#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 import os import mimetypes import json import logging import sys import datetime import pytz from os.path import splitext, basename, abspath from tzlocal import get_localzone from configparser import RawConfigParser from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient from requests_toolbelt import MultipartEncoder, MultipartEncoderMonitor from clint.textui.progress import Bar as ProgressBar from . import utils logger = logging.getLogger('Prismedia') PEERTUBE_SECRETS_FILE = 'peertube_secret' PEERTUBE_PRIVACY = { "public": 1, "unlisted": 2, "private": 3 } def get_authenticated_service(secret): peertube_url = str(secret.get('peertube', 'peertube_url')).rstrip("/") oauth_client = LegacyApplicationClient( client_id=str(secret.get('peertube', 'client_id')) ) try: oauth = OAuth2Session(client=oauth_client) oauth.fetch_token( token_url=str(peertube_url + '/api/v1/users/token'), # lower as peertube does not store uppercase for pseudo username=str(secret.get('peertube', 'username').lower()), password=str(secret.get('peertube', 'password')), client_id=str(secret.get('peertube', 'client_id')), client_secret=str(secret.get('peertube', 'client_secret')) ) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): logger.critical("Peertube: " + str(e.message)) exit(1) else: logger.critical("Peertube: " + str(e)) exit(1) return oauth def get_default_channel(user_info): return user_info['videoChannels'][0]['id'] def get_channel_by_name(user_info, options): for channel in user_info["videoChannels"]: if channel['displayName'] == options.get('--channel'): return channel['id'] def convert_peertube_date(date): date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') tz = get_localzone() tz = pytz.timezone(str(tz)) return tz.localize(date).isoformat() def create_channel(oauth, url, options): template = ('Peertube: Channel %s does not exist, creating it.') logger.info(template % (str(options.get('--channel')))) channel_name = utils.cleanString(str(options.get('--channel'))) # Peertube allows 20 chars max for channel name channel_name = channel_name[:19] data = '{"name":"' + channel_name + '", \ "displayName":"' + options.get('--channel') + '", \ "description":null, \ "support":null}' headers = { 'Content-Type': "application/json; charset=UTF-8" } try: response = oauth.post(url + "/api/v1/video-channels/", data=data.encode('utf-8'), headers=headers) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e.message)) else: logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e)) if response is not None: if response.status_code == 200: jresponse = response.json() jresponse = jresponse['videoChannel'] return jresponse['id'] if response.status_code == 409: logger.critical('Peertube: It seems there is a conflict with an existing channel named ' + channel_name + '.' ' Please beware Peertube internal name is compiled from 20 firsts characters of channel name.' ' Also note that channel name are not case sensitive (no uppercase nor accent)' ' Please check your channel name and retry.') exit(1) else: logger.critical(('Peertube: Creating channel failed with an unexpected response: ' '%s') % response) exit(1) def get_default_playlist(user_info): return user_info['videoChannels'][0]['id'] def get_playlist_by_name(oauth, url, username, options): start = 0 user_playlists = json.loads(oauth.get( url+"/api/v1/accounts/"+username+"/video-playlists?start="+str(start)+"&count=100").content) total = user_playlists["total"] data = user_playlists["data"] # We need to iterate on pagination as peertube returns max 100 playlists (see #41) while start < total: for playlist in data: if playlist['displayName'] == options.get('--playlist'): return playlist['id'] start = start + 100 user_playlists = json.loads(oauth.get( url+"/api/v1/accounts/"+username+"/video-playlists?start="+str(start)+"&count=100").content) data = user_playlists["data"] def create_playlist(oauth, url, options, channel): template = ('Peertube: Playlist %s does not exist, creating it.') logger.info(template % (str(options.get('--playlist')))) # We use files for form-data Content # see https://requests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/quickstart/#post-a-multipart-encoded-file # None is used to mute "filename" field files = {'displayName': (None, str(options.get('--playlist'))), 'privacy': (None, "1"), 'description': (None, "null"), 'videoChannelId': (None, str(channel)), 'thumbnailfile': (None, "null")} try: response = oauth.post(url + "/api/v1/video-playlists/", files=files) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e.message)) else: logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e)) if response