-- [EVENT] --Haunted wife(0) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Vous parvenez à un petit hameau et y découvrez des habitants inquiets qui se sont tous rassemblés autour d'une femme en pleurs. [/STORY] [OUT]Leur demander quel est le problème. [OUT]Profiter de cette opportunité afin de les attaquer ! [OUT]Cela ne vous regarde pas : partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] La femme se tourne vers vous, l'air hésitante, puis regarde les autres villageois, comme si elle recherchait leur approbation. Ces derniers hochent la tête, et elle prend alors la parole :\\n« C'est mon idiot de mari, il ne veut pas me laisser tranquille ! » [/STORY] [OUT]Lui demander ce qui empêche les autres habitants de lui venir en aide ; comment un homme pourrait-il être si dangereux à lui seul ? [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] « C'est tout juste si le bougre n'avait pas besoin qu'on lui torche le cul comme à un nourrisson, donc inutile de vous dire que là n'est pas le problème. Il est mort, voyez-vous, il y a déjà de ça deux semaines. Mais il ne cesse de revenir chez moi, de se glisser dans mon lit, comme si de rien n'était ! » [/STORY] [OUT][Zerca ou Sagesse] Affirmer que ce fantôme ne se manifeste que parce qu'il lui est lié par des vœux de mariage, et que vous connaissez un moyen afin de s'en débarrasser : elle doit porter sept robes. [OUT][Chamane] Déclarer que les esprits sont votre spécialité et que vous irez glisser un mot à son mari. [OUT]Lui dire que vous vous feriez un plaisir d'anéantir le fantôme si elle le souhaite — pour une modique somme bien entendu. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] « Donc je dois me vêtir de sept de mes plus beaux habits et aller me coucher toute habillée une fois la nuit tombée ? Voilà qui est bien étrange... Je vais devoir en emprunter quelques robes en plus, alors vous feriez mieux d'avoir raison. » [/STORY] [OUT]Acquiescer en hochant la tête. [OUT]Acquiescer en hochant la tête. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] La femme vous rend visite le lendemain :\\n« Vous avez plus d'un tour dans votre sac ! J'ai suivi vos conseils et me suis vêtue de sept robes. Le bougre a alors pointé le bout de son nez, et il est resté planté là, à me regarder l'air abasourdi. \"Sept robes ?\", me demanda-t-il la bouche grande ouverte. \"Sept\", lui répondis-je. »\\n— Sept robes ?, me demanda-t-il avec sa bouche grande ouverte.\\n— Sept, lui répondis-je. » [/STORY] [OUT]Écouter la suite. [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] « Il fronça les sourcils avant de poursuivre : \"Mais, c'est la première fois que je vois une femme vêtue de sept robes en même temps !\" Ce à quoi je répondis que c'était bien aussi la première fois que je voyais un mari mort venir se coucher dans le lit conjugal ! Le misérable fut complètement perplexe et s'en alla ! »\\nElle vous récompense en vous remettant un objet d'héritage familial. [/STORY] [OUT]Lui dire que vous vous êtes fait un plaisir de l'aider. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] La femme a l'air quelque peu inquiète.\\n« Vous autres les spirites, vous m'effrayez autant que mon bon à rien de mari... » [/STORY] [OUT]Lui répondre que vous lui souhaitez de nombreuses et paisibles nuits avec son bien-aimé dans ce cas. [OUT]Hausser les épaules et répondre que rien ne vous retient plus longtemps en ces lieux si elle ne veut ni recevoir votre aide, ni vous payer pour vos services. [OUT]Dans ce cas, tuer ces ingrats ! [OUT]Lui demander ce qu'elle a contre les esprits. Il s'agit bien encore de son mari après tout, non ? [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] « Pas besoin de vous énerver, braves gens. Je ne voulais pas offenser qui que ce soit. Combattre le feu par le feu, c'est tout ce que je voulais dire. Allez donc parler à mon mari. Il va faire nuit sous peu, il sera bientôt là. » [/STORY] [OUT]Vous rendre chez elle afin de parler avec l'esprit. [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] « Tuer un esprit ? sérieusement ? Pourquoi pas. Mon mari est mort pour de bon, et je ne suis pas familière à ce genre de phénomène. Soyez prudents toutefois ; ces créatures peuvent causer l'apparition de vilains monstres lorsqu'elles sont attaquées — d'où le fait que nous ne nous en soyons pas occupés nous-mêmes... »\\nLes autres villageois acquiescent en hochant la tête. [/STORY] [OUT]Surveiller la maison et attaquer le fantôme lorsqu'il apparaitra. [OUT]Cela ne vous regarde pas : partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] Après avoir tué l'esprit marital rebelle, sa femme se jette dans vos bras :\\n« Merci ! Je n'ai pas grand-chose, si ce n'est de la bonne nourriture cuisinée par mes soins — tout ce qu'on est en droit d'attendre après avoir bien combattu. » [/STORY] [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Adresser vos remerciements et vous en aller. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] « Bande de petits effrontés ! \"Aider\" disent-ils, et les voilà en train de nous réclamer notre pain... Tenez, prenez votre or, et noyez-vous dedans. »\\nVous recevez quelques pièces d'or, mais durant les jours qui suivent, votre gorge vous fait mal et semble gonflée, comme si vous étiez sur le point de vous étouffer... [/STORY] [OUT]Maudite sorcière. