoured their friend's request, and so you gained their friendship."/>
  329. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG11" Val="Koshei"/>
  330. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEI" Val="Someone stalked your camp at night."/>
  331. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEI_DES" Val="One of your magic users is gone! Try to search for the kidnapper."/>
  332. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEITASK" Val="You found the tower of Koshei, where he took your wise one."/>
  333. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEITASK_DES" Val="It turned out Koshei is an immortal being. He needs a witch's life essence for his rituals and so he was not willing to give up his prey. You must search for help if you hope to rescue your friend."/>
  334. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCH" Val="You found a witch who knows Koshei."/>
  335. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCH_DES" Val="She proved to be the man's ex, and she agreed to tell you of a way to kill the immortal. You must search for a chest where he locked his life away."/>
  336. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCH2_DES" Val="She proved to be the man's ex, but she was not willing to hurt him. Instead, she told you of another witch you can capture and exchange for your friend. She marked the location of the rival witch on your map."/>
  337. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCH3_DES" Val="You tried to capture the witch to exchange for your friend, but that only angered Koshei. All chance of reclaiming your lost one is gone."/>
  338. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIGROVE" Val="You found the grove where you sought the aid of the divine against Koshei."/>
  339. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIGROVE_DES" Val="The gods were clearly angry with the ancient mage's defiance and thus they gave you the power to smite him. Go look for his tower again."/>
  340. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIGROVE2_DES" Val="The gods were clearly angry with the ancient mage's defiance, but you failed their test and thus not only felt the displeasure of the divine, but also lost your friend for good."/>
  341. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCHTWO" Val="You tracked down the witch whom you must capture and exchange for your kidnapped friend."/>
  342. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCHTWO_DES" Val="The witch proved to be honourable and good and she agreed to lay down her life for that of your friend. You accepted her sacrifice."/>
  343. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCHTWO2_DES" Val="The witch proved to be honourable and good and she agreed to lay down her life for that of your friend. You declined her sacrifice and accepted the fate of your friend."/>
  344. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEIWITCHTWO3_DES" Val="You captured her and must now find Koshei again."/>
  345. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEITREE" Val="You found the tree where Koshei's life was hidden."/>
  346. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_KOSHEITREE_DES" Val="You unlocked the chest and destroyed what was within, thus ending the unnatural life of Koshei and rescuing your friend."/>
  347. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG12" Val="The bunny man."/>
  348. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMAN" Val="You came across an odd fella in distress. His name is Tobiasz."/>
  349. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMAN_DES" Val="He begged you to find his lost bunny and you agreed."/>
  350. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMAN2_DES" Val="He begged you to find his lost bunny, but you killed the crazy man instead."/>
  351. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMAN3_DES" Val="He begged you to find his lost bunny, but you decided to just leave."/>
  352. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANONE" Val="You tracked the bunny's possible location."/>
  353. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANONE_DES" Val="You discovered a pack of wolves, desperate for you to take the bunny away. They said it is a cursed creature and those who try catching it die. You eventually managed to get the little bugger. Better go find the bunny man."/>
  354. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANONE2_DES" Val="You discovered a pack of wolves, desperate for you to take the bunny away. They said it is a cursed creature and those who try catching it die. They were right! The little shit kept hurting you, so you gave up and abandoned the quest."/>
  355. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANONE3_DES" Val="You discovered a pack of wolves, desperate for you to take the bunny away. They said it is a cursed creature and those who try catching it die. They were right! The little shit kept hurting you, so you killed it."/>
  356. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO" Val="You tracked the bunny's possible location."/>
  357. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO_DES" Val="The bunny was long dead and used as ornament for some rusalkas who served an old man. You freed the rusalkas. They gave you a bunny goat instead, so you can find the bunny man and try to trick him."/>
  358. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO2_DES" Val="The bunny was long dead and used as ornament for some rusalkas who served an old man. The man, Huffmir, sold you a bunny goat, and swore it is just like a bunny. Find the bunny man and try to trick him."/>
  359. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO3_DES" Val="You failed to retrieve a bunny."/>
  360. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO4_DES" Val="You returned the bunny to Tobiasz."/>
  361. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTHREE_DES" Val="And you found a group of knights trying to get past the bunny to get into a cave. It was not easy, but you got the furry critter and can go look for the bunny man and his reward now."/>
  362. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTHREE2_DES" Val="And you found a group of knights trying to get past the bunny to get into a cave. You failed to retrieve the bunny."/>
  363. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANLAST" Val="You found the bunny man again."/>
  364. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO5_DES" Val="You returned the bunny-goat to Tobiasz and he accepted it."/>
  365. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BUNNYMANTWO6_DES" Val="You returned the bunny-goat to Tobiasz but he did not buy it and left."/>
  366. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG13" Val="Dwarf baker"/>
  367. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER" Val="You found a house of a dwarf baker."/>