is not None: if response.status_code == 200: jresponse = response.json() jresponse = jresponse['videoPlaylist'] return jresponse['id'] else: logger.critical(('Peertube: Creating the playlist failed with an unexpected response: ' '%s') % response) exit(1) def set_playlist(oauth, url, video_id, playlist_id): logger.info('Peertube: add video to playlist.') data = '{"videoId":"' + str(video_id) + '"}' headers = { 'Content-Type': "application/json" } try: response = oauth.post(url + "/api/v1/video-playlists/"+str(playlist_id)+"/videos", data=data, headers=headers) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e.message)) else: logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e)) if response is not None: if response.status_code == 200: logger.info('Peertube: Video is successfully added to the playlist.') else: logger.critical(('Peertube: Configuring the playlist failed with an unexpected response: ' '%s') % response) exit(1) def upload_video(oauth, secret, options): def get_userinfo(): return json.loads(oauth.get(url+"/api/v1/users/me").content) def get_file(path): mimetypes.init() return (basename(path), open(abspath(path), 'rb'), mimetypes.types_map[splitext(path)[1]]) path = options.get('--file') url = str(secret.get('peertube', 'peertube_url')).rstrip('/') user_info = get_userinfo() username = str(secret.get('peertube', 'username').lower()) # We need to transform fields into tuple to deal with tags as # MultipartEncoder does not support list refer # https://github.com/requests/toolbelt/issues/190 and # https://github.com/requests/toolbelt/issues/205 fields = [ ("name", options.get('--name') or splitext(basename(options.get('--file')))[0]), ("licence", "1"), ("description", options.get('--description') or "default description"), ("nsfw", str(int(options.get('--nsfw')) or "0")), ("videofile", get_file(path)) ] if options.get('--tags'): tags = options.get('--tags').split(',') tag_number = 0 for strtag in tags: tag_number = tag_number + 1 # Empty tag crashes Peertube, so skip them if strtag == "": continue # Tag more than 30 chars crashes Peertube, so skip tags if len(strtag) >= 30: logger.warning("Peertube: Sorry, Peertube does not support tag with more than 30 characters, please reduce tag: " + strtag) logger.warning("Peertube: Meanwhile, this tag will be skipped") continue # Peertube supports only 5 tags at the moment if tag_number > 5: logger.warning("Peertube: Sorry, Peertube support 5 tags max, additional tag will be skipped") logger.warning("Peertube: Skipping tag " + strtag) continue fields.append(("tags[]", strtag)) if options.get('--category'): fields.append(("category", str(utils.getCategory(options.get('--category'), 'peertube')))) else: # if no category, set default to 2 (Films) fields.append(("category", "2")) if options.get('--language'): fields.append(("language", str(utils.getLanguage(options.get('--language'), "peertube")))) else: # if no language, set default to 1 (English) fields.append(("language", "en")) if options.get('--disable-comments'): fields.append(("commentsEnabled", "0")) else: fields.append(("commentsEnabled", "1")) privacy = None if options.get('--privacy'): privacy = options.get('--privacy').lower() # If peertubeAt exists, use instead of publishAt if options.get('--peertubeAt'): publishAt = options.get('--peertubeAt') elif options.get('--publishAt'): publishAt = options.get('--publishAt') if 'publishAt' in locals(): publishAt = convert_peertube_date(publishAt) fields.append(("scheduleUpdate[updateAt]", publishAt)) fields.append(("scheduleUpdate[privacy]", str(PEERTUBE_PRIVACY["public"]))) fields.append(("privacy", str(PEERTUBE_PRIVACY["private"]))) else: fields.append(("privacy", str(PEERTUBE_PRIVACY[privacy or "private"]))) # Set originalDate except if the user force no originalDate if options.get('--originalDate'): originalDate = convert_peertube_date(options.get('--originalDate')) fields.append(("originallyPublishedAt", originalDate)) if options.get('--thumbnail'): fields.append(("thumbnailfile", get_file(options.get('--thumbnail')))) fields.append(("previewfile", get_file(options.get('--thumbnail')))) if options.get('--channel'): channel_id = get_channel_by_name(user_info, options) if not channel_id and options.get('--channelCreate'): channel_id = create_channel(oauth, url, options) elif not channel_id: logger.warning("Peertube: Channel `" + options.get('--channel') + "` is unknown, using default channel.") channel_id = get_default_channel(user_info) else: channel_id = get_default_channel(user_info) fields.append(("channelId", str(channel_id))) if options.get('--playlist'): playlist_id = get_playlist_by_name(oauth, url, username, options) if not playlist_id and options