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  1. -- [EVENT] --Borowy(12)
  2. +[NODE]2
  3. [STORY]
  4. You accidentally step onto a bee's nest and as you try to run you see a cave you could run into.
  5. [/STORY]
  6. [OUT]Enter the cave.
  7. [OUT]Brave the bees.
  8. [OUT]Brave the bees.
  9. [/NODE]
  10. +[NODE]3
  11. [STORY]
  12. You take cover in the cave, but you soon realise you are not alone, there is wounded bear trapped by some rocks. It looks at you pleadingly.
  13. [/STORY]
  14. [OUT]Kill it.
  15. [OUT][Forest demon] This is no bear, this is a borowy, one of the leshy guardians of the forests. Try to rescue him.
  16. [OUT][Animal kinship] Examine this bear.
  17. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  18. [/NODE]
  19. +[NODE]5
  20. [STORY]
  21. You try to push through and outrun the bees, but you get stung a bit before you make it.
  22. [/STORY]
  23. [OUT]Partir.
  24. [/NODE]
  25. +[NODE]7
  26. [STORY]
  27. The cave doesn't hold much, some moss, old bones and shrooms.
  28. [/STORY]
  29. [OUT]Leave once the bees are gone.
  30. [/NODE]
  31. +[NODE]11
  32. [STORY]
  33. This is no bear, this is a borowy, one of the leshy guardians of the forests that is known to sometimes take on the form of a bear.
  34. [/STORY]
  35. [OUT]Try to rescue him.
  36. [OUT]Kill it.
  37. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  38. [/NODE]
  39. +[NODE]15
  40. [STORY]
  41. The bear was protected by some pineconettes, but you kill them too, without trouble.When you walk through the forests later, you feel a chill down your spine.
  42. [/STORY]
  43. [OUT]Leave once the bees are gone.
  44. [/NODE]
  45. +[NODE]18
  46. [STORY]
  47. You lift the stones and the bear lifts its head and speaks:'I thank you. This cave is soon to collapse, so I feared I would die in here before my flock could come rescue me. Be well, friend, and my forest be home to you.'He slowly hobbles away.
  48. [/STORY]
  49. [OUT]Partir.
  50. [OUT]Partir.
  51. [OUT]Ask him what he is, clearly not just a bear?
  52. [/NODE]
  53. +[NODE]19
  54. [STORY]
  55. This cave was very unstable, you tried to move the stones, but the whole thing collapsed and you barely got out.
  56. [/STORY]
  57. [OUT]Partir.
  58. [/NODE]
  59. +[NODE]21
  60. [STORY]
  61. A young bear appears not long after, and it is obediently following you. Must be a reward from the rescued creature.
  62. [/STORY]
  63. [OUT]Take the bear and leave.
  64. [/NODE]
  65. +[NODE]35
  66. [STORY]
  67. This is no ordinary bear, it is some kind of demon. Weather good, or bad, you do not know.
  68. [/STORY]
  69. [OUT]Try to rescue him.
  70. [OUT]Kill it.
  71. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  72. [/NODE]
  73. +[NODE]37
  74. [STORY]
  75. He stops and turns to you to answer:'Just a bear? We are the beast of creatures. Still, I am many things, bear being but one. Borowy some call me, in these lands, you likely know us as leshy, albeit technically they are cousins of ours.Now I must go, my forest awaits.'
  76. [/STORY]
  77. [OUT]Wish him well and leave.
  78. [OUT]Wish him well and leave.
  79. [/NODE]
  80. [/EVENT]
  81. -- [EVENT] --Cave3(11)
  82. +[NODE]2
  83. [STORY]
  84. Vous remarquez devant vous quelque chose qui attire votre attention.
  85. [/STORY]
  86. [OUT]Explorer.
  87. [OUT]Explorer.
  88. [/NODE]
  89. [/EVENT]
  90. -- [EVENT] --CaveDiff8(10)
  91. +[NODE]2
  92. [STORY]
  93. Vous remarquez devant vous quelque chose qui attire votre attention.
  94. [/STORY]
  95. [OUT]Explorer.
  96. [/NODE]
  97. [/EVENT]
  98. -- [EVENT] --Mammon(14)
  99. +[NODE]2
  100. [STORY]
  101. You find an old cave, that goes deep into the ground. It seems abandoned at first, but the deeper you go the more you feel a warmth touching your skin and soon, see the glow of light.
  102. [/STORY]
  103. [OUT][Hunter or perception] Try to scout ahead.
  104. [OUT]Go in.
  105. [OUT]Partir.
  106. [/NODE]
  107. +[NODE]3
  108. [STORY]
  109. You observe the floor and the walls and examine the tracks and you conclude there have been persons who came this way, but always less tracks leading back out.You scouted a room ahead, but cannot see within without entering.
  110. [/STORY]
  111. [OUT]Go in.
  112. [OUT]Partir.
  113. [/NODE]
  114. +[NODE]5
  115. [STORY]
  116. The cave is vast within this chamber, as if grown unnaturally. You see a waterfall at the far end a stream running through and throughout this cave, you see gold, gems and all sorts of riches scattered around in mounds.A voice speaks:'Welcome, come hither, rest be done with thy worries.'
  117. [/STORY]
  118. [OUT]Talk to this voice, ask it who they are?
  119. [OUT][Magic user] Keep your wits at the ready, you feel the tingling of mysticl forces here. Ask the voice who they are?
  120. [/NODE]
  121. +[NODE]6
  122. [STORY]
  123. 'Me? I am called many things, Mammon is one that is old, let us address me so.Now my gallant guest. Does thy heart desire wealth? For as you can see, tis in abundance in my humble abode and thine for the taking if thy so wishes?'
  124. [/STORY]
  125. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  126. [OUT][Wisdom or zerca] Mammon? You have not heard of such a demon, who is he?
  127. [/NODE]
  128. +[NODE]7
  129. [STORY]
  130. 'Me? I am called many things, Mammon is one that is old, let us adress me so.Now me gallant guest. Does thy heart desire wealth? For as you can see, tis in abudance in my humble abode and thine for the taking if it thy so wishes?'
  131. [/STORY]
  132. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  133. [OUT][Wisdom or zerca] Mammon? You have not heard of such a demon, who is he?
  134. [/NODE]
  135. +[NODE]8
  136. [STORY]
  137. 'A demon I will be called in another world, a god was I hailed in yet another time. It matters not. Drakes call me villain for I trample on their path, treasurers cower before me as I master what they can only mimic. Now, does thy desire wealth? Will it not soothe your troubles, forge weapons of protection and lead you to better serve your masters?'
  138. [/STORY]
  139. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  140. [/NODE]
  141. +[NODE]9
  142. [STORY]
  143. 'I will give thy wealth if thau giveth me a life. One of you remain here and become part of my treasury, the other, walk away with riches.Will it not soothe your troubles, forge weapons for protection and lead you to better serve your masters?'
  144. [/STORY]
  145. [OUT]How much wealth?
  146. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  147. [OUT]Agree.
  148. [OUT][Magic user] Focus on this voice.
  149. [OUT]Try to just take the gold and leave.
  150. [/NODE]
  151. +[NODE]10
  152. [STORY]
  153. 'Enough for a better start, but not so much as to render your heroic adventures meaningless. Champion.Thy wealth will be in the hands of fate if thy walks this path with me.Or, I have another proposal, one that will promise some wealth, though not as much.'
  154. [/STORY]
  155. [OUT]What proposal?
  156. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  157. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  158. [OUT]Try to just take the gold and leave.
  159. [/NODE]
  160. +[NODE]12
  161. [STORY]
  162. 'How delightful it is, even for the chosen of the gods to follow my path instead. Here, your virtue lost your cofers grown, my heart filed with joy. Farewell.'Your companion is drawn towards the voice and as soon as they touch the flowing stream the collapse into a pile of gold. A small sachet is leaft for you to take and then the whole cave become just an abandoned, old chamber.
  163. [/STORY]
  164. [OUT]Partir.
  165. [/NODE]
  166. +[NODE]13
  167. [STORY]
  168. 'You may search this cave for that which is my most precious treasure. If thy fate is strong, it shall be rewarded, yes? If it is not, thy life will be forfeit.'He points to a skeleton in full armour.
  169. [/STORY]
  170. [OUT]Who was he then?
  171. [OUT]Agree to search for this greatest treasure.
  172. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  173. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  174. [/NODE]
  175. +[NODE]14
  176. [STORY]
  177. 'A knight who once left my cave proving his great virtue, but here, he never did leave. So, what path will thy gods guide you on?'
  178. [/STORY]
  179. [OUT]Agree to search for this greatest treasure.
  180. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  181. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  182. [/NODE]
  183. +[NODE]17
  184. [STORY]
  185. Whatever this being is, they are not here physically, instead they have attahed themselves with their spirit.You can try to assult this spirit, and thus likely sever the connection.