  368. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven. He asked you to bring him a lump of stone he thinks the spirit came from, so that it may be destroyed. You agreed."/>
  369. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER2_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven. You dealt with the spirit for him."/>
  370. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER3_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven. You tried banishing the spirit but failed, and so you had to leave quickly before the dwarf took his anger out on you."/>
  371. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER4_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven. You dealt with the spirit, but your ritual destroyed the oven, so you had to leave quickly."/>
  372. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER5_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven, but you decided to side with the spirit and attacked the dwarf. You killed him and left."/>
  373. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER6_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven, but you decided to side with the spirit and attacked the dwarf. You killed him and agreed to help the spirit by taking it back to its original dwelling. The ghost marked it on your map."/>
  374. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER7_DES" Val="The baker was having some trouble with a nasty spirit haunting his oven, but you decided to side with the spirit and attacked the dwarf. He beat you and you had to run."/>
  375. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKER8_DES" Val="You dealt with the spirit by returning the stone it was bound to and the dwarf was very grateful to you."/>
  376. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKERSPWNONE" Val="You find the small quarry where the dwarf baker sent you."/>
  377. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKERSPWNONE_DES" Val="You discovered the stone that is linked with the spirit haunting the dwarven baker's oven. Time to return it to him."/>
  378. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKERSPWNTWO" Val="You find the small quarry where the ghost sent you."/>
  379. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKERSPWNTWO_DES" Val="You reunite the spirit with the stone it was originally bound to."/>
  380. <Entry Key="QUEST_KS_BAKERSPWNTWO2_DES" Val="You fail to uncover the stone that originally held the spirit and the ghost perishes."/>
  381. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG14" Val="Goldfish"/>
  382. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISH" Val="You found a goldfish."/>
  383. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISH_DES" Val="You helped her, and she told you of a location for hidden treasure in some old castle ruins."/>
  384. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISH2_DES" Val="You helped her, and she told you about a location of hidden treasure in some old castle ruins. She tipped you that a way to avoid trouble is to sing a lullaby if you encounter a child ghost on your way."/>
  385. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISH3_DES" Val="The fish was dying, and in return for saving her you demanded a reward from her sister. The sister agreed and threw in a location of some treasure."/>
  386. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNONE" Val="You found the castle ruins."/>
  387. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNONE_DES" Val="And explored its depths as much as possible."/>
  388. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNONE3_DES" Val="But all you found are some angry ghosts. You did uncover another treasure trail, so maybe you will have more luck there."/>
  389. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNONE4_DES" Val="But all you found are some angry ghosts."/>
  390. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNTWO" Val="You found the remains of some old village, where you were supposed to find a treasure."/>
  391. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNTWO_DES" Val="It was a dormant place of power and you were able to unravel its mysteries."/>
  392. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC_GOLDFISHSPWNTWO2_DES" Val="It was a dormant place of power and you were not able to unravel its mysteries."/>
  393. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG15" Val="Goblin killer"/>
  394. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL" Val="You came across some goblins who asked you for help, since they were being chased by a goblin killer."/>
  395. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL_DES" Val="You realised they were not truthful. When confronted, they told you they murdered people in the man's village. You left them to their fate."/>
  396. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL2_DES" Val="You agreed to track down the man who is chasing them."/>
  397. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL3_DES" Val="You realised they were not truthful. When confronted, they told you they murdered people in the man's village. Reluctantly, you still agreed to search for the man and try to help them."/>
  398. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL4_DES" Val="You did not want to get involved."/>
  399. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILL5_DES" Val="You killed the goblins and left."/>
  400. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE" Val="Your paths crossed with the goblin killer."/>
  401. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE_DES" Val="You chose to avoid confrontation and left."/>
  402. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE2_DES" Val="You killed the notorious brute and many goblins sent you gifts in thanks."/>
  403. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE3_DES" Val="He and his band were adamant all goblins must die. Since you were not their prey, they left to track down their target."/>
  404. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE4_DES" Val="You tried to kill them, but you were beaten instead."/>
  405. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE5_DES" Val="You convinced the goblin killer not to pursue the goblins."/>
  406. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE6_DES" Val="You were forced to run away."/>
  407. <Entry Key="QUEST_MISC3_GOBKILLSPWNONE7_DES" Val="You helped them to track down the goblins and they were grateful."/>
  408. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG16" Val="Helping Slavyans"/>
  409. <Entry Key="QUEST_H_SLAVYANS" Val="You asked if you could help with any tasks in the Slavyan village."/>
  410. <Entry Key="QUEST_H_SLAVYANS_DES" Val="The Slavyans sent you to deal with some trouble. Take care of the task. "/>
  411. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG17" Val="Helping Scavengers"/>
  412. <Entry Key="QUEST_H_SCAVENGERS" Val="You asked if you could help with any tasks in the scavenger village."/>