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] « Bande de petits effrontés ! \"Aider\" disent-ils, et les voilà en train de nous réclamer notre pain... Tenez, prenez votre or, et noyez-vous dedans. » [/STORY] [OUT]Bien. Récupérer l'or et partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] Le fantôme marital est implacable et vous chasse de sa maison !\\nLes villageois vous insultent également pour avoir mis en colère l'esprit. [/STORY] [OUT]Mieux vaut vite s'en aller. [/NODE] +[NODE]19 [STORY] Vous exterminez tous les habitants sans la moindre pitié ! -5\\nLeur hameau était clairement indigent — c'est tout juste s'ils avaient de quoi subsister. Vous trouvez néanmoins quelques ressources, et découvrez également de jeunes enfants cachés dans les maisons. [/STORY] [OUT]Ils vous le feront payer tôt ou tard : les tuer. [OUT]Ils sont jeunes et oublieront : les emmener avec vous. [OUT]Les abandonner dans un bosquet à proximité afin qu'ils soient recueillis par des démons des forêts. Certains parviendront peut-être à tirer leur épingle du jeu. Quant aux autres... Vous leur aurez au moins accordé une chance. [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] Vous exterminez tous les habitants sans la moindre pitié ! -5\\nLeur hameau était clairement indigent — c'est tout juste s'ils avaient de quoi subsister. Vous trouvez néanmoins quelques ressources. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] La foule en colère vous bat à plate couture et vous oblige à fuir, mais elle ne vous poursuit pas. [/STORY] [OUT]Continuer de courir. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] « Parce que c'est surnaturel, voilà pourquoi ! Nous vivons dans un endroit où les démons sont tapis dans chaque recoin, alors comment dois-je distinguer le bien du mal ? Mieux vaut rester à l'écart tout court... » [/STORY] [OUT]Essayer de la convaincre que les esprits peuvent être bienfaisants et qu'elle devrait accorder une chance à son mari. [OUT]Reconnaître qu'il ne s'agit pas là d'un problème facile à résoudre : lui proposer de vous en occuper et d'aller parler au fantôme vous-même. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] Le fantôme marital est un homme d'âge moyen, au dos voûté et au visage boudiné. Son corps chétif lui donne un air maladif. [/STORY] [OUT]Lui demander ce qu'il fait ici. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] « Madame m'a ordonné de toujours venir au lit le moment venu, sans quoi, elle empalerait ma tête sur la clôture. Vous avez vu son regard diabolique ? Elle le ferait sans hésiter, même si j'étais mort ! Je ne voudrais pas y laisser mon joli minois ! » [/STORY] [OUT]Essayer de convaincre le fantôme — même si cela s'annonce difficile. [OUT]Le pauvre... Le laisser tranquille. [OUT]Il est peu probable qu'il s'en aille bien sagement : le tuer. [/NODE] +[NODE]26 [STORY] Vous laissez le fantôme en paix, et bien que sa femme ne soit pas satisfaite, elle n'ose rien dire. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] « Oh, donc je... je ne suis pas... je veux dire elle ne peut pas... oh ! Fantastique ! Enfin, je suis libre ! Merci. »\\nAlors que le fantôme disparaît, sa femme arrive afin de voir si le travail a bien été fait. [/STORY] [OUT]Lui dire que le fantôme ne l'embêtera plus désormais. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] Vous entendez l'épouse crier durant la nuit et vous précipitez dans sa chambre, mais il est déjà trop tard : le fantôme l'a découpée en morceaux avec ses griffes spectrales.\\nNéanmoins, l'esprit disparait peu après. [/STORY] [OUT]Dire aux villageois qu'il n'y avait pas d'autre solution : le fantôme était bien trop attaché à son épouse, et il l'a emmenée avec elle. [OUT]Essayer de présenter vos excuses : personne n'est parfait, et l'art de murmurer aux fantômes n'a rien de scientifique... [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] « Merci ! Je n'ai pas grand-chose, si ce n'est de la bonne nourriture cuisinée par mes soins — tout ce qu'on est en droit d'attendre après avoir bien combattu. » [/STORY] [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Adresser vos remerciements et vous en aller. [/NODE] +[NODE]33 [STORY] « Épargnez-moi vos sornettes ! Je ne partage pas mon lit avec un fantôme ! » [/STORY] [OUT]La laisser se débrouiller dans ce cas. [OUT]Lui proposer de rendre visite vous-même au fantôme. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] « Eh bien, c'était un bougre, certes, mais c'était mon bougre... J'imagine que je peux lui accorder une autre chance. Merci pour votre aide. Tenez, voilà un bon repas que je vous ai cuisiné. Ce n'est pas grand-chose, mais c'est tout ce que j'ai. » [/STORY] [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Exiger une meilleure récompense. [OUT]Adresser vos remerciements et vous en aller. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] Bien que les villageois soient déroutés, ils savent qu'il est préférable de ne pas douter des sages — d'autant plus que le problème a été \"résolu\".