  186. [/STORY]
  187. [OUT]No, go back to talking to it.
  188. [OUT]Yes, do it.
  189. [/NODE]
  190. +[NODE]19
  191. [STORY]
  192. You sever the connection and the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place. The gold and all the wealth is gone too, but you do see several remains, including one of a warrior clad in full armour.
  193. [/STORY]
  194. [OUT]Take what you can and leave.
  195. [/NODE]
  196. +[NODE]23
  197. [STORY]
  198. Whatever creature this was, it struck back and drained your spirit.When you regain composure, the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place with no trace of the gold or anything else.
  199. [/STORY]
  200. [OUT]Partir.
  201. [/NODE]
  202. +[NODE]26
  203. [STORY]
  204. 'A virtous hero, my my. Thy followeth the path of some brave knights to come. Very well. Begone.'A bright light blinds you. When you regain composure, the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place with no trace of the gold or anythig elese. But you feel your souls cleansed.
  205. [/STORY]
  206. [OUT]Partir.
  207. [/NODE]
  208. +[NODE]28
  209. [STORY]
  210. As soon as you touch the treasures you feel a sharp pain sting your very soul. But you were about to grab a big bag of treasure. The voice booms:'Yes, yes, the call of wealth, forever so loud and beautiful, come, come take more!'
  211. [/STORY]
  212. [OUT]Try to take it and run out.
  213. [OUT]Leave the treasure and run out of this cave.
  214. [/NODE]
  215. +[NODE]30
  216. [STORY]
  217. One of you turns into a pile of gold before your eyes!You hear laughter all around you. Your body begins to feel odd.
  218. [/STORY]
  219. [OUT]Leave the treasure and run out of this cave.
  220. [/NODE]
  221. +[NODE]35
  222. [STORY]
  223. You search through the treasures, but they all seem the same, rich, opulent, extravagant.But you spot a mirror, and while it is ornate, you notice it is placed slightly apart form all the clutter and the ground beneath it seems worn, as if it is a spot well used.
  224. [/STORY]
  225. [OUT]Point to the mirror as the most treasured of possesions.
  226. [/NODE]
  227. +[NODE]36
  228. [STORY]
  229. You search through the treasures, but they all seem the same, rich, opulent, extravagant. You find a book placed on a pedestal. You pint to it and the voice answers:'Alas, no. I treasure all my wealth equally. Thy have not discovered the one that is not so. Come now, stay with me for eternity as penance.'
  230. [/STORY]
  231. [OUT]Try to run away!
  232. [OUT]Try to run away!
  233. [/NODE]
  234. +[NODE]38
  235. [STORY]
  236. 'Observant, yes. You shall be rewarded for your good eye. Fare thee well.'
  237. [/STORY]
  238. [OUT]Ask him why it is so precious?
  239. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  240. [/NODE]
  241. +[NODE]41
  242. [STORY]
  243. 'I love myself most, yes? Or do I gaze upon the once mortal face and ponder my own frailty? Or perhaps I cherish my beauty above all. Ha-ha. Be well, young god spawn.'The cave turns into an ordinary chamber.
  244. [/STORY]
  245. [OUT]Partir.
  246. [/NODE]
  247. [/EVENT]
  248. -- [EVENT] --Cave2(0)
  249. +[NODE]2
  250. [STORY]
  251. Vous remarquez devant vous quelque chose qui attire votre attention.
  252. [/STORY]
  253. [OUT]Explorer.
  254. [OUT]Explorer.
  255. [OUT]Explorer.
  256. [/NODE]
  257. [/EVENT]
  258. -- [EVENT] --Wolves(1)
  259. +[NODE]2
  260. [STORY]
  261. Pris de court par la tempête, vous trouvez une caverne où vous pouvez vous abriter.
  262. [/STORY]
  263. [OUT]S'abriter dans la cave
  264. [OUT]Braver la tempête.
  265. [OUT]Braver la tempête.
  266. [/NODE]
  267. +[NODE]3
  268. [STORY]
  269. À peine vous abritez-vous dans la grotte que vous réalisez que vous n'êtes pas seul. Un loup affamé vous observe, et bien d'autres loups sont endormis à l'intérieur.
  270. [/STORY]
  271. [OUT]Attaquer !
  272. [OUT]Focus on your divine domain for guidance.
  273. [OUT][Beast] As a beast of the wild yourself, dominate the wolves into submission.
  274. [OUT][Beast master/Druid]Mark your territory and intimidate the wolves into backing down.
  275. [OUT]Braver la tempête.
  276. [OUT]Braver la tempête.
  277. [/NODE]
  278. +[NODE]5
  279. [STORY]
  280. Vous essayez de vous de vous aventurer dans la tempête. Elle vous repousse à plusieurs reprises, mais vous parvenez à lui échapper.
  281. [/STORY]
  282. [OUT]Partir.
  283. [/NODE]
  284. +[NODE]7
  285. [STORY]
  286. The howling of wolves fills the cave. Snarls and growling follow, but eventually the pack moves deeper into the cave, allowing you to take shelter in peace.There is a chance that some of the wolves may decide to follow your pack now.
  287. [/STORY]
  288. [OUT]Attendre que la tempête se calme avant de partir
  289. [/NODE]
  290. +[NODE]8
  291. [STORY]
  292. The howling of wolves fills the cave. Snarls and growling follow, but eventually the pack moves deeper into the cave, allowing you to take shelter in peace.There is a chance that some of the wolves may decide to follow your pack now.
  293. [/STORY]
  294. [OUT]Attendre que la tempête se calme avant de partir
  295. [/NODE]
  296. +[NODE]11
  297. [STORY]
  298. You feel the influence of turmoil and nature, and you know you must dominate these wolves as an alpha would. Only the strongest may lead.
  299. [/STORY]
  300. [OUT]Affronter la meute.
  301. [OUT]Fight normally.
  302. [/NODE]
  303. +[NODE]15
  304. [STORY]
  305. You kill the wolves and you're free to take shelter in the cave.You even discover a small amount of good stone within.
  306. [/STORY]
  307. [OUT]Partir une fois la tempête calmée.
  308. [/NODE]
  309. +[NODE]18
  310. [STORY]
  311. Vous dortez vainqueur de cette affrontement. Le reste de la meute se soumet face à votre dominance et déguerpi.
  312. [/STORY]
  313. [OUT]Partir une fois la tempête calmée.
  314. [OUT]Partir une fois la tempête calmée.
  315. [/NODE]
  316. +[NODE]19
  317. [STORY]
  318. Vous vous faîtes violament battre par les loups avant de vous faire chasser de leurs territoire par ces derniers.
  319. [/STORY]
  320. [OUT]Partir.
  321. [/NODE]
  322. +[NODE]21
  323. [STORY]
  324. Vous découvrez un jeune loup encore en vie qui veut vous accompagner.
  325. [/STORY]
  326. [OUT]Emmener le loup avec vous et partir.
  327. [/NODE]
  328. +[NODE]27
  329. [STORY]
  330. Les loups vous menacent de leurs grondement, claquant leurs mâchoires frénétiquement. Vous avez le choix entre leur faire face ou retourner au cœur de cette tempête.
  331. [/STORY]
  332. [OUT]Fight.
  333. [OUT]Face the hurricane.
  334. [/NODE]
  335. +[NODE]2
  336. [STORY]
  337. Vous remarquez devant vous quelque chose qui attire votre attention.
  338. [/STORY]
  339. [OUT]Explorer.
  340. +[NODE]2
  341. [STORY]
  342. Vous remarquez devant vous quelque chose qui attire votre attention.
  343. [/STORY]
  344. [OUT]Explorer.
  345. [OUT]Explorer.
  346. +[NODE]2
  347. [STORY]
  348. You accidentally step onto a bee's nest and as you try to run you see a cave you could run into.
  349. [/STORY]
  350. [OUT]Enter the cave.
  351. [OUT]Brave the bees.
  352. [OUT]Brave the bees.
  353. [/NODE]
  354. +[NODE]3
  355. [STORY]
  356. You take cover in the cave, but you soon realise you are not alone, there is wounded bear trapped by some rocks. It looks at you pleadingly.
  357. [/STORY]
  358. [OUT]Kill it.
  359. [OUT][Forest demon] This is no bear, this is a borowy, one of the leshy guardians of the forests. Try to rescue him.
  360. [OUT][Animal kinship] Examine this bear.
  361. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  362. [/NODE]
  363. +[NODE]5
  364. [STORY]
  365. You try to push through and outrun the bees, but you get stung a bit before you make it.
  366. [/STORY]
  367. [OUT]Partir.
  368. [/NODE]
  369. +[NODE]7
  370. [STORY]
  371. The cave doesn't hold much, some moss, old bones and shrooms.
  372. [/STORY]
  373. [OUT]Leave once the bees are gone.