  413. <Entry Key="QUEST_H_SCAVENGERS_DES" Val="The scavengers sent you to deal with some trouble. Take care of the task. "/>
  414. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOGVOLH" Val="Volh Curse"/>
  415. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG_RATCURSE" Val="Rat Curse"/>
  416. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE" Val="You discovered and aided the witch who once cursed you to a life as vermin."/>
  417. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_DES" Val="She sent you to find a way to undo the curse."/>
  418. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_ELF" Val="You found the elf who could undo your rat curse."/>
  419. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_ELF_DES" Val="You attacked them and forced them to help, but they turned you into a snake instead."/>
  420. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_ELF_DES2" Val="You attacked them and forced them to help. They did so and died from exhaustion."/>
  421. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_ELF_DES3" Val="They agreed to help you and undid the curse."/>
  422. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV" Val="You heard some commotion nearby."/>
  423. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_DES" Val="It sounded like a fight, perhaps it is worth checking out."/>
  424. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_ONE" Val="You found a village assailed by the unliving."/>
  425. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_ONE_DES" Val="You destroyed the unliving, and you were told they were brought to unlife by Ivan, a boy from their village with a gift of the mystical. They told you the boy is likely to do more damage and he's escaped to the lands of darkness. You get the sense time may be of essence if you wish to help the child."/>
  426. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_ONE_DES1" Val="Vous êtes battus à plate couture et devez fuir."/>
  427. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_ONE_DES2" Val="You decided it is none of your business after all."/>
  428. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_TWO" Val="You arrived in the lands of darkness."/>
  429. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_TWO_DES" Val="There were rumours of a person calling up the unliving, it may be the boy, Ivan."/>
  430. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE" Val="You found Ivan in the clutches of darkness, with his teacher dead at his feet and the boy himself stuck in the greyworld."/>
  431. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE_DES" Val="You managed to rescue the boy from the greyworld. There may be some of his minions still running lose, but the boy will not meddle in necromancy anymore."/>
  432. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE_DES2" Val="You managed to stop the darkness and any more unliving fiends, but the boy did not survive."/>
  433. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE_DES3" Val="You failed to kill, or aid the boy, whatever darkness he fell into, he is free to spread it now..."/>
  434. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE_DES4" Val="You decided this is none of your business."/>
  435. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE_DES5" Val="You killed the boy and stopped his darkness from spreading."/>
  436. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE2" Val="You found Ivan grown and changed, standing amongst the corpses of his many victims."/>
  437. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE2_DES" Val="He has defeated you and left you drained of spirit, but at least he does not kill you."/>
  438. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE2_DES2" Val="You defeat him and stop his minions from killing more people."/>
  439. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE2_DES3" Val="You intimidated Ivan into submission and told him he will serve you and the gods now to repent. He agreed and joined you."/>
  440. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_THREE2_DES4" Val="You failed to reason with Ivan and was forced to run for your lives."/>
  441. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG_CARAVAN" Val="Village visitors."/>
  442. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN" Val="A caravan visited your village."/>
  443. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN_DES" Val="You let them stay, so they shared their food and stories and left you a map to a treasure."/>
  444. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN_DES2" Val="You killed them, but found a map to a treasure too."/>
  445. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN_DES3" Val="You killed them."/>
  446. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN_DES4" Val="You asked to move on."/>
  447. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN2" Val="You found the site from the treasure map."/>
  448. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_CARAVAN2_DES" Val="You took what you could and left."/>
  449. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_RATS" Val="You found the rat's nest that the witch sent you to destroy."/>
  450. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_RATS_DES" Val="But it turned out they were cursed by her, just like you. They begged for mercy and so you let them live."/>
  451. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_RATS_DES2" Val="You killed them and your curse was lifted."/>
  452. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_RATS_DES3" Val="You killed them but failed to lift the curse."/>
  453. <Entry Key="QUEST_VOLH_RATCURSE_RATS_DES4" Val="You attacked them, but they won and took your blood instead."/>
  454. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_MAD" Val="Ivan and his unliving minions attack your village!"/>
  455. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_MAD_DES" Val="You managed to finally defeat him"/>
  456. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_MAD_DES2" Val="He defeated you."/>
  457. <Entry Key="QUEST_V_DARKV_MAD_DES3" Val="You paid a blood price and they left, for now... Perhaps you should try to seek him out before he returns."/>
  458. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG_HALOWEEN" Val="The Bear Village"/>
  459. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW" Val="You arrived at Bear Village"/>
  460. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES" Val="You were invited to take part in festivities and visit sites around the village."/>
  461. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES1" Val="Some pets were killed in odd circumstances, perhaps you can ask around to see if anyone knows more."/>
  462. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES2" Val="Some folk went missing in the night, Tomislav asked you to look for them if you can."/>
