Le blog de Victor Héry

最后更新于 1 个月前

Helm chart for deploying Peertube on kubernetes

最后更新于 3 个月前

Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube

最后更新于 2 年前

Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube

最后更新于 2 年前

最后更新于 2 年前

Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube

最后更新于 2 年前

最后更新于 3 年前

Scripting tools to interact with Thea 2 The Shattering files in order to translate them easily.

最后更新于 3 年前

scripting your way to upload videos to peertube and youtube

最后更新于 5 年前

a zerorpc server exposing prismedia, a video uploader to PeerTube and friends.

最后更新于 5 年前

a GUI for prismedia, using Electron.

最后更新于 5 年前

Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube

最后更新于 6 年前

Some scripts to create and renew all your certificates, and concatenate fullchain and privkey so haproxy is able to use it

最后更新于 6 年前

Le blog de Victor Héry

最后更新于 6 年前

Repo de prez ansible, article https://noskillbrain.fr/2017/10/18/ansible/

最后更新于 6 年前