\\nIls vous remettent seulement de la nourriture en récompense, mais quelque chose vous dit qu'il serait culotté d'en demander davantage. [/STORY] [OUT]Récupérer la nourriture et vous en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --HW Children(1) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Vous vous réveillez en sursaut dans la nuit et découvrez un enfant, armé d'un couteau couvert de sang, qui menace de trancher la gorge de l'un des membres de votre groupe !\\nIl s'agit de l'un des enfants issus du hameau dont vous avez massacré les villageois. [/STORY] [OUT]Essayer de calmer le marmot en expliquant que le cœur des villageois était corrompu par des démons et que vous vous deviez de les tuer. [OUT]L'intimider en arguant qu'avec un peu de chance, l'un des vôtres perdra la vie, mais qu'ensuite, vous lui ôterez la sienne. [OUT]Attaquer l'enfant avant qu'il ne fasse quoi que ce soit ! [OUT]Attaquer l'enfant avant qu'il ne fasse quoi que ce soit ! [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Une créature déformée semblable à un enfant vous surprend durant votre sommeil.\\nElle coasse :\\n« Vous, tout ça est à cause de vous, espèce de monstre ! Vous avez tué mon papa et ma maman pour ensuite m'abandonner aux griffes des démons, et voilà où j'en suis aujourd'hui ! »\\nElle vous saute dessus ! [/STORY] [OUT]Se défendre. [OUT]Tenter de fuir. [OUT]Essayer de calmer l'enfant en expliquant que vous avez commis une erreur et que vous souhaiteriez qu'il se joigne à vous afin de garantir sa sécurité et d'avoir un nouveau foyer. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] « Je... je vous demande pardon... Je ne voulais pas... Ne me faites pas de mal comme vous avez fait à mon papa... s'il vous plaît... » [/STORY] [OUT]Affirmer que vous ne lui ferez aucun mal du moment à condition d'être sage dorénavant. [OUT]Cet enfant est une bombe à retardement : le tuer. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'You KILLED my pa! You monster!'\\nThe child stabs wildly and although they have little strength, blood is drawn heavily. [/STORY] [OUT]Grab the child by force and restrain it, but allow it to live on in hopes they will calm down in time. [OUT]Cet enfant est une bombe à retardement : le tuer. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'You KILLED my pa! You monster!'\\nThe child stabs wildly and although he has little strength, blood is drawn heavily. [/STORY] [OUT]Grab the child by force and restrain it, but allow it to live on in hopes they will calm down in time. [OUT]Cet enfant est une bombe à retardement : le tuer. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] You slay the demon before it is able to utter its curse upon you in full. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'I should leave to the bies to devour your flesh just like you left me...\\nInstead, I curse you and all your kin!'\\nThe creature disappears but a curse lingers upon your souls. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'You KILLED my pa! You monster!'\\nThe child stabs wildly driven even more ferocious by your intimidation attempts. [/STORY] [OUT]Grab the child by force and restrain it, but allow it to live on in hopes they will calm down in time. [OUT]Cet enfant est une bombe à retardement : le tuer. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] You let the wronged child live, even after it attacked you viciously and proclaimed revenge upon your kin. [/STORY] [OUT]Just try to watch out for them in the future. [OUT]Just try to watch out for them in the future. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] Your commitment to care for the youth made them forgive your past and they have truly become your own.\\nOne day, they brought you back a treasure chest proclaiming it was their family's secret, but now you are their family so you should have it. [/STORY] [OUT]Great. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] Despite your efforts to keep watch, one day, you find you were robbed and the child is gone! [/STORY] [OUT]Damn. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] You run away, but the creature spits some awful, burning mud at you, leaving you scarred. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The creature stops and stares at you, its eyes look sad and lonely. It nods, more to itself than you, but them it does join you. [/STORY] [OUT]Accueillir la nouvelle recrue. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The creature stops and stares at you, its eyes look sad and lonely. It nods, more to itself than you. It does not attack, but neither does it join you. It only growls:\\n'You slaughtered them all, now you talk of love... I am a better being this. I leave you to your fate, monster.'\\nIt walks off into the shadows. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] The creature stops and stares at you, its eyes look sad and lonely. It nods, more to itself than you. It does not attack, but neither does it join you. It only growls:\\n'You slaughtered them all, now you talk of love... I am a better being this. I leave you to your fate, monster.'\\nIt walks off into the shadows and you feel a heavy curse upon you. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]34 [STORY] 'Surrender! Surrender, like I did as a child... I should leave to the bies to devour your flesh just like you left me...\\nInstead, I curse you and all your kin!'\\nThe creature disappears but a curse lingers upon your souls. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Goblin Killer(2) +[NODE]2 [STORY] A group of goblins runs in your direction. They look scared and it seems they are mostly elders or young ones.\\nStill, a few are armed. [/STORY] [OUT]Tell them to stop and say what they want! [OUT]Attaquer ! [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] They comply, but they keep looking behind them nervously. One of them speaks up:\\n'You, you will not kill us, right? We only want to go, we find a new place we swear, just let us go...' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask what he is talking about? [OUT]Shrug and let them pass. [OUT]Ask for the short version of what is going on. [Skip story] [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] 'Oh, yes. Sorry. You just look a little like them. I think it's an elf, but may be a tin human...' [/STORY] [OUT]Who? [/NODE] +[NODE]7 [STORY] 'Goblin Killer man, I kid you not, it isn't a mere name. That dude, or lady, they come and they kill and kill and kill.\\nThey murdered our village whole, and then went for the little ones spouting that they will only grow to become like any of us...' [/STORY] [OUT]Do they know why this goblin killer attacked them? [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [OUT]Tell them it seems dangerous, say they'd better keep running and leave too. [/NODE] +[NODE]8 [STORY] 'Oh, yes, thank you. But maybe you help us? Maybe kill this psycho? Think of our children...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to help them stop this killer, perhaps they will listen to reason, if not, then the blade. [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [OUT]Non. Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'Well, it is really weird, they keep saying we animals, that we destroyed their farm and raped all the women... I mean, sure, we like a bit of big folk lovin' but we not raid and rape! They must take us for orcs again, or something...' [/STORY] [OUT]Are orcs known for raping after a raid? [OUT]So this goblin killer is hunting them now? [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [/NODE] +[NODE]10 [STORY] 'Humans, orcs, sure. Dwarves and elves maybe less, and listen, I'm not sayin' it never happens with our lot. We have bad apples, just like you do. But it we not do it all the time, I swear!' [/STORY] [OUT]So this goblin killer is hunting them now? [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'Oh, yes. Sorry. You don't even look like them at all. I think it's an elf, but may be a tin human...' [/STORY] [OUT]Who? [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] 'You, you will? Thanking you for sure! Yes, we pay, we pay what we can.\\nA bit now, a bit when you bring their head to us. Oh, be careful, they come with others sometimes.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave to find this goblin killer. [/NODE] +[NODE]13 [STORY] 'Yes, yes and he comes with friends often, so they very bad. I do not know who harmed their family, but it wasn't my kin, I swear!' [/STORY] [OUT][Perception, intelligence, goblin or luck] Try to notice if he is telling the truth. [OUT]Agree to help them stop this killer, perhaps they will listen to reason, if not, then the blade. [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] You see the goblin sweating and averting eye contact with you. Others look equally uncomfortable. He is lying for sure. [/STORY] [OUT]Confront him and say he has once chance to tell you the truth! [OUT]Attack the lying scum! [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] 'Oh fine... so it was our boys that did it. We think. I mean. Our village was doing bad, crops died, spirits did not help.\\nThose boys, they say they go find us stuff. And they did. We did not ask where. But we did know. Maybe not all of it, but how else would they get so much. The raping though, we really didn't know that. Those boys, they dead now, proper dead. We did not go, we did not kill. Our children, they good, please...' [/STORY] [OUT]Tell them you will try to speak to this goblin killer, but you cannot promise anything, since they are guilty in part. [OUT]Agree that the whole village should not pay for the actions of some, especially children, say you will go to speak to this goblin killer. [OUT]Say that whatever comes their way is well deserved. Leave. [OUT]Tell them you will take their children, but the rest should stand and pay the price for their crimes. [OUT]They are guilty. Attack! [/NODE] +[NODE]17 [STORY] 'Take our children, never! We will fight and we will die, but together. If you see us as guilty, then at least let us be. We will try to run.' [/STORY] [OUT]Let them run. [OUT]Attaquer ! [/NODE] +[NODE]20 [STORY] 'You, you will? Thanking you for sure! Oh, be careful, they come with others sometimes.