  374. [/NODE]
  375. +[NODE]11
  376. [STORY]
  377. This is no bear, this is a borowy, one of the leshy guardians of the forests that is known to sometimes take on the form of a bear.
  378. [/STORY]
  379. [OUT]Try to rescue him.
  380. [OUT]Kill it.
  381. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  382. [/NODE]
  383. +[NODE]15
  384. [STORY]
  385. The bear was protected by some pineconettes, but you kill them too, without trouble.When you walk through the forests later, you feel a chill down your spine.
  386. [/STORY]
  387. [OUT]Leave once the bees are gone.
  388. [/NODE]
  389. +[NODE]18
  390. [STORY]
  391. You lift the stones and the bear lifts its head and speaks:'I thank you. This cave is soon to collapse, so I feared I would die in here before my flock could come rescue me. Be well, friend, and my forest be home to you.'He slowly hobbles away.
  392. [/STORY]
  393. [OUT]Partir.
  394. [OUT]Partir.
  395. [OUT]Ask him what he is, clearly not just a bear?
  396. [/NODE]
  397. +[NODE]19
  398. [STORY]
  399. This cave was very unstable, you tried to move the stones, but the whole thing collapsed and you barely got out.
  400. [/STORY]
  401. [OUT]Partir.
  402. [/NODE]
  403. +[NODE]21
  404. [STORY]
  405. A young bear appears not long after, and it is obediently following you. Must be a reward from the rescued creature.
  406. [/STORY]
  407. [OUT]Take the bear and leave.
  408. [/NODE]
  409. +[NODE]35
  410. [STORY]
  411. This is no ordinary bear, it is some kind of demon. Weather good, or bad, you do not know.
  412. [/STORY]
  413. [OUT]Try to rescue him.
  414. [OUT]Kill it.
  415. [OUT]Ignore the bear and see if there is anything worth gathering in this cave.
  416. [/NODE]
  417. +[NODE]37
  418. [STORY]
  419. He stops and turns to you to answer:'Just a bear? We are the beast of creatures. Still, I am many things, bear being but one. Borowy some call me, in these lands, you likely know us as leshy, albeit technically they are cousins of ours.Now I must go, my forest awaits.'
  420. [/STORY]
  421. [OUT]Wish him well and leave.
  422. [OUT]Wish him well and leave.
  423. [/NODE]
  424. +[NODE]2
  425. [STORY]
  426. You find an old cave, that goes deep into the ground. It seems abandoned at first, but the deeper you go the more you feel a warmth touching your skin and soon, see the glow of light.
  427. [/STORY]
  428. [OUT][Hunter or perception] Try to scout ahead.
  429. [OUT]Go in.
  430. [OUT]Partir.
  431. [/NODE]
  432. +[NODE]3
  433. [STORY]
  434. You observe the floor and the walls and examine the tracks and you conclude there have been persons who came this way, but always less tracks leading back out.You scouted a room ahead, but cannot see within without entering.
  435. [/STORY]
  436. [OUT]Go in.
  437. [OUT]Partir.
  438. [/NODE]
  439. +[NODE]5
  440. [STORY]
  441. The cave is vast within this chamber, as if grown unnaturally. You see a waterfall at the far end a stream running through and throughout this cave, you see gold, gems and all sorts of riches scattered around in mounds.A voice speaks:'Welcome, come hither, rest be done with thy worries.'
  442. [/STORY]
  443. [OUT]Talk to this voice, ask it who they are?
  444. [OUT][Magic user] Keep your wits at the ready, you feel the tingling of mysticl forces here. Ask the voice who they are?
  445. [/NODE]
  446. +[NODE]6
  447. [STORY]
  448. 'Me? I am called many things, Mammon is one that is old, let us address me so.Now my gallant guest. Does thy heart desire wealth? For as you can see, tis in abundance in my humble abode and thine for the taking if thy so wishes?'
  449. [/STORY]
  450. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  451. [OUT][Wisdom or zerca] Mammon? You have not heard of such a demon, who is he?
  452. [/NODE]
  453. +[NODE]7
  454. [STORY]
  455. 'Me? I am called many things, Mammon is one that is old, let us adress me so.Now me gallant guest. Does thy heart desire wealth? For as you can see, tis in abudance in my humble abode and thine for the taking if it thy so wishes?'
  456. [/STORY]
  457. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  458. [OUT][Wisdom or zerca] Mammon? You have not heard of such a demon, who is he?
  459. [/NODE]
  460. +[NODE]8
  461. [STORY]
  462. 'A demon I will be called in another world, a god was I hailed in yet another time. It matters not. Drakes call me villain for I trample on their path, treasurers cower before me as I master what they can only mimic. Now, does thy desire wealth? Will it not soothe your troubles, forge weapons of protection and lead you to better serve your masters?'
  463. [/STORY]
  464. [OUT]He wants to give you riches, why? What is the catch?
  465. [/NODE]
  466. +[NODE]9
  467. [STORY]
  468. 'I will give thy wealth if thau giveth me a life. One of you remain here and become part of my treasury, the other, walk away with riches.Will it not soothe your troubles, forge weapons for protection and lead you to better serve your masters?'
  469. [/STORY]
  470. [OUT]How much wealth?
  471. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  472. [OUT]Agree.
  473. [OUT][Magic user] Focus on this voice.
  474. [OUT]Try to just take the gold and leave.
  475. [/NODE]
  476. +[NODE]10
  477. [STORY]
  478. 'Enough for a better start, but not so much as to render your heroic adventures meaningless. Champion.Thy wealth will be in the hands of fate if thy walks this path with me.Or, I have another proposal, one that will promise some wealth, though not as much.'
  479. [/STORY]
  480. [OUT]What proposal?
  481. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  482. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  483. [OUT]Try to just take the gold and leave.
  484. [/NODE]
  485. +[NODE]12
  486. [STORY]
  487. 'How delightful it is, even for the chosen of the gods to follow my path instead. Here, your virtue lost your cofers grown, my heart filed with joy. Farewell.'Your companion is drawn towards the voice and as soon as they touch the flowing stream the collapse into a pile of gold. A small sachet is leaft for you to take and then the whole cave become just an abandoned, old chamber.
  488. [/STORY]
  489. [OUT]Partir.
  490. [/NODE]
  491. +[NODE]13
  492. [STORY]
  493. 'You may search this cave for that which is my most precious treasure. If thy fate is strong, it shall be rewarded, yes? If it is not, thy life will be forfeit.'He points to a skeleton in full armour.
  494. [/STORY]
  495. [OUT]Who was he then?
  496. [OUT]Agree to search for this greatest treasure.
  497. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  498. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  499. [/NODE]
  500. +[NODE]14
  501. [STORY]
  502. 'A knight who once left my cave proving his great virtue, but here, he never did leave. So, what path will thy gods guide you on?'
  503. [/STORY]
  504. [OUT]Agree to search for this greatest treasure.
  505. [OUT]Refuse it all. Leave.
  506. [OUT]Agree to trade one person.
  507. [/NODE]
  508. +[NODE]17
  509. [STORY]
  510. Whatever this being is, they are not here physically, instead they have attahed themselves with their spirit.You can try to assult this spirit, and thus likely sever the connection.
  511. [/STORY]
  512. [OUT]No, go back to talking to it.
  513. [OUT]Yes, do it.
  514. [/NODE]
  515. +[NODE]19
  516. [STORY]
  517. You sever the connection and the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place. The gold and all the wealth is gone too, but you do see several remains, including one of a warrior clad in full armour.
  518. [/STORY]
  519. [OUT]Take what you can and leave.
  520. [/NODE]
  521. +[NODE]23
  522. [STORY]
  523. Whatever creature this was, it struck back and drained your spirit.When you regain composure, the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place with no trace of the gold or anything else.
  524. [/STORY]
  525. [OUT]Partir.
  526. [/NODE]
  527. +[NODE]26
  528. [STORY]
  529. 'A virtous hero, my my. Thy followeth the path of some brave knights to come. Very well. Begone.'A bright light blinds you. When you regain composure, the cave is transformed into an old, mouldy place with no trace of the gold or anythig elese. But you feel your souls cleansed.
  530. [/STORY]
  531. [OUT]Partir.
  532. [/NODE]
  533. +[NODE]28
  534. [STORY]
  535. As soon as you touch the treasures you feel a sharp pain sting your very soul. But you were about to grab a big bag of treasure. The voice booms:'Yes, yes, the call of wealth, forever so loud and beautiful, come, come take more!'
  536. [/STORY]
  537. [OUT]Try to take it and run out.
  538. [OUT]Leave the treasure and run out of this cave.
  539. [/NODE]
  540. +[NODE]30
  541. [STORY]
  542. One of you turns into a pile of gold before your eyes!You hear laughter all around you. Your body begins to feel odd.
  543. [/STORY]
  544. [OUT]Leave the treasure and run out of this cave.
