Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

407 lines
17 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
import pluginInterfaces as pi
import utils
import mimetypes
import json
import logging
import datetime
import pytz
from os.path import splitext, basename, abspath
from tzlocal import get_localzone
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session
from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor
from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient
from clint.textui.progress import Bar as ProgressBar
from yapsy.PluginManager import PluginManagerSingleton
logger = logging.getLogger('Prismedia')
class Peertube(pi.IPlatformPlugin):
Plugin to upload to the Peertube platform.
The connections files should be set as # TODO: EXPLAIN HOW TO SETUP THE SECRET FILES
- `publish-at-peertube=DATE`: overrides the default `publish-at=DATE` for this platform. # TODO: Maybe we will use a [<plugin_name>] section on the config fire, explain that.
NAME = "peertube" # TODO: find if it is possible to get the plugin’s name from inside the plugin
SECRETS_FILE = "peertube_secret"
"public": 1,
"unlisted": 2,
"private": 3
"music": 1,
"films": 2,
"vehicles": 3,
"sport": 5,
"travels": 6,
"gaming": 7,
"people": 8,
"comedy": 9,
"entertainment": 10,
"news": 11,
"how to": 12,
"education": 13,
"activism": 14,
"science & technology": 15,
"science": 15,
"technology": 15,
"animals": 16
"arabic": "ar",
"english": "en",
"french": "fr",
"german": "de",
"hindi": "hi",
"italian": "it",
"japanese": "ja",
"korean": "ko",
"mandarin": "zh",
"portuguese": "pt",
"punjabi": "pa",
"russian": "ru",
"spanish": "es"
def __init__(self):
self.channelCreate = False
self.oauth = {}
self.secret = {}
def prepare_options(self, video, options):
pluginManager = PluginManagerSingleton.get()
# TODO: get the `publish-at-peertube=DATE` option
# TODO: get the `channel` and `channel-create` options
pluginManager.registerOptionFromPlugin("Platform", self.NAME, "publish-at", "2034-05-07T19:00:00")
pluginManager.registerOptionFromPlugin("Platform", self.NAME, "channel", "toto")
pluginManager.registerOptionFromPlugin("Platform", self.NAME, "channel-create", False)
video.platform[self.NAME].channel = ""
self.secret = RawConfigParser()
return True
def get_authenticated_service(self):
instance_url = str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'peertube_url')).rstrip("/")
oauth_client = LegacyApplicationClient(
client_id=str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'client_id'))
self.oauth = OAuth2Session(client=oauth_client)
token_url=str(instance_url + '/api/v1/users/token'),
# lower as peertube does not store uppercase for pseudo
username=str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'username').lower()),
password=str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'password')),
client_id=str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'client_id')),
client_secret=str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'client_secret'))
def convert_peertube_date(self, date):
date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
tz = get_localzone()
tz = pytz.timezone(str(tz))
return tz.localize(date).isoformat()
def get_default_channel(self, user_info):
return user_info['videoChannels'][0]['id']
def get_channel_by_name(self, user_info, video):
for channel in user_info["videoChannels"]:
if channel['displayName'] == video.platform[self.NAME].channel:
return channel['id']
def create_channel(self, instance_url, video):
template = ('Peertube: Channel %s does not exist, creating it.') % (video.platform[self.NAME].channel))
channel_name = utils.cleanString(video.platform[self.NAME].channel)
# Peertube allows 20 chars max for channel name
channel_name = channel_name[:19]
data = '{"name":"' + channel_name + '", \
"displayName":"' + video.platform[self.NAME].channel + '", \
"description":null, \
headers = {
'Content-Type': "application/json; charset=UTF-8"
response = + "/api/v1/video-channels/",
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Peertube: " + utils.get_exception_string(e))
if response is not None:
if response.status_code == 200:
jresponse = response.json()
jresponse = jresponse['videoChannel']
return jresponse['id']
if response.status_code == 409:
logger.critical('Peertube: It seems there is a conflict with an existing channel named '
+ channel_name + '.'
' Please beware Peertube internal name is compiled from 20 firsts characters of channel name.'