  463. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES3" Val="Bogslava admitted that she and Gurtek the beastmaster plotted to kill the pets and mess with people, so that the Halloween is ruined. Go tell the boss or confront the beastmaster."/>
  464. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES4" Val="Bogslava claims Gurtek, the beastmaster, can't control his dogs and so he made these killings look odd to protect his pups. Go tell the boss or confront the beastmaster."/>
  465. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_HUT" Val="You visited Bogslava's hut."/>
  466. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES5" Val="You agreed to go sort out some trouble Bogslava is having with caravans driving by her hut all the time."/>
  467. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_CAR" Val="You found the caravan bothering Bogslava."/>
  468. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_CAR_DES1" Val="But you left them for now."/>
  469. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_CAR_DES2" Val="You dealt with the matter; you can report back to the wise woman now."/>
  470. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_CAR_DES3" Val="You failed to deal with them, Bogslava will have to endure. Best not mention it to her gain."/>
  471. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES" Val="Gurtek admitted him and Bogslava plotted to get rid of Halloween. He said the missing folk are safely hiding in the woodcutters lodge. Go to the lodge and see if he told the truth."/>
  472. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN" Val="You visited Gurtek's kennels."/>
  473. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES1" Val="Gurtek admitted him and Bogslava plotted to get rid of Halloween. He said the missing folk are safely hiding in the woodcutters lodge. But you said you will not interfere. Go see how it all unfolds in the village."/>
  474. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE" Val="You found the forefather spirits possessing the wooden sculptures."/>
  475. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES" Val="You decided the forefathers have the right to judge Bear Village as they see fit so you left them to it."/>
  476. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES1" Val="You were defeated by the forefathers and forced to flee. Remember you have limited time to try and kill them. "/>
  477. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES2" Val="You backed away for now, hoping you can return and deal with the forefathers before they enact their revenge on Bear Village. You do not know how much time you have, but they will not wait here forever..."/>
  478. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES3" Val="You defeated the forefathers, and hope this will be the end of it, although you sense that some of their spirit may yet linger over Bear Village. Report back to Tomislav."/>
  479. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES4" Val="You defeated the forefathers once and for all. They applauded your strength of spirit and promised to leave the village alone."/>
  480. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES5" Val="You convinced the forefathers that a smaller blood price will soothe their thirst for revenge. They will take only part of the village."/>
  481. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES6" Val="You convinced the forefathers that a smaller blood price will soothe their thirst for revenge and so you sacrificed one of your own to save the villagers."/>
  482. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_WOOD" Val="You found the woodcutters lodge."/>
  483. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_WOOD_DES" Val="When you arrived, you found bloodied sculptures and nothing else."/>
  484. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_HUT_DES" Val="Bogslava is gone, she killed herself to avoid the forefather's judgement."/>
  485. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES2" Val="The kennels were destroyed, but you found a group of villagers with Gurtek, they escaped the massacre thanks to Bael and Zeb who died fighting off the forefathers."/>
  486. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES3" Val="The kennels were destroyed, Gurtek was nowhere to be seen, but this likely means he was taken by the forefathers."/>
  487. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_DES6" Val="Bear Village is no more, there is only blood and silence left."/>
  488. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES4" Val="Gurtek believes angry forefather spirits are going to do something very bad if the villagers continue this Halloween celebration. You did sense some bad spirit energy, but it was too strong for you to investigate more. Best speak to Tomislav about this."/>
  489. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES5" Val="Gurtek believes Fredrick, the foreigner is responsible for the trouble in the village, but Gurtek's dogs remain prime suspects too. Best speak to Tomislav about this."/>
  490. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR" Val="You were attacked by a wooden bear statue bearing an axe!"/>
  491. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR1" Val="You tried to defeat the wooden bear statue again."/>
  492. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR_DES" Val="You were defeated, and Tomislav pleaded with you to try again when you can. [You have 200 turns to defeat the bear and whatever may come after it.] "/>
  493. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR_DES1" Val="You escaped but Tomislav has asked you to try and defeat this creature, for the sake of Bear Village. [You have 200 turns to defeat the bear and whatever may come after it.]"/>
  494. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR_DES2" Val="You defeated the wooden bear and both you and Tomislav hope this will help the village for now. However, the bear was possessed by the spirits of the forefathers and so you may want to seek them out to see if this is truly over. Beware, you have limited time to investigate this. [200 turns]"/>
  495. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR_DES3" Val="You defeated the wooden bear and both you and Tomislav hope this will help the village for now. Tomislav asked you to try and seek out the forefathers to see if this is truly over, but you decided this is none of your business."/>
  496. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_BEAR_DES4" Val="You were defeated, perhaps try again when you can. [You have 200 turns to defeat the bear and whatever may come after it.] "/>
  497. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOWINV" Val="You were invited to visit Bear Village"/>
  498. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOWINV_DES" Val="The location was marked on your map."/>
  499. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_KEN_DES6" Val="You discovered the spirits of the forefathers are indeed very angry with Bear Village and you fear they may have bloody intentions. Best go tell Tomislav about this."/>