  545. [/NODE]
  546. +[NODE]35
  547. [STORY]
  548. You search through the treasures, but they all seem the same, rich, opulent, extravagant.But you spot a mirror, and while it is ornate, you notice it is placed slightly apart form all the clutter and the ground beneath it seems worn, as if it is a spot well used.
  549. [/STORY]
  550. [OUT]Point to the mirror as the most treasured of possesions.
  551. [/NODE]
  552. +[NODE]36
  553. [STORY]
  554. You search through the treasures, but they all seem the same, rich, opulent, extravagant. You find a book placed on a pedestal. You pint to it and the voice answers:'Alas, no. I treasure all my wealth equally. Thy have not discovered the one that is not so. Come now, stay with me for eternity as penance.'
  555. [/STORY]
  556. [OUT]Try to run away!
  557. [OUT]Try to run away!
  558. [/NODE]
  559. +[NODE]38
  560. [STORY]
  561. 'Observant, yes. You shall be rewarded for your good eye. Fare thee well.'
  562. [/STORY]
  563. [OUT]Ask him why it is so precious?
  564. [OUT]Nod and leave.
  565. [/NODE]
  566. +[NODE]41
  567. [STORY]
  568. 'I love myself most, yes? Or do I gaze upon the once mortal face and ponder my own frailty? Or perhaps I cherish my beauty above all. Ha-ha. Be well, young god spawn.'The cave turns into an ordinary chamber.
  569. [/STORY]
  570. [OUT]Partir.
  571. [/NODE]
  572. [/EVENT]
  573. -- [EVENT] --Shrine(2)
  574. +[NODE]2
  575. [STORY]
  576. You come across an old cave, its entrance revealed in a recent shattering.
  577. [/STORY]
  578. [OUT]Check the cave.
  579. [OUT]Partir.
  580. [/NODE]
  581. +[NODE]4
  582. [STORY]
  583. Within the cave, you see scattered bones of the fallen lying before an open arch. Beyond it, you spot a shrine of some sort.The skeletal remains are clad in different clothing and equipment, and some are older than others, suggesting that more than one party attempted to enter this place.
  584. [/STORY]
  585. [OUT][Magic user or mysticism] Whatever killed these folk smells of magic, so remain vigilant.
  586. [OUT]Go in closer to search the place.
  587. [OUT]Remove the bones first and give them a proper burial.
  588. [OUT]Remove the bones first and give them a proper burial.
  589. [OUT]Remove the bones first and give them a proper burial.
  590. [/NODE]
  591. +[NODE]6
  592. [STORY]
  593. You sense the very strong presence of dark magic -- necromancy. The power seeks to control the unliving bodies for its own unclean purposes.The shrine within, however, seems to honour the goddess Nyia. The presence of necromancy in her place of worship is blasphemy.
  594. [/STORY]
  595. [OUT]Face the unliving fiends in a battle of the spirits to destroy their master's hold.
  596. [OUT][Magic user] Perform a ritual of cleansing that may allow you to shield this place from the necromancer's power.
  597. [OUT]Place protective wards, but face the unliving head on. It may not cleanse the place forever, but it will do the job for now. Attack!
  598. [OUT]Partir.
  599. [/NODE]
  600. +[NODE]8
  601. [STORY]
  602. The unliving lie still, the dark bonds released, and the necromancer's power diminished.The arch leading to the shrine shimmers with a blue light, and you know you may now enter.
  603. [/STORY]
  604. [OUT]Enter the shrine.
  605. [/NODE]
  606. +[NODE]9
  607. [STORY]
  608. Whatever holds these unliving here is too strong for you. The unliving swarm you, forcing you to flee, but as you leave, the cave's entrance collapses, so they cannot chase you. It is as if the gods protected you as you left.
  609. [/STORY]
  610. [OUT]Partir.
  611. [/NODE]
  612. +[NODE]12
  613. [STORY]
  614. You search the bones and approach the arched portal, but a force unseen prevents you from entering.The air stirs, and before you, the skeletons rise and attack!
  615. [/STORY]
  616. [OUT]Fight!
  617. [OUT]Run away.
  618. [/NODE]
  619. +[NODE]15
  620. [STORY]
  621. You gather the bones for burial, but you realise too late that a dark curse binds the spirits to the dead bodies, and now the angered wraiths lash out at you!
  622. [/STORY]
  623. [OUT]Fight!
  624. [/NODE]
  625. +[NODE]16
  626. [STORY]
  627. As the chosen of Nyia, you feel her satisfaction as you perform the correct rites to honour death.The bodies lie still, and you may now enter the shrine hidden deep within the cave.
  628. [/STORY]
  629. [OUT]Enter the shrine.
  630. [/NODE]
  631. +[NODE]20
  632. [STORY]
  633. You feel good about your deed, and you are left to gather whatever the unliving carried with them.
  634. [/STORY]
  635. [OUT]Enter the shrine within the cave.
  636. [OUT]You realise that when you burned the remains, the cave's entrance shook and collapsed. Gather up the loot from the dead and rubble from the cave and leave.
  637. [/NODE]
  638. +[NODE]24
  639. [STORY]
  640. The skeletons lie still once more. Whatever foul magic animated them seems to have drained away for now.The arch leading to the shrine shimmers with a blue light and you know you may now enter.
  641. [/STORY]
  642. [OUT]Enter the shrine.
  643. [/NODE]
  644. +[NODE]28
  645. [STORY]
  646. The unliving are vanquished, but whatever dark force kept them trapped here exploded and buried the cave's entrance before you could explore what lay inside.
  647. [/STORY]
  648. [OUT]Partir.
  649. [/NODE]
  650. +[NODE]32
  651. [STORY]
  652. Within the shrine you feel the grace of Nyia upon you.You also see a fountain of white ash falling from the cave's wall onto the ground.You have heard that touching this death-ash may bring fortune, but it may also bring calamity.
  653. [/STORY]
  654. [OUT]Partir.
  655. [OUT]Touch the ash before leaving.
  656. [/NODE]
  657. +[NODE]41
  658. [STORY]
  659. The arch leading to the shrine shimmers with a blue light and you know you may now enter.
  660. [/STORY]
  661. [OUT]Enter the shrine.
  662. [/NODE]
  663. [/EVENT]
  664. -- [EVENT] --Batcave(3)
  665. +[NODE]2
  666. [STORY]
  667. You come across a cave and your scouts report that it has tunnels deep inside, which may hold mysteries.
  668. [/STORY]
  669. [OUT][Hunter or perception] Check the area before going in.
  670. [OUT]Go in.
  671. [OUT]Partir.
  672. [/NODE]
  673. +[NODE]8
  674. [STORY]
  675. You go into the cave to see if it has good minerals within. But you are also startled by a nest of angry bats!
  676. [/STORY]
  677. [OUT]Attaquer !
  678. [OUT]Run away!
  679. [/NODE]
  680. +[NODE]9
  681. [STORY]
  682. You spot no recent humanoid activity, nor any large animal tracks.The cave does have good minerals within. You also see bat droppings, so you expect to find a nest.
  683. [/STORY]
  684. [OUT]Attaquer !
  685. [OUT]Wait till nightfall, then try to sneak in while the bats are out feeding.
  686. [OUT]Wait till nightfall, then try to sneak in while the bats are out feeding.
  687. [/NODE]
  688. +[NODE]15
  689. [STORY]
  690. The bats beat you badly and force you to flee.
  691. [/STORY]
  692. [OUT]Partir.
  693. [/NODE]
  694. +[NODE]18
  695. [STORY]
  696. At nightfall, the bats set out for their feeding, and you sneak in to take what you can from the cave.Alas, the bats must have spotted you. They return and swarm you!
  697. [/STORY]
  698. [OUT]Attaquer !
  699. [OUT]Run away!
  700. [/NODE]
  701. +[NODE]19
  702. [STORY]
  703. You kill the bats and are free to explore.
  704. [/STORY]
  705. [OUT]Search the cave.
  706. [OUT]Search the cave, gather the loot, and leave.
  707. [/NODE]
  708. +[NODE]20
  709. [STORY]
  710. Deep within the cave, hidden away from sight, you discover the remains of a man clothed in heavy armour, black as night, a cape of some sort, and a hat with pointed bits, almost like a bat. You also find several odd mechanical gadgets, all rusty and broken now, but at least you can get some metal from the odd fellow.
  711. [/STORY]
  712. [OUT]Gather the loot and leave.
  713. [/NODE]
  714. +[NODE]23
  715. [STORY]
  716. At nightfall, the bats set out for their feeding, and you sneak in to take what you can from the cave.
  717. [/STORY]
  718. [OUT]Search the cave.
  719. [OUT]Search the cave, gather the loot, and leave.
  720. [/NODE]
  721. [/EVENT]
  722. -- [EVENT] --Bear cave(4)
  723. +[NODE]2
  724. [STORY]
  725. You come across a cave. Its entrance looks like it was once inhabited, but it is now overgrown and dark.
  726. [/STORY]
  727. [OUT]Scout the cave first.