' Also note that channel name are not case sensitive (no uppercase nor accent)'
' Please check your channel name and retry.')
logger.critical(('Peertube: Creating channel failed with an unexpected response: '
'%s') % response)
def get_default_playlist(self, user_info):
return user_info['videoChannels'][0]['id']
def get_playlist_by_name(self, instance_url, username, video):
start = 0
user_playlists = json.loads(self.oauth.get(
instance_url + "/api/v1/accounts/" + username + "/video-playlists?start=" + str(
start) + "&count=100").content)
total = user_playlists["total"]
data = user_playlists["data"]
# We need to iterate on pagination as peertube returns max 100 playlists (see #41)
while start < total:
for playlist in data:
if playlist['displayName'] == video.playlistName:
return playlist['id']
start = start + 100
user_playlists = json.loads(self.oauth.get(
instance_url + "/api/v1/accounts/" + username + "/video-playlists?start=" + str(
start) + "&count=100").content)
data = user_playlists["data"]
def create_playlist(self, instance_url, video, channel):
template = ('Peertube: Playlist %s does not exist, creating it.') % (str(video.playlistName)))
# We use files for form-data Content
# see
# None is used to mute "filename" field
files = {'displayName': (None, str(video.playlistName)),
'privacy': (None, "1"),
'description': (None, "null"),
'videoChannelId': (None, str(channel)),
'thumbnailfile': (None, "null")}
response = + "/api/v1/video-playlists/",
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Peertube: " + utils.get_exception_string(e))
if response is not None:
if response.status_code == 200:
jresponse = response.json()
jresponse = jresponse['videoPlaylist']
return jresponse['id']
logger.critical(('Peertube: Creating the playlist failed with an unexpected response: '
'%s') % response)
def set_playlist(self, instance_url, video_id, playlist_id):'Peertube: add video to playlist.')
data = '{"videoId":"' + str(video_id) + '"}'
headers = {
'Content-Type': "application/json"
response = + "/api/v1/video-playlists/" + str(playlist_id) + "/videos",
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Peertube: " + utils.get_exception_string(e))
if response is not None:
if response.status_code == 200:'Peertube: Video is successfully added to the playlist.')
logger.critical(('Peertube: Configuring the playlist failed with an unexpected response: '
'%s') % response)
def upload_video(self, video, options):
def get_userinfo(base_url):
return json.loads(self.oauth.get(base_url + "/api/v1/users/me").content)
def get_file(video_path):
return (basename(video_path), open(abspath(video_path), 'rb'),
path = video.path
instance_url = str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'peertube_url')).rstrip('/')
user_info = get_userinfo(instance_url)
username = str(self.secret.get('peertube', 'username').lower())
# We need to transform fields into tuple to deal with tags as
# MultipartEncoder does not support list refer
# and
fields = [
("licence", "1"), # TODO: get licence from video object
("description", video.description),
("category", str(self.CATEGORY[video.category])),
("language", str(self.LANGUAGE[video.language])),
("commentsEnabled", "0" if video.disableComments else "1"),
("nsfw", "1" if video.nsfw else "0"),
("videofile", get_file(path))
tag_number = 0
for strtag in video.tags:
tag_number = tag_number + 1
# Empty tag crashes Peertube, so skip them
if strtag == "":
# Tag more than 30 chars crashes Peertube, so skip tags
if len(strtag) >= 30:
"Peertube: Sorry, Peertube does not support tag with more than 30 characters, please reduce tag: " + strtag)
logger.warning("Peertube: Meanwhile, this tag will be skipped")
# Peertube supports only 5 tags at the moment
if tag_number > 5:
logger.warning("Peertube: Sorry, Peertube support 5 tags max, additional tag will be skipped")
logger.warning("Peertube: Skipping tag " + strtag)
fields.append(("tags[]", strtag))
# If peertubeAt exists, use instead of publishAt
if video.platform[self.NAME].publishAt:
publishAt = video.platform[self.NAME].publishAt
elif video.publishAt:
publishAt = video.publishAt
if 'publishAt' in locals():
