-- [EVENT] --Human loot_(26) +[NODE]2 [STORY] The ruins are old and decrepit, likely already looted many times over, but you never know what hidden secrets you may yet uncover.The south area seems less traversed, but also unstable. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate the south. [OUT]Investigate the south. [OUT]Investigate the safer areas. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You find a hidden cellar -- or, rather, it finds you as you painfully fall through its ceiling onto a hard floor. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Random demon_(27) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Within what seems like the remnants of a kitchen, with an old stone stove at its centre, you see broken pots and pans, a long-rotten pantry, and the skeletal remains of several humanoids that clearly died trapped here. [/STORY] [OUT]Scout the room to make sure it is safe. [OUT]Go in closer to see if the remains hold anything valuable. [OUT]Go in closer to see if the remains hold anything valuable. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Among the mostly looted ruins, you discover an untouched chamber hidden beneath a load of rubble that must have shifted recently. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] In the darkest corner of the chamber lurks a creature, its big, round eyes glimmering in the dark. You spot one of its legs with shaggy hair and long crooked claws. You also hear a quiet purr.It is clearly watching you. [/STORY] [OUT]As a wise one, you know many creatures. Try to figure out what this is. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] The more you look at the creature, the more you think it is a simple mrucek -- a harmless house demon, gone feral after being trapped here with its dead masters. [/STORY] [OUT][Common demon]Try talking to it to show that you mean it no harm and it is now safe to leave. [OUT]Perform a ritual to ease this demon's disturbed soul. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You calm the mrucek so well that its body visibly changes, and it now resembles a common cat that will follow you faithfully. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You calm the mrucek so well that its body visibly changes, and it now resembles a common cat, only fluffier and fat.It purrs and disappears through the entrance you made.You feel a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] The mrucek purrs even louder and pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] The mrucek purrs even louder and then pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] There is a loud purr and a rugged catlike creature pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] This room looks like it could have been an old armoury, and although it was clearly evacuated, there may be some usable leftovers to find. [/STORY] [OUT]Scout the room to make sure it is safe. [OUT]Search the room and gather anything still useful. [OUT]Search the room and gather anything still useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] In the darkest corner of the chamber lurks a creature, its beady eyes flickering in darkness.It is clearly watching you. [/STORY] [OUT][Strigas] You sense a striga presence. Try to dominate whatever lurks in the shadows. [OUT]You sense a creature of the night. In the name of Horz, lord of the moon, call the creature to heel. [OUT]Attack with a preemptive strike. [OUT]Keep watching the creature and loot the place, hoping it will not attack. [OUT]Keep watching the creature and loot the place, hoping it will not attack. [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] A starved striga bows before your dominance, then offers up the last of its life force for you to devour. [/STORY] [OUT]Devour the striga. Then gather up whatever loot you can find here. [OUT]Leave the creature be. Gather up whatever loot is left and go. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] A starved striga bows before your dominance, then scampers off through the opening you made. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up whatever loot is left and go. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] There is a loud purr and a rugged catlike creature pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You kill the striga and are free to loot the place. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you found and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] The starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24) +[NODE]2 [STORY] As you scour some old ruins for loot, you notice you're not the first to arrive.The other group does not see you yet, but this may change at any moment. [/STORY] [OUT]Call upon turmoil and attack whoever dares to stand in your path! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] As you approach, you realise too late that these are not scavengers, but bandits waiting to ambush you.'We're the generu... genr... eh, kind types. Anyway, we take some of your stuff, we let you leave alive.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give them some of your stuff (to the value of 100). [OUT]Try to intimidate them. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Bargain with them, bandit to bandit. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] It looks like these are scavengers -- a rugged, scruffy lot, pillaging what they can from the ruins.You took the time to scout, so now you're in a better position for a tactical attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]As harmony and intellect dictate, there must be a peaceful way out. These folks look hungry. Offer them food in exchange for letting you search the ruins as well. [Lose 20 [R7]food] [OUT]Approach the scavengers and offer a deal to search the ruins together. [OUT]Intimidate them. [OUT]Intimidate them. [OUT]Just leave them be. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'You seem like honest types, and we are hungry. Deal.And since we ain't stupid enough to mess with your gods, you can search to the south and west of here. Be careful of the east, though -- the air seems foul there, and two of ours never came back to say what's hiding there.' [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Ignore the warning and explore the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You enter the eastern part of the ruins and find that a deep, nasty gash has been torn in the ground beneath you.From within, you sense a presence, watching, waiting...You feel a warm glow that seems pleasant at first, then becomes stifling, hot, and burning! [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Stay and fight this thing! [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'I suppose if you give us some food, we can let you search this place.Or we could trade with what we found so far.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some food so you can search. [Lose 20 food] [OUT]Trade with them and leave. [OUT]Attack them instead. [OUT]Actually, just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'We go now. You don't kill us!'The scavengers look at you and decide the loot is not worth their lives. They run away. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] 'You scary, but you not many. We take you!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] 'We go now. You don't kill us!'The scavengers look at you and decide the loot is not worth their lives. They run away. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You scout ahead and discover that it is a group of bandits pretending to scavenge the ruins, but in fact waiting to ambush you! [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with a preemptive strike! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]Bargain with them, bandit to bandit. [OUT]Try to intimidate them. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] 'You think you scary, eh? Think again, scum!'While you were talking, they were getting ready to fight, and they launch at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Throw them some of your stuff and run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]38 [STORY] You kill the bandits and take their spoils!But the ruins were clearly looted many times over already. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The burning light is overwhelming. It burns your very soul, threatening to dissolve it entirely and bind it to the ever-glowing presence.Just as you think you?ll succumb, the light retreats, perhaps still too weak to fully take you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] Your spirit is strong and pushes away the burning light that threatened to devour your very soul.At least now you can loot the ruins in peace, although you remain shaken by the experience. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the ruins and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] 'You seem like honest types, and we are hungry. Deal.And since we ain't stupid enough to mess with your gods, you can search to the south and west of here. Be careful of the east, though -- the air seems foul there, and two of ours never came back to say what's hiding there.' [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Ignore the warning and explore the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] 'Nah, we don't wanna deal with your sort. Beat it!' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack them instead. [/NODE] +[NODE]59 [STORY] Your decisive attack destroys the enemy, but you did not notice a small group taking off with what they looted here.Still, you are now free to continue searching the ruins. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Check the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]60 [STORY] You skilfully dispatch the enemy.You are now free to continue searching the ruins. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Check the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]62 [STORY] Defeated, you run for your lives, having to leave behind some of your supplies. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]64 [STORY] 'I guess dealin's more profitable-like, sure. We can trade, or you can bugger off. Call it professional cort... curtsy?' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to trade. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]66 [STORY] 'Eh, you look burly enough, and we're gettin' tired. Perhaps it's best we give you some of our stuff and you leave us be, eh?' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to take their stuff and let them be. [OUT]Attack them instead. The fight should be easier now that they're scared! [/NODE] +[NODE]69 [STORY] You are sorely beaten and perhaps drop some of your stuff so they won?t chase you.'Lucky we ain't evil, else we'd take all your things!' [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]71 [STORY] 'I suppose if you give us some food, we can let you search this place.Or we could trade with what we found so far.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some food so you can search. [Lose 20 food] [OUT]Attack them instead. [OUT]Actually, just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]72 [STORY] You feel strengthened by your god. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Darkness(25) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You search the old ruins until you realise that a dark, foreboding mist is descending upon this place.The black mist is a dreaded remnant of the days of darkness. [/STORY] [OUT]Call upon light or harmony to protect you from this dark power. [OUT]Call upon light or harmony to protect you from this dark power. [OUT]Call upon turmoil or magic to shield you from the darkness. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]Try to sneak quickly past the mist to get to the possible loot in these ruins. [OUT][Shadow elf]The black mist is no danger to you. Walk through it and finish searching the ruins. [OUT][Shadow elf]The black mist is no danger to you. Walk through it and finish searching the ruins. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] Alas, your divine domain serves only as a beacon for the black mist to strike.You are engulfed by its dark clutches, which tear deep into your soul with dread and madness! [/STORY] [OUT]Do not let this darkness win. Gather your spirit and fight it! [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] Your domain shields you as the dreaded mist tries to claw its way into your very souls.Still uneasy from the experience, you can try to search this place for loot and hope the mist won't come after you again. [/STORY] [OUT]Take what you find and leave. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] The black mist cannot be beaten easily. Before you know it, deep, penetrating darkness engulfs you in its cold clutches and tears at your mind and soul. [/STORY] [OUT]Run! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You defeat the darkness and can now attempt to siphon its power. [/STORY] [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Do not risk meddling with the mist. Search the ruins for loot. [OUT]Do not risk meddling with the mist. Search the ruins for loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] By the skin of your teeth you manage to avoid the mist, although you still feel some dread lingering, and you find a decent stash of goods for looting. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather any loot you find and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] You siphon some of the dark energy safely, protected by the divine domain of magic. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You try to siphon the dark energy, but it does not sit well with your divine domain.A spirit sickness befalls you. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You siphon some of the dark energy safely. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] The dark mist destroys most of what once stood here, but you find a fairly fresh corpse to loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] Your domain shields you as the dreaded mist tries to claw its way into your very souls.Still uneasy from the experience, you can try to search this place for loot and hope the mist won't come after you again. [/STORY] [OUT]Take what you find and leave. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The power of darkness seeps into your spirit, strengthening it from within. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather any loot you find and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] You try to siphon the dark energy, but darkness is a fickle friend.A spirit sickness befalls you. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Unliving(22) +[NODE]2 [STORY] As you explore, you notice long-dead humanoid remains scattered all over the place.They look larger than human, possibly orcish. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]The unnatural forces binding these unliving are still weak. Try to break this bond and thus free their souls. [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] The ritual works, and you free the unliving souls. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the ruins. [OUT]Search the ruins. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle.Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom. Alas, you feel the spirits' heavy unrest in the air, and your own souls feel burdened by it. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue searching the ruins. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom, but perhaps the fallen orcs did not like it, as they rise up to attack you! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom and no unliving rise to kill you, so you likely did well. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'We... we cannot rest. The dark pulls at us, keeps us here... fire, fire to our bones!'One of the unliving connects with your mind, and suddenly you know the proper orcish way to lay them to rest. [/STORY] [OUT]Create a funeral pyre and lead the unliving to it, as is their wish. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT]Just kill the unliving. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You defeat the unliving after they were weakened by your domain's intervention. However, it dawns on you that you had a peaceful way of resolving this, so your spirits suffer for this act of violence. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] Your efforts are futile and the unliving attack! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] With the dead, well, dead again, you can now search the ruins in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The unliving overwhelm you and force you to run for your lives. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] As you search the old rubble, you hear the voice of a female orc:'We witnessed from afar your honourable deed, as expected from a sister, of course. Here, we found some loot that we cannot carry on the long road ahead. Take it and serve the gods well!' [/STORY] [OUT]Pound your chest in thanks and bid them farewell. Finish checking the ruins and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and depart. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Before you can take your treasure, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'We claim this ruin as our turf, as marked by our fallen kin!' [/STORY] [OUT]Keep listening. Best not to further enrage an already angry orc. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs.The orcs appreciate your aid, and add some metals as a reward before they bid you farewell. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] The orc warrior growls, her sharp, exposed teeth glimmering at you, but then she laughs:'Ha! You have a warrior heart and you respected our fallen. You may leave, and may your path be filled with good enemies and strong friends.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well too and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'You fought well for weakling fleshies. You have tits! Good.All this fighting got me hungry. Leave your food, leave the loot, and you're free to go.' [/STORY] [OUT]Praise their honour and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] Whoever these dead folks were, their killers took off with much of what was usable here, but you still see some salvageable resources and a few scattered weapons that may be good. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You gather up what little is left in the ruins, but just as you lift a skeleton to pick up its sword, you hear footsteps behind you and see some unliving! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] 'But I tell you what, you showed respect to the dead, even though you buried them instead of burnin'... So help us dig them out and make funeral pyres and you can keep half of the loot.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'So you surrender... weak, cowardly, and you claim to follow the path of turmoil, do you? Pathetic.'The warrior spits in your face and her men kick you out of the ruins, taking away your loot but, surprisingly, not your equipment. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] 'Ah, true warriors, good! Do with us as you will. We yield to your swords!' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill them all and take their stuff. [OUT]Take only the loot you found in the ruins, and leave the orcs be. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle.Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Underground(23) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the ruins long abandoned and looted many times over. Just as you are about to give up, you discover a hidden entrance to an underground chamber, protected by a huge, heavy slab of stone that once may have been a doorway. [/STORY] [OUT]You have some craft tools. Use them to try to pry this entrance open. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] With tools in hand, you manage to find the hinges and pry the old stone slab open.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] The stone slab cracks under the pressure of your brawn, but it crumbles so utterly that you fall into the corridor with the rubble.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in deeper. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] The stone breaks under your assault, and the way in is clear.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You descend down the winding corridor until you reach a chamber with six stone columns. Between them are alcoves with granite chests and vases.[R6] [/STORY] [OUT]Search the chamber. [OUT]Search the chamber. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] You spot the silhouettes of humanoid creatures hanging from the ceiling by the columns.They have spotted you as well... [/STORY] [OUT]Use your knowledge of demon lore to identify these creatures. [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out. [OUT]These creatures are clearly some of your demon kin. Consider how to resolve the situation. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] As you walk into the chamber, you are ambushed by creatures that fall from the ceiling upon you! [/STORY] [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run, even though you may take some damage. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] Striga are unliving fiends known not only to drink the blood of the living but also to devour their entrails! [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [OUT][Bloodless creatures]Since the strigas are after blood, bloodless creatures should be able to sneak in and out without trouble. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You sense that these creatures are of the night, tainted by darkness. As such, you can call upon your domain to give you strength to fight them. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The striga are cursed souls who need to feed on the blood of the living to survive. They were clearly locked in here for a long time and are now starving.If you give them blood, they will let you loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some of your blood. [OUT]Give them some of your blood. [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood.The strigas honour the deal. You can loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood, but this act is unnatural and conflicts with one of your divine domains.You feel weakened in spirit, but the striga honour the deal. You can loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The striga are dead and the chamber yours to pilfer. