Helm chart for deploying Peertube on kubernetes
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LecygneNoir a182a1b93c Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
charts Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
templates Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
.gitignore Add default gitignore 4 years ago
Chart.yaml Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
LICENSE Initial commit 4 years ago
README.md Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
requirements.lock Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago
requirements.yaml Add originals files, forked from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts with some fixes 4 years ago


Peertube on kubernetes

Federated (ActivityPub) video streaming platform using P2P (BitTorrent) directly in the web browser with WebTorrent.

Before deploy

Currently if you want use persistent volume you need to create persistent volume and persistent volume claim

Installing the chart

$ helm install --name my-release peertube

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release \
  --set environment.hostname=new.domain.tld,\
  postgresql.postgresPassword=secretpassword \

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install --name my-release -f values.yaml peertube

Status : WIP


Originated from https://github.com/MikaXII/helm-charts