publishAt = convert_peertube_date(publishAt)
fields.append(("scheduleUpdate[updateAt]", publishAt))
fields.append(("scheduleUpdate[privacy]", str(self.PRIVACY["public"])))
fields.append(("privacy", str(self.PRIVACY["private"])))
fields.append(("privacy", str(self.PRIVACY[video.privacy])))
if video.originalDate:
originalDate = convert_peertube_date(video.originalDate)
fields.append(("originallyPublishedAt", originalDate))
if video.thumbnail:
fields.append(("thumbnailfile", get_file(video.thumbnail)))
fields.append(("previewfile", get_file(video.thumbnail)))
if hasattr(video.platform[self.NAME], "channel"): # TODO: Should always be present
channel_id = self.get_channel_by_name(user_info, video)
if not channel_id and self.channelCreate:
channel_id = self.create_channel(instance_url, video)
elif not channel_id:
logger.warning("Peertube: Channel `" + video.platform[
self.NAME].channel + "` is unknown, using default channel.") # TODO: debate if we should have the same message and behavior than playlist: "does not exist, please set --channelCreate"
channel_id = self.get_default_channel(user_info)
channel_id = self.get_default_channel(user_info)
fields.append(("channelId", str(channel_id)))
if video.playlistName:
playlist_id = get_playlist_by_name(instance_url, username, video)
if not playlist_id and video.playlistCreate:
playlist_id = create_playlist(instance_url, video, channel_id)
elif not playlist_id:
"Peertube: Playlist `" + video.playlistName + "` does not exist, please set --playlistCreate"
" if you want to create it")
encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields)
# if options.get('--quiet'):
multipart_data = encoder
# else:
# progress_callback = create_callback(encoder, options.get('--progress'))
# multipart_data = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, progress_callback)
headers = {
'Content-Type': multipart_data.content_type
response = + "/api/v1/videos/upload",
if response is not None:
if response.status_code == 200:
jresponse = response.json()
jresponse = jresponse['video']
uuid = jresponse['uuid']
video_id = str(jresponse['id'])"Peertube: Video was successfully uploaded.")
template_url = "%s/videos/watch/%s"
video.platform[self.NAME].url = template_url % (instance_url, uuid)"Peertube: Watch it at " + video.platform[self.NAME].url + ".")
# Upload is successful we may set playlist
if 'playlist_id' in locals():
set_playlist(instance_url, video_id, playlist_id)
logger.critical(('Peertube: The upload failed with an unexpected response: '
'%s') % response)
# upload_finished = False
# def create_callback(encoder, progress_type):
# upload_size_MB = encoder.len * (1 / (1024 * 1024))
# if progress_type is None or "percentage" in progress_type.lower():
# progress_lambda = lambda x: int((x / encoder.len) * 100) # Default to percentage
# elif "bigfile" in progress_type.lower():
# progress_lambda = lambda x: x * (1 / (1024 * 1024)) # MB
# elif "accurate" in progress_type.lower():
# progress_lambda = lambda x: x * (1 / (1024)) # kB
# else:
# # Should not happen outside of development when adding partly a progress type
# logger.critical("Peertube: Unknown progress type `" + progress_type + "`")
# exit(1)
# bar = ProgressBar(expected_size=progress_lambda(encoder.len), label=f"Peertube upload progress ({upload_size_MB:.2f}MB) ", filled_char='=')
# def callback(monitor):
# # We want the condition to capture the varible from the parent scope, not a local variable that is created after
# global upload_finished
# progress = progress_lambda(monitor.bytes_read)
# if monitor.bytes_read == encoder.len:
# if not upload_finished:
# # We get two time in the callback with both bytes equals, skip the first
# upload_finished = True
# else:
# # Print a blank line to not (partly) override the progress bar
# print()
#"Peertube: Upload finish, Processing…")
# return callback
def heartbeat(self):
If needed for your platform, use a bit of the api so the platform is aware the keys are still in use.
print("heartbeat for peertube (nothing to do)")
# def run(options):
def upload(self, video, options):'Peertube: Uploading video...')
self.upload_video(video, options)