  728. [OUT]Go in.
  729. [OUT]Partir.
  730. [/NODE]
  731. +[NODE]4
  732. [STORY]
  733. You scout the cave and see bear tracks. Oddly, you only spot the tracks within the cave, never outside.As you peer deeper in, you see a broken wheelbarrow, some other tattered equipment, and a sleeping bear.
  734. [/STORY]
  735. [OUT]Attaquer !
  736. [OUT][Animal kin or Nature] You sense something odd about the creature. Observe it awhile longer.
  737. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  738. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  739. [/NODE]
  740. +[NODE]5
  741. [STORY]
  742. You enter the cave. It is dark and damp, but there are signs of humanoid life, broken furniture, and a crooked wheelbarrow.Before you can investigate further, you spot a bear. It looks at you and shakes its head and paws, as if trying to wave you away. Then it stops. You hear more roaring and the bear charges!
  743. [/STORY]
  744. [OUT]Fight.
  745. [OUT]Run away!
  746. [OUT]Run away!
  747. [/NODE]
  748. +[NODE]8
  749. [STORY]
  750. The bears beat you badly and force you to flee.
  751. [/STORY]
  752. [OUT]Partir.
  753. [/NODE]
  754. +[NODE]15
  755. [STORY]
  756. You kill the bear and its pack, and you are free to loot the cave.
  757. [/STORY]
  758. [OUT]One of the younger bears survives and now follows your lead. Leave.
  759. [OUT]Partir.
  760. [/NODE]
  761. +[NODE]17
  762. [STORY]
  763. 'Cursed bearskin, wheelbarrow, daddy, prison, witch help, bears scary.'The bear's voice sounds like a child speaking, and you guess that it has been cursed. The bear points to a small bear figurine you now see on the floor.
  764. [/STORY]
  765. [OUT]Destroy the figurine.
  766. [OUT]Destroy the figurine.
  767. [OUT]Unravel the figurine's magic carefully before destroying it.
  768. [/NODE]
  769. +[NODE]18
  770. [STORY]
  771. The bear stirs and wakes, but does not seem to smell or notice you. Instead it sits there, staring at the floor.
  772. [/STORY]
  773. [OUT]Try speaking to the bear.
  774. [OUT]Attaquer !
  775. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  776. [OUT][Magic user]You sense a strong presence of magic from the bear. Perform a ritual of cleansing to reveal any hidden mystical weaves.
  777. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  778. [/NODE]
  779. +[NODE]19
  780. [STORY]
  781. The bear looks up at you, its big brown eyes tearful. It grunts and growls, neither humanoid language nor the tongue of the wild, but a strange mix of the two.
  782. [/STORY]
  783. [OUT]Try to figure out what the bear is saying.
  784. [/NODE]
  785. +[NODE]21
  786. [STORY]
  787. You identify a small bear figurine as the totem to which the bear's curse is bound.Your ritual slowly unravels the magic weaves and reveals old, dark magic at hand here.
  788. [/STORY]
  789. [OUT]Continue to cleanse the cave.
  790. [/NODE]
  791. +[NODE]23
  792. [STORY]
  793. You sneak past the bear and gather up some resources.Among the stuff is a small bear figurine, which broke when you left the threshold of the cave. As you look back, you see the bear twist and die in terrible pain.
  794. [/STORY]
  795. [OUT]As you move away, a ghost seems to have attached itself to your service.
  796. [OUT]Partir.
  797. [/NODE]
  798. +[NODE]24
  799. [STORY]
  800. The crushed figurine turns to flesh and blood and, as it dies, so does the bear. However, the animal slowly turns into a young girl wearing extravagant clothes. Her body decays in minutes until there are only bones left.
  801. [/STORY]
  802. [OUT]Lay the bones to rest.
  803. [/NODE]
  804. +[NODE]25
  805. [STORY]
  806. A spirit appears, bows in a funny sort of way, and says: 'I thank thee, kind knights of the realm. You did me a great service by rescuing me from a wicked curse. I hope my remains will provide reward for your knightly services.'
  807. [/STORY]
  808. [OUT]Ask the ghost for its story.
  809. [OUT]The ghost will now aid you in need as well. Nod and gather the riches from the bones.
  810. [OUT]Nod and gather the riches from the bones.
  811. [/NODE]
  812. +[NODE]28
  813. [STORY]
  814. The crushed figurine turns to flesh and blood and, as it dies, so does the bear. It screams in pain in a girl's voice.All signs of its humanity disappear and the animal becomes just that -- a beast.It is, however, free to leave the cave and it does so, looking back at you with a final glimmer of human gratitude, or perhaps sadness.
  815. [/STORY]
  816. [OUT]The bear will come to your side when you need it.
  817. [OUT]Gather whatever usable remains you can, and leave.
  818. [/NODE]
  819. +[NODE]31
  820. [STORY]
  821. You carefully untangle the magic from the bear figurine and feel its tight grip on the bear weaken.But the curse is ancient, and there is no time for proper rituals.All you can do is choose the fate of the bear. Either allow it to die, and let its human spirit be freed from its bonds. Or let the bear live, but it will be a beast, and no sentience will remain.
  822. [/STORY]
  823. [OUT]Choose to release the human spirit.
  824. [OUT]Choose to let the bear live.
  825. [/NODE]
  826. +[NODE]32
  827. [STORY]
  828. The animal slowly turns into a young girl wearing extravagant clothes. Her body decays in minutes until there are only bones left.
  829. [/STORY]
  830. [OUT]Lay the bones to rest.
  831. [/NODE]
  832. +[NODE]33
  833. [STORY]
  834. 'I was once a lady, a princess. Daddy did not like me leaving the castle. He said it was getting dark, with beasty folk everywhere. You are not safe, he said, you must stay in the tower.'
  835. [/STORY]
  836. [OUT]Stay silent.
  837. [OUT]Ask what a princess is, exactly. It does not sound like a Slavyan role.
  838. [/NODE]
  839. +[NODE]34
  840. [STORY]
  841. 'I stayed, but it was so boring. A lady in waiting came once. She was pretty. She told me she would make it so I could roam all the lands free, strong, and safe from any dangers. I clapped my hands and agreed to her terms, even though they were peculiar.'
  842. [/STORY]
  843. [OUT]Peculiar?
  844. [/NODE]
  845. +[NODE]35
  846. [STORY]
  847. 'She said to ask for a wheelbarrow and bearskin from my father, to tell him it was my greatest wish, which he must grant with a blessing. And of course, Daddy did.She told me to wear the bearskin, ride the wheelbarrow, and think of the wild woods. I did.'
  848. [/STORY]
  849. [OUT]Ask if that is when she was turned into a bear.
  850. [/NODE]
  851. +[NODE]36
  852. [STORY]
  853. 'Yes. But she lied, she lied so. I was trapped again, but now I was alone in the skin of a beast. Other bears would come, do things... bring nasty flesh, and my bestial body devoured it like candy...'The princess weeps.
  854. [/STORY]
  855. [OUT]Ask what happened to the witch.
  856. [/NODE]
  857. +[NODE]37
  858. [STORY]
  859. 'She came a few times at first, laughed at me, said my daddy deserved it, that all his might would not bring me back, for he would never find his princess, only a bear in a cave.'
  860. [/STORY]
  861. [OUT]Ask if her father ever found her.
  862. [/NODE]
  863. +[NODE]38
  864. [STORY]
  865. The ghost nods sadly. 'In a way. His hunters came, saw my things in this cave, and thought the bear ate the princess. They wanted to hurt me, so I and the bears, we... we ate them...'The ghost sobs again.
  866. [/STORY]
  867. [OUT]Comfort her and tell her she is now free.
  868. [OUT]Ask if she knows where the witch is now.
  869. [/NODE]
  870. +[NODE]39
  871. [STORY]
  872. The ghost looks at you and nods, although you can see it remains tormented.It slowly fades away, leaving you in the empty cave.
  873. [/STORY]
  874. [OUT]The ghost will now aid you in need as well. Nod and gather the riches from the bones.
  875. [OUT]Nod and gather the riches from the bones.
  876. [/NODE]
  877. +[NODE]40
  878. [STORY]
  879. 'Yes, now that you have freed me, I sense her foul presence. The wretched thing dwells not far from here.'She shivers in anger.
  880. [/STORY]
  881. [OUT]Comfort her and tell her she is now free.
  882. [/NODE]
  883. +[NODE]42
  884. [STORY]
  885. 'A daughter to a king, of course. Peasants do ask the funniest questions.Or is it that the dark I felt outside has taken even kings and queens, just like the evil witch said?Matters little now. I shall continue my story uninterrupted.'
  886. [/STORY]
  887. [OUT]Nod.
