-- [EVENT] --Orc bandits(0) +[NODE]6 [STORY] The bandits seem satisfied with free loot. They do not pursue. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You try running, but they are gaining on you fast. [/STORY] [OUT]Drop some of your bags and run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] The orcs are dead, and their loot is yours. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] The orcs take much of your belongings but leave you alive. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] The matriarch watches you with an uncomfortable intensity. 'You -- you are so nasty-looking. I like it. Mate with me, and you will not regret it.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] You are ambushed by orc bandits! [/STORY] [OUT][Orc matriarch]Order them to heel before your authority! [OUT][Orc matriarch]Order them to heel before your authority! [OUT][Orc]Growl a battle cry and charge! [OUT]Fight! [OUT][Zorya]In Zorya's name, demand respect! [OUT]Try to parley with them. [OUT]Drop some of your bags and run away. [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'We are free from your tyranny, matriarch! We are the clanless, and we will never heel again!' They attack with greater ferocity! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] 'Argh... even out here, even though we're clanless, we still have honour. We bow to your rank, matriarch.' The orcs leave, each dropping something as penance for their dishonour. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You see the orcs hesitate when you invoke Zorya's name. But you also know that your goddess is one of combat and valour, so they are unlikely to stop and talk on her account. [/STORY] [OUT]In the name of Zorya, attack them! [OUT]Use this chance to flee. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] 'Good tradin' with you. Fire in your hearts!' They walk off. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'We're not a charity, so drop some of your shit or get beaten.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that you do not have enough for the fee. [Lose 10% equipment] [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'Your tongues wag well. Pay us a small fee, and we can trade with you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Say that you do not have enough for the fee. [Lose 10% equipment] [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]38 [STORY] You are now painfully aware of orc mating rituals, yet you are also pleasantly surprised by the matriarch's predatory prowess. The bandits depart. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Slavers ambush(1) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You are ambushed by grisly looking bandits who circle you like vultures: 'So what do we have here? Healthy-looking bunch. Fetch us a good price.' [/STORY] [OUT]Try to break through their lines and run away! [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Try reasoning with them. [OUT]Attempt to use your charm on them. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] You run away and leave the scoundrels behind. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You kill the slavers and search for any captives, but you find that some people must have escaped during the fighting. Still, some may decide to join you. [/STORY] [OUT]Search for anyone who may still be here, then leave. [OUT]Search for anyone who may still be here, then leave. [OUT]Search for anyone who may still be here, then leave. [OUT]Search for anyone who may still be here, then leave. [OUT]Search for anyone who may still be here, then leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] You barely get away, but not without bruises and having to abandon some bags. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] 'Grown-ups make more trouble than they're worth. Stay down and thank your gods we're not in a killin' mood today.' [/STORY] [OUT]Stay down and wait for them to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'Oi, this one will bring an extra good price. Yeah, yeah, fuck the young ones, let's take this one!' They draw in closer. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to break through their lines and run away! [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'Your lucky day, pretty face. You're coming with us. The rest of you, stay down, or we'll skin you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Stay down and wait for them to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] 'Guess we've been known to do honest business of this. How about you sell us a kid, eh? We'll pay good gold and add this here mangy dog.' He points to a wolf by his side. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [Lose one child] [OUT]Decline and offer to pay them to go away. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Now that they don't expect it, attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] 'Guess we've been a bit overburdened as it is. Tell ya what, how about you become customers instead? You pay us, we give you a child -- healthy, obedient, good as new.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. Pay them first, then you will receive the child. [OUT]Decline and offer to pay them to go away. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Now that they don't expect it, attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] You slaughter the slavers, and those who survived flee. Their cages look mostly empty, but maybe you can still find and free some folk. [/STORY] [OUT]Search them, get what you can, and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'Guess we've been known to do honest business of this. How about you sell us a kid, eh? We'll pay good gold and add this here mangy dog.' He points to a wolf by his side. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [Lose one child] [OUT]Decline and offer to pay them to go away. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to make a run for it! [OUT]Now that they don't expect it, attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] 'And we ain't in the kindly mood. We'll take ya by the skin, we will...' The slavers become agitated with excitement as they threaten you, and you have a slim chance to escape. [/STORY] [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Goblin bandits(2) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You're ambushed by goblin bandits! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Agree to give up some of your things. [OUT][Goblin]Try to parley with the bandits. [OUT][Magic or Intellect] In Marovit's name, and that of your domain, compel them to leave you alone. [OUT]Try to talk them out of it. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] 'Eh, me think it is never good to crap on your own. What can you offer?' [/STORY] [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to attack! [OUT]Offer to throw them a party with good food, drink, and rest to fuel them for future banditry. [OUT]Convince them that the bandit life is unwise in the eyes of the goblin gonefathers. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'Oh, why not, let us gobbos break bread. Here, have some herbs to make the party better.' [/STORY] [OUT]Party with the goblins. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'Bah, why we care about your gods? Even if they're gobbos, we ain't bothered. Now shell out or get beat!' [/STORY] [OUT][Magic user]Speak once again of Marovit's might, of his dominion over magic, of his power over nightmares and the spirit world. [OUT][Orc]Growl at them and say that if they don't respect Marovit, you will make them eat their own green guts. [OUT][Orc]Growl at them and say that if they don't respect Marovit, you will make them eat their own green guts. [OUT]Agree to give up some of your things. [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Try to talk them out of it. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'Ah, you so right, man, we go do this thing, but we're not happy. You shame us. We go back to our tribe.' Before they depart, they leave some of their stolen loot for you. [/STORY] [OUT]Invite them to eat and drink before they depart. [OUT]Invite them to eat and drink before they depart. [OUT]Ask them to trade. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] The goblins nod and listen, then nod more... 'Yeah, yeah, we bad, we go away now.' They leave, but you realise too late that they robbed you while you were talking! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] You kill the bandits and are free to loot their bodies. [/STORY] [OUT]A boar decides to stay with you. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] The goblins beat you badly and take most of your bags of equipment. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'You show us good times, you show us wisdom. Our boar will stay and serve you for a bit. Be well, and may gonefathers watch over you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Bid them farewell. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] 'Eh, maybe you're right, like. Yeah. We'll just go...' [/STORY] [OUT]Let them leave. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Eh, maybe you're right, like. Yeah. We'll just go...' [/STORY] [OUT]Let them leave. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] 'You fucking barbarian pigs! Always bullying us. Die!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] 'Bah, you do talk so well. Our bandit code won't let us just leave, but if you give us some of your food, or stuff of your choosing, we will go and not bother you anymore.' Share some food and drink to mark this truce. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give up some of your chosen things. [OUT]Agree to lose 10% of your food. [OUT]Use this distraction as an opportunity to attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] 'What, changed your minds, eh? We'll just take what we like, then!' [/STORY] [OUT]Lose some equipment. [OUT]Go back to trade. [OUT]Fight! [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] 'You show us good times, you show us wisdom. Our boar will stay and serve you for a bit. Be well, and may gonefathers watch over you.' [/STORY] [OUT]Bid them farewell. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] 'What, changed your minds, eh? We'll just take what we like, then!' [/STORY] [OUT]Lose some equipment. [OUT]Go back to trade. [OUT]Fight! [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Dwarven bandits(3) +[NODE]2 [STORY] A band of dwarven bandits stands in your way: 'Halt! This bit of road here is ours, but you're in luck -- all we need today's your food. Drop it and yer free to go.' [/STORY] [OUT][Dwarf]Say that you will give up your food if they win a drinking contest. [OUT][Svarog] Assert your kinship with the dwarves through the lord of light. [OUT][Svarog] Assert your kinship with the dwarves through the lord of light. [OUT]In the name of light and turmoil, attack the dishonourable dwarves. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]They don't seem too committed to this. Try talking them out of it. [OUT][Bandit]Question their bandit ways if all they take is food. [OUT]Give up the food. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'Aye, I see the mark of the great blacksmith upon you. Shite land on my head if I care for that shit. You give us the food, laddies, or get a beatin', Svarog or no Svarog.' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Bandit]Question their bandit ways if all they take is food. [OUT]Give up the food. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'Haugh... yes, you are one tough son of the stone!' The other bandits nod in agreement, pat you on the back, and let you be on your way. 