scripting your way to upload videos to peertube and youtube
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

118 lines
3.4 KiB

# coding: utf-8
from ConfigParser import RawConfigParser, NoOptionError, NoSectionError
from os.path import dirname, splitext, basename, isfile
"music": 10,
"films": 1,
"vehicles": 2,
"sport": 17,
"travels": 19,
"gaming": 20,
"people": 22,
"comedy": 23,
"entertainment": 24,
"news": 25,
"how to": 26,
"education": 27,
"activism": 29,
"science & technology": 28,
"science": 28,
"technology": 28,
"animals": 15
"music": 1,
"films": 2,
"vehicles": 3,
"sport": 5,
"travels": 6,
"gaming": 7,
"people": 8,
"comedy": 9,
"entertainment": 10,
"news": 11,
"how to": 12,
"education": 13,
"activism": 14,
"science & technology": 15,
"science": 15,
"technology": 15,
"animals": 16
def getCategory(category, platform):
if platform == "youtube":
return YOUTUBE_CATEGORY[category.lower()]
return PEERTUBE_CATEGORY[category.lower()]
# return the nfo as a RawConfigParser object
def loadNFO(options):
video_directory = dirname(options.get('--file')) + "/"
if options.get('--nfo'):
print "Using " + options.get('--nfo') + " as NFO, loading..."
if isfile(options.get('--nfo')):
nfo = RawConfigParser()'--nfo'))
return nfo
exit("Given NFO file does not exist, please check your path.")
except Exception as e:
exit("Problem with NFO file: " + str(e))
if options.get('--name'):
nfo_file = video_directory + options.get('--name') + ".txt"
print nfo_file
if isfile(nfo_file):
print "Using " + nfo_file + " as NFO, loading..."
nfo = RawConfigParser()
return nfo
except Exception as e:
exit("Problem with NFO file: " + str(e))
# if --nfo and --name does not exist, use --file as default
video_file = splitext(basename(options.get('--file')))[0]
nfo_file = video_directory + video_file + ".txt"
if isfile(nfo_file):
print "Using " + nfo_file + " as NFO, loading..."
nfo = RawConfigParser()
return nfo
except Exception as e:
exit("Problem with nfo file: " + str(e))
print "No suitable NFO found, skipping."
return False
def parseNFO(options):
nfo = loadNFO(options)
if nfo:
# We need to check all options and replace it with the nfo value if not defined (None or False)
for key, value in options.iteritems():
key = key.replace("-", "")
# get string options
if value is None and nfo.get('video', key):
options['--' + key] = nfo.get('video', key)
# get boolean options
elif value is False and nfo.getboolean('video', key):
options['--' + key] = nfo.getboolean('video', key)
except NoOptionError:
except NoSectionError:
exit("Given NFO file miss section [video], please check syntax of your NFO.")
return options