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave to find this goblin killer. [/NODE] +[NODE]21 [STORY] 'You, you will? Thanking you for sure! Oh, be careful, they come with others sometimes.' [/STORY] [OUT]Nod and leave to find this goblin killer. [/NODE] +[NODE]22 [STORY] The goblins depart as quickly as they can, some look at you with gratitude for sparing their lives, some with fear, others with anger and pain. One of the children waves you goodbye and throws a flower as a gift.' [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] The goblins seem nervous, perhaps they aren't telling you everything? [/STORY] [OUT]Ask them again for the truth. [/NODE] +[NODE]25 [STORY] 'Oh, yes. Well, we did know the goblins who may have done it to that killer. Perhaps that is why he targets us? But he is a monster, we did nothing to him!' [/STORY] [OUT]Say it is all fishy and they should deal with it themselves. Leave. [OUT]Agree to help them stop this killer, perhaps they will listen to reason, if not, then the blade. [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] 'A goblin killer destroyed our village and is hunting us. But maybe you help us? Maybe kill this psycho? Think of our children...' [/STORY] [OUT]Agree to help them stop this killer, perhaps they will listen to reason, if not, then the blade. [OUT]Say this seems like none of your business, but if they pay, you could deal with them? [OUT]Non. Partir. [OUT][Perception, intelligence, goblin or luck] Try to notice if he is telling the truth. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] You kill the goblins and gather the loot. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]30 [STORY] 'Oi, you same as that psychopath. You go die, we run.'\\nThe goblins rush off and leave you on the ground. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Goblin Killer Spwn(3) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You come across an armed group of fighters. There is a human wearing a helmet, a tall, hooded orc with a bone wand, a zerca, an elf and a dwarf.\\nThe human has goblin heads on his belt, so this must be the crazed goblin killer you were told about.\\nThey look you up and down, but do not speak. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask them what they want? [OUT]Attaquer ! [OUT]Get off their path and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You come across an armed group of fighters. There is a human wearing a helmet, a tall, hooded orc with a bone wand, a zerca, an elf and a dwarf.\\nThe human has goblin heads on his belt, so this must be the crazed goblin killer you were told about.\\nThey look at you and spit: 'Goblin scum, come to us, good.'\\nThey ready themselves for an attack. [/STORY] [OUT]Combattre ! [OUT]Stand between them and your goblin friend and tell them to calm themselves , there is no need for violence here. [OUT]Fuir. [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You kill the notorious goblin slayer and for a time, you receive letters of thanks form various goblin survivors. Some even send gifts. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] You are defeated and any greenskins in your party do not make it out alive... [/STORY] [OUT]Fuir. [/NODE] +[NODE]9 [STORY] 'Speak quickly, goblin lover, did you see a band of the green scum running this way?' [/STORY] [OUT]Deny you saw anything. [OUT]Say that you have seen them, but you did not want to get involved, so you let them run. [OUT]Tell them you did see them and you killed them. [/NODE] +[NODE]11 [STORY] 'Fine, we leave you be. But you are making a mistake with the goblin. The greenskins will always trick you. No better than vermin.' [/STORY] [OUT][Rat] !!! [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [OUT]Ask why they hate goblins so? You've never known them to be any more or less violent than men? [/NODE] +[NODE]12 [STORY] The warrior does not answer, only looks away, searching for goblin tracks. The priests speaks instead:\\n'Bah, you clearly have very little sense when it comes to friends. No matter. I need to catch the ones that got away. begone from our path.' [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [OUT]Ask why they hate goblins so? You've never known them to be any more or less violent than men? [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] The man in the helmet does not answer, but his elven companion speaks:\\n'As a mere child our friend witnessed their home burned and pillaged and a sister raped. Goblins were the culprits. Ever since, they have become an enemy. We trust our friend, so we give aid. Perhaps there is truth in their words - goblins pretend to be weak and nice, but they always plot, scheme, meddle with evil spirits and seek to spread darkness.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say this is none of your concern and depart. [OUT][Hunter] Offer to tell them which way they went. [OUT]Tell them you understand grief, but murdering every goblin they meet seems extreme. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] The band does not listen, one of them shouts:\\n'Goblins must die!'\\nAnd they begin to move, trying to circle you. [/STORY] [OUT]Attaquer ! [OUT]Run away, accepting you will likely be hit by the elven archer as you escape. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Speak quickly, did you see a band of the green scum running this way?' [/STORY] [OUT]Deny you saw anything. [OUT]Say that you have seen them, but you did not want to get involved, so you let them run. [OUT]Tell them you did see them and you killed them. [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'Oh. Disappointing for me, but dead is dead. Good.'