'Aye, I see the mark of the great blacksmith god upon you. Shite. We'd rather eat dirt than dishonour one human-god who knows his smithing.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'Bah, ya drink well, but not well enough, eh? Ha! Deal's a deal, so we'll have some of that food before ya be on your way, laddies.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave the food and go. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] You kill the bandits and take their loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] The bandits beat you badly and take your food and equipment, but at least they leave you breathing. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'Aye, ya got us. We ain't cut out to be beatin' folk for no reason. We're banished, but we still have our honour. Thank ya for reminding us. If you like, we'll trade with ya, eh?' The dwarves also leave a small gift in thanks. [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to trade. [OUT]Talk, drink, and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'Enough talkin' - we're takin the food, now!' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up the food. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] 'Hold on there, laddie, what in the bearded sage's sake gives you the right to judge? We do our banditin' as we bloody well like!' [/STORY] [OUT]Assert that it is certainly not the right way and that you can in fact school them, for a fee. [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Give up the food. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] 'Aye, I see the mark of the great blacksmith upon you. Shite. We'd rather eat dirt than dishonour one human who knows his smithing.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that Svarog is the god of fires and light, not a human. [OUT]Say that you will give them some food. [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] 'Oi, don't get yer undies in a twist, story goes that he was once human, that's all I am sayin'.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that you will give them some food. [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] 'Ah, the shame of it all! I spit on those blasted light-wraiths five times over for taking our homes and forcin' us into a life like this.' They accept your gift with humility and leave a small token of their thanks in exchange. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask more about the light-wraiths. [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'No idea, laddies, no idea. Came when the sun was as bright as ever and scorched our small hamlet, that they did. Took some of our kin, put a strange kind of spell on them. Others just burned from inside and died when the wraiths touched them. Nasty business, I tell ya. So we ran, and we're banished now.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask them where their hamlet used to be. Maybe you'll investigate one day. [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] 'Ya make a bloody good point there, laddie. We ain't used to this. We were honest folk till our homes got burnt and, well, we are banished now, and banditry's our lot. Here, take this payment, and teach us to do it right!' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and teach them the ways of assertiveness, intimidation, and brutality. [/NODE] +[NODE]44 [STORY] 'Yeah, yeah, right you are, too soft -- that's what we've been! The food, now!' [/STORY] [OUT]Give up the food. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] 'Nothin left of it now, but be wary -- you may come across those light-wraiths if you go that way.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Elven bandits(4) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You are ambushed by elven bandits! [/STORY] [OUT][Elf] Remind them of ancient elven laws that forbid doing harm to one another. [OUT][Leshy]Call the elves to heel. They are children of the forest and should bow to you! [OUT][Beautiful]Flutter your eyelashes like crazy. [OUT]Abandon some of your packs and run for it. [OUT]Abandon some of your packs and run for it. [OUT]Try reasoning with the bandits. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'This world has shattered many ancient laws. Our woodland was tarnished by the human blight, burned, harvested, and left in tatters. We now take what we desire from those who are weak. It is... refreshing.' [/STORY] [OUT]Insist that this is not the way of harmony nor the path of light and nature, all of which they should respect! [OUT]Scorn them for losing honour and soul for greed. [OUT]Agree to give them some food, but nothing more. [OUT]Use this opportunity to try talking sense into them. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You abandon the packs, but the elves fire a few arrows at you. [/STORY] [OUT]Keep running. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You kill the elves. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather the loot and leave. [OUT]Gather the loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] The elven bandits beat you badly and take some of your belongings. Luckily, they leave you alive. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'Perhaps we can come to a more amicable arrangement. We may have strayed from our path thus far, yet it is no reason to abandon all civility. You will pay us a small fee, and in exchange, you may trade with us.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to the fee and trade. [OUT]Change your mind and attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'The offer has now expired. We shall take a reasonable ransom but leave you intact. I advise you to take this offering.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree and lose some items. [OUT]Change your mind and attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'Your words are as empty as our souls, and your wits as dull as a mortal's life.' The elves disappear into the woods, and you realise they robbed you blind! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn it. [OUT]Try to catch them! [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] 'You shame us. For the child deities to look down upon us with such righteous disdain... This is painful. You have not broken our laws, you have not trespassed on our sacred land, yet we seek violence like common orcs.' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell them it is time to return to the right path. [OUT]Scorn them for losing honour and soul for greed. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You see great despair in their eyes. Some simply drop their weapons to the ground and walk off. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what they left and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] 'We thank thee, brethren, for you have restored harmony to our lost souls. We must now find our way back to the light. May the grace of your pantheon fall upon you.' The elves leave you a gift and depart. [/STORY] [OUT]Bid them farewell. [OUT]Bid them farewell. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] The elven bandits waver in their violent resolve. They nod in agreement. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The elves are mesmerized by your beauty. [/STORY] [OUT]Insist that this is not the way of harmony nor the path of light and nature, all of which they should respect! [OUT]Use this opportunity to try talking sense into them. [OUT]They are distracted - attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] The elves stop in their tracks, taken aback by your strong words. [/STORY] [OUT]Insist that this is not the way of harmony nor the path of light and nature, all of which they should respect! [OUT]Use this opportunity to try talking sense into them. [OUT]They are distracted -- attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] 'Your beauty soothed our souls and reminded us of the folly of our ways, for this life may be fleeting and wrought with despair, yet such delicate flowers endure and bloom in the dirt. We thank thee.' The elves leave you a gift and depart. [/STORY] [OUT]Bid them farewell. [OUT]Bid them farewell. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] Instead of inspiring change, you have broken their spirit. You see great despair in their eyes. Some simply drop their weapons to the ground and walk off. You feel the weight of their despair fall upon you, and this failure cuts your elven soul deeply. But they do leave you alone. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Scavengers attack(5) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You are ambushed by a band of crazed scavengers, clearly driven to take more risk than usual. [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Try to run away. [OUT]Stand firm and intimidate them with your brawny muscle. [OUT]Drop some of your equipment and run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] You face them head on, raise your weapons, and flex your muscles. The scavengers look very unsure of themselves now. Some even leave. [/STORY] [OUT]Use this chance to attack them. [OUT]Convince them it is best if they leave, now. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] The scavengers beat you badly, and you barely escape their savagery as they try to rip anything you have off you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Right, right, right, you big, big, scary, we leave you, leave you, yeah, look, we leave our things, you take, you go, you leave us be...' They back away and even drop some things. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Use this opportunity to attack a smaller pack! [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'You give us your stuff, give it, give it, give it!' While they talk, you use the opportunity to run from the crazed pack, but not without losing a few bags. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You barely got away, not without bruises and not without losing a few bags. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You run away without trouble. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] You defeat the scavengers. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Striga bandits(6) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Your camp is besieged by a group of humanoids lurking in the darkness. 'Keep calm and we shall all get what we want tonight.' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Stay calm and listen to what they have to say. [OUT][Night demons]Tell the strigas to come out and speak plainly. [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] The night demons take your blood, but as agreed, not enough to kill you. You may suffer weakness from this, but they leave you be. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] The lesser strigas shudder and step back. The other one speaks from the dark again: 'Such malice from one of our own. How sad. We leave you be, then, servants of light...' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Apologise for the outburst and ask what exchange he meant earlier. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You run away, but not without severe blood loss. The creatures were fast and agile in their feasting. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You kill the strigas and loot their bodies. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] The strigas assault you angrily after you fail to comply with their demands. You hear whispers of 'Horz's pack' and, despite their threats, they do not drain you to death. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] A figure steps into the light for only the briefest moment. He is tall, foreboding, and bestially alluring. 