  888. [/NODE]
  889. +[NODE]43
  890. [STORY]
  891. The bear screams out in pain in a girl's voice.All signs of its humanity disappear and the animal becomes just that -- a beast.It is, however, free to leave this cave and it does so, looking back at you with a final glimmer of human gratitude, or perhaps sadness.
  892. [/STORY]
  893. [OUT]The bear will come to your side when you need it.
  894. [OUT]Gather whatever usable remains you can, and leave.
  895. [/NODE]
  896. +[NODE]45
  897. [STORY]
  898. The curse is ancient, too strong to be truly undone.But you can destroy it, which will free the spirit of the human trapped inside.Or you can balance the union of bear and human. The form will remain animal, but the spirit will be human and in control. However, this path has a risk of failing and turning the trapped person into a pure beast.
  899. [/STORY]
  900. [OUT]Choose to release the human spirit.
  901. [OUT]Choose the path of the bear.
  902. [OUT]Choose the path of the bear.
  903. [/NODE]
  904. +[NODE]46
  905. [STORY]
  906. The bear screams out in pain in a girl's voice.All signs of its humanity disappear and the animal becomes just that -- a beast.It is, however, free to leave this cave and it does so, looking back at you with a final glimmer of human gratitude, or perhaps sadness.
  907. [/STORY]
  908. [OUT]The bear will come to your side when you need it.
  909. [OUT]Gather whatever usable remains you can, and leave.
  910. [/NODE]
  911. +[NODE]47
  912. [STORY]
  913. The bear screams out in pain in a girl's voice, but when it stops, it looks at you, confused:'What... what have you done to me? I am a beast now, truly? But then... I am free...'
  914. [/STORY]
  915. [OUT]Ask the bear for its story.
  916. [OUT]The bear decides to join you, as it does not want to stay out in the wilderness alone. Leave together.
  917. [OUT]The bear leaves but the cave holds remains of others who lived here before. Take what you can and leave.
  918. [/NODE]
  919. +[NODE]51
  920. [STORY]
  921. 'Yes, I am free. In this skin... forever...'
  922. [/STORY]
  923. [OUT]The bear decides to join you, as it does not want to stay out in the wilderness alone. Leave together.
  924. [OUT]The bear leaves but the cave holds remains of others who lived here before. Take what you can and leave.
  925. [/NODE]
  926. +[NODE]52
  927. [STORY]
  928. As you try to unravel the bear's mystery, you are surprised by more animals, angry and territorial, which chase you away.
  929. [/STORY]
  930. [OUT]Attaquer !
  931. [OUT]Partir.
  932. [/NODE]
  933. +[NODE]56
  934. [STORY]
  935. You sneak in and gather some goods, but the bear wakes and attacks you viciously, forcing you to flee.
  936. [/STORY]
  937. [OUT]Partir.
  938. [/NODE]
  939. [/EVENT]
  940. -- [EVENT] --Treasurer(5)
  941. +[NODE]2
  942. [STORY]
  943. You found an old abandoned mine. One of the shafts seems to lead deep inside and is still intact.
  944. [/STORY]
  945. [OUT]Search the mine.
  946. [OUT]Partir.
  947. [/NODE]
  948. +[NODE]5
  949. [STORY]
  950. The mine's resources look depleted, but not entirely gone. It looks like you can still gather some.
  951. [/STORY]
  952. [OUT]Mine the resources.
  953. [OUT]Partir.
  954. [/NODE]
  955. +[NODE]7
  956. [STORY]
  957. As you dig in, you see a light approach. It is what looks like a short, chubby old man with a grey beard, gold hair, and unnaturally large, white eyes.He stares at you.
  958. [/STORY]
  959. [OUT]Say hello.
  960. [OUT]Kill it!
  961. [OUT]Kill it!
  962. [OUT]Try to figure out what this creature may be.
  963. [/NODE]
  964. +[NODE]9
  965. [STORY]
  966. 'Yes, yes, hello indeed. But what in the underworlds are you doing in my tunnel?'
  967. [/STORY]
  968. [OUT]Say that you seek to mine the resources.
  969. [OUT]Apologise and ask if you can mine here.
  970. [/NODE]
  971. +[NODE]10
  972. [STORY]
  973. You attack the creature, but before you reach him, he dissolves into golden ash. You hear his laughter ringing in your ears.There is a stash of goods you can grab that doesn't need mining.
  974. [/STORY]
  975. [OUT]Keep mining.
  976. [OUT]Gather what you can and leave.
  977. [/NODE]
  978. +[NODE]11
  979. [STORY]
  980. You attack the creature, but before you reach him, he dissolves into golden ash. You hear his laughter ringing in your ears.You hear the rolling of stones, and soon you see a pack of rockers coming your way!
  981. [/STORY]
  982. [OUT]Fight.
  983. [OUT]Run away.
  984. [/NODE]
  985. +[NODE]14
  986. [STORY]
  987. You think this may be a skarbnik, or treasurer demon. Very possessive, but also keen on flattery. If you outsmart him, he may reward you handsomely, but if you fail, he will likely take nasty revenge.
  988. [/STORY]
  989. [OUT]Speak praises for the demon.
  990. [OUT]Kill it!
  991. [OUT]Kill it!
  992. [OUT]Say hello.
  993. [/NODE]
  994. +[NODE]16
  995. [STORY]
  996. You feel the ground shake and you are forced to flee before the tunnel collapses.
  997. [/STORY]
  998. [OUT]Run away.
  999. [OUT]Run away.
  1000. [/NODE]
  1001. +[NODE]17
  1002. [STORY]
  1003. The creature giggles. You feel the ground shake and you are forced to flee before the tunnel collapses.
  1004. [/STORY]
  1005. [OUT]Run away.
  1006. [OUT]Run away.
  1007. [/NODE]
  1008. +[NODE]18
  1009. [STORY]
  1010. 'You give me half your food, I give you good minerals. And no, I will not say exactly how much of what. Deal?'
  1011. [/STORY]
  1012. [OUT]Agree. [Lose 50% food]
  1013. [OUT]Kill it.
  1014. [OUT]Kill it.
  1015. [/NODE]
  1016. +[NODE]22
  1017. [STORY]
  1018. You defeat the rockers, but the whole mine begins to shake. You grab some stone on your way out, but you cannot stay and mine.
  1019. [/STORY]
  1020. [OUT]Partir.
  1021. [/NODE]
  1022. +[NODE]23
  1023. [STORY]
  1024. You are beaten badly and forced to flee.
  1025. [/STORY]
  1026. [OUT]Partir.
  1027. [/NODE]
  1028. +[NODE]28
  1029. [STORY]
  1030. With the treasurer's help, you gather some good minerals.
  1031. [/STORY]
  1032. [OUT]Partir.
  1033. [/NODE]
  1034. +[NODE]34
  1035. [STORY]
  1036. 'No.'You see gold nuggets fall out of the creature's beard as he shakes his fist at you.
  1037. [/STORY]
  1038. [OUT]Insist that you will mine what you can and leave.
  1039. [OUT]Insist that you will mine what you can and leave.
  1040. [OUT]Nod, but ask if maybe he will trade instead.
  1041. [OUT]Nod, but ask if maybe he will trade instead.
  1042. [OUT]Kill it!
  1043. [OUT]Kill it!
  1044. [/NODE]
  1045. +[NODE]35
  1046. [STORY]
  1047. The creature giggles. You feel the ground shake and you are forced to flee before the tunnel collapses.
  1048. [/STORY]
  1049. [OUT]Run away.
  1050. [OUT]Run away.
  1051. [/NODE]
  1052. +[NODE]38
  1053. [STORY]
  1054. 'Ah, yes, I am fabulous, obviously, and yes, you are so unfortunate not to be me. Oh dear, oh dear, I do feel bad for you. Here, a present to cheer you up. Now go, go, I must polish my gold and shine my gems...'
  1055. [/STORY]
  1056. [OUT]Partir.
  1057. [/NODE]
  1058. +[NODE]42
  1059. [STORY]
  1060. 'Nasty, nasty creatures you are, coming here to trick me!'The ground beneath you shakes and you feel a curse upon you!
  1061. [/STORY]
  1062. [OUT]Run away.
  1063. [OUT]Run away.
  1064. [/NODE]
  1065. [/EVENT]
  1066. -- [EVENT] --Witchhousespwn(6)
  1067. +[NODE]2
  1068. [STORY]
  1069. You come across an old hut in the woods. At first it seems quite run down, but you spot smoke coming from the chimney.
  1070. [/STORY]
  1071. [OUT]Call out and see if anyone's home.
  1072. [OUT]Call out and see if anyone's home.
  1073. [OUT]Sneak up to investigate.
  1074. [OUT]Sneak up to investigate.
  1075. [OUT]Partir.
  1076. [/NODE]
  1077. +[NODE]4
  1078. [STORY]
  1079. As you approach the house, a set of chimes rings out. It sounds like they are made of silver.'Ha! You night demons can stay well away from my house! Hear me!'
