scripting your way to upload videos to peertube and youtube
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433 B

  1. ### This NFO is aimed to be passed to prismedia through the --nfo cli option ###
  2. ### eg:
  3. ### python -m prismedia --file=/path/to/yourvideo.mp4 --nfo=/path/to/cli_nfo.txt ###
  4. ### It's the more priority NFO, only erased by direct cli options ###
  5. [video]
  6. disable-comments = False
  7. nsfw = True
  8. # Publish on Peertube at a specific date
  9. peertubeAt = 2034-05-14T19:00:00
  10. platform = peertube
  11. # debug to display all loaded options
  12. debug = True