Scripting tools to interact with Thea 2 The Shattering files in order to translate them easily.
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5 years ago
  1. # thea2Shattering_i18n_tools
  2. Scripting tools to interact with Thea 2 The Shattering's files in order to translate them easily.
  3. ## Databases
  4. To convert from XML
  5. ```
  6. grep Key DATABASE_UI_LOCALIZATION.xml | awk -F'"' '{print "#. "$2"\n" "msgid " "\""$4"\"" "\n" "msgstr " "\"\""}' > DATABASE_UI_LOCALIZATION.pot.tmp
  8. ```
  9. ## Modules
  10. To convert from txt :
  11. ```
  12. for text in Modules/game_files/*; do ./ "${text}"; done
  13. ```