  1080. [/STORY]
  1081. [OUT][Witch]Compliment the house owner on good warding charms.
  1082. [OUT]Remark that the silver and charms only weaken you, and you could still go in if you wanted to. But you don't wish her any harm. You only want to talk.
  1083. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  1084. [/NODE]
  1085. +[NODE]5
  1086. [STORY]
  1087. Inside the hut you see an old woman hunched over the stove. The room has many dried herbs, strange liquids in vials, wishbones, chicken feet, and all sorts of similar ingredients.
  1088. [/STORY]
  1089. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  1090. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  1091. [OUT][Witch]Go in to talk, but warn her not to try any funny business.
  1092. [OUT]Knock on the door.
  1093. [/NODE]
  1094. +[NODE]6
  1095. [STORY]
  1096. An old hooded woman answers the door and gestures for you to enter. She then returns to her rocking chair, sits, and says:'Come in, come in, strangers. May I offer you hot food? Sweets? Or perhaps some trade?'
  1097. [/STORY]
  1098. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  1099. [OUT]It's a witch. Kill her.
  1100. [OUT]Go in and speak to her.
  1101. [OUT][Witch]Go in to talk, but warn her not to try any funny business.
  1102. [/NODE]
  1103. +[NODE]10
  1104. [STORY]
  1105. You surprise the old hag and kill her swiftly. Alas, as she dies, she utters a curse on you!
  1106. [/STORY]
  1107. [OUT]Plunder the house and leave.
  1108. [/NODE]
  1109. +[NODE]11
  1110. [STORY]
  1111. You surprise the old hag and kill her swiftly. She tries to curse you before she dies, but you're fast enough to stop her.
  1112. [/STORY]
  1113. [OUT]Plunder the house and leave.
  1114. [/NODE]
  1115. +[NODE]14
  1116. [STORY]
  1117. 'I can make a brew with a good kick to it, if you like. Of course, there'll be a price.'
  1118. [/STORY]
  1119. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the body. [Lose 5 quartz]
  1120. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the mind. [Lose 5 topaz]
  1121. [OUT]Ask for blessing of the soul. [Lose 5 shadow bone]
  1122. [OUT]State your domain of magic or your affinity to the mystical arts, and ask if she would be kind enough to teach you.
  1123. [OUT]Offer her food supplies in exchange for some of her wisdom.
  1124. [OUT]Ask if you can trade.
  1125. [OUT]Partir.
  1126. [/NODE]
  1127. +[NODE]15
  1128. [STORY]
  1129. The old hag tells you many wise tales. She finishes by saying:'And so, if you ever see a pretty lass by the water or think you hear a lovely song at the sea, pray heed my words and pinch yourself three times in the left butt cheek before you go do something silly with one of those seductress demons.'
  1130. [/STORY]
  1131. [OUT]Thank her for the advice and leave.
  1132. [/NODE]
  1133. +[NODE]16
  1134. [STORY]
  1135. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.She then spits into the blood, picks one of her warts, throws it in and eats the slimy concoction.She then throws up violently all over you, and although you are utterly sick, you do feel the effects of the promised blessing.
  1136. [/STORY]
  1137. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  1138. [/NODE]
  1139. +[NODE]17
  1140. [STORY]
  1141. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.She splatters the blood over a dead rabbit, adds sweat from under her armpit, and spits three times over her right shoulder.She then hits you with the rabbit carcass repeatedly, and surprisingly, you begin to feel the desired effect.
  1142. [/STORY]
  1143. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  1144. [/NODE]
  1145. +[NODE]18
  1146. [STORY]
  1147. You hand over the goods, and the hag pricks you with a crude curved dagger.You await the rest of the ritual, but she just laughs:'What, you thought I'd do something weird and nasty? It's all done. The blood did the trick. Till next time.'
  1148. [/STORY]
  1149. [OUT]Thank her and take your leave.
  1150. [/NODE]
  1151. +[NODE]22
  1152. [STORY]
  1153. The old hag tells you many fun tales. She finishes with:'So now you know, in life, the most precious things are hot water, good teeth, and a soft pillow for your old arse to sit on.'Somehow, you do not feel any wiser for it.
  1154. [/STORY]
  1155. [OUT]Thank her for the advice and leave.
  1156. [OUT]Kill her!
  1157. [OUT]Kill her!
  1158. [/NODE]
  1159. +[NODE]24
  1160. [STORY]
  1161. 'Hmm, in the old days I did follow the master, Veles, so I will honour his progeny for tonight.Sit, drink, and listen.'The old hag tells you many stories before she finally says it is time to go.
  1162. [/STORY]
  1163. [OUT]Partir.
  1164. [/NODE]
  1165. +[NODE]28
  1166. [STORY]
  1167. 'Ha! Good one. Well met, sister. Now, for strangers I'd play a game of deals and trades and trickery.But for you I offer an honest trade between sisters, or I can teach ya some rituals and give ya some herbs, but I'd need some of your spirit energy in exchange.
  1168. [/STORY]
  1169. [OUT]Trade.
  1170. [OUT]Learn some rituals.
  1171. [OUT]Thank her for now and leave.
  1172. [/NODE]
  1173. +[NODE]30
  1174. [STORY]
  1175. You cut your hand, splatter the blood on the cleared ground, and throw three bones each from an unborn child's left hand.But the bones do not fall into a pattern, and the voice laughs at you:'Cheap tricks don't impress me. Go away!'
  1176. [/STORY]
  1177. [OUT]Partir.
  1178. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  1179. [/NODE]
  1180. +[NODE]39
  1181. [STORY]
  1182. 'Bugger off, then. You have no business here.'
  1183. [/STORY]
  1184. [OUT]Partir.
  1185. [OUT]Storm in and kill her!
  1186. [/NODE]
  1187. +[NODE]43
  1188. [STORY]
  1189. 'If you are what I think you are, prove it.'
  1190. [/STORY]
  1191. [OUT]Perform a simple bone-reading ritual.
  1192. [/NODE]
  1193. +[NODE]44
  1194. [STORY]
  1195. You cut your hand, splatter the blood on the cleared ground, and throw three bones each from an unborn child's left hand.The bones fall into a pattern.
  1196. [/STORY]
  1197. [OUT]Tell the woman that a dark handsome stranger will come to her door soon.
  1198. [/NODE]
  1199. +[NODE]48
  1200. [STORY]
  1201. The witch defeats you and lays a curse upon your souls.
  1202. [/STORY]
  1203. [OUT]Partir.
  1204. [/NODE]
  1205. +[NODE]50
  1206. [STORY]
  1207. 'Well, we traded. Now it's time to leave.'
  1208. [/STORY]
  1209. [OUT]Partir.
  1210. [/NODE]
  1211. +[NODE]51
  1212. [STORY]
  1213. 'Nice tradin' with ya. Bye.'
  1214. [/STORY]
  1215. [OUT]Partir.
  1216. [/NODE]
  1217. [/EVENT]
  1218. -- [EVENT] --DragonCave(7)
  1219. +[NODE]2
  1220. [STORY]
  1221. You come across a cave. It looks like it was once inhabited, but the entrance is now overgrown and dark.
  1222. [/STORY]
  1223. [OUT][Hunters or perception] Scout the cave first.
  1224. [OUT]Go in.
  1225. [OUT]Partir.
  1226. [/NODE]
  1227. +[NODE]4
  1228. [STORY]
  1229. You scout the cave and quickly realise that a large beast must reside here. There are huge claw marks on the walls, and you find several old, discarded scales, most likely from a dragon.
  1230. [/STORY]
  1231. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1232. [OUT][Magic or magic user]Strong magic emanates from within the cave. If a dragon lives here, it is likely protected by a spell while it sleeps. Keep a safe distance, but go in and have a closer look.
  1233. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  1234. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  1235. [OUT]Partir.
  1236. [/NODE]
  1237. +[NODE]5
  1238. [STORY]
  1239. You go in and realise all too late that you stand before a dragon!It has just woken, but it looks ready to devour you.
  1240. [/STORY]
  1241. [OUT]Fight.
  1242. [OUT]Run away!
  1243. [OUT]Drop some bags in an attempt to distract the drake, and then run.
  1244. [/NODE]
  1245. +[NODE]8
  1246. [STORY]
  1247. The dragon beats you badly and forces you to flee, abandoning some of your goods to save your lives.
  1248. [/STORY]
  1249. [OUT]Partir.
  1250. [/NODE]
  1251. +[NODE]15
  1252. [STORY]
  1253. You slay the dragon and are free to loot the cave.
  1254. [/STORY]
  1255. [OUT]Partir.
  1256. [/NODE]
  1257. +[NODE]17
  1258. [STORY]
  1259. 'Oh, I see. Well, I say well done, dear chap. I am rather tired still, and the magic must be weak if you made it this far.Here, a small payment for services rendered. Now do be so kind as to do your work quietly. I would rather not have to devour such a useful critter as yourself.'
