Scripting way to upload videos to peertube and youtube
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  1. from os.path import dirname, splitext, basename, isfile
  2. # TODO: We need some list (using enum?) for the commons licences, language, privacy, categories options
  3. class Video(object):
  4. """Store data representing a Video."""
  5. def __init__(self, path):
  6. self.path = path
  7. self.thumbnail = None
  8. = None
  9. self.description = "default description"
  10. self.playlistName = None
  11. self.privacy = "private"
  12. self.category = "films"
  13. self.tags = []
  14. self.language = "english"
  15. self.originalDate = None # TODO: add a method "extract original date"? -> I feal that needs to be done outside of this class
  16. # TODO: set as an object: { "all": date1, "platformX": date2, …}?
  17. # Maybe the publishAt by platform is better placed in `self.platform`
  18. # And so publishAt would only contains the global date.
  19. self.publishAt = None
  20. # TODO: Add a list of licences
  21. self.licence = "proprietary"
  22. self.disableComments = False
  23. self.nsfw = False
  24. # Each platform should insert here the upload state
  25. # TODO: Create a platform object to have an common object/interface to use for each plugin?
  26. self.platform = {}
  27. @property
  28. def thumbnail(self):
  29. if not self._thumbnail is None:
  30. return self._thumbnail
  31. else:
  32. result = None
  33. video_directory = dirname(self.path) + "/"
  34. # First, check for thumbnail based on videoname
  35. if isfile(video_directory + + ".jpg"):
  36. result = video_directory + + ".jpg"
  37. elif isfile(video_directory + + ".jpeg"):
  38. result = video_directory + + ".jpeg"
  39. # Then, if we still not have thumbnail, check for thumbnail based on videofile name
  40. # NOTE: This may be a the exact same check from the previous conditions if self._name = None.
  41. # Bus as far as I know it is not recommended to use privates properties even in the same class
  42. # Maybe check if == splitext(basename(self.path))[0]
  43. # Not done since it is early dev for the plugins rewrite
  44. if not result:
  45. video_file = splitext(basename(self.path))[0]
  46. if isfile(video_directory + video_file + ".jpg"):
  47. result = video_directory + video_file + ".jpg"
  48. elif isfile(video_directory + video_file + ".jpeg"):
  49. result = video_directory + video_file + ".jpeg"
  50. # TODO: move to caller. Logging the output is its resporsability
  51. # Display some info after research
  52. # if not result:
  53. # logger.debug("No thumbnail has been found, continuing")
  54. # else:
  55. #"Using " + result + " as thumbnail")
  56. return result
  57. @thumbnail.setter
  58. def thumbnail(self, value):
  59. self._thumbnail = value
  60. @property
  61. def name(self):
  62. if not self._name is None:
  63. return self._name
  64. else:
  65. return splitext(basename(self.path))[0]
  66. @name.setter
  67. def name(self, value):
  68. self._name = value