  500. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_TOM_DES" Val="You spoke to Tomislav and he asked you to investigate the woodcutters lodge."/>
  501. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_TOM_DES1" Val="You spoke to Tomislav about the angry forefathers and he begged you to go see if you can appease them in any way. They should be found by the big oak tree nearby."/>
  502. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_TOM_DES2" Val="You spoke to Tomislav about the angry forefathers and decided this is none of your business, you left."/>
  503. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_HUT_DES1" Val="You completed the caravan task for Bogslava and she was very grateful."/>
  504. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_FORE_DES7" Val="The forefather sculptures stand still, silent. Their eyes are hallow but there are blood stains on the wood too."/>
  505. <Entry Key="QUEST_HALLOW_WOOD_DES1" Val="You found the lodge and within it, a bloody massacre. Dark forces seem to be at work here, best speak to Tomislav back at the village again. "/>
  506. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG18" Val="Vavel Dragon"/>
  507. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVELINV" Val="A dragon threatens your village."/>
  508. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVELINV_DES" Val="Some of your folk have been hurt already, but you got information on a man that could help you rid of the beast."/>
  509. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL1" Val="You found a cobbler, named Needler."/>
  510. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL1_DES" Val="He claims he can defeat the dragon, but needs some supplies first. He also demands a virgin princess as his reward... You agreed to get him the supplies and speak of rewards later."/>
  511. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL1_DES2" Val="He claims he can defeat the dragon, but needs some supplies first. He also demands a virgin princess as his reward... You left."/>
  512. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL2" Val="You found Needler again and the dragon too."/>
  513. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL2_DES" Val="You gave Needler the supplies and managed to trick the dragon. The beast died."/>
  514. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL2_DES2" Val="You decided to just kill the dragon. Needler was not pleased."/>
  515. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL2_DES3" Val="You tried to get rid of the dragon, but failed. The beast ate one of you and flew away."/>
  516. <Entry Key="QUEST_VAVEL2_DES4" Val="You left."/>
  517. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG19" Val="King Arathor"/>
  518. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH" Val="You met King Arathor."/>
  519. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH_DES" Val="He asked you to retrieve a sword from a stone and you did it. He gave you a treasure map."/>
  520. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH_DES2" Val="He asked you to retrieve a sword from a stone, you did it, but then took the sword for yourself."/>
  521. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH_DES3" Val="He asked you to retrieve a sword from a stone, killed him."/>
  522. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH_DES4" Val="You left."/>
  523. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATH_DES5" Val="He asked you to retrieve a sword from a stone, you failed to do it."/>
  524. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCAVE" Val="You found the place from Arathor's treasure map."/>
  525. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCAVE_DES" Val="The way forward was blocked by a troll. You left."/>
  526. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCAVE_DES2" Val="The way forward was blocked by a troll. You managed to pass the bridge. You can now find the treasure."/>
  527. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCAVE_DES3" Val="The way forward was blocked by a troll. You failed to cross."/>
  528. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHLADY" Val="You found the final place from Arathor's treasure map."/>
  529. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHLADY_DES" Val="And you received your reward as promised."/>
  530. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCHEST_DES" Val="You found the treasure you were searching for."/>
  531. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCHEST_DES2" Val="You left."/>
  532. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARATHCHEST_DES3" Val="There was no treasure."/>
  533. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOGGOSK" Val="Gosk's Might"/>
  534. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT" Val="You found a piece of an old pirate treasure map called Gosk's Might."/>
  535. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT_DES" Val="The map directs you to go to some old ruins."/>
  536. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT2" Val="You found the ruins mentioned on the treasure map."/>
  537. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT2_DES" Val="You discovered a hidden chamber and managed to open it and get your next clue. It seems you need to confront more pirates to find the three remaining captains who have the map pieces. Look out for news of pirate activity on land, or set sail to search the seas."/>
  538. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT2_DES2" Val="You discovered a hidden chamber, but you were unable to open it."/>
  539. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKMIGHT2_DES3" Val="You discovered a hidden chamber, but you left before opening it."/>
  540. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV" Val="You faced the descendant of one of the captains, Nemoslav."/>
  541. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV_DES" Val="You were unable to beat Nemoslav Jr. or convince him to give up his map piece. You need to return to his camp when you are ready."/>
  542. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV_DES2" Val="You obtained the second map piece. Time to set sail and seek out more pirates!"/>
  543. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV_DES3" Val="You obtained the third map piece. Time to set sail and seek out Captain Kastytis, who holds your final piece."/>
  544. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV_DES4" Val="You left."/>
  545. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAV_DES5" Val="You gained another map piece."/>
  546. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAVINV" Val="You received a note."/>
  547. <Entry Key="QUEST_NEMOSLAVINV_DES" Val="A Slavyan settlement calls for aid against pirates. Maybe one of the pirates has the map piece you are searching for."/>