'You will give us some of your blood, and we will not harm you beyond that. Resist, and we shall devour you whole.' He steps back into darkness, and his minions step forwards, baring their fangs. [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT]Assert that you are no mere traveller, but a servant of Horz's pack, so they should step away. [OUT]Agree to give some blood. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] A figure steps into the light for only the briefest moment. He is tall, foreboding, and bestially alluring. 'Ah, a fellow night walker. Hmm, perhaps we can make this exchange even more civil, then?' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask what exchange. [OUT]Tell him to back off or die. [OUT][Light] In the name of Light, tell the striga to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] 'I concluded that my cattle are wearing thin. First darkness spoilt the lot, and now this wretched Shattering with its light-wraiths is destroying your fragile societies.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and listen. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'And so, I have decided a measured approach is more sustainable. I have trained my feral pack to obey. We ambush warm-blooded folk, taking only the blood we need. We feast on their flesh only if they resist - leaving it up to fate, if you will.' [/STORY] [OUT]Beautiful and female] Approve of their practical approach and state that your own ways have become tame to help you survive with people. [OUT]Question the truth of his words. [OUT][Horz]Affirm that Horz would approve of such measured control. [OUT][Night demon] Approve of their practical approach and state that your own ways have become tame to help you survive with people. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Yes, you smell of the human gods. The lord of night is our master too, of course. So how about you let us have some blood, and perhaps some meat, if you have any? And we will offer a trade.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give blood and trade. [OUT]Decline giving blood, but part on good terms. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] 'Think what you like, but from what I smell, you too follow a less savage way, for you serve the human pantheon. The lord of night is our master too, of course. In that, at least, we can find common ground. So how about you let us have some blood, and perhaps some meat, if you have any? And we will offer a trade.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give blood and trade. [OUT]Decline giving blood, but part on good terms. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'As you wish. May the moon strengthen you.' The strigas disappear into the night, and you feel the night lord's blessing upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] 'Such raw, bestial power in your words. Such beauty in your every move. I will be yours to command if you let me taste you, just once...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Decline and tell him to leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'You taste like the moon itself. Clearly you serve our master's pack. Until we meet again, my love...' You feel changed by the embrace of the striga master. You feel his presence at every full moon from now on. [/STORY] [OUT]Bid him farewell and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] 'You taste like the moon itself. Clearly you serve our master's pack. I will follow that path also. My servant will keep you safe until we meet again, my love...' [/STORY] [OUT]Bid him farewell and leave. [OUT]Bid him farewell and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] 'As you wish...' The striga disappear, but you feel watched at every full moon thereafter. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] The strigas listen to your words and back away quietly into the night. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'Yes, you smell of the human gods. The lord of night is our master too, of course. So how about you let us have some blood, and perhaps some meat, if you have any? And we will offer a trade.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to give blood and trade. [OUT]Decline giving blood, but part on good terms. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Human bandits(7) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You are ambushed by bandits: 'Your goods or your lives!' [/STORY] [OUT]Attack! [OUT][Bandit]Suggest a fair trade instead, with you throwing in a bit extra -- less risk for both parties. [OUT][Attractive] Give the captain your best smile. [OUT]Try to parley with them. [OUT]Run away! [OUT]Run away! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] 'Heh, I guess it won't do us no harm, so why not?' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'Huh, yeah, well, I mean, you're kind of cute, so what do you have in mind? I mean, if you fancy a little time to ourselves on the side, my men will leave you be, sure.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to go with the captain. [OUT]Play the damsel in distress who does not want to succumb to such base behaviours. [OUT]Say that perhaps one day you might, but for now how about the two of you just trade goods instead of spilling blood? [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] 'Well, I guess I can be convinced to let you pay a smaller fee, and we can even do some trading. Best I can do.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to the trade. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You manage to run, but not without bruises and lost bags as the bandits chase you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You kill the bandits and loot their bodies when you discover not only that one is still alive, but it is a child of yours that was once lost to the bandit trials. They plead with you to take them back, saying the bandits made them stay. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the youth with you. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] Among other things, you find a treasure map. [/STORY] [OUT]Take it. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] You are beaten badly and forced to flee to tend to your poisoned wounds. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'What, no tradin'? In that case, we will take a bit of what we like and let you go scot-free, deal?' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'Oh, right, yes, I mean no, I'd never! Well, here, this is for you and maybe, you know, maybe we could find each other sometime soon, go out for a dinner?' [/STORY] [OUT]Smile, nod, take his stuff, and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'Oh, right, yes, I mean, will you promise to see me again soon? Anyway, for banditry's sake, I can't just let you go. I mean, my reputation and all. But you pay us extra and we'll trade. This way we're both happy. Well, sort of -- I'd be happier if you came to the side with me.' [/STORY] [OUT]Smile and agree to the trade. [OUT]Agree to go with the captain. [OUT]Play the damsel in distress who does not want to succumb to such base behaviours. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'Sorry, babe, but you gotta pay up, or I gotta do my rough thing. We'll take some of those bags of yours and you can go, just 'cause your pretty face... made my day shine and all.' He looks slightly embarrassed, and his men snicker at him. [/STORY] [OUT]Give away the stuff. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] You go into some tall shrubbery, and the captain makes sure the men are out of sight: 'Right, listen, I have a reputation, you know, one has to be the alpha in these packs. But I ain't no rapey person. So if you like, we can just sit here, moan a bit, pretend we did the deed, and part ways.' [/STORY] [OUT]Kiss the captain passionately and have some fun. [OUT]Say you appreciate the candour, and play pretend as he said. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] 'Bit awkward, isn't it... tell ya what, want to trade while we sit here?' [/STORY] [OUT]Trade. [OUT]Decline, wait out the appropriate time for the ruse to work, and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The captain returns to the crew, looking pleased and raunchy. They make some crude jokes, but they walk away as promised. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The captain is pleasantly taken aback by your advances and willingly lets you take charge. You spend a passionate hour together until the bored bandits start to complain loudly. The captain turns to you. 'Well, as promised, you're free to go... and, eh, maybe we'll meet again, soon?' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that it was nice, but it was a one-time thing only. [OUT][Beautiful] Say that you hope so as well. [OUT]Say that you hope so as well. [OUT]Say that you hope so as well. [OUT]Say that you hope so as well. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] The captain nods, his face saddened. The bandits depart as promised, and you find a small gift left for you. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] You are about to part ways when the captain turns to you: 'I cannot leave. You, you are like a ray of sunshine gleaming onto precious gems, making them even prettier, making everything better! I will stay by your side, so help me the gods.' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave together. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] 'You have the gift of the gab, I'll give you that, but I am not buying it, pretty. Shell out or take a beating.? [/STORY] [OUT]Allow the bandits to take some of your things. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] You are about to part ways when the captain turns to you: 'I just can't get you out my head, pretty. What say you to comin' with us? Can't offer much, but we'll have us some good fun and sharp eyes here, they always wanted to stay, settle down, so you'll get them to do that good work of yours, a swap, eh?' [/STORY] [OUT]Decline. [OUT]Agree to the switch. Run into the captain's arms and walk off towards your new adventure. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] The captain nods, his face saddened. The bandits depart as promised, and you find a small gift left for you, carried by a faithful dog. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] 'Sorry, mate, but you gotta pay up, or I gotta do my rough thing. We'll take some of those bags of yours now.' [/STORY] [OUT]Give away the stuff. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] You never did see your lover boy again, but some months later, as your child arrives, you realise that you will never forget the scoundrel. [/STORY] [OUT]Celebrate. [/NODE] +[NODE]47 [STORY] You kill the bandits and loot their bodies. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather what you find. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Bandits attack(8) [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Orc bandit child(9) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You see an orc female approaching with a child. 'Ah you, the god followers. I come with a message from my sister, who bedded one of you several months ago.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that the one who mated with the orc is not here. [OUT]Acknowledge that it was you. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] 'I do not care. My sister sent me to show you the pup. It is custom that the father or his kin should bless it.' [/STORY] [OUT][Orc]Give the father blessing and ask what gender the child is. [OUT][Orc]Give the father blessing and ask what gender the child is. [OUT]Agree. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] The orc shows you an orc child, grown far beyond what you'd expect from its age. You make the gesture of a blessing, as directed by the female. She nods: 'Good.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask what happens now. [OUT]Ask what happens now. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'Now you take the brat and do with it as you like. Its mongrel blood would have served well, but it looks too human and likely may turn out male. We have no use for such a pup. Fire and steel!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fire and steel. [OUT]Fire and steel. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] 'A mongrel child she may be, but she is a girl, so she will be a sister. Who knows, she may prove your blood proud one day. And for this, we bring you the father-price. It is custom. Take it. Fire and steel!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fire and steel. [OUT]Object and fight for the child! [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'Although it is strangely unclear still, the mongrel is most likely a boy, so you will take him now.' She hands you the child and walks off. [/STORY] [OUT]Nod in agreement, as is custom. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'It is a strong girl. She will make her mother proud and thus the father's blood will bring honour to our clan. Take this father-price as a mark of a father's duty done well. Fire and steel!' [/STORY] [OUT]Fire and steel. [OUT]Object and fight for the child! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'Customs must be obeyed. You will risk the child's life in combat?' She gestures to the child she carries, showing no signs of cutting it down for combat. [/STORY] [OUT]Let her go. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Unliving ruins spwn(10) +[NODE]2 [STORY] As you explore, you notice long-dead humanoid remains scattered all over the place. They look larger than human, possibly orcish. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT][Orc]Prepare funeral pyres so the dead may be honoured. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT]Bury the bodies out of respect first. [OUT][Magic and Magic user] The unnatural forces binding these unliving are still weak. Try to break this bond and thus free their souls. [OUT]Leave the bones be and continue searching for loot. [OUT]Leave this place. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] The ritual works, and you free the unliving souls. [/STORY] [OUT]Search the ruins. [OUT]Search the ruins. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle. Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom, but alas, the air is heavy with the unrest of the spirits, and your own souls feel burdened by it. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue searching the ruins. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom, but perhaps the fallen orcs did not like it, as they rise up to attack you! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT][Unliving]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT][Nature or Harmony] As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] You bury the bodies according to your custom and no unliving rise to kill you, so you likely did well. [/STORY] [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [OUT]Continue to search for anything useful. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'We... we cannot rest. The dark pulls at us, keeps us here... fire, fire to our bones!' One of the unliving connects with your mind, and suddenly you know the proper orcish way to lay them to rest. [/STORY] [OUT]Create a funeral pyre and lead the unliving to it, as is their wish. [OUT][Nature or Harmony] As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT][Nature or Harmony] As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [OUT]Just kill the unliving. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You defeat the unliving after they were weakened by your domain's intervention. However, it dawns on you that you had a peaceful way of resolving this, so your spirits suffer for this act of violence. [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [OUT]Damn. Keep searching the ruins for loot. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] Your efforts are futile and the unliving attack! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] With the dead, well, dead again, you can now search the ruins in peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The unliving overwhelm you and force you to run for your lives. [/STORY] [OUT]Run. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] As you search the old rubble, you hear the voice of a female orc: 'We witnessed from afar your honourable deed, as expected from a sister, of course. Here, we found some loot that we cannot carry on the long road ahead. Take it and serve the gods well!' [/STORY] [OUT]Pound your chest in thanks and bid them farewell. Finish checking the ruins and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you: 'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Thank them and depart. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] As you are about to depart, you hear the roaring voice of an orc warrior bellowing at you: 'You showed our warriors respect and did not let their defiled bodies walk as unliving scourges. Here, have this as our thanks.' [/STORY] [OUT]Gather up what you can and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] Before you can take your treasure, you hear an orc warrior bellowing at you: 'We claim this ruin as our turf, as marked by our fallen kin!' [/STORY] [OUT]Keep listening. Best not to further enrage an already angry orc. [/NODE] +[NODE]35 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] You help dig out the bodies and make proper funeral pyres in accordance with orc customs. The orcs appreciate your aid and add some metals as reward before they bid you farewell. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Take your loot and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] The orc warrior growls, her sharp, exposed teeth glimmering at you, but then she laughs: 'Ha! You have a warrior heart and you respected our fallen. You may leave, and may your path be filled with good enemies and strong friends.' [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them well too and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'You fought well for weakling fleshies. You have tits! Good. All this fighting got me hungry. Leave your food, leave the loot, and you're free to go.' [/STORY] [OUT]Praise their honour and leave. [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] Whoever these dead folks were, their killers took off with much of what was usable here, but you still see some salvageable resources and a few scattered weapons that may be good. [/STORY] [OUT]Take the stuff and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]42 [STORY] You gather up what little is left in the ruins, but you hear footsteps behind you and see some of the unliving rising! [/STORY] [OUT]Fight! [OUT]Run away! [OUT][Unliving]Speak to your unliving kin to calm their anger and offer aid. [OUT][Nature or Harmony] As nature and harmony sway your soul, use your domain to weaken these unliving before killing them for good! [/NODE] +[NODE]43 [STORY] 'But I tell you what, you showed respect to the dead, even though you buried them instead of burnin'... So help us dig them out and make funeral pyres and you can keep half of the loot.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT]Agree to help with the bodies. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [OUT][Turmoil] As turmoil is your path, stand firm and say you will not yield to their demands. The loot is yours, and if they think otherwise, they can fight you for it. [/NODE] +[NODE]45 [STORY] 'So you surrender... weak, cowardly, and you claim to follow the path of turmoil, do you? Pathetic.' The warrior spits in your face and her men kick you out of the ruins, taking away your loot but, surprisingly, not your equipment. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]46 [STORY] 'Ah, true warriors, good! Do with us as you will. We yield to your swords!' [/STORY] [OUT]Kill them all and take their stuff. [OUT]Take only the loot you found in the ruins, and leave the orcs be. [/NODE] +[NODE]55 [STORY] The funeral pyres burn high, and you utter the guttural charge command so the souls of the fallen may rise up in their final call to battle. Your spirits are lifted as you feel the presence of the fallen now at peace. [/STORY] [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [OUT]Good. Continue checking the ruins for any usable loot. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --KidnappedSpwn(11) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You track down the scoundrels who absconded with your kin! [/STORY] [OUT][Turmoil]Charge! [OUT][Harmony]Speak to them, as peace is always preferable. [OUT][Intellect]Observe them and find an advantage. [OUT][Light]In the name of justice, smite them now! [OUT][Nature and magic]Take time to investigate. Perhaps you will find an angle here. [OUT]Come back later. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] You kill the scum and rescue your kin, along with any other loot they may have had. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] You are badly beaten and forced to flee. Your kidnapped folk is lost for good. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'Bah, stop yammering about your bloody gods already. Leave or die!' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [OUT]Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'Bah, stop yammering about your bloody gods already. Fine, have the pretty face back. Just go!' [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]14 [STORY] You watch their camp, note their patterns, and overhear that they are searching for metals, especially gold. They might be open to trading. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to convince them to trade. [OUT][Hunter]Attack, but sneak up on them and set a trap to make the fight easier. [OUT]You do not have enough gold to make deals. Attack! [OUT][Harmony]Speak to them, as peace is always preferable. [OUT]Come back later. [OUT][Bandit]Approach them as a friend and offer to trade food for the child. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] 'Bah, you're a clever one, ain't ya? Fine, we do like gold, and we'd rather not get into a scrap if we can avoid it.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to the trade. [OUT]Attack instead! [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] The bandits do as they promised and give your kin back. [/STORY] [OUT]Leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] 'Bah, you're a clever one, ain't ya? Fine, we do like gold, and we'd rather not get into a scrap if we can avoid it.' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to the trade. [OUT]Attack instead! [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] You watch their camp, note their patterns, and notice they are looking rather worse for wear when it comes to food and drink. They might be open to trading. [/STORY] [OUT]Try to trade with them for food. [OUT][Hunter]Attack, but sneak up on them and set a trap to make the fight easier. [OUT]You do not have enough food to make deals. Attack! [OUT][Harmony]Speak to them, as peace is always preferable. [OUT]Come back later. [OUT][Bandit]Approach them as a friend and offer to trade food for the child. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --BanditsAttackDiff2(12) [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --BanditsAttackDiff7(13) [/EVENT]