#!/bin/bash # to add document to zanata, extract .pot with: # grep Key DATABASE_UI_LOCALIZATION.xml | awk -F'"' '{print "#. "$2"\n" "msgid " "\""$4"\"" "\n" "msgstr " "\"\""}' > DATABASE_UI_LOCALIZATION.pot # then pass the .pot in poedit to merge duplication and add the Zanata header if [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]]; then echo "Please passe exactly 2 parameters: the .xml and the corresponding .po" exit 1 fi LANGUAGE=${2} WORKDIR="/tmp/thea2/${LANGUAGE}" PO=${1} TXT="${PO%%.po}.txt" FINALDIR="$(pwd)/${LANGUAGE}" mkdir -p ${WORKDIR} mkdir -p ${FINALDIR} readarray -t file < ${PO} for line in "${file[@]}"; do echo $line done