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] No matter how much you try, the old stone slab will not move. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] You carefully sneak in. The strigas stir, their red eyes following you, but they do not attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] The strigas tear your flesh and feast on your blood even as you run for your lives. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Cemetery loot(20) +[NODE]2 [STORY] The cemetery is quiet and mostly empty, but you see an unburied body on the ground, clutching a stash of goods. [/STORY] [OUT]Grab the stash. [OUT]Bury the corpse and take its stash. [OUT]Bury the corpse and take its stash. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel that a foul force has touched you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You try to bury the corpse, but you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you! [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Ruinshuman(21) +[NODE]3 [STORY] You discover some ancient ruins hidden amid fog and shrubbery. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --TavernSlavyan_(28) +[NODE]2 [STORY] The fires are warm and the ale is good. The tavern is bustling with life and joy. [/STORY] [OUT]See if you can recruit anyone. [OUT][Demon]Do some gambling. [OUT]Do some gambling. [OUT]Drink. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] There are some folks here who may want to join your band, seeing as you are the chosen and all. [/STORY] [OUT]Approach a warrior. [OUT]Approach a hunter. [OUT]There's a zerca staring at you. Ask him over. [OUT]There's a bandit sitting in a corner. Approach him. [OUT]Someone is ushering you over to speak to them. Go see what they want. [OUT]Someone is ushering you over to speak to them. Go see what they want. [OUT]There are no more folks who want to join this time. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] No deal. Better luck next time. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] A fighter is available but requires a payment. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] A hunter is available but requires a payment. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] He comes up to you and says he will follow you for free, as you are the chosen! [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] They say they'll do mercenary work for the right price. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] An orphan overhears you recruiting and begs for you to take them in. They heard that you are a champion and they want to be one too, apparently. [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] An orphan overhears you recruiting and begs for you to take them in. They heard that you are a champion and they want to be one too, apparently. [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] One should never try gambling with demons. You were made for trickery, after all.You win, but the folk look at you with suspicion. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] Lady luck has smiled upon you again. You win. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] Who needs luck when you have the gods on your side? You win. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] Alas, luck was not on your side. You lost. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You got so drunk, you don't recall much of what happened. But a stork visits you some time later . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Good? [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Slavyans may be known for their drinking, but there simply isn't anyone with a tougher head than a Slavyan dwarf!You drink everyone under the table and impress the locals greatly. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] Slavyans may be known for their drinking, but you are a Slavyan too, after all, even if not from the same branch. So you drink with them hand in hand and they are impressed. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The Slavyans sure do know how to drink. You do not recall the evening, but you feel its effects painfully . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] The Slavyans sure do know how to drink. You do not recall the evening, but you feel its effects painfully . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] You got into a fight and discovered hidden strength within you. Unfortunately, the locals do not appreciate your prowess. You get kicked out of the tavern. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Food trader(29) +[NODE]2 [STORY] 'Welcome to our food stalls. Now food isn't easy to get on our lands, so we will only do a food for food exchange.' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade [OUT]Not today, leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvRats(13) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the vermin nest you were sent to clear. [/STORY] [OUT]#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvRats(13)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]10@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]13@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]32@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]33@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum mix(17)@@+[NODE]27@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum striga(18)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]5@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]9@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]11@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]25@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]34@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]47@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]69@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]15@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]17@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]7#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]4@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]64@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]72@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --__SlavKillsmallScav(30)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]5msgid "Attack! [OUT][Hunter]Set traps to lure the rats. [OUT][Beast master or wisdom]You know that rats are susceptible to a certain flute melody. [OUT][Druid]No need to kill the rats. Try to coerce them into leaving. [OUT][Witch]Rats are your cohorts. Dominate the vermin and make them leave. [OUT]Investigate this rat nest. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You play the flute and the rats slowly begin to follow you. Some sink in the water already. You must hold the tune long enough to drown them all. [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the ones left the old-fashioned way. Attack! [OUT]Keep playing. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats listen and scamper away obediently, leaving you free to loot their nest. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, gather what you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.But the fat rat in charge is not buying it. You are bitten and thrown out. The nest is unsettled. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to walk away calmly. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats are so convinced by your words that they want you to be their new pack master. You would lead your own nest, have many baby rats, and bring the word of the gods to the vermin. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to take on the responsibility. [Lose one rat] [OUT]Do not allow your rat friend to leave! Kill the female rat that is clearly the architect of this disaster! [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You set the traps and get rid of the vermin.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The rat is very young and wounded, but you know how to train rats, so you can take him along with you. [/STORY] [OUT]Nice. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You find the bodies of many children, but also those of demons and animals. This nest was busy.More surprising, you discover in a central space, upon a throne of bones, a common cat[R19], bound in a collar. Was it the master or the victim here?It purrs at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the cat. [OUT]Kill the cat, for it is clearly the architect of this evil! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You set up traps and kill most of the rats, while others scamper away. In one of your traps you discover a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The rats get spooked and swarm you within minutes. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] Your friend is distraught at your actions, but the nest scampers away in fear. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village. Nature and harmony are satisfied by your actions.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] You get in closer and observe the rats. You soon realise that they are unusual. They seem to be building a prison of sorts with cages and holes, and you see bodies of their prisoners sticking out. [/STORY] [OUT][Hunter]Try to sneak in and set up traps to get rid of the vermin. [OUT][Druid or beastmaster]Play the flute to call the rats away, then try to rescue whomever you can. [OUT]Attack the vermin! [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] The villagers thank you for clearing the nest and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] The rats beat you badly and force you to flee. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]57 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]58 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]61 [STORY] The vermin are dead or running away. One of the bodies, you discover, was a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]62 [STORY] The rats listen to your tune and obediently abandon their nest. You notice that one of them was actually a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. Most likely, it was not entranced by the flute but rather decided to flee while it could. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]63 [STORY] The rats follow the tune and drown.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillBears(12) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the area where the pack of bears you were asked to deal with is said to roam. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to handle bears. Try to figure it out. [OUT][Hunter]Track the bears. [OUT][Nature or intellect]Use your mental prowess to figure out what to do. [OUT][Bear]Dominate the bears. [OUT]Find them and attack! [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You get in closer and observe several bears huddled in a cave. [/STORY] [OUT][Orc]Bear wrestling time! [OUT][Orc]Bear wrestling time! [OUT]Some of your group can communicate with bears, so try to make them obey you. [OUT]Bears respect territory. Try to figure out a way to mark this land for the Slavyans, thus making the bears leave. [OUT]Set a trap for the pack and attack when they are weakened. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You stalk the bears and can take them out one by one, then make the rest flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Yes, do it. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You wrestle the alpha bear and break its neck with your bare hands. The other bears submit to your dominance.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] One of the wounded bears lashes out at you in a dying frenzy. [/STORY] [OUT]Put them down. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] You mark the territory and harass the pack until they move on.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, so the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You give the food away and lead the animals to another spot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] Alas, just as you are about to report your successful mission, you learn that the bears have returned and continue to harass the settlers. They have to deal with them themselves, so your friendship does not grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You were unconvincing. The beasts stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Just attack them! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Your scheming fails and you are assailed by the bears.The folk who asked for your help hear your screams and come to your aid. They have to kill the bears themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The bears bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two may even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They kill the bears themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You wrestle the bear, but the others do not care and wander off, though you don't notice. Later you learn that, angered by your interruption, the bears lashed out at the villagers.The Slavyans are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The bears bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one even decides to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillBoars(11) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the area where the pack of boars you were asked to deal with is said to roam. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to handle boars. Try to figure it out. [OUT][Hunter]Track the boars. [OUT][Nature or intellect]Use your mental prowess to figure out what to do. [OUT][Boar rider]Dominate the boars. [OUT]Find them and attack! [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You get in closer and observe. The boars have some piglets with them, which can make them more aggressive, but may also provide an opportunity. [/STORY] [OUT][Beast master or boar rider]Boars are your specialty. Create enough chaos to make them flee, then try to separate and capture the young. [OUT][Beast master or boar rider]Boars are your specialty. Create enough chaos to make them flee, then try to separate and capture the young. [OUT]Some in your group can communicate with boars, so try to make them obey you. [OUT]The sow will be very protective of her piglets. Try to make this area seem too risky a place to raise young. [OUT]Set a trap for the pack and attack when they are weakened. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You stalk the boars and can take them out one by one, then make the rest flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Yes, do it. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] Your plan works to perfection. The herd is chased away, and some younglings are caught. Perhaps you'll be able to train one.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] One of the wounded boars lashes out at you in a dying frenzy. [/STORY] [OUT]Put them down. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] You perform a few sneak attacks to harass the herd and create enough trouble that they decide to move on.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You give the food away and lead the animals to another spot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] Alas, just as you are about to report your successful mission, you learn that the boars have returned and continue to harass the settlers. They have to deal with them themselves, so your friendship does not grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You were unconvincing. The beasts stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Just attack them! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Your scheming fails and you are assailed by the boars.The folk who asked for your help hear your screams and come to your aid. They have to kill the boars themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The boars bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two may even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They kill the boars themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] Your plan backfires. The boars panic and run, but they end up trampling some villagers. You do catch some piglets, though.The Slavyans are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The boars bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageMed(10) +[NODE]2 [STORY] 'Welcome, what brings you to our humble abode?'Some village activities will only be available when you are friends with its people and some are restricted to chance, so coming back from time to time may be worth it. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if there is anything you can help with. [OUT]Say you just came to rest and visit, perhaps heal your wounds. [OUT]Ask if you can visit the kennels. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Visit the tavern. [OUT]Visit the food stalls. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'You best move along. You're no friends of ours.'You see armed folk gathering. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Say that you mean them no harm -- all you want is to talk and visit. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The village lies destroyed, and the spoils are yours. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. There's a bunch of vermin nesting nearby. We're small, only setting up. If you help us be rid of them, we'll be very thankful, to be sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'It will be a cold day in summer before we refuse hospitality to the weary.We also have a healer in the village. If they're not busy, they're good with the body and the mind.' [/STORY] [OUT]Pay to get physical wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to get mental wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to have poison removed. [OUT]Ask if there's a wise one who can heal spiritual ailments. [OUT]A zerca is telling the story of the cosmic tree. Go listen to his tale in honour of the gods. [OUT]Come back another day. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old cemetery not far, and truth be told, we don't have the means to clear it ourselves. So if you go have a look, it'll help us out for sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. Some boars are roaming nearby and causing a lot of trouble. We'd go deal with it, but since you asked...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'You lookin' to help a fellow, eh? Sure, there's always trouble.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [OUT]You see they are in need of stone, so tell them you're willing to give away some of yours. [OUT]You have a lot of wood on you. Ask if they need some. [OUT]There is nothing to do here for now. Come back another day. [OUT]Ask if there are any places of interest around here. [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'Yeah, nasty bunch of scoundrels are setting up nearby. We're small, and we're worried they may hit us soon. But if you got them first...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] 'A witch, that's what you're after, eh? Magic comes at a price. Healing the spirit is easier, but curses, well, they are nasty things. They'll cost you more, cost you blood.' [/STORY] [OUT][Witch] Say you only need your sister's aid, and you'll pay the price yourself and promise not to burden her. [OUT]Agree to pay the price for curing curses. [OUT]Ask to have your spirit wounds healed. [OUT]You have no spirit wounds or curses, leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The witch nods. 'Bah, should've said so, sis. I wouldn't try to sell you the price crap, ha. Let's get to it.'Together, you remove any curses you had. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank her and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'In the name of the cosmic tree itself, you are truly odd folk to offer resources like that. We thank you.We cannot give much, but here, have what we can spare.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'Sure, go right ahead, we may have some pups for you to buy.' [/STORY] [OUT]Buy a dog. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] 'Bah, fine, you look honest enough and you carry the mark of the gods, so we best not anger them lot.Come in, but we're watching you!' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask to trade. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] 'We do seem to have a problem with predators roaming our territory. Troublesome lot, and we'd go deal with them ourselves, but you asked if you could help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] 'Go away!' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]57 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old cemetery not far, and truth be told, we don't have the means to clear it ourselves. So if you go have a look, it'll help us out for sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]60 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old grave site not too far. We've been hearing strange noises, moaning and groaning -- and not the good type. We fear the unliving may haunt it, and when they smell our flesh, they're sure to come. Get rid of them.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]65 [STORY] 'Either we do not have any work for you, or you or your kin are already set on a path to aid us. Finish that path before you ask for new tasks. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum mix(17) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You enter an ancient human graveyard. Here, you feel the presence of otherworldly beings lingering in dark corners, but they do not react to you in any way. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.You do, however, find a faded pentagram and a dead body that is not buried. Among its rotten belongings, you find a map drawn on a piece of leather. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the map and leave. [OUT]Take the map and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.You do find one large crypt that could still hold some mysteries, but to get in, you'd need to move the large slab of stone. [/STORY] [OUT]You're strong enough to move the slab without much effort. [OUT]Try to move the slab. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged. [/STORY] [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] The crypt remains untouched and the effort leaves you exhausted. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine. You see nothing, but you feel a dark curse attacking you! [/STORY] [OUT]Defend yourselves. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] Whatever dark force tried breaking you, it fails and retreats from whence it came. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] You open the crypt and stab whatever was inside. It looks like a very dead body, and now it?s, er, deader. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Loot the place and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] The striga that lay within met its true death. The tomb lies open for your looting. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are beaten badly, your blood drawn, your souls weakened, but you manage to run away before death followed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.But you notice a creature burrowing under one of the gravestones. [/STORY] [OUT]Take a closer look to try to identify it. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave it be. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] These are unliving vermin! [/STORY] [OUT]Kill them! [OUT]Lure them away with some food and a bit of your blood. Then loot the grave they were digging. [OUT]Leave. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The rats beat you badly and you are forced to flee. Some of you are infected by the unliving vermin. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] A dark, foreboding force clasps at your souls, corrupting them from within. You feel soiled, violated.You manage to force yourself out of this place, but not without scars. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged. [/STORY] [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] Alas, for one of you, the wounds were deadly -- or so it seemed, until you rose up as a nightwalker, a striga. Fortunately, your connection to the cosmic pantheon remains strong, so you are free to follow your own path again. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] Your plan works, but the stuff you loot is infected with some nasty rat disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] You dominate the unliving rats swarming the grave, but they are too scared for servitude. They simply scamper off into the shadows. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Among the old gravestones that tell the tale of the old days, you find a spot where only a single slab of sandstone lies with some very faint and unreadable markings on it. But something draws your attention towards it. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] The placement of the stone and the faded markings, which look to you like some sort of warding signs, suggest that whoever was buried here was an undesirable, but also feared. Was the warding meant to protect whoever lies here, or the other way around? Alas, this is unclear. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] This seems likely to be a burial place for outcasts, criminals, and those who were otherwise unwanted in a community or perhaps too poor to get a proper burial.As you get closer, you have a fleeting feeling of unease. Dark magics could be at play here. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] This seems likely to be a burial place for outcasts, criminals, and those who were otherwise unwanted in a community or perhaps too poor to get a proper burial. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'You, you there, live one! Come here. I need a favour and you seem the sort to listen.'You realise the sound is coming from the stone slab. As you turn towards it, you can see the outlines of a ghostly figure. [/STORY] [OUT][Ghost]Tell him to speak plainly, without the drama. Ask him why he is here. [OUT][Goblin shaman]You sense this ghost is bound to the gravestone. Ask him why. [OUT]Ask him what his problem is. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'Well, you know, cemeteries, dead folk, after the gates to the underworlds were shut for centuries and then that god of yours, Veles, disappeared, we're quite overcrowded here, you know.But say, ghost to ghost, will you help me out?' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that you see he is stuck here, and ask why. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You fail to perform the ritual and the spirit shifts into an angry wraith. 'Useless lumps of meat!'You feel weakened, but perhaps it is good that the ghost remained trapped. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'Oh, fine, fine, yes, I was a wretched soul, murderous villain I was called, damned to eternity tied to this stone. Can you imagine the boredom?Just let me leave, and I will reward you, promise.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Strengthen the ritual to make sure he stays where he is. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You strengthen the ritual binding the spirit here. It skulks away into the shadows, unable to do anything to stop you. You feel a wave of good energy fall upon you -- an aftereffect of the original spell, you think. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You fail to strengthen the ritual and feel depleted from the attempt.The ghost is angered and lashes out at you, forcing you to leave. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'You know, in the old days, I would have thrown a curse on you and gathered my dark minions to reap death and destruction on the lands. But all my time in solitude taught me a lesson. I will serve you awhile instead.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You kill the ghost, but you suspect it will eventually return here. Still, it is gone for now. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] The ghost defeats you and leaves you cursed as you run away from its range. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] You smash the gravestone to pieces, but the ghost remains bound to this place. Clearly, brute force will not break this curse.The ghost skulks away, cursing at you, and you see a glimmer of malice in its dead eyes.You feel your spirit fatigued from the effort. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'I guess you could call my troubles your typical ghost conundrum -- er, problem. We... I mean, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place.' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --cemetery human(15) +[NODE]3 [STORY] You discover the ruins of an ancient human cemetery, one where burial was clearly the custom. There are gravestones with faded markings and even some large stone crypts. [/STORY] [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Army(14) +[NODE]2 [STORY] An armed group of Slavyans stands before you. [/STORY] [OUT]Greet your allies. [OUT]Stay cautious, but speak to them. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Intimidate them! [OUT]Move away. [OUT]Convince them you are friendly. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] 'Ah, good day to you, friends, well met.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if they want to trade. [OUT]Have a drink together. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'You ain't our enemy, but you ain't friends, either. Go to our village if you wanna make friends. Now move away.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Intimidate them! [OUT]Convince them you are friendly. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Fine, fine, here, take our stuff and we'll back away, no need for fightin' and no hard feelings either, eh.' [/STORY] [OUT]If they left anything of use take it and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] They are not interested in your words. You get chased away and beaten. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Well, you do seem like the good sort. We'll leave you be.'They walk off and you gain some friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19) +[NODE]2 [STORY] As soon as you enter the grave site, you feel something is amiss.Many of the gravestones are crushed and the earth beneath them has been moved.It could be grave robbers, but it could be more... [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You go in closer and notice a figure sitting on a gravestone, crying. The figure shifts its shape from a black cat to a mouse to a ghostly visage of a woman and back again. [/STORY] [OUT][Demon or zerca]Try to figure out what creature this may be. [OUT][Magic users]You sense some magic here. Take a closer look. [OUT][Harmony]Your connection to the divine tingles. Time to investigate. [OUT][Nature]You feel something unnatural. Investigate. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Best approach with caution. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Kill it! [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You spot a couple of unliving corpses coming in and out of a crypt. There may be more inside, as you see many tracks around the place. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Unliving]These seem to be awakened, like you, or at least acting with more purpose than usual. Go in to talk to them. [OUT]Better just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] This knowledge is rare, but being who you are, you recognise the signs. These forms together suggest that this may be a dola demon. They are usually guardian demons, especially fond of protecting young ones and bringing good fortune to those they choose.It is odd to find one here, alone. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask what the dola is doing here. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!'You hear movement accompanied by unnatural groans. You soon see the first unliving bodies looming behind a crypt. They haven't noticed you yet. [/STORY] [OUT]Figure out a way to wake up the dola and remind it of its duty to protect. [OUT]The binding of these unliving is very weak and fresh. Use a cleansing ritual to break the bond and thus destroy them. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] Cats and mice are often familiars of witches or demons. More disturbingly, you sense a growing weave of magic coming your way.Judging from the setting, you suspect that the unliving roam these grounds! [/STORY] [OUT]Speak out to see if anyone hides here. [OUT]Attack the creature and whatever minions it may have. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You sense the overwhelming power of harmony, twisted and unnatural. Something is very wrong here; the laws of harmony and nature are being broken! The figure sees you and speaks:'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!' [/STORY] [OUT]Perform a dance of nature and harmony to try to bring this creature back from its torment. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave this place of unnatural turmoil. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] 'A dola, dola... yes. Oh, no, what happened here? I, I just wanted my charge to be safe, living, but he wasn't. He was here, so cold, so I tried, but they all come out wrong!' [/STORY] [OUT]So she made the unliving? [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong, it made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to her request. Strike her down. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]Kill the unliving only. Tell the dola to leave here and never do this again. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] The dola dies quietly, and with it, the unliving bodies that were coming your way collapse.The remaining light of the dola leaves a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The ritual banished the dola, but it did not destroy the unliving. A small group remains, frenzied and bloodthirsty. Fortunately, they run off into the distance. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] The ritual works and the dola slowly dissolves into light energy. The unliving corpses collapse on the ground. Before vanishing, the dola leaves a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] The ritual seems to work as the unliving collapse on the ground and the dola begins to disappear, but her form twists and turns in silent agony!You feel a curse upon you! [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] The dola suddenly looks more composed, tears in her eyes. She speaks: 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong. It made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.' [/STORY] [OUT]If it is the only way, we must do it. Kill the dola. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'A dola... I remember not what that means. My charges, my charges are walking again, and now they must feed. You'd better leave...'You notice figures moving in the shadows, slowly but surely making their way towards you. [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] The ritual works and the unliving collapse where they stand. The creature who summoned them cries out as if in pain.'Noooo! My charges, dead. I failed... again... worry not my dears, I will make you right again...' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the demon as well before she summons more unliving. [OUT]Bind the demon to your service with magic. This is risky, but it could work. [OUT]Just leave this place. [OUT]Just leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The ritual fails and the unliving corpses move towards you. The demon who seems to control them cries, but does nothing to stop it. [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] You kill the unliving and find a human-looking child crying: 'Noooo, mamma, papa, brothers!'When you try to talk to the child, it doesn't know what happened, only that its family is gone. [/STORY] [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but it hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel. Leave. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] Apart from the two corpses you saw, you spot three more that look like teenagers. The unliving are doing various chores around the crypt -- gardening, bringing in firewood, and sweeping.You also spot someone sitting inside the crypt, playing with dolls on the floor. It's a girl of no more than five. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Greet your fellow unliving and ask why they have a living child with them. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] You try to comfort the child, but it is inconsolable. To your dismay, the next night you find it died in its sleep, and its body looks as if it's decades old.But you do feel a blessing from an unknown source fall upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. Bury the child and continue onwards. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] One of the unliving stops and turns to you. It smiles and says in a harsh, throaty voice:'Family, yes. Our baby brought us back, now we are a family, forever and ever and a day, and forever we can play...Help... please... forever like this...' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask how you can help. [/NODE] +[NODE]54 [STORY] The little girl hops out of the crypt and frowns when she sees you, saying:'You're strangers! Go away or I'll have my daddy and brothers eat you!'The girl's eyes are grey and empty, but you see a doll she carries has human eyes that glisten with bright light. [/STORY] [OUT]Keep listening. [OUT]Kill the girl. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] 'The ground shook and shook, and mummy and daddy and my brothers were shook to death. I cried and cried, and a lady came from where the ground shook. She gave me the dolly and said I can have my family back! Now they are back, and we play forever and a day!' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the unliving. [OUT]Kill the girl. [OUT]Leave the odd family be. It's not for you to judge. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] You kill the unliving and the dola cries out in pain, but she too disappears, whispering only: 'Perhaps this is best...' [/STORY] [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the penance and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]59 [STORY] You are badly beaten and forced to flee. [/STORY] [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the defeat and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]67 [STORY] 'The dolly is bad? Making mummy and daddy ill? Okay, then...'She hands you the doll. You destroy it and the unliving fall down, their unnatural life leaving them. The father nods at you in thanks.The girl bursts out crying uncontrollably. [/STORY] [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but she hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [/NODE] +[NODE]68 [STORY] You are badly beaten and forced to flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]69 [STORY] 'No, no, no! Now go away!'She throws a tantrum and the unliving get agitated. They grunt and walk towards you aggressively. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]70 [STORY] You swing your weapon once and chop the girl's face off with a clean swipe.The unliving stand there for a second, staring at you in disbelief. The mother falls on the floor behind her child. The girl then rises -- unliving too. You get the sense the family may still have mixed feelings about you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave before they decide to attack. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion. [/NODE] +[NODE]72 [STORY] The father speaks up:'You harm my little girl... but now we feel... hmm... free from something, able to think again. So have this as thanks. But please, go now, my wife may not see it as I do.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]73 [STORY] The unliving charge at you! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]76 [STORY] You leave, but as you do, you hear the dola scream once more, then her voice changes and you see angry wraiths roaming the land. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum striga(18) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You enter an ancient grave site, long forgotten by mankind. Among old, decrepit gravestones, you find a large crypt, crushed by a fallen tree. The opening stands ajar, and cold darkness looms within. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Within the crypt you see a stone coffin. The chamber is dark and covered in dust, decay, and spiderwebs, but you notice a pentagram carved into the floor and a thick chain that holds the coffin secure. [/STORY] [OUT]Consider this setup carefully. [OUT]Consider this setup carefully. [OUT][Striga]You sense something familiar. Get in closer to have a look. [OUT]Take the silver chain and leave quickly before anything comes out. [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] Some of the symbols used on the pentagram and the chain, which you realise is silver, point towards an unliving fiend being laid to rest here -- most likely a striga. [/STORY] [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain. [OUT]Create a protective circle of fire and use the silver chain, then open the coffin to see what lies inside. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You study the pentagram and find that it was infused with the power of light to hold something of great darkness within.Considering the presence of the silver chain, you believe an unliving creature may lie within. [/STORY] [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain. [OUT]Better just leave it be. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without using the chain. It is good silver, after all. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever lies inside. It must be weak, anyway. [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend! [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You figure out that the load-bearing columns in this crypt are barely standing, and that with a little effort, you can collapse this place on your way out. That way, whatever lies inside should be killed and you'll have the silver.In theory... [/STORY] [OUT]Do it. [OUT]Do it. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] There doesn't seem to be a way to get the silver chain safely. [/STORY] [OUT]Just leave. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside! [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend! [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside! [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You create a ring of fire, hold on to the chain, and open the crypt. Within you see a dried-up striga master, its eyes red with hunger and rage, and the iron and silver chains holding it, broken -- you have no more than a few breaths before it lunges at you! [/STORY] [OUT]Close the lid and put the chain around it! [OUT]Kill the striga! [OUT]Take the chain and run for it! [OUT]Take the chain and run for it! [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You shudder in pain when you come close to the protective runes. There is no doubt -- a fellow striga is trapped within, one likely still driven by bloodlust. [/STORY] [OUT]Wild strigas are dangerous. Better to put it out of its misery. Kill it while it is weakened. [OUT]Open the coffin and talk to the striga. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without using the chain. It is good silver, after all. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] While your striga friend stands back, you dismantle the protection and free what sleeps within.A thirsty bloodsucker emerges, hissing, 'Blood, blood!'It will be tough to talk to the striga in this state. [/STORY] [OUT]You are supreme. Dominate him! [OUT]Convince him you are a friend. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Yes, oh great one, I serve your superior will.'Despite its words, you know a striga won't stay obedient for long.He leaves you all his equipment as a sign of honour, though. [/STORY] [OUT]Bid it to leave you a servant in its stead. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] The creature does not attack you, but scampers off into the distance.You are free to take the loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, now leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The striga's eyes turn red, it looms above you, and you feel the presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.When you regain your willpower, the master has left, and your blood boils with disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'The striga turns into its bat form and remains to serve you. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'You beat the striga into submission and can now call upon its services. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] At first it seems the coffin holds nothing more than a dried-up striga body, but before you know it, you hear a voice in your head: 'Kneel before me, vermin! Serve my appetites!' [/STORY] [OUT]Try to resist this power! [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken. Attack it! [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken. Run away! [OUT]Obey the call. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You were too slow and clumsy and while you were busy looting the chain, a powerful striga escaped, draining some of your blood on its way out! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] The striga's eyes turn red, it looms above you, and you feel the presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.When you regain your willpower, the master has left, and your blood boils with disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] You resist, and the beast runs away in fear, leaving you free to loot the crypt. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]54 [STORY] You thought you were safe, but your ritual clearly failed, as a striga climbs out of its crypt and sucks your blood before running away! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] The striga almost gets you, but fortunately it's only able to slash at you a few times before you run out of the cemetery. For some reason, it cannot follow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]64 [STORY] You open the lid and face a striga master, its eyes red with hunger, its claws ready to rip your body apart.You stab it repeatedly before it can rise fully, but it put up a fight and left you bleeding. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanTradesmall(0) +[NODE]2 [STORY] The trader's stalls stand open for you. [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'You are no friends of ours, so we won't take food as payment, and you'll have to pay us extra first.' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'Good trading with you. Gods be with you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanTrademedium(1) +[NODE]3 [STORY] 'You are no friends of ours, so we won't take food as payment, and you'll have to pay us extra first.' [/STORY] [OUT]Proceed. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'Good trading with you. Gods be with you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] The trader's stalls stand open for you. [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] 'Welcome, what brings you to our humble abode?'Some village activities will only be available when you are friends with its people and some are restricted to chance, so coming back from time to time may be worth it. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if there is anything you can help with. [OUT]Say you just came to rest and visit, perhaps heal your wounds. [OUT]Ask if you can visit the kennels. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Visit the tavern. [OUT]Visit the food stalls. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'You best move along. You're no friends of ours.'You see armed folk gathering. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Say that you mean them no harm -- all you want is to talk and visit. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The village lies destroyed, and the spoils are yours. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. There's a bunch of vermin nesting nearby. We're small, only setting up. If you help us be rid of them, we'll be very thankful, to be sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'It will be a cold day in summer before we refuse hospitality to the weary.We also have a healer in the village. If they're not busy, they're good with the body and the mind.' [/STORY] [OUT]Pay to get physical wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to get mental wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to have poison removed. [OUT]Ask if there's a wise one who can heal spiritual ailments. [OUT]A zerca is telling the story of the cosmic tree. Go listen to his tale in honour of the gods. [OUT]Come back another day. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old cemetery not far, and truth be told, we don't have the means to clear it ourselves. So if you go have a look, it'll help us out for sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. Some boars are roaming nearby and causing a lot of trouble. We'd go deal with it, but since you asked...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'You lookin' to help a fellow, eh? Sure, there's always trouble.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [OUT]You see they are in need of stone, so tell them you're willing to give away some of yours. [OUT]You have a lot of wood on you. Ask if they need some. [OUT]There is nothing to do here for now. Come back another day. [OUT]Ask if there are any places of interest around here. [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'Yeah, nasty bunch of scoundrels are setting up nearby. We're small, and we're worried they may hit us soon. But if you got them first...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] 'A witch, that's what you're after, eh? Magic comes at a price. Healing the spirit is easier, but curses, well, they are nasty things. They'll cost you more, cost you blood.' [/STORY] [OUT][Witch] Say you only need your sister's aid, and you'll pay the price yourself and promise not to burden her. [OUT]Agree to pay the price for curing curses. [OUT]Ask to have your spirit wounds healed. [OUT]You have no spirit wounds or curses, leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The witch nods. 'Bah, should've said so, sis. I wouldn't try to sell you the price crap, ha. Let's get to it.'Together, you remove any curses you had. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank her and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'In the name of the cosmic tree itself, you are truly odd folk to offer resources like that. We thank you.We cannot give much, but here, have what we can spare.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'Sure, go right ahead, we may have some pups for you to buy.' [/STORY] [OUT]Buy a dog. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] 'Bah, fine, you look honest enough and you carry the mark of the gods, so we best not anger them lot.Come in, but we're watching you!' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask to trade. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] 'We do seem to have a problem with predators roaming our territory. Troublesome lot, and we'd go deal with them ourselves, but you asked if you could help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] 'Go away!' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]57 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old cemetery not far, and truth be told, we don't have the means to clear it ourselves. So if you go have a look, it'll help us out for sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]60 [STORY] 'Well, now that you mention it, there's an old grave site not too far. We've been hearing strange noises, moaning and groaning -- and not the good type. We fear the unliving may haunt it, and when they smell our flesh, they're sure to come. Get rid of them.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]65 [STORY] 'Either we do not have any work for you, or you or your kin are already set on a path to aid us. Finish that path before you ask for new tasks. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the area where the pack of boars you were asked to deal with is said to roam. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to handle boars. Try to figure it out. [OUT][Hunter]Track the boars. [OUT][Nature or intellect]Use your mental prowess to figure out what to do. [OUT][Boar rider]Dominate the boars. [OUT]Find them and attack! [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You get in closer and observe. The boars have some piglets with them, which can make them more aggressive, but may also provide an opportunity. [/STORY] [OUT][Beast master or boar rider]Boars are your specialty. Create enough chaos to make them flee, then try to separate and capture the young. [OUT][Beast master or boar rider]Boars are your specialty. Create enough chaos to make them flee, then try to separate and capture the young. [OUT]Some in your group can communicate with boars, so try to make them obey you. [OUT]The sow will be very protective of her piglets. Try to make this area seem too risky a place to raise young. [OUT]Set a trap for the pack and attack when they are weakened. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You stalk the boars and can take them out one by one, then make the rest flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Yes, do it. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] Your plan works to perfection. The herd is chased away, and some younglings are caught. Perhaps you'll be able to train one.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] One of the wounded boars lashes out at you in a dying frenzy. [/STORY] [OUT]Put them down. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] You perform a few sneak attacks to harass the herd and create enough trouble that they decide to move on.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You give the food away and lead the animals to another spot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] Alas, just as you are about to report your successful mission, you learn that the boars have returned and continue to harass the settlers. They have to deal with them themselves, so your friendship does not grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You were unconvincing. The beasts stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Just attack them! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Your scheming fails and you are assailed by the boars.The folk who asked for your help hear your screams and come to your aid. They have to kill the boars themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The boars bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two may even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They kill the boars themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] Your plan backfires. The boars panic and run, but they end up trampling some villagers. You do catch some piglets, though.The Slavyans are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The boars bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the area where the pack of bears you were asked to deal with is said to roam. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to handle bears. Try to figure it out. [OUT][Hunter]Track the bears. [OUT][Nature or intellect]Use your mental prowess to figure out what to do. [OUT][Bear]Dominate the bears. [OUT]Find them and attack! [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You get in closer and observe several bears huddled in a cave. [/STORY] [OUT][Orc]Bear wrestling time! [OUT][Orc]Bear wrestling time! [OUT]Some of your group can communicate with bears, so try to make them obey you. [OUT]Bears respect territory. Try to figure out a way to mark this land for the Slavyans, thus making the bears leave. [OUT]Set a trap for the pack and attack when they are weakened. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You stalk the bears and can take them out one by one, then make the rest flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Yes, do it. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You wrestle the alpha bear and break its neck with your bare hands. The other bears submit to your dominance.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] One of the wounded bears lashes out at you in a dying frenzy. [/STORY] [OUT]Put them down. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] You mark the territory and harass the pack until they move on.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, so the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You give the food away and lead the animals to another spot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] Alas, just as you are about to report your successful mission, you learn that the bears have returned and continue to harass the settlers. They have to deal with them themselves, so your friendship does not grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You were unconvincing. The beasts stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Use your food to lure these animals away from the territory and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Just attack them! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Your scheming fails and you are assailed by the bears.The folk who asked for your help hear your screams and come to your aid. They have to kill the bears themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The bears bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two may even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They kill the bears themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You wrestle the bear, but the others do not care and wander off, though you don't notice. Later you learn that, angered by your interruption, the bears lashed out at the villagers.The Slavyans are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The bears bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one even decides to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the vermin nest you were sent to clear. [/STORY] [OUT]#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvRats(13)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]10@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]13@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]32@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]33@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum mix(17)@@+[NODE]27@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum striga(18)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]5@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]9@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]11@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]25@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]34@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]47@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]69@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]15@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]17@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]7#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]4@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]64@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]72@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --__SlavKillsmallScav(30)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]5msgid "Attack! [OUT][Hunter]Set traps to lure the rats. [OUT][Beast master or wisdom]You know that rats are susceptible to a certain flute melody. [OUT][Druid]No need to kill the rats. Try to coerce them into leaving. [OUT][Witch]Rats are your cohorts. Dominate the vermin and make them leave. [OUT]Investigate this rat nest. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You play the flute and the rats slowly begin to follow you. Some sink in the water already. You must hold the tune long enough to drown them all. [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the ones left the old-fashioned way. Attack! [OUT]Keep playing. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats listen and scamper away obediently, leaving you free to loot their nest. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, gather what you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.But the fat rat in charge is not buying it. You are bitten and thrown out. The nest is unsettled. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to walk away calmly. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats are so convinced by your words that they want you to be their new pack master. You would lead your own nest, have many baby rats, and bring the word of the gods to the vermin. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to take on the responsibility. [Lose one rat] [OUT]Do not allow your rat friend to leave! Kill the female rat that is clearly the architect of this disaster! [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You set the traps and get rid of the vermin.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The rat is very young and wounded, but you know how to train rats, so you can take him along with you. [/STORY] [OUT]Nice. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You find the bodies of many children, but also those of demons and animals. This nest was busy.More surprising, you discover in a central space, upon a throne of bones, a common cat[R19], bound in a collar. Was it the master or the victim here?It purrs at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the cat. [OUT]Kill the cat, for it is clearly the architect of this evil! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You set up traps and kill most of the rats, while others scamper away. In one of your traps you discover a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The rats get spooked and swarm you within minutes. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] Your friend is distraught at your actions, but the nest scampers away in fear. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village. Nature and harmony are satisfied by your actions.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] You get in closer and observe the rats. You soon realise that they are unusual. They seem to be building a prison of sorts with cages and holes, and you see bodies of their prisoners sticking out. [/STORY] [OUT][Hunter]Try to sneak in and set up traps to get rid of the vermin. [OUT][Druid or beastmaster]Play the flute to call the rats away, then try to rescue whomever you can. [OUT]Attack the vermin! [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] The villagers thank you for clearing the nest and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] The rats beat you badly and force you to flee. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]57 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]58 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]61 [STORY] The vermin are dead or running away. One of the bodies, you discover, was a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]62 [STORY] The rats listen to your tune and obediently abandon their nest. You notice that one of them was actually a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. Most likely, it was not entranced by the flute but rather decided to flee while it could. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]63 [STORY] The rats follow the tune and drown.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] An armed group of Slavyans stands before you. [/STORY] [OUT]Greet your allies. [OUT]Stay cautious, but speak to them. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Intimidate them! [OUT]Move away. [OUT]Convince them you are friendly. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] 'Ah, good day to you, friends, well met.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if they want to trade. [OUT]Have a drink together. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'You ain't our enemy, but you ain't friends, either. Go to our village if you wanna make friends. Now move away.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Intimidate them! [OUT]Convince them you are friendly. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Fine, fine, here, take our stuff and we'll back away, no need for fightin' and no hard feelings either, eh.' [/STORY] [OUT]If they left anything of use take it and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] They are not interested in your words. You get chased away and beaten. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Well, you do seem like the good sort. We'll leave you be.'They walk off and you gain some friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You discover the ruins of an ancient human cemetery, one where burial was clearly the custom. There are gravestones with faded markings and even some large stone crypts. [/STORY] [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [OUT]Have a closer look. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] Among the old gravestones that tell the tale of the old days, you find a spot where only a single slab of sandstone lies with some very faint and unreadable markings on it. But something draws your attention towards it. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] The placement of the stone and the faded markings, which look to you like some sort of warding signs, suggest that whoever was buried here was an undesirable, but also feared. Was the warding meant to protect whoever lies here, or the other way around? Alas, this is unclear. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] This seems likely to be a burial place for outcasts, criminals, and those who were otherwise unwanted in a community or perhaps too poor to get a proper burial.As you get closer, you have a fleeting feeling of unease. Dark magics could be at play here. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] This seems likely to be a burial place for outcasts, criminals, and those who were otherwise unwanted in a community or perhaps too poor to get a proper burial. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anything usable. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'You, you there, live one! Come here. I need a favour and you seem the sort to listen.'You realise the sound is coming from the stone slab. As you turn towards it, you can see the outlines of a ghostly figure. [/STORY] [OUT][Ghost]Tell him to speak plainly, without the drama. Ask him why he is here. [OUT][Goblin shaman]You sense this ghost is bound to the gravestone. Ask him why. [OUT]Ask him what his problem is. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'Well, you know, cemeteries, dead folk, after the gates to the underworlds were shut for centuries and then that god of yours, Veles, disappeared, we're quite overcrowded here, you know.But say, ghost to ghost, will you help me out?' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that you see he is stuck here, and ask why. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You fail to perform the ritual and the spirit shifts into an angry wraith. 'Useless lumps of meat!'You feel weakened, but perhaps it is good that the ghost remained trapped. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'Oh, fine, fine, yes, I was a wretched soul, murderous villain I was called, damned to eternity tied to this stone. Can you imagine the boredom?Just let me leave, and I will reward you, promise.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Strengthen the ritual to make sure he stays where he is. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You strengthen the ritual binding the spirit here. It skulks away into the shadows, unable to do anything to stop you. You feel a wave of good energy fall upon you -- an aftereffect of the original spell, you think. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You fail to strengthen the ritual and feel depleted from the attempt.The ghost is angered and lashes out at you, forcing you to leave. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'You know, in the old days, I would have thrown a curse on you and gathered my dark minions to reap death and destruction on the lands. But all my time in solitude taught me a lesson. I will serve you awhile instead.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You kill the ghost, but you suspect it will eventually return here. Still, it is gone for now. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] The ghost defeats you and leaves you cursed as you run away from its range. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] You smash the gravestone to pieces, but the ghost remains bound to this place. Clearly, brute force will not break this curse.The ghost skulks away, cursing at you, and you see a glimmer of malice in its dead eyes.You feel your spirit fatigued from the effort. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You break the spirit free of its bonds, and as it is set free, you see an evil glimmer in its eye. Several other wraith-like spirits appear and join their long-lost master.An air of darkness follows the ghost as it disappears, leaving you cursed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'I guess you could call my troubles your typical ghost conundrum -- er, problem. We... I mean, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place.' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] 'A specialist, great. Yes, I am stuck here because some vengeful sod trapped my poor spirit in this place. Dark magic, poor taste, you pick...' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell him you see through his lie. Ask for the truth. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave him to his fate. [OUT]Agree to try a ritual to free him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [OUT]Agree to smash the gravestone and see if that frees him. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You enter an ancient human graveyard. Here, you feel the presence of otherworldly beings lingering in dark corners, but they do not react to you in any way. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Good. Look for useful resources without disturbing the dead. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.You do, however, find a faded pentagram and a dead body that is not buried. Among its rotten belongings, you find a map drawn on a piece of leather. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the map and leave. [OUT]Take the map and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.You do find one large crypt that could still hold some mysteries, but to get in, you'd need to move the large slab of stone. [/STORY] [OUT]You're strong enough to move the slab without much effort. [OUT]Try to move the slab. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged. [/STORY] [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] The crypt remains untouched and the effort leaves you exhausted. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine. You see nothing, but you feel a dark curse attacking you! [/STORY] [OUT]Defend yourselves. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You feel the air tense around you and a dread runs down your spine, but you sneak in and grab as much as you can before anything happens. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [OUT]Good, take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] Whatever dark force tried breaking you, it fails and retreats from whence it came. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] You open the crypt and stab whatever was inside. It looks like a very dead body, and now it?s, er, deader. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Loot the place and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] The striga that lay within met its true death. The tomb lies open for your looting. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are beaten badly, your blood drawn, your souls weakened, but you manage to run away before death followed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] The cemetery looks like it's been looted many times before. It's mostly rubble and dirt.But you notice a creature burrowing under one of the gravestones. [/STORY] [OUT]Take a closer look to try to identify it. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave it be. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] These are unliving vermin! [/STORY] [OUT]Kill them! [OUT]Lure them away with some food and a bit of your blood. Then loot the grave they were digging. [OUT]Leave. [OUT][Unliving]You feel a weaker form of the unliving here. Try to dominate it into servitude. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The rats beat you badly and you are forced to flee. Some of you are infected by the unliving vermin. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] A dark, foreboding force clasps at your souls, corrupting them from within. You feel soiled, violated.You manage to force yourself out of this place, but not without scars. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] You move the slab and enter a dark crypt.As you step inside, candles light up along your path and, within, you find a stone coffin. Around it, in various alcoves, you see statues wearing jewellery, ornamental objects, and even ceremonial weaponry. Some of it is likely too old to use, but some can be salvaged. [/STORY] [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Sneak in and loot the place quickly. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [OUT]Attack whatever lies in the coffin. [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] Alas, for one of you, the wounds were deadly -- or so it seemed, until you rose up as a nightwalker, a striga. Fortunately, your connection to the cosmic pantheon remains strong, so you are free to follow your own path again. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] Your plan works, but the stuff you loot is infected with some nasty rat disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] You dominate the unliving rats swarming the grave, but they are too scared for servitude. They simply scamper off into the shadows. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You enter an ancient grave site, long forgotten by mankind. Among old, decrepit gravestones, you find a large crypt, crushed by a fallen tree. The opening stands ajar, and cold darkness looms within. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Within the crypt you see a stone coffin. The chamber is dark and covered in dust, decay, and spiderwebs, but you notice a pentagram carved into the floor and a thick chain that holds the coffin secure. [/STORY] [OUT]Consider this setup carefully. [OUT]Consider this setup carefully. [OUT][Striga]You sense something familiar. Get in closer to have a look. [OUT]Take the silver chain and leave quickly before anything comes out. [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] Some of the symbols used on the pentagram and the chain, which you realise is silver, point towards an unliving fiend being laid to rest here -- most likely a striga. [/STORY] [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain. [OUT]Create a protective circle of fire and use the silver chain, then open the coffin to see what lies inside. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You study the pentagram and find that it was infused with the power of light to hold something of great darkness within.Considering the presence of the silver chain, you believe an unliving creature may lie within. [/STORY] [OUT]Use a magic ritual of your own to strengthen the pentagram's magic, leaving you free to take the silver chain. [OUT]Better just leave it be. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without using the chain. It is good silver, after all. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever lies inside. It must be weak, anyway. [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend! [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You figure out that the load-bearing columns in this crypt are barely standing, and that with a little effort, you can collapse this place on your way out. That way, whatever lies inside should be killed and you'll have the silver.In theory... [/STORY] [OUT]Do it. [OUT]Do it. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] There doesn't seem to be a way to get the silver chain safely. [/STORY] [OUT]Just leave. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside! [OUT]Use a ritual to protect yourselves, and then attack the fiend! [OUT]Open the crypt and see what happens. Be ready for a fight. [OUT]Open the coffin and kill whatever is inside! [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You create a ring of fire, hold on to the chain, and open the crypt. Within you see a dried-up striga master, its eyes red with hunger and rage, and the iron and silver chains holding it, broken -- you have no more than a few breaths before it lunges at you! [/STORY] [OUT]Close the lid and put the chain around it! [OUT]Kill the striga! [OUT]Take the chain and run for it! [OUT]Take the chain and run for it! [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You shudder in pain when you come close to the protective runes. There is no doubt -- a fellow striga is trapped within, one likely still driven by bloodlust. [/STORY] [OUT]Wild strigas are dangerous. Better to put it out of its misery. Kill it while it is weakened. [OUT]Open the coffin and talk to the striga. [OUT]Try to figure out how to secure the coffin without using the chain. It is good silver, after all. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] While your striga friend stands back, you dismantle the protection and free what sleeps within.A thirsty bloodsucker emerges, hissing, 'Blood, blood!'It will be tough to talk to the striga in this state. [/STORY] [OUT]You are supreme. Dominate him! [OUT]Convince him you are a friend. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Yes, oh great one, I serve your superior will.'Despite its words, you know a striga won't stay obedient for long.He leaves you all his equipment as a sign of honour, though. [/STORY] [OUT]Bid it to leave you a servant in its stead. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] The creature does not attack you, but scampers off into the distance.You are free to take the loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, now leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The striga's eyes turn red, it looms above you, and you feel the presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.When you regain your willpower, the master has left, and your blood boils with disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'The striga turns into its bat form and remains to serve you. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] 'No more, oh great one, no more. I live to serve.'You beat the striga into submission and can now call upon its services. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] At first it seems the coffin holds nothing more than a dried-up striga body, but before you know it, you hear a voice in your head: 'Kneel before me, vermin! Serve my appetites!' [/STORY] [OUT]Try to resist this power! [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken. Attack it! [OUT]Your faith is strong, and you're not easily broken. Run away! [OUT]Obey the call. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You were too slow and clumsy and while you were busy looting the chain, a powerful striga escaped, draining some of your blood on its way out! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] The striga's eyes turn red, it looms above you, and you feel the presence of greatness and power. You kneel before your superior and allow it to taste your blood as tribute.When you regain your willpower, the master has left, and your blood boils with disease. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] You resist, and the beast runs away in fear, leaving you free to loot the crypt. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [OUT]Good, take the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]54 [STORY] You thought you were safe, but your ritual clearly failed, as a striga climbs out of its crypt and sucks your blood before running away! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] The striga almost gets you, but fortunately it's only able to slash at you a few times before you run out of the cemetery. For some reason, it cannot follow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]64 [STORY] You open the lid and face a striga master, its eyes red with hunger, its claws ready to rip your body apart.You stab it repeatedly before it can rise fully, but it put up a fight and left you bleeding. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] As soon as you enter the grave site, you feel something is amiss.Many of the gravestones are crushed and the earth beneath them has been moved.It could be grave robbers, but it could be more... [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You go in closer and notice a figure sitting on a gravestone, crying. The figure shifts its shape from a black cat to a mouse to a ghostly visage of a woman and back again. [/STORY] [OUT][Demon or zerca]Try to figure out what creature this may be. [OUT][Magic users]You sense some magic here. Take a closer look. [OUT][Harmony]Your connection to the divine tingles. Time to investigate. [OUT][Nature]You feel something unnatural. Investigate. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Best approach with caution. [OUT]Black cats and mice are often signs of witchery. Kill it! [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You spot a couple of unliving corpses coming in and out of a crypt. There may be more inside, as you see many tracks around the place. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Unliving]These seem to be awakened, like you, or at least acting with more purpose than usual. Go in to talk to them. [OUT]Better just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] This knowledge is rare, but being who you are, you recognise the signs. These forms together suggest that this may be a dola demon. They are usually guardian demons, especially fond of protecting young ones and bringing good fortune to those they choose.It is odd to find one here, alone. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask what the dola is doing here. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!'You hear movement accompanied by unnatural groans. You soon see the first unliving bodies looming behind a crypt. They haven't noticed you yet. [/STORY] [OUT]Figure out a way to wake up the dola and remind it of its duty to protect. [OUT]The binding of these unliving is very weak and fresh. Use a cleansing ritual to break the bond and thus destroy them. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] Cats and mice are often familiars of witches or demons. More disturbingly, you sense a growing weave of magic coming your way.Judging from the setting, you suspect that the unliving roam these grounds! [/STORY] [OUT]Speak out to see if anyone hides here. [OUT]Attack the creature and whatever minions it may have. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You sense the overwhelming power of harmony, twisted and unnatural. Something is very wrong here; the laws of harmony and nature are being broken! The figure sees you and speaks:'You, you're living... good... or no? No, bad... they will feed on you! Oh, no!' [/STORY] [OUT]Perform a dance of nature and harmony to try to bring this creature back from its torment. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave this place of unnatural turmoil. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] 'A dola, dola... yes. Oh, no, what happened here? I, I just wanted my charge to be safe, living, but he wasn't. He was here, so cold, so I tried, but they all come out wrong!' [/STORY] [OUT]So she made the unliving? [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong, it made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to her request. Strike her down. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]Kill the unliving only. Tell the dola to leave here and never do this again. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] The dola dies quietly, and with it, the unliving bodies that were coming your way collapse.The remaining light of the dola leaves a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The ritual banished the dola, but it did not destroy the unliving. A small group remains, frenzied and bloodthirsty. Fortunately, they run off into the distance. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] The ritual works and the dola slowly dissolves into light energy. The unliving corpses collapse on the ground. Before vanishing, the dola leaves a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] The ritual seems to work as the unliving collapse on the ground and the dola begins to disappear, but her form twists and turns in silent agony!You feel a curse upon you! [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] The dola suddenly looks more composed, tears in her eyes. She speaks: 'I just, I gave them my light... but it went wrong. It made them come to life, but all wrong... and I tried and tried...Strike me down. It should take them too. I see no other way.' [/STORY] [OUT]If it is the only way, we must do it. Kill the dola. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [OUT]You know a simple ritual to banish the dola without killing it, but the magic is known to backfire sometimes. Still, it's a risk worth taking. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'A dola... I remember not what that means. My charges, my charges are walking again, and now they must feed. You'd better leave...'You notice figures moving in the shadows, slowly but surely making their way towards you. [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] The ritual works and the unliving collapse where they stand. The creature who summoned them cries out as if in pain.'Noooo! My charges, dead. I failed... again... worry not my dears, I will make you right again...' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the demon as well before she summons more unliving. [OUT]Bind the demon to your service with magic. This is risky, but it could work. [OUT]Just leave this place. [OUT]Just leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The ritual fails and the unliving corpses move towards you. The demon who seems to control them cries, but does nothing to stop it. [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] You kill the unliving and find a human-looking child crying: 'Noooo, mamma, papa, brothers!'When you try to talk to the child, it doesn't know what happened, only that its family is gone. [/STORY] [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but it hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel. Leave. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] Apart from the two corpses you saw, you spot three more that look like teenagers. The unliving are doing various chores around the crypt -- gardening, bringing in firewood, and sweeping.You also spot someone sitting inside the crypt, playing with dolls on the floor. It's a girl of no more than five. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Greet your fellow unliving and ask why they have a living child with them. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] You try to comfort the child, but it is inconsolable. To your dismay, the next night you find it died in its sleep, and its body looks as if it's decades old.But you do feel a blessing from an unknown source fall upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. Bury the child and continue onwards. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] One of the unliving stops and turns to you. It smiles and says in a harsh, throaty voice:'Family, yes. Our baby brought us back, now we are a family, forever and ever and a day, and forever we can play...Help... please... forever like this...' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask how you can help. [/NODE] +[NODE]54 [STORY] The little girl hops out of the crypt and frowns when she sees you, saying:'You're strangers! Go away or I'll have my daddy and brothers eat you!'The girl's eyes are grey and empty, but you see a doll she carries has human eyes that glisten with bright light. [/STORY] [OUT]Keep listening. [OUT]Kill the girl. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] 'The ground shook and shook, and mummy and daddy and my brothers were shook to death. I cried and cried, and a lady came from where the ground shook. She gave me the dolly and said I can have my family back! Now they are back, and we play forever and a day!' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the unliving. [OUT]Kill the girl. [OUT]Leave the odd family be. It's not for you to judge. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll. [OUT]Convince the child to destroy the doll. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] You kill the unliving and the dola cries out in pain, but she too disappears, whispering only: 'Perhaps this is best...' [/STORY] [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the penance and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]59 [STORY] You are badly beaten and forced to flee. [/STORY] [OUT]The act of violence does not sit well with harmony. Accept the defeat and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]67 [STORY] 'The dolly is bad? Making mummy and daddy ill? Okay, then...'She hands you the doll. You destroy it and the unliving fall down, their unnatural life leaving them. The father nods at you in thanks.The girl bursts out crying uncontrollably. [/STORY] [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [OUT]You walk up to the child, but she hisses at you and runs off into a small tunnel. [OUT]Comfort the child and take it with you. [/NODE] +[NODE]68 [STORY] You are badly beaten and forced to flee. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]69 [STORY] 'No, no, no! Now go away!'She throws a tantrum and the unliving get agitated. They grunt and walk towards you aggressively. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]70 [STORY] You swing your weapon once and chop the girl's face off with a clean swipe.The unliving stand there for a second, staring at you in disbelief. The mother falls on the floor behind her child. The girl then rises -- unliving too. You get the sense the family may still have mixed feelings about you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave before they decide to attack. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion. [OUT]Demand payment for freeing them from the little girl's strange dominion. [/NODE] +[NODE]72 [STORY] The father speaks up:'You harm my little girl... but now we feel... hmm... free from something, able to think again. So have this as thanks. But please, go now, my wife may not see it as I do.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]73 [STORY] The unliving charge at you! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]76 [STORY] You leave, but as you do, you hear the dola scream once more, then her voice changes and you see angry wraiths roaming the land. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillsmallGoblins(2) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the place where goblins were supposed to have settled. It is a small but thick grove.You see some signs of humanoid presence, but no goblins yet. [/STORY] [OUT][Hunter or perception]Track the greenskins. [OUT]Search the place. [OUT]Search the place. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You track the goblins to a small opening where they have set up a camp. It looks more like a travelling settlement than a village as the Slavyans suggested, but there are indeed many goblins here.Luckily for you, only a few have weapons at the ready. [/STORY] [OUT]Surround the goblins and make your presence known. [OUT]You have the advantage. Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You are ambushed by the goblins! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Try to run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You search the place and finally spot some goblins. Alas, they spot you too, so you haven't got much time to choose a plan of action. [/STORY] [OUT]Stop, throw up your hands, and say that you do not wish to fight, only to tell them they need to leave because the Slavyans do not want them here. [OUT]Try to look intimidating and tell them to beat it! [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Goblin]Say the hummies are being arseholes and want them gone. Ask if they can move along. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You are badly beaten and the Slavyans have to come to your rescue. They are unimpressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'Right, right, yes of course, we meant no harm, we're not even a large-enough group to truly set up permanent-like. We got robbed, you see. And we have young ones who need rest and healing. But we'll move along now.' [/STORY] [OUT][Healer or cmuch]Offer them help in healing. [OUT]Say that they do not need to leave, and you will explain their situation to the Slavyans. [OUT]Nod and insist that they depart within a day. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You stay for a while and help the goblins heal.'Oh, thank you, thank you kindly. We will leave now as promised, but thanks to you we actually have a chance to live on. Here, have this, not much, but all we can give.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and wish them well. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'We have sick children, elderly, so we ain't moving. You face us with swords, or you go!' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave them be. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] The goblins jump to their feet, weapons only half drawn:'Wait, wait, we don't have that much, please misters, please do not harm us.' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell them the Slavyans do not want them as neighbours and they must relocate. [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Goblin]Say the hummies are being arseholes and want them gone. Ask if they can move along. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The goblins depart, carrying their sick and trying to look brave.The Slavyans are pleased with your help and offer a small reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] The Slavyans are pleased with your help and offer a small reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The goblins are grateful for your mercy. They stay to heal their wounds, which may take some time.'Oh, thank you, thank you kindly. Here, a small token of thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and wish them well. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] The Slavyans, however, are not so happy with the results. They send their own forces to kill the goblins, and they tell you not to offer help unless you mean it. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] The Slavyans are not overjoyed with your 'solution', but in the end, they stick to your promises and let the goblins heal before they leave.The villagers leave you a small reward for your services. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] When you inform the Slavyans of your failure, they are disappointed in your efforts. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] You kill the warriors and the rest flee.The Slavyans are pleased with your help and offer a small reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] 'Right, right, yes of course, we meant no harm, we're not even a large-enough group to truly set up permanent-like. We got robbed, you see. And we have young ones who need rest and healing. But we'll move along now.' [/STORY] [OUT][Healer or cmuch]Offer them help in healing. [OUT]Say that they do not need to leave, and you will explain their situation to the Slavyans. [OUT]Nod and insist that they depart within a day. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] The cemetery is quiet and mostly empty, but you see an unburied body on the ground, clutching a stash of goods. [/STORY] [OUT]Grab the stash. [OUT]Bury the corpse and take its stash. [OUT]Bury the corpse and take its stash. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] As you grab the stash, the decaying hand that held it grabs you and digs in deep before falling lifeless again. You feel that a foul force has touched you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You try to bury the corpse, but you have offended its spirit somehow. You feel its anger reaching from the beyond and cursing you! [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You discover some ancient ruins hidden amid fog and shrubbery. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] As you explore, you notice long-dead humanoid remains scattered all over the place.They look larger than human, possibly orcish. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]The unnatural forces binding these unliving are still weak. Try to break this bond and thus free their souls. [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] The ritual works, and you free the unliving souls. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the ruins. [OUT]Search the ruins. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle.Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom. Alas, you feel the spirits' heavy unrest in the air, and your own souls feel burdened by it. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue searching the ruins. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom, but perhaps the fallen orcs did not like it, as they rise up to attack you! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom and no unliving rise to kill you, so you likely did well. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'We... we cannot rest. The dark pulls at us, keeps us here... fire, fire to our bones!'One of the unliving connects with your mind, and suddenly you know the proper orcish way to lay them to rest. [/STORY] [OUT]Create a funeral pyre and lead the unliving to it, as is their wish. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT]Just kill the unliving. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You defeat the unliving after they were weakened by your domain's intervention. However, it dawns on you that you had a peaceful way of resolving this, so your spirits suffer for this act of violence. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] Your efforts are futile and the unliving attack! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] With the dead, well, dead again, you can now search the ruins in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The unliving overwhelm you and force you to run for your lives. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] As you search the old rubble, you hear the voice of a female orc:'We witnessed from afar your honourable deed, as expected from a sister, of course. Here, we found some loot that we cannot carry on the long road ahead. Take it and serve the gods well!' [/STORY] [OUT]Pound your chest in thanks and bid them farewell. Finish checking the ruins and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and depart. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Before you can take your treasure, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you:'We claim this ruin as our turf, as marked by our fallen kin!' [/STORY] [OUT]Keep listening. Best not to further enrage an already angry orc. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs.The orcs appreciate your aid, and add some metals as a reward before they bid you farewell. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] The orc warrior growls, her sharp, exposed teeth glimmering at you, but then she laughs:'Ha! You have a warrior heart and you respected our fallen. You may leave, and may your path be filled with good enemies and strong friends.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well too and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'You fought well for weakling fleshies. You have tits! Good.All this fighting got me hungry. Leave your food, leave the loot, and you're free to go.' [/STORY] [OUT]Praise their honour and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] Whoever these dead folks were, their killers took off with much of what was usable here, but you still see some salvageable resources and a few scattered weapons that may be good. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You gather up what little is left in the ruins, but just as you lift a skeleton to pick up its sword, you hear footsteps behind you and see some unliving! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT]As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] 'But I tell you what, you showed respect to the dead, even though you buried them instead of burnin'... So help us dig them out and make funeral pyres and you can keep half of the loot.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'So you surrender... weak, cowardly, and you claim to follow the path of turmoil, do you? Pathetic.'The warrior spits in your face and her men kick you out of the ruins, taking away your loot but, surprisingly, not your equipment. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] 'Ah, true warriors, good! Do with us as you will. We yield to your swords!' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill them all and take their stuff. [OUT]Take only the loot you found in the ruins, and leave the orcs be. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle.Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the ruins long abandoned and looted many times over. Just as you are about to give up, you discover a hidden entrance to an underground chamber, protected by a huge, heavy slab of stone that once may have been a doorway. [/STORY] [OUT]You have some craft tools. Use them to try to pry this entrance open. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing. [OUT]As knowledge is your guide, think of a way to use levers and open this thing. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through. [OUT]Use your muscle to break through. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] With tools in hand, you manage to find the hinges and pry the old stone slab open.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] The stone slab cracks under the pressure of your brawn, but it crumbles so utterly that you fall into the corridor with the rubble.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in deeper. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] The stone breaks under your assault, and the way in is clear.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You descend down the winding corridor until you reach a chamber with six stone columns. Between them are alcoves with granite chests and vases.[R6] [/STORY] [OUT]Search the chamber. [OUT]Search the chamber. [OUT]Actually, it looks too scary. Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] You spot the silhouettes of humanoid creatures hanging from the ceiling by the columns.They have spotted you as well... [/STORY] [OUT]Use your knowledge of demon lore to identify these creatures. [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out. [OUT]These creatures are clearly some of your demon kin. Consider how to resolve the situation. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] As you walk into the chamber, you are ambushed by creatures that fall from the ceiling upon you! [/STORY] [OUT]Focus on your divine domain to figure this out. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run, even though you may take some damage. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] Striga are unliving fiends known not only to drink the blood of the living but also to devour their entrails! [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [OUT][Bloodless creatures]Since the strigas are after blood, bloodless creatures should be able to sneak in and out without trouble. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You sense that these creatures are of the night, tainted by darkness. As such, you can call upon your domain to give you strength to fight them. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The striga are cursed souls who need to feed on the blood of the living to survive. They were clearly locked in here for a long time and are now starving.If you give them blood, they will let you loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some of your blood. [OUT]Give them some of your blood. [OUT]Attack them with the aid of light or harmony! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood.The strigas honour the deal. You can loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You speak to your kin and give them some of your blood, but this act is unnatural and conflicts with one of your divine domains.You feel weakened in spirit, but the striga honour the deal. You can loot in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The striga are dead and the chamber yours to pilfer. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] You find a way to open the slab using brains over brawn.You see a dark corridor leading deeper down. The air is stale, and the darkness seems to stare back at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Go in. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] No matter how much you try, the old stone slab will not move. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] You carefully sneak in. The strigas stir, their red eyes following you, but they do not attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] The strigas tear your flesh and feast on your blood even as you run for your lives. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] As you scour some old ruins for loot, you notice you're not the first to arrive.The other group does not see you yet, but this may change at any moment. [/STORY] [OUT]Call upon turmoil and attack whoever dares to stand in your path! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] As you approach, you realise too late that these are not scavengers, but bandits waiting to ambush you.'We're the generu... genr... eh, kind types. Anyway, we take some of your stuff, we let you leave alive.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give them some of your stuff (to the value of 100). [OUT]Try to intimidate them. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Bargain with them, bandit to bandit. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] It looks like these are scavengers -- a rugged, scruffy lot, pillaging what they can from the ruins.You took the time to scout, so now you're in a better position for a tactical attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]As harmony and intellect dictate, there must be a peaceful way out. These folks look hungry. Offer them food in exchange for letting you search the ruins as well. [Lose 20 [R7]food] [OUT]Approach the scavengers and offer a deal to search the ruins together. [OUT]Intimidate them. [OUT]Intimidate them. [OUT]Just leave them be. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'You seem like honest types, and we are hungry. Deal.And since we ain't stupid enough to mess with your gods, you can search to the south and west of here. Be careful of the east, though -- the air seems foul there, and two of ours never came back to say what's hiding there.' [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Ignore the warning and explore the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You enter the eastern part of the ruins and find that a deep, nasty gash has been torn in the ground beneath you.From within, you sense a presence, watching, waiting...You feel a warm glow that seems pleasant at first, then becomes stifling, hot, and burning! [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Stay and fight this thing! [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'I suppose if you give us some food, we can let you search this place.Or we could trade with what we found so far.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some food so you can search. [Lose 20 food] [OUT]Trade with them and leave. [OUT]Attack them instead. [OUT]Actually, just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'We go now. You don't kill us!'The scavengers look at you and decide the loot is not worth their lives. They run away. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] 'You scary, but you not many. We take you!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] 'We go now. You don't kill us!'The scavengers look at you and decide the loot is not worth their lives. They run away. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You scout ahead and discover that it is a group of bandits pretending to scavenge the ruins, but in fact waiting to ambush you! [/STORY] [OUT]Attack them with a preemptive strike! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]Bargain with them, bandit to bandit. [OUT]Try to intimidate them. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] 'You think you scary, eh? Think again, scum!'While you were talking, they were getting ready to fight, and they launch at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Throw them some of your stuff and run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]38 [STORY] You kill the bandits and take their spoils!But the ruins were clearly looted many times over already. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The burning light is overwhelming. It burns your very soul, threatening to dissolve it entirely and bind it to the ever-glowing presence.Just as you think you?ll succumb, the light retreats, perhaps still too weak to fully take you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] Your spirit is strong and pushes away the burning light that threatened to devour your very soul.At least now you can loot the ruins in peace, although you remain shaken by the experience. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the ruins and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] 'You seem like honest types, and we are hungry. Deal.And since we ain't stupid enough to mess with your gods, you can search to the south and west of here. Be careful of the east, though -- the air seems foul there, and two of ours never came back to say what's hiding there.' [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Ignore the warning and explore the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] 'Nah, we don't wanna deal with your sort. Beat it!' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack them instead. [/NODE] +[NODE]59 [STORY] Your decisive attack destroys the enemy, but you did not notice a small group taking off with what they looted here.Still, you are now free to continue searching the ruins. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Check the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]60 [STORY] You skilfully dispatch the enemy.You are now free to continue searching the ruins. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the west side. [OUT]Check the south side. [OUT]Check the east side. [/NODE] +[NODE]62 [STORY] Defeated, you run for your lives, having to leave behind some of your supplies. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]64 [STORY] 'I guess dealin's more profitable-like, sure. We can trade, or you can bugger off. Call it professional cort... curtsy?' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to trade. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]66 [STORY] 'Eh, you look burly enough, and we're gettin' tired. Perhaps it's best we give you some of our stuff and you leave us be, eh?' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to take their stuff and let them be. [OUT]Attack them instead. The fight should be easier now that they're scared! [/NODE] +[NODE]69 [STORY] You are sorely beaten and perhaps drop some of your stuff so they won?t chase you.'Lucky we ain't evil, else we'd take all your things!' [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]71 [STORY] 'I suppose if you give us some food, we can let you search this place.Or we could trade with what we found so far.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give them some food so you can search. [Lose 20 food] [OUT]Attack them instead. [OUT]Actually, just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]72 [STORY] You feel strengthened by your god. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You search the old ruins until you realise that a dark, foreboding mist is descending upon this place.The black mist is a dreaded remnant of the days of darkness. [/STORY] [OUT]Call upon light or harmony to protect you from this dark power. [OUT]Call upon light or harmony to protect you from this dark power. [OUT]Call upon turmoil or magic to shield you from the darkness. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]Try to sneak quickly past the mist to get to the possible loot in these ruins. [OUT][Shadow elf]The black mist is no danger to you. Walk through it and finish searching the ruins. [OUT][Shadow elf]The black mist is no danger to you. Walk through it and finish searching the ruins. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] Alas, your divine domain serves only as a beacon for the black mist to strike.You are engulfed by its dark clutches, which tear deep into your soul with dread and madness! [/STORY] [OUT]Do not let this darkness win. Gather your spirit and fight it! [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] Your domain shields you as the dreaded mist tries to claw its way into your very souls.Still uneasy from the experience, you can try to search this place for loot and hope the mist won't come after you again. [/STORY] [OUT]Take what you find and leave. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] The black mist cannot be beaten easily. Before you know it, deep, penetrating darkness engulfs you in its cold clutches and tears at your mind and soul. [/STORY] [OUT]Run! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You defeat the darkness and can now attempt to siphon its power. [/STORY] [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Siphon the energy. [OUT]Do not risk meddling with the mist. Search the ruins for loot. [OUT]Do not risk meddling with the mist. Search the ruins for loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] By the skin of your teeth you manage to avoid the mist, although you still feel some dread lingering, and you find a decent stash of goods for looting. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather any loot you find and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] You siphon some of the dark energy safely, protected by the divine domain of magic. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You try to siphon the dark energy, but it does not sit well with your divine domain.A spirit sickness befalls you. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You siphon some of the dark energy safely. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] The dark mist destroys most of what once stood here, but you find a fairly fresh corpse to loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] Your domain shields you as the dreaded mist tries to claw its way into your very souls.Still uneasy from the experience, you can try to search this place for loot and hope the mist won't come after you again. [/STORY] [OUT]Take what you find and leave. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [OUT]Run away. [OUT]You have skilled wise ones with you. Battle this force of the dark with your spirit! [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The power of darkness seeps into your spirit, strengthening it from within. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Gather any loot you find and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] You try to siphon the dark energy, but darkness is a fickle friend.A spirit sickness befalls you. [/STORY] [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [OUT]Check the ruins for any loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] The ruins are old and decrepit, likely already looted many times over, but you never know what hidden secrets you may yet uncover.The south area seems less traversed, but also unstable. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate the south. [OUT]Investigate the south. [OUT]Investigate the safer areas. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You find a hidden cellar -- or, rather, it finds you as you painfully fall through its ceiling onto a hard floor. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] Within what seems like the remnants of a kitchen, with an old stone stove at its centre, you see broken pots and pans, a long-rotten pantry, and the skeletal remains of several humanoids that clearly died trapped here. [/STORY] [OUT]Scout the room to make sure it is safe. [OUT]Go in closer to see if the remains hold anything valuable. [OUT]Go in closer to see if the remains hold anything valuable. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Among the mostly looted ruins, you discover an untouched chamber hidden beneath a load of rubble that must have shifted recently. [/STORY] [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Investigate. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] In the darkest corner of the chamber lurks a creature, its big, round eyes glimmering in the dark. You spot one of its legs with shaggy hair and long crooked claws. You also hear a quiet purr.It is clearly watching you. [/STORY] [OUT]As a wise one, you know many creatures. Try to figure out what this is. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] The more you look at the creature, the more you think it is a simple mrucek -- a harmless house demon, gone feral after being trapped here with its dead masters. [/STORY] [OUT][Common demon]Try talking to it to show that you mean it no harm and it is now safe to leave. [OUT]Perform a ritual to ease this demon's disturbed soul. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Try to keep out of its way as you loot. You don't want to have to kill it, but you also need resources. [OUT]Just leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You calm the mrucek so well that its body visibly changes, and it now resembles a common cat that will follow you faithfully. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You calm the mrucek so well that its body visibly changes, and it now resembles a common cat, only fluffier and fat.It purrs and disappears through the entrance you made.You feel a blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] The mrucek purrs even louder and pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] The mrucek purrs even louder and then pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] There is a loud purr and a rugged catlike creature pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] This room looks like it could have been an old armoury, and although it was clearly evacuated, there may be some usable leftovers to find. [/STORY] [OUT]Scout the room to make sure it is safe. [OUT]Search the room and gather anything still useful. [OUT]Search the room and gather anything still useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] In the darkest corner of the chamber lurks a creature, its beady eyes flickering in darkness.It is clearly watching you. [/STORY] [OUT][Strigas] You sense a striga presence. Try to dominate whatever lurks in the shadows. [OUT]You sense a creature of the night. In the name of Horz, lord of the moon, call the creature to heel. [OUT]Attack with a preemptive strike. [OUT]Keep watching the creature and loot the place, hoping it will not attack. [OUT]Keep watching the creature and loot the place, hoping it will not attack. [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] A starved striga bows before your dominance, then offers up the last of its life force for you to devour. [/STORY] [OUT]Devour the striga. Then gather up whatever loot you can find here. [OUT]Leave the creature be. Gather up whatever loot is left and go. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] A starved striga bows before your dominance, then scampers off through the opening you made. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up whatever loot is left and go. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] There is a loud purr and a rugged catlike creature pounces on you, claws and teeth first.You shake it off and it scampers away, leaving you with a few deep cuts and a curse. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather anything useful and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] You kill the striga and are free to loot the place. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you found and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] A starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] The starved striga lashes out at you, forcing you to abandon the room and run.The wounds it left turn out to be infected. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] The fires are warm and the ale is good. The tavern is bustling with life and joy. [/STORY] [OUT]See if you can recruit anyone. [OUT][Demon]Do some gambling. [OUT]Do some gambling. [OUT]Drink. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] There are some folks here who may want to join your band, seeing as you are the chosen and all. [/STORY] [OUT]Approach a warrior. [OUT]Approach a hunter. [OUT]There's a zerca staring at you. Ask him over. [OUT]There's a bandit sitting in a corner. Approach him. [OUT]Someone is ushering you over to speak to them. Go see what they want. [OUT]Someone is ushering you over to speak to them. Go see what they want. [OUT]There are no more folks who want to join this time. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] No deal. Better luck next time. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] A fighter is available but requires a payment. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] A hunter is available but requires a payment. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] He comes up to you and says he will follow you for free, as you are the chosen! [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] They say they'll do mercenary work for the right price. [/STORY] [OUT]Pay them if you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] An orphan overhears you recruiting and begs for you to take them in. They heard that you are a champion and they want to be one too, apparently. [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] An orphan overhears you recruiting and begs for you to take them in. They heard that you are a champion and they want to be one too, apparently. [/STORY] [OUT]Welcome them. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] One should never try gambling with demons. You were made for trickery, after all.You win, but the folk look at you with suspicion. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] Lady luck has smiled upon you again. You win. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] Who needs luck when you have the gods on your side? You win. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] Alas, luck was not on your side. You lost. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to go. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] You got so drunk, you don't recall much of what happened. But a stork visits you some time later . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Good? [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Slavyans may be known for their drinking, but there simply isn't anyone with a tougher head than a Slavyan dwarf!You drink everyone under the table and impress the locals greatly. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] Slavyans may be known for their drinking, but you are a Slavyan too, after all, even if not from the same branch. So you drink with them hand in hand and they are impressed. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The Slavyans sure do know how to drink. You do not recall the evening, but you feel its effects painfully . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] The Slavyans sure do know how to drink. You do not recall the evening, but you feel its effects painfully . . . [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Now it's time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] You got into a fight and discovered hidden strength within you. Unfortunately, the locals do not appreciate your prowess. You get kicked out of the tavern. [/STORY] [OUT]Time to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] 'Welcome to our food stalls. Now food isn't easy to get on our lands, so we will only do a food for food exchange.' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade [OUT]Not today, leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillsmallRats(3) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the vermin nest you were sent to clear. [/STORY] [OUT]#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKillsmallRats(3)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKillsmallScav(5)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]5#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvUndead(6)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageSmall(8)@@+[NODE]5@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageSmall(8)@@+[NODE]53@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanKillsmallBees(9)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanKillsmallBees(9)@@+[NODE]28@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageMed(10)@@+[NODE]5@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageMed(10)@@+[NODE]53@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvRats(13)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]10@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]13@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]32@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum ghost(16)@@+[NODE]33@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Cemetery hum mix(17)@@+[NODE]27@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum striga(18)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]5@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]7@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]9@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]11@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]25@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]34@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]47@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --cemetery hum unliv(19)@@+[NODE]69@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]15@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]17@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Underground(23)@@+[NODE]19@@[OUT]4#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]2#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]7#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]4@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]64@@[OUT]3#. -- [EVENT] --Robbers(24)@@+[NODE]72@@[OUT]1#. -- [EVENT] --__SlavKillsmallScav(30)@@+[NODE]2@@[OUT]5msgid "Attack! [OUT][Hunter]Set traps to lure the rats. [OUT][Beast master or wisdom]You know that rats are susceptible to a certain flute melody. [OUT][Druid]No need to kill the rats. Try to coerce them into leaving. [OUT][Witch]Rats are your cohorts. Dominate the vermin and make them leave. [OUT]Investigate this rat nest. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT][Rat]Go in alone and convince your vermin kin to leave here. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You play the flute and the rats slowly begin to follow you. Some sink in the water already. You must hold the tune long enough to drown them all. [/STORY] [OUT]Kill the ones left the old-fashioned way. Attack! [OUT]Keep playing. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats listen and scamper away obediently, leaving you free to loot their nest. [/STORY] [OUT]Good, gather what you can. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.But the fat rat in charge is not buying it. You are bitten and thrown out. The nest is unsettled. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to walk away calmly. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You barge into the nest and throw your weight around. You speak of the gods and threaten the rats with the might of man and divinity.The rats are so convinced by your words that they want you to be their new pack master. You would lead your own nest, have many baby rats, and bring the word of the gods to the vermin. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to take on the responsibility. [Lose one rat] [OUT]Do not allow your rat friend to leave! Kill the female rat that is clearly the architect of this disaster! [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You set the traps and get rid of the vermin.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The rat is very young and wounded, but you know how to train rats, so you can take him along with you. [/STORY] [OUT]Nice. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You find the bodies of many children, but also those of demons and animals. This nest was busy.More surprising, you discover in a central space, upon a throne of bones, a common cat, bound in a collar. Was it the master or the victim here?It purrs at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the cat. [OUT]Kill the cat, for it is clearly the architect of this evil! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You set up traps and kill most of the rats, while others scamper away. In one of your traps you discover a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The rats get spooked and swarm you within minutes. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] Your friend is distraught at your actions, but the nest scampers away in fear. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]49 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village. Nature and harmony are satisfied by your actions.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] The rats listen and scamper away from the village.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] You get in closer and observe the rats. You soon realise that they are unusual. They seem to be building a prison of sorts with cages and holes, and you see bodies of their prisoners sticking out. [/STORY] [OUT][Hunter]Try to sneak in and set up traps to get rid of the vermin. [OUT][Druid or beastmaster]Play the flute to call the rats away, then try to rescue whomever you can. [OUT]Attack the vermin! [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] The villagers thank you for clearing the nest and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]56 [STORY] The rats beat you badly and force you to flee. The villagers have to come to your rescue and are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]57 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]58 [STORY] The nest is cleared. The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]61 [STORY] The vermin are dead or running away. One of the bodies, you discover, was a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]62 [STORY] The rats listen to your tune and obediently abandon their nest. You notice that one of them was actually a cradlepossum -- an overgrown, twisted, vermin-like creature with a large pouch on its front, known to steal away younglings. Most likely, it was not entranced by the flute but rather decided to flee while it could. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the place for survivors. [/NODE] +[NODE]63 [STORY] The rats follow the tune and drown.The villagers thank you and give you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]You see a rat lurking. Approach it. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the place where you were sent to deal with some folk attacking the Slavyans. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to deal with ruffians -- you dabbled in that life too. Speak to them. [OUT]Intimidate the ruffians. Tell them you'll leave none alive unless they go. [OUT][Intellect and harmony]Convince the scavengers that it is wiser to leave now than to face you or, later, the Slavyans too. [OUT]Pay the scavengers to leave. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You spot the scavengers ahead. They are busy kicking the head of a dead demon as if it were a ball. They haven't seen you yet. [/STORY] [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT]Barter with them and convince them it is best to leave now, before there is more trouble. [OUT]Scavengers are after goods, so offer them some in exchange for leaving. [OUT]You know their tactics, so the fight will be easier. Attack. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'Shit, you guys look dangerous, we ain't messin' with you. We're gonna find another spot. Bye.' [/STORY] [OUT]Shake your fists at them. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'Eh, why not, you one of us, so you good type. See ya around.'You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] The scavengers scatter and even leave some of their stuff behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. We leave.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'Yeah, all right, deal's a deal, we move out.' [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You are about to report your success when you realise that the scavengers have no honour. They return to the village and attack again.They are eventually beaten by the villagers without your help, and your friendship suffers for it. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'You think you scumbags can come and tell us what to do? Fuck off!' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] 'Ah, fine, fine, we ain't gonna shit on our friends? doorstep, we'll find a new patch.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They have to kill the scavengers themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] 'Bah, shut your trap, you turncoat! We ain't listenin' to traitors.'The scavengers attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]44 [STORY] 'Ah, you sneaky buggers, you know what a bandit wants, good tradin' with ya.'They move on, and you gain the friendship of those who sent you here. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'Give us some of your goods and we'll leave. We'll even trade with ya, if ya like.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Refuse. [/NODE] +[NODE]48 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. But we ain't goin' for free. Pay us or we face the beatin'.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillWolves(4) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the area where the pack of wolves you were asked to deal with is said to roam. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to handle wolves. Try to figure it out. [OUT][Hunter]Track the wolves. [OUT]Through nature or intellect, use your mental prowess to figure out what to do. [OUT][Werewolf]Dominate the wolves. [OUT]Find them and attack! [OUT]Use your own meat to lure these animals away from the area and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You spot the pack running together. They haven't seen you yet. [/STORY] [OUT][Wolf]Run with the pack and convince them to move on. [OUT][Wolf]Run with the pack and convince them to move on. [OUT]Your group includes those who can communicate with wolves, so make the creatures obey you. [OUT]Wolves respect territory. Try to figure out a way to mark this land for the Slavyans, thus making the wolves leave. [OUT]Set a trap for the pack and attack when they are weakened. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You track the wolves to their lair, a cave with only one way in and out.You can set a trap here and kill them off one by one. [/STORY] [OUT]Yes, do it. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You run with the wolves and lead them to a better patch of land. They thank you and do not return.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, so the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] Some of the wolves try to get away from your traps and bite you in their dying frenzy. [/STORY] [OUT]Put them down. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] You mark the territory and harass the pack until they move on.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, so the Slavyans are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] You give the meat away and lead the animals to another spot. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] Alas, just as you are about to report your successful mission, you learn that the wolves have returned and continue to harass the settlers. They have to deal with the wolves themselves, so your friendship does not grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You were unconvincing, and the beasts stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Use your own meat to lure these animals away from the area and hope they won't come back. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Your scheming fails, and you are assailed by the wolfpack.The folk who asked for your help hear your screams and come to your aid. They kill the wolves themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The wolves bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They kill the wolves themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You run with the wolves and lead them to a better land, but they take it as increasing their territory.You have their gratitude, but the Slavyans are not impressed with your 'help.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] The wolves bow to your dominance and depart. Perhaps one or two even decide to stay with you.The Slavyans are happy with your work. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKillsmallScav(5) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the place where you were sent to deal with some folk attacking the Slavyans. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to deal with ruffians -- you dabbled in that life too. Speak to them. [OUT]Intimidate the ruffians. Tell them you'll leave none alive unless they go. [OUT][Intellect and harmony]Convince the scavengers that it is wiser to leave now than to face you or, later, the Slavyans too. [OUT]Pay the scavengers to leave. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You spot the scavengers ahead. They are busy kicking the head of a dead demon as if it were a ball. They haven't seen you yet. [/STORY] [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT]Barter with them and convince them it is best to leave now, before there is more trouble. [OUT]Scavengers are after goods, so offer them some in exchange for leaving. [OUT]You know their tactics, so the fight will be easier. Attack. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'Shit, you guys look dangerous, we ain't messin' with you. We're gonna find another spot. Bye.' [/STORY] [OUT]Shake your fists at them. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'Eh, why not, you one of us, so you good type. See ya around.'You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] The scavengers scatter and even leave some of their stuff behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. We leave.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'Yeah, all right, deal's a deal, we move out.' [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You are about to report your success when you realise that the scavengers have no honour. They return to the village and attack again.They are eventually beaten by the villagers without your help, and your friendship suffers for it. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'You think you scumbags can come and tell us what to do? Fuck off!' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] 'Ah, fine, fine, we ain't gonna shit on our friends? doorstep, we'll find a new patch.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They have to kill the scavengers themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] 'Bah, shut your trap, you turncoat! We ain't listenin' to traitors.'The scavengers attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]44 [STORY] 'Ah, you sneaky buggers, you know what a bandit wants, good tradin' with ya.'They move on, and you gain the friendship of those who sent you here. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'Give us some of your goods and we'll leave. We'll even trade with ya, if ya like.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Refuse. [/NODE] +[NODE]48 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. But we ain't goin' for free. Pay us or we face the beatin'.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavKilladvUndead(6) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the small graveyard where the Slavyans think the unliving roam. [/STORY] [OUT][Magic user or Magic] Some dark magic may be at work here. Investigate. [OUT]You have folk who know about the unliving, so take a closer look. [OUT]Through nature and light, cleanse this place of the foul force that violates the laws of your gods. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Bribe the unliving with meat so they move on. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You spot several unliving corpses walking in circles around a single gravestone. [/STORY] [OUT][Unliving]Ask them to move along or leave the villagers be. [OUT][Unliving]Ask them to move along or leave the villagers be. [OUT]Perform a ritual that will keep the unliving trapped here. This is dark magic, so it may cost you something, but it should work. [OUT]You caught them by surprise, so attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] A stench of dark magic hits your senses and you discover a cursed figurine atop one of the gravestones was causing the unliving to rise.It is easy to destroy, but doing so will wound your spirit. [/STORY] [OUT]Destroy the object. [OUT]You have folk who know about the unliving, so take a closer look. [OUT]Just kill them the old-fashioned way. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] Turns out the unliving were called here by a cursed object, but your words are able to snap them out of the trance. They are grateful and do as you wish.You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] The unliving scatter and even leave some of their stuff behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] The smell of fresh meat entices the unliving. You see them thrashing about to get it, and although they had trouble moving away from the graveyard at first, they follow the meat and eventually just wander off. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You are about to report your success when you realise that a dark force is making more bodies rise up, and some of the ones who left return too.They are eventually beaten by the villagers without your help, and your friendship suffers for it. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] Your efforts fail and the unliving turn their attention to you. [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] You bind the unliving to this grave site, and unless someone purposefully breaks your work, they will remain here.The Slavyans are unsure about how they feel about this new feature, but you did deal with their immediate problem, and they are grateful. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They have to kill the unliving themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] Turns out the unliving were called here by a cursed object, but your bond with the gods protects you somewhat. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]52 [STORY] Your prayers work. One of the gravestones shatters into dust, and along with it, the unliving fall to the ground. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanTradeadv(7) +[NODE]2 [STORY] The trader's stalls stand open for you. [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'You are no friends of ours, so we won't take food as payment, and you'll have to pay us extra first.' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Come back another time. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'Good trading with you. Gods be with you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanVillageSmall(8) +[NODE]2 [STORY] 'Welcome, what brings you to our humble abode?'Some village activities will only be available when you are friends with its people and some are restricted to chance, so coming back from time to time may be worth it. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if there is anything you can help with. [OUT]Say you just came to rest and visit, perhaps heal your wounds. [OUT]Ask if you can visit the kennels. [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Leave. [OUT]You're in luck, the tavern is open. Visit it. [OUT]Visit the food stalls. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'You best move along. You're no friends of ours.'You see armed folk gathering. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Say that you mean them no harm -- all you want is to talk and visit. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The village lies destroyed, and the spoils are yours. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. There's a bunch of vermin nesting nearby. We're small, only setting up. If you help us be rid of them, we'll be very thankful, to be sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'It will be a cold day in summer before we refuse hospitality to the weary.We also have a healer in the village. If they're not busy, they're good with the body and the mind.' [/STORY] [OUT]Pay to get physical wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to get mental wounds healed. [OUT]Pay to have poison removed. [OUT]Ask if there's a wise one who can heal spiritual ailments. [OUT]A zerca is telling the story of the cosmic tree. Go listen to his tale in honour of the gods. [OUT]Come back another day. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. There's a nice rich beehive nearby. We'd like to get the honey, but we're small, only setting up. If you help us pacify the bees, we'll be very thankful, to be sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'You lookin' to help a fellow, eh? Sure, there's always trouble.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [OUT]You have a lot of wood on you. Ask if they need some. [OUT]You see they are in need of stone, so tell them you're willing to give away some of yours. [OUT]There is nothing to do here for now. Come back another day. [OUT]Ask if anything needs killing. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'Yeah, nasty bunch of scoundrels are setting up nearby. We're small, and we're worried they may hit us soon. But if you got them first...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] 'A witch, that's what you're after, eh? Magic comes at a price. Healing the spirit is easier, but curses, well, they are nasty things. They'll cost you more, cost you blood.' [/STORY] [OUT][Witch]Say you only need your sister's aid, and you'll pay the price yourself and promise not to burden her. [OUT]Agree to pay the price to remove curses. [OUT]Ask to have your spirit wounds healed. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The witch nods. 'Bah, should've said so, sis. I wouldn't try to sell you the price crap, ha. Let's get to it.'Together, you remove any curses you had. [/STORY] [OUT]Thank her and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'In the name of the cosmic tree itself, you are truly odd folk to offer resources like that. We thank you.We cannot give much, but here, have what we can spare.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'Sure, go right ahead, we may have some pups for you to buy.' [/STORY] [OUT]Buy a dog. [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] 'There's always trouble about the place. There's a bunch of nasty gobbos camping nearby. Little buggers are looking to stay, and we ain't too happy about them bein' our neighbours. If you were to deal with that, we'd be grateful.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] 'Bah, fine, you look honest enough and you carry the mark of the gods, so we best not anger them lot.Come in, but we're watching you!' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask to trade. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [OUT]Offer to do something for them to prove your goodwill. [/NODE] +[NODE]53 [STORY] 'Go away!' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]58 [STORY] 'Either we do not have any work for you, or you or your kin are already set on a path to aid us. Finish that path before you ask for new tasks. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --SlavyanKillsmallBees(9) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You approach the beehive the Slavyans asked you to clear. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Druid or nature]There's no need for violence. You simply need to ask them to share. [OUT][Forest folk]Convince the bees to cooperate, as it is always more fruitful in the long run. [OUT][Beast master]You need to claim this territory. Any beasts will then move away. [OUT][Hunter]Set up traps to thin the swarm, then attack. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You find the right spots to mark your territory with a strong, predatory odour.The bees soon buzz away and leave their honey behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. Go tell the villagers. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] You are badly beaten, and the villagers have to come to your rescue. They are not impressed. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] The bees buzz in unison, listening to your words.They agree to cooperate with the human village. If the humans keep away and leave them in peace, the bees will in turn give some of their honey away. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Agree. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] A villager scout was watching you and approaches:'I'll be damned. You reasoned with the stingers, but why? We have no desire for the buzzers to live on our doorstep.I mean, you meant well. But perhaps next time, do as we ask.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The bees buzz in anger and turn your way. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]You will be stung, so run. [/NODE] +[NODE]48 [STORY] A villager scout was watching you and approaches:'I'll be damned. You reasoned with the stingers. Great. I guess we won't mind the buzz if it gets us honey. Thank you, and here, this is your reward.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]50 [STORY] A villager scout was watching you and approaches:'I'll be damned. You chased them away. Wonderful! Here, have this as thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]51 [STORY] You aren't called a beast master for nothing. You scare the bees away. A villager scout was watching you and approaches:'I'll be damned. You chased them away. Wonderful! Here, have this as thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --__SlavKillsmallScav(30) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You find the place where you were sent to deal with some folk attacking the Slavyans. [/STORY] [OUT]You know how to deal with ruffians -- you dabbled in that life too. Speak to them. [OUT]Intimidate the ruffians. Tell them you'll leave none alive unless they go. [OUT][Intellect and harmony]Convince the scavengers that it is wiser to leave now than to face you or, later, the Slavyans too. [OUT]Pay the scavengers to leave. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You spot the scavengers ahead. They are busy kicking the head of a dead demon as if it were a ball. They haven't seen you yet. [/STORY] [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT][Scavenger]Convince them it isn't worth the trouble to stay here because they'll get whooped either by you or by the Slavyans. Give them a tip on a different village they can hit, one with less protection. [OUT]Barter with them and convince them it is best to leave now, before there is more trouble. [OUT]Scavengers are after goods, so offer them some in exchange for leaving. [OUT]You know their tactics, so the fight will be easier. Attack. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'Shit, you guys look dangerous, we ain't messin' with you. We're gonna find another spot. Bye.' [/STORY] [OUT]Shake your fists at them. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'Eh, why not, you one of us, so you good type. See ya around.'You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] The scavengers scatter and even leave some of their stuff behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. We leave.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'Yeah, all right, deal's a deal, we move out.' [/STORY] [OUT]Good. [OUT]Good. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] You are about to report your success when you realise that the scavengers have no honour. They return to the village and attack again.They are eventually beaten by the villagers without your help, and your friendship suffers for it. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] You got rid of the problem as you were asked, and your friendship will surely grow. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You are defeated. Eventually, the folk who asked for your help deal with the problem themselves, so you do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'You think you scumbags can come and tell us what to do? Fuck off!' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] 'Ah, fine, fine, we ain't gonna shit on our friends? doorstep, we'll find a new patch.'You dealt with the problem as asked, and you gain friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The folk who asked for your help hear of your failure and come to your aid. They have to kill the scavengers themselves and are angry about having to spare the time. You do not gain any friendship. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] 'Bah, shut your trap, you turncoat! We ain't listenin' to traitors.'The scavengers attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight. [/NODE] +[NODE]44 [STORY] 'Ah, you sneaky buggers, you know what a bandit wants, good tradin' with ya.'They move on, and you gain the friendship of those who sent you here. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'Give us some of your goods and we'll leave. We'll even trade with ya, if ya like.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Refuse. [/NODE] +[NODE]48 [STORY] 'Yeah, you be right, methinks, you look like trouble, and them lot are growing too. But we ain't goin' for free. Pay us or we face the beatin'.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up. [OUT]Pay them off. [OUT]Just attack them. [/NODE] [/EVENT]