#!/bin/bash # This script is used to extract modules to pot # then pass the .pot in poedit to merge duplication if [[ "$#" -ne 1 ]]; then echo "Please pass exactly 1 parameter: the txt module" exit 1 fi ORIGINAL_TXT="$1" POT_DIR="$(pwd)/Modules/pot/" TEMP_DIR="$(mktemp -d)" POT=$(basename "${ORIGINAL_TXT%%.txt}.pot") TEMP_POT="${TEMP_DIR}/${POT}" POT="${POT_DIR}/${POT}" # Reinit exiting POT mkdir -p "${POT_DIR}" truncate -s 0 "${POT}" comment_event="" comment_node="" comment_story="" comment_out="" out_incr=1 story_first_line=0 while read -r line; do if [[ ${line} == *"-- [EVENT]"* ]]; then comment_event="${line}" elif [[ ${line} == *"+[NODE]"* ]]; then comment_node="${line}" elif [[ ${line} == *"[STORY]"* ]]; then comment_story="${comment_event}@@${comment_node}@@${line}" #Time for new story, write the comment to pot echo "#. ${comment_story}" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" story_first_line=1 elif [[ ${line} == *"[/STORY]"* ]]; then # we reach end of story, write the empty msgid and reinit the comment_story echo 'msgstr ""' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" comment_story="" elif [[ ${line} == *"[OUT]"* ]]; then comment_out="${comment_event}@@${comment_node}@@[OUT]${out_incr}" # OUT are one line, let's write it to the pot echo "#. ${comment_out}" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" # Get rid of special character line="${line//'"'/'\"'}" echo "msgid \"${line#\[OUT\]}\"" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo 'msgstr ""' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" ((out_incr++)) elif [[ ${line} == *"[/NODE]"* ]]; then # We reach end of node, reinit comment_node="" comment_story="" comment_out="" out_incr=1 elif [[ ${line} == *"[/EVENT]"* ]]; then # We reach end of event, reinit comment_event="" comment_node="" comment_story="" comment_out="" out_incr=1 elif [[ "${comment_story}" != "" && ${story_first_line} == 1 ]]; then # Get rid of special character line="${line//'"'/'\"'}" # If the line has nothing particular, and the comment_story is not empty, it's a story string # As the story_fist_line is set, it's the first line of the story, add the msgid echo "msgid \"${line}\"" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" story_first_line=0 elif [[ ${comment_story} != "" ]]; then # Get rid of special character line="${line//'"'/'\"'}" # We are on a multilines story, write it but without the msgid # Also as this is multiline, we need to add \n to the previous line (no way to detect it sooner...) sed -e '$s/\(.*\)"$/\1\\n"/' -i "${POT}" echo "\"${line}\"" | tr -d '\r' | tr -d '\n' >> "${TEMP_POT}" echo >> "${TEMP_POT}" else # It should be a newline, write a newline # If new are added, we need to deal with it, do not break the file by writing them echo "" >> "${TEMP_POT}" fi done < "${ORIGINAL_TXT}" # Unify duplicate due to pot syntax msguniq --no-wrap "${TEMP_POT}" > "${POT}"