  548. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC" Val="You found Eric, the pirate captain who holds another map piece."/>
  549. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES" Val="He told you he has been cursed to unlife for ages and wishes to be free of it. He asked you to face his once-beloved, as it is she who cursed him. You agreed to help, so you need to find her hideout."/>
  550. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES2" Val="He told you he has been cursed to unlife for ages and wishes to be free of it. He asked you to face his once-beloved, as it is she who cursed him. You were able to help him and break the curse. He gave you the map piece. You now have two. Perhaps you should search the occupied towns for the third one."/>
  551. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES3" Val="He told you he has been cursed to unlife for ages and wishes to be free of it. He asked you to face his once-beloved, as it is she who cursed him. You were able to help him and break the curse. He gave you the map piece. You now have three. Kastytis should now find you as long as you are at sea."/>
  552. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES4" Val="You attacked and killed him. You now have two map pieces. Perhaps you should search the occupied towns for the third one."/>
  553. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES5" Val="You attacked and killed him. You now have three map pieces. Kastytis should now find you as long as you are at sea."/>
  554. <Entry Key="QUEST_ERIC_DES6" Val="You failed to obtain the map piece, or you decided to run for now. But you know the location of his ship if you wish to return."/>
  555. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARIEL" Val="You found the jurata who cursed Eric."/>
  556. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARIEL_DES" Val="You dealt with Ariel, and Eric gave you his map piece. You now have two. Perhaps you should search the occupied towns for the third one."/>
  557. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARIEL_DES2" Val="You dealt with Ariel, and Eric gave you his map piece. You now have three. Kastytis should now find you as long as you are at sea."/>
  558. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARIEL_DES5" Val="You failed to deal with her."/>
  559. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARIEL_DES6" Val="You left for now."/>
  560. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV" Val="You received a note from Kastytis."/>
  561. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV_DES" Val="He gave you the coordinates of his ship."/>
  562. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYS" Val="You found Kastytis on his ship."/>
  563. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYS_DES" Val="He said that he will give you the last piece of the map so you can find the key to the treasure. But he needs you to break a seal for him first. You agreed. The location of the seal will become clear to you when you return to land."/>
  564. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYS_DES2" Val="You killed him and retrieved the final map piece. It now leads you to the location of a key that is needed to unlock the treasure."/>
  565. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYS_DES3" Val="You left for now."/>
  566. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYS_DES4" Val="You failed to defeat or convince Kastytis and were forced to leave."/>
  567. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT1" Val="You stepped on land, and suddenly you knew where to look for the seal that Kastytis asked you to break."/>
  568. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT1_DES" Val="Time to find the place."/>
  569. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT2" Val="You found a place of great power -- ancient, even. It is where the seal lies."/>
  570. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT2_DES" Val="You broke the seal. Now you can return to the sea and receive your reward from Kastytis."/>
  571. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT2_DES2" Val="You decided not to break the seal. You must go back to sea and deal with Kastytis if you wish to get your map piece."/>
  572. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEALPT2_DES3" Val="You left it alone for now."/>
  573. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV2" Val="Kastytis and his crew approached you as soon as you set sail."/>
  574. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV2_DES" Val="He gave you the final piece of the map. You now have the coordinates to the last part: the key."/>
  575. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV2_DES2" Val="He was not happy that you failed to break the seal. You attacked and killed him. You now have all the map pieces and the coordinates to the final part: the key."/>
  576. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV2_DES3" Val="He was not happy that you failed to break the seal. You attacked him but failed to defeat him."/>
  577. <Entry Key="QUEST_KASTITYSINV2_DES4" Val="He was not happy that you failed to break the seal. You ran away from him."/>
  578. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT" Val="You found the underwater kingdom of Jurasmat, the mother of the jurata."/>
  579. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT_DES" Val="You killed her and claimed the key to Gosk's Might. You now have the location of the treasure."/>
  580. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT_DES2" Val="You convinced Jurasmat to give you the key willingly. You now have the location of the treasure."/>
  581. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT_DES3" Val="You got the key from Jurasmat. You now have the location of the treasure."/>
  582. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT_DES4" Val="You failed to get the key."/>
  583. <Entry Key="QUEST_JURASMAT_DES5" Val="You left."/>
  584. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSK" Val="You found the location from the treasure map. It is an underwater chamber where a strange creature stands watch."/>
  585. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSK_DES" Val="You opened one of the great doors and claimed your treasure. However, you also released Gosk from his prison, and he vowed to sink all of Thea so he will be the only god.(You have 200 turns to stop him)" />
  586. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSK_DES2" Val="The creature, Gosk, was an old god, banished to imprisonment. You refused to release him and instead gave up your treasure. In doing so, you saved Thea from doom."/>
  587. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSK_DES3" Val="You tried to open the door to the treasure, but failed."/>
  588. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSK_DES4" Val="You decided to return later."/>
  589. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL" Val="You approached Gosk, the old god of the seas."/>