  1260. [/STORY]
  1261. [OUT]Perform a ritual that will emit magic so the dragon thinks you did your job.
  1262. [OUT]Perform a ritual that will emit magic so the dragon thinks you did your job.
  1263. [OUT]Pray to your domain and ask for an intervention, else the beast may see through your lies.
  1264. [/NODE]
  1265. +[NODE]18
  1266. [STORY]
  1267. You come a bit closer and soon see a sleeping drake, coiled atop a pile of old rubble that likely hides treasures.The glow of potent magic strikes you hard now. If you go any farther, it will wake the beast.
  1268. [/STORY]
  1269. [OUT]Try speaking to the dragon.
  1270. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1271. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  1272. [OUT]Try to shield yourself from the spell, and then steal some of the treasures before the dragon wakes.
  1273. [OUT]Sneak past it to gather whatever usable loot lies in the cave.
  1274. [/NODE]
  1275. +[NODE]19
  1276. [STORY]
  1277. The dragon lifts its head slowly as it wakes:'Why do you disturb my slumber?'
  1278. [/STORY]
  1279. [OUT]Try to convince the dragon that you were merely checking the strength of the spell, and that if he pays you, you will ensure that he can sleep well for many more years.
  1280. [OUT]Say that you were simply interested in speaking to a dragon.
  1281. [/NODE]
  1282. +[NODE]21
  1283. [STORY]
  1284. Your shielding works, and you are able to carry off some loot before the beast wakes.
  1285. [/STORY]
  1286. [OUT]Continue to cleanse the cave.
  1287. [/NODE]
  1288. +[NODE]23
  1289. [STORY]
  1290. You sneak past the dragon and gather up some resources. You can't grab too much so as not to risk waking the beast, but you get a chest and some gems.
  1291. [/STORY]
  1292. [OUT]Partir.
  1293. [/NODE]
  1294. +[NODE]24
  1295. [STORY]
  1296. You perform the ritual and the beast seems none the wiser. You are free to leave with your loot.
  1297. [/STORY]
  1298. [OUT]Partir.
  1299. [/NODE]
  1300. +[NODE]28
  1301. [STORY]
  1302. You perform a ritual and it seems to work at first, but then the beast fidgets and grumbles at you:'I say! I am an elder beast weaved from magic itself. Using common trickery, on me!'It rises, and you'd better run fast before it fully wakes.
  1303. [/STORY]
  1304. [OUT]Try to run.
  1305. [OUT]Drop some bags in an attempt to distract the drake, and then run.
  1306. [/NODE]
  1307. +[NODE]31
  1308. [STORY]
  1309. You perform the prayer and the dragon seems satisfied. In fact, you feel some of his magic gifted to you.
  1310. [/STORY]
  1311. [OUT]Partir.
  1312. [/NODE]
  1313. +[NODE]43
  1314. [STORY]
  1315. 'How refreshing to meet business-minded folk. Now, please depart, as I am a kindly old fella, but only to a point.'The dragon takes his prize and shows his teeth to encourage your swift retreat.
  1316. [/STORY]
  1317. [OUT]Partir.
  1318. [/NODE]
  1319. +[NODE]45
  1320. [STORY]
  1321. The dragon speaks beautifully; his voice resounds with ancient wisdom and charisma, and his natural aura is entrancing.So much so that you do not notice quickly enough what he is doing. He grabs the beautiful object of his attention and flies away!
  1322. [/STORY]
  1323. [OUT]Choose to release the human spirit.
  1324. [/NODE]
  1325. +[NODE]46
  1326. [STORY]
  1327. The dragon speaks beautifully; his voice resounds with ancient wisdom and charisma, and his natural aura is entrancing.When you depart, you feel wiser.
  1328. [/STORY]
  1329. [OUT]Partir.
  1330. [/NODE]
  1331. +[NODE]47
  1332. [STORY]
  1333. 'Ooh, you are pretty. I suppose I can spare some of my time for such a face. Let me tell you a tale of heroic deeds, gallant adventures, and of course budding romance.'
  1334. [/STORY]
  1335. [OUT]Listen.
  1336. [/NODE]
  1337. +[NODE]51
  1338. [STORY]
  1339. 'Well, I am getting a tad peckish. If you feed me, I will grant you treasures.I will accept a few pets, a tasty young one, or a fresh-looking virgin -- or, well, someone who can pass as one. I have learned long ago to let go of that expectation. Or I suppose I will take meat, but I won't give you as good a reward for it.'
  1340. [/STORY]
  1341. [OUT]Feed three pets to him.
  1342. [OUT]Give him one child.
  1343. [OUT]Sacrifice one pretty person.
  1344. [OUT]Give him meat.
  1345. [/NODE]
  1346. +[NODE]52
  1347. [STORY]
  1348. You meddle with the spell and it backfires. Worse yet, the dragon stirs and turns your way!
  1349. [/STORY]
  1350. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1351. [OUT]Run away!
  1352. [/NODE]
  1353. +[NODE]56
  1354. [STORY]
  1355. You sneak in and start gathering some goods, but a powerful spell pushes you out and you hear the angry beast waking!
  1356. [/STORY]
  1357. [OUT]Partir.
  1358. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1359. [/NODE]
  1360. +[NODE]63
  1361. [STORY]
  1362. 'Well, that is mighty civilised of you. However, may I point out the fallacy of such a wish? Not to brag, but I am rather skilled at devouring creatures such as yourself, and truth be told, I sometimes cannot help but do it...'
  1363. [/STORY]
  1364. [OUT][Beautiful]Implore the drake to spare some time for you, for he is such a handsome beast and surely has many stories to tell.
  1365. [OUT]Ask the dragon if he would be willing to trade with you for some of the goods he surely has.
  1366. [OUT]Say that you are well aware of his greatness and, as such, you know him to be an honourable creature. Tell him that his infinite wisdom and beauty are too much to resist for such simple folk as you.
  1367. [/NODE]
  1368. +[NODE]66
  1369. [STORY]
  1370. You escape and feel strengthened by it. Luckily for you, the dragon seems uninterested in chasing you beyond his cave.
  1371. [/STORY]
  1372. [OUT]Partir.
  1373. [/NODE]
  1374. +[NODE]76
  1375. [STORY]
  1376. 'How refreshing to meet business-minded folk. Now, please depart, as I am a kindly old fella, but only to a point.'The dragon takes his prize and shows his teeth to encourage your swift retreat.
  1377. [/STORY]
  1378. [OUT]Partir.
  1379. [/NODE]
  1380. +[NODE]80
  1381. [STORY]
  1382. 'Well, I say, you do know what is good for you, that's for sure.I suppose I can spare a little time telling you my tales. Why not? Let me tell you a tale of heroic deeds, gallant adventures, and of course budding romance.'
  1383. [/STORY]
  1384. [OUT]Listen.
  1385. [/NODE]
  1386. +[NODE]83
  1387. [STORY]
  1388. The dragon speaks beautifully; his voice resounds with ancient wisdom and charisma, and his natural aura is entrancing.And by the time he finishes, you realise you were robbed as you see the drake flying away with half your goods!
  1389. [/STORY]
  1390. [OUT]Partir.
  1391. [/NODE]
  1392. [/EVENT]
  1393. -- [EVENT] --DragonLootSpwn(8)
  1394. +[NODE]2
  1395. [STORY]
  1396. You spot a dragon -- the one who stole from you!
  1397. [/STORY]
  1398. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1399. [OUT]Face the dragon in a battle of spirits!
  1400. [OUT]Do nothing for now and leave.
  1401. [/NODE]
  1402. +[NODE]4
  1403. [STORY]
  1404. The dragon lies slain and you reclaim what is yours.
  1405. [/STORY]
  1406. [OUT]Partir.
  1407. [/NODE]
  1408. +[NODE]7
  1409. [STORY]
  1410. The drake defeats you and flies away.
  1411. [/STORY]
  1412. [OUT]Partir.
  1413. [/NODE]
  1414. [/EVENT]
  1415. -- [EVENT] --DragonTakenSpwn(9)
  1416. +[NODE]2
  1417. [STORY]
  1418. You spot a dragon -- the one who stole from you!
  1419. [/STORY]
  1420. [OUT]Attaquer !
  1421. [OUT]Face the dragon in a battle of spirits!
  1422. [OUT]Do nothing for now and leave.
  1423. [/NODE]
  1424. +[NODE]4
  1425. [STORY]
  1426. The dragon lies slain and you reclaim what is yours.
  1427. [/STORY]
  1428. [OUT]Partir.
  1429. [/NODE]
  1430. +[NODE]7
  1431. [STORY]
  1432. The drake defeats you and flies away.
  1433. [/STORY]
  1434. [OUT]Partir.
  1435. [/NODE]
  1436. [/EVENT]