\\nOne of the other's continues:\\nThe little shits raped and killed their dear sister. Been tracking them for years. Sneaky buggers. None deserves to live. That tribe, they worship some dark deity, want darkness to come back so humans lose again.'\\nThe warrior in the helmet spits and the others nod solemnly. [/STORY] [OUT]Shrug and say it is none of your business, but they are dead. Any reward? [OUT]Nod and say in that case you did a good deed, right? [OUT]Tell them you understand grief, but murdering every goblin they meet seems extreme - then again, you did it too, so who are you to judge... [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] The warrior nods and hands you their weapon:\\n'Here.'\\nThe priest lets out a sigh and speaks up: 'You're not getting more words out of that one. We thank you. Your deed was good. Be well and stay weary of the greenskins.' [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]27 [STORY] The warrior speaks:\\n'Yes, children grow, hate, become goblin and seek revenge. If I kill, I must kill all.'\\nThe priest looks uncomfortable, but remains silent. [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [OUT]Shrug and say it is none of your business, but they are dead. Any reward? [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The warrior nods and hands you their weapon:\\n'Yes.' He then hands you a cage with an animal inside, 'For killing more greenskins.'\\nThe priest lets out a sigh and speaks up:\\n'You're not getting more words out of that one. We thank you. Your deed was good. Be well and stay weary of the greenskins.' [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]29 [STORY] The warrior nods and speaks:\\n'That was stupid. They will run, grow. More killing.'\\nAn uncomfortable silence falls and one of the companions speaks up:\\n'Better just leave now, goblin lover...' [/STORY] [OUT]Move away from them. [OUT]Ask why they hate goblins so? You've never known them to be any more or less violent than men? [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The warrior nods and speaks:\\n'That was stupid. They will run, grow. More killing.'\\nAn uncomfortable silence falls and one of the companions speaks up:\\n'Better just leave now, goblin lover...' [/STORY] [OUT]Affirm that it was none of your concern, you also did not aid them, merely let them go. [OUT][Hunter] Offer to tell them which way they went. [OUT]Ask why they hate goblins so? You've never known them to be any more or less violent than men? [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'You lie. You walk with them and lie for them. Foolish.'\\nAn uncomfortable silence falls and one of the companions speaks up:\\n'Better just leave now, goblin lover...'\\nThey depart and you realise later one of their mages has cursed you. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]36 [STORY] The warrior looks at you for a time, then nods again:\\n'Yes. Foolish, but perhaps better. They could have harmed you. We will leave now. Do not trust them.' [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'Yes, good. Here.'\\nThe warrior hands you a payment for the information and the band moves out in a hunting formation. [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them luck and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]38 [STORY] They watch you move then depart also and you realise later one of their mages has cursed you. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]39 [STORY] The warrior speaks:\\n'The children grow, hate, become goblin and seek revenge. If I kill, I must kill all.'\\nThe priest looks uncomfortable, but remains silent. The others nod. [/STORY] [OUT][Hunter] Offer to tell them which way they went. [OUT][Turmoil] Agree with his point of view. An enemy left alive is an enemy forever in the shadows. Wish them good hunting. [OUT][Harmony] Tell them this is a hateful path and will only lead to more death. If those goblins are indeed in league with darkness, they need stopping. But killing young ones as pre-emptive action will never be good. [OUT]Say this is none of your concern and depart. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] They do not reply but you see one of the mages was about to cast a spell your way, they stop and put their wand away.\\nThe band moves out. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] You see the priest break down in tears, mumbling I told you so, and damnation.\\nThe warrior looks very uncomfortable and turns to you:\\n'Now you've done it. You talk like this, but when they bring darkness your gods will ask us to do anything.\\nBut I will spare the green children, for now. Happy?'\\nThe question was clearly for the priest more than you. The zerca nods and the band moves away. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Goblin Killer Spwn2(4) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You come across an armed group of fighters. There is a human wearing a helmet, a tall, hooded orc with a bone wand, a zerca, an elf and a dwarf.\\nThe human has goblin heads on his belt, so this must be the crazed goblin killer you were told about.\\nThey look you up and down, but do not speak. [/STORY] [OUT]Ask if they are the ones chasing a group of goblins? [OUT]Attaquer ! [OUT]Get off their path and leave. [OUT][Goblin] Murdering scum. Attack them! [/NODE] +[NODE]5 [STORY] You kill the notorious goblin slayer and for a time, you receive letters of thanks form various goblin survivors. Some even send gifts. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]6 [STORY] You are defeated and any greenskins in your party do not make it out alive... [/STORY] [OUT]Fuir. [/NODE] +[NODE]15 [STORY] The man in the helmet does not answer, but his elven companion speaks:\\n'As a mere child our friend witnessed their home burned and pillaged and a sister raped. Goblins were the culprits. Ever since, they have become an enemy. We trust our friend, so we give aid. Perhaps there is truth in their words - goblins pretend to be weak and nice, but they always plot, scheme, meddle with evil spirits and seek to spread darkness.' [/STORY] [OUT]Say that you know what the goblins did to their family, but affirm that surely the whole village does not need to pay for it, at least not with death? [OUT]The goblins did not tell you this. Offer to tell them which way they went. [OUT]Try to convince them to let this go, surely children can be spared? [OUT]Attaquer ! [OUT][Harmony] Tell them this is a hateful path and will only lead to more death. If those goblins are indeed in league with darkness, they need stopping. But killing young ones as pre-emptive action will never be good. [OUT][Turmoil] Agree with his point of view. An enemy left alive is an enemy forever in the shadows. Wish them good hunting and point them to where the goblins went. [/NODE] +[NODE]16 [STORY] The band does not listen, one of them shouts:\\n'Goblins must die!'\\nAnd they begin to move, trying to circle you. [/STORY] [OUT]Attaquer ! [OUT]Run away, accepting you will likely be hit by the elven archer as you escape. [/NODE] +[NODE]18 [STORY] 'Yes. You have seen them; where?' [/STORY] [OUT][Intelligence] Tell them you killed the goblins. [OUT]Ask them why they are chasing mere children and elders? Surely destroying their village was enough? [OUT]Try to convince them to let this go, surely children can be spared? [/NODE] +[NODE]23 [STORY] 'Oh. Disappointing for me, but dead is dead. Good.'\\nOne of the other's continues:\\nThe little shits raped and killed their dear sister. Been tracking them for years. Sneaky buggers. None deserves to live. That tribe, they worship some dark deity, want darkness to come back so humans lose again.'\\nThe warrior in the helmet spits and the others nod solemnly. [/STORY] [OUT]Shrug and say it is none of your business, but they are dead. Any reward? [/NODE] +[NODE]24 [STORY] The warrior nods and hands you their weapon:\\n'Here.'\\nThe priest lets out a sigh and speaks up: 'You're not getting more words out of that one. We thank you. Your deed was good. Be well and stay weary of the greenskins.' [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]28 [STORY] The warrior nods and grunts:\\n'Yes.' He then hands you a cage with an animal inside, 'For killing more greenskins.'\\nThe priest lets out a sigh and speaks up:\\n'You're not getting more words out of that one. We thank you. Your deed was good. Be well and stay weary of the greenskins.' [/STORY] [OUT]Hocher la tête et partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]31 [STORY] The warrior speaks:\\n'The children grow, hate, become goblin and seek revenge. If I kill, I must kill all.'\\nThe priest looks uncomfortable, but remains silent. The others nod.' [/STORY] [OUT]Ask why they hate goblins so? You've never known them to be any more or less violent than men? [OUT]Say that you know what the goblins did to their family, but affirm that surely the whole village does not need to pay for it, at least not with death? [OUT]Try to convince them to let this go, surely children can be spared? [OUT]Attaquer ! [/NODE] +[NODE]32 [STORY] 'Yes. This once. I will leave them be. But if they grow to kill and bring darkness, you will bear the blame also.'\\nThey move out. [/STORY] [OUT]Say that it is the right thing to do. The cycle of violence should end. Wish them well and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]37 [STORY] 'Yes, good. Here.'\\nThe warrior hands you a payment for the information and the band moves out in a hunting formation. [/STORY] [OUT]Wish them luck and leave. [/NODE] +[NODE]40 [STORY] 'Yes, you understand. Here.'\\nThe warrior hands you a payment for the information and the band moves out in a hunting formation. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] +[NODE]41 [STORY] You see the priest break down in tears, mumbling I told you so, and damnation.\\nThe warrior looks very uncomfortable and turns to you:\\n'Now you've done it. You talk like this, but when they bring darkness your gods will ask us to do anything.\\nBut I will spare the green children, for now. Happy?'\\nThe question was clearly for the priest more than you. The zerca nods and the band moves away. [/STORY] [OUT]Say that it is the only right thing to do for harmony. [/NODE] +[NODE]44 [STORY] 'So, it was them, good. I was not certain. Now, did you see where they went? They will pay.' [/STORY] [OUT]Try to convince them to let this go, surely children can be spared? [OUT]Yes, tell them where they went. [OUT]Attaquer ! [/NODE] +[NODE]54 [STORY] The goblins find you later and thank you for giving them time to run. They found some kin and together they leave you a reward. [/STORY] [OUT]Partir. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --VOLCANIC(5) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You arrived on the volcanic lands named so after the many active volcanoes and lava pits.\\nFrom the ash-covered plains, burned out drylands, to the high peaks of the volcanic mountains the ever hot, stifling air and constant threat of eruption keeps the wildlife and any mad settlers on their toes. [/STORY] [OUT]Disembark. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] This harsh, unforgiving land is home to the Alphaclans, who enjoy the daily challenge of this environment.\\nYou can also find lava trolls and even the occasional dragon lurking amongst the molten rocks.\\nThis land can be rich in obsidian and other rocks and beetle jelly is the local speciality. [/STORY] [OUT]S'en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --DARKNESS(6) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You have arrived on the lands of darkness. Here the last remnants of the deadly black mist remain ever-lingering and the sun is constantly dimmed, creating a feeling of perpetual dusk.\\nBeware of night terrors and creatures of the dark skulking in every corner. [/STORY] [OUT]Disembark. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] Despite its dangers, the land of darkness is home to the Spirit Talkers, goblin tribes that feel at ease in the dark, but also take advantage of the thinned vale between this world and the greyworld of the spirits.\\nThe Shadowkin, a more elusive and dangerous faction of those changed by darkness long ago, lurks in the shadows.\\nThe island is known for dragon bones and mushrooms. [/STORY] [OUT]S'en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --ICY(7) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You have arrived on the Ice lands, the forever frozen pastures ruled by the mysterious dziad mroz.\\nWhen the cold swallowed this island, cities fell into instant ruin and folk fled, unable to life in such harsh environment. [/STORY] [OUT]Disembark. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] You will not find many creatures alive here, but the ice demons are known to form lairs from time to time.\\nDziad mroz is a creature who is many but one, but you can also find the terrifying ice trolls, whimsical sniezynki or mischievous icicles roaming the ice plains, or hiding amongst the mountain peaks.\\nYou may find diamonds and nuts here. [/STORY] [OUT]S'en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --ANCFOREST(8) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You have arrived on the fabled ancient forest island. It is said that this land emerged from hiding when the earth shattered, much like the cities of the dwarves.\\nMuch of the woodland here has been destroyed, but what remains is no less breath-taking. [/STORY] [OUT]Disembark. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] These lands are home to the elder races, both Woodlandkin and Forest Demons stand as guardians of the evergreen woodlands hoping to one day regrow what was lost.\\nCreatures of the forest are fiercely territorial, so one should remain on guard.\\nAncient wood and exotic spices can both be found here. [/STORY] [OUT]S'en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --METALLIC(9) +[NODE]2 [STORY] You have arrived on the metallic lands, an unforgiving home of stone and metal. When the Shattering unearthed the ancient dwarven cities, the land around them changed. Even trees became hallow husks of iron, and grass fossilised into rock. [/STORY] [OUT]Disembark. [/NODE] +[NODE]3 [STORY] This foreboding land is the home to the Earthbound who were forced out of their underground kingdoms. The Earthbound are a proud people, protective of their privacy.\\nThe land of metal and stone is also home to rock trolls and dragons, so it is not for the faint of heart.\\nYou can gather mithril and eggs here. [/STORY] [OUT]S'en aller. [/NODE] [/EVENT] -- [EVENT] --Chosen death(10) +[NODE]2 [STORY] Vous avez laissé votre Élu mourir ! Sans lien divin, vous n'aurez plus aucun pouvoir ou influence sur le monde, et votre règne s'achèvera.\\nCependant, vous avez une autre possibilité pour rester dans la partie. Vous pouvez en appeler à l'esprit même de l'Arbre Cosmique et demander que l'âme de votre Élu vous soit retournée.\\nSouvenez-vous toutefois, le prix en est élevé, il le sera plus encore chaque fois que vous abuserez de votre pouvoir divin ainsi. [/STORY] [OUT]Sacrifier deux vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier quatre vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier six vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier huit vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier dix vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier quinze vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Sacrifier vingt vies pour rappeler l'Élu. [OUT]Vous ne voulez ou ne pouvez pas payer. Il est temps que ce voyage s'arrête. [/NODE] +[NODE]4 [STORY] Vous avez payé votre dû sanglant et l'esprit de votre Élu est revenu. Priez maintenant pour qu'il revienne dans le bon corps... [/STORY] [OUT]Attendre votre Élu. [/NODE] [/EVENT]