  590. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL_DES" Val="You defeated Gosk and thus saved Thea from certain doom."/>
  591. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL_DES2" Val="You failed to defeat Gosk, and your time is running out..."/>
  592. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL_DES3" Val="You were not ready to face him and left."/>
  593. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL_DES4" Val="You were not able to enter without your chosen."/>
  594. <Entry Key="QUEST_GOSKFINAL_DES5" Val="You failed to save Thea. The lands will flood and all land life will perish..."/>
  595. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOGOCCUPSLAV" Val="Pirate Occupation -- Slavyans"/>
  596. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV" Val="You found pirates occupying the Slavyan town!"/>
  597. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES" Val="You defeated them and freed the people."/>
  598. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES2" Val="You were asked to do a task and you agreed. There is a group of orcs roaming nearby that you must catch as slaves."/>
  599. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES3" Val="You left."/>
  600. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES4" Val="You were defeated and forced to flee."/>
  601. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES5" Val="You dealt with the situation and the pirates left as promised."/>
  602. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES6" Val="You decided to abandon the task and deal with the pirates another way."/>
  603. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAV_DES7" Val="You attacked them but lost."/>
  604. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAVORC" Val="You found the orcs you need to capture."/>
  605. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAVORC_DES" Val="You captured an orc child and handed them over to the pirates as agreed, so they left the Slavyan village."/>
  606. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSLAVORC_DES2" Val="You captured an orc child but chose to keep the young one for yourself."/>
  607. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPGOB" Val="Pirate Occupation -- Spirit Talkers"/>
  608. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSPIRIT" Val="You found pirates occupying the goblin town!"/>
  609. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSPIRIT_DES" Val="You were asked to do a task and you agreed. There is a cave entrance nearby where the goblins are hiding, and you must break their defences for the pirates."/>
  610. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSPIRIT2" Val="You found the spirit talkers' cave."/>
  611. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSPIRIT2_DES" Val="You completed your task as agreed, so the pirates left the spirit talker village. The goblins, however, did not see it as an act of friendship."/>
  612. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSPIRIT2_DES2" Val="You sided with the goblins instead and freed them from the pirates."/>
  613. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOGOCCUPORC" Val="Pirate Occupation -- Scavengers"/>
  614. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSCAV" Val="You found pirates occupying the scavenger village!"/>
  615. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSCAV_DES" Val="You were asked to do a task and you agreed. There is a grove nearby where pineconettes were spotted, and you are to capture some."/>
  616. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSCAV2" Val="You found the pineconettes."/>
  617. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSCAV2_DES" Val="You completed your task and the pirates left."/>
  618. <Entry Key="QUEST_OCCUPSCAV2_DES2" Val="You failed to complete your task and must deal with the pirates another way."/>
  619. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG20" Val="King Szuvarek"/>
  620. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKINV" Val="You were asked to search for Szuvarek, the vodnik king."/>
  621. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKINV_DES" Val="You are to set sail and try to discover where he is held."/>
  622. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKINV_DES2" Val="You refused the task."/>
  623. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK" Val="You found the pirate hideout where Szuvarek is held."/>
  624. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES" Val="Once you set sail, the location where he is held became clear to you."/>
  625. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES2" Val="You dealt with the pirates and rescued Szuvarek."/>
  626. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES3" Val="You found the hideout but failed to rescue Szuvarek."/>
  627. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES4" Val="You made a deal with the pirates, and the water demons think you did all you could."/>
  628. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES5" Val="You found the hideout but decided to abandon the quest."/>
  629. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREK_DES6" Val="You found the hideout and struck a deal with the pirates. You agreed to find a rival ship and steal a treasure in exchange for Szuvarek."/>
  630. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKTASK" Val="You found the rival pirate ship that carries the treasure you must obtain."/>
  631. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKTASK_DES" Val="You got the treasure, and the pirates free Szuvarek."/>
  632. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKTASK_DES2" Val="You failed to retrieve the treasure or rescue Szuvarek."/>
  633. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKTASK_DES3" Val="You left."/>
  634. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKEND" Val="The water demons approached you as soon as you set foot on land."/>
  635. <Entry Key="QUEST_SZUVAREKEND_DES" Val="They took their king away and thanked you for your aid."/>
  636. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOAMOKOSH_DES" Val="You found the rod of Perun and released it from the giant's grasp. The voice of the old god spoke and commanded you to seek your own god's fate now to complete your journey. Find Mokosh's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  637. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_PATH_TWOBMOKOSH_DES" Val="You found another root of a Mokosh tree and offered appropriate tribute so that its divine power blessed you. Through the leshy, the earth-mother urged you to seek her essence now and thus end your journey as chosen. Find Mokosh's trail in the volcanic lands."/>
  638. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_MOKOSH" Val="You followed the divine path and found Mokosh's avatar."/>
  639. <Entry Key="QUEST_DIV_MOKOSH_DES" Val="You were too weak to defeat an enemy you attacked, and thus you disrespected your goddess. She deemed you unworthy. Your divine path has ended, and you can only hope that you will redeem yourself in her eyes one day."/>
  640. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG21" Val="Blue Green Love"/>
  641. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE1" Val="You met an orc matriarch who is searching for her daughter."/>
  642. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2" Val="You met a blue orc pirate who is running away from his ex-lover."/>
  643. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE1_DES" Val="She asked for your help to take back her child from her ex, a pirate."/>
  644. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2_DES" Val="He asked for your help in getting rid of his ex, an orc who wants to kill their son for having magic."/>
  645. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE1_DES1" Val="You decided to decline and leave."/>
  646. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2_DES2" Val="He asked for your help in getting rid of his orc ex, but you killed him instead. The mother turned up and demanded her children, so you gave them to her."/>
  647. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2_DES3" Val="He asked for your help in getting rid of his orc ex, but you killed him instead. The mother turned up and demanded her children, but you convinced her to leave the boy with you."/>
  648. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2_DES4" Val="He asked for your help in getting rid of his orc ex, but you killed him instead. The mother turned up, and you killed her too."/>
  649. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE2_DES5" Val="He asked for your help in getting rid of his orc ex, but you killed him instead. The mother turned up and you attacked her, but she beat you and forced you to flee."/>
  650. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE3" Val="You found the pirate hideout."/>
  651. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE3_DES" Val="You left."/>
  652. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE3_DES2" Val="You completed your task."/>
  653. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE3_DES3" Val="You failed."/>
  654. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE4" Val="You found the orc matriarch."/>
  655. <Entry Key="QUEST_BLUE4_DES2" Val="You decided to keep out of it."/>
  656. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG22" Val="Spirit Talkers"/>
  657. <Entry Key="QUEST_SPIRITTALKERS" Val="You discovered the main settlement of the spirit talkers."/>
  658. <Entry Key="QUEST_SPIRITTALKERS_DES" Val="The spirit talkers owe their name to the innate goblin affinity for the so-called greyworld, the realm of the spirits. Goblin shamans can cross into the other world in spirit and even physically. The spirit talkers often worship the cosmic pantheon alongside their own beliefs."/>
  659. <Entry Key="QUEST_SPIRITTALKERSARM" Val="You came across a spirit talker group. That may mean their settlement lies nearby."/>
  660. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG23" Val="Woodlandkin"/>
  661. <Entry Key="QUEST_WOODLAND" Val="You discovered the main settlement of the Woodlandkin."/>
  662. <Entry Key="QUEST_WOODLAND_DES" Val="The Woodlandkin formed from the elves who survived the days of Darkness. After the Shattering, these elves found the lands that were once their ancient forests and claimed them as their territory."/>
  663. <Entry Key="QUEST_WOODLANDARM" Val="You came across a Woodlandkin group. That may mean their settlement lies nearby."/>
  664. <Entry Key="QUEST_LOG24" Val="Earthbound"/>
  665. <Entry Key="QUEST_EARTHBOUND" Val="You discovered the main settlement of the earthbound."/>
  666. <Entry Key="QUEST_EARTHBOUND_DES" Val="The earthbound named their surface settlement to remind themselves of their bond to the earth and their desire to one day return to their true kingdoms under the surface. They are a proud and honourable people, although they prefer to remain isolated if possible."/>
  667. <Entry Key="QUEST_EARTHBOUNDARM" Val="You came across an earthbound group. That may mean their settlement lies nearby."/>
  668. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA" Val="The Arena"/>
  669. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENAINV" Val="You were invited to participate in the Arena."/>
  670. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENAINV_DES" Val="And you were given the coorinates to find the place."/>
  671. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA1" Val="You found the arena."/>
  672. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA1_DES" Val="The rules state that to win, you must complete five fights without leaving. You fought, but lost. You can try again if you are willing."/>
  673. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA1_DES2" Val="The rules state that to win, you must complete five fights without leaving. You fought and won. You were given coordinates for the second arena."/>
  674. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA1_DES3" Val="The rules state that to win, you must complete five fights without leaving. You left for now."/>
  675. <Entry Key="QUEST_ARENA2_DES" Val="The rules state that to win, you must complete five fights without leaving. You fought and won. You are now a true, grand champion of the arena!"/>
  676. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA" Val="The Sea Mirrors"/>
  677. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENAINV" Val="You were invited to test your skill in a magical arena called the Sea Mirror."/>
  678. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENAINV_DES" Val="The invitation promises a challenge beyond that you have faced thus far."/>
  679. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA1" Val="You found one of the Sea Mirrors."/>
  680. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA1_DES" Val="You defeated the enemies within. There may be more Mirrors to find on the sea."/>
  681. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA1_DES2" Val="You failed to defeat the enemies."/>
  682. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA1_DES3" Val="You left."/>
  683. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA2" Val="Theodore came to see you."/>
  684. <Entry Key="QUEST_SEAARENA2_DES" Val="He congratulated you on your victory and deemed you a grand champion of the gods."/>
  685. <Entry Key="QUEST_CHIEFTAIN" Val="Old Chieftain"/>
  686. <Entry Key="QUEST_CHIEFTAINQ" Val="An elderly goblin chieftain approached you."/>
  687. <Entry Key="QUEST_CHIEFTAINQ_DES" Val="He decided to pass on his spirit to one of you, if you prove worthy. You have proven yourself."/>
  688. <Entry Key="QUEST_CHIEFTAINQ_DES2" Val="He decided to pass on his spirit to one of you, if you prove worthy and pay him. You have not proven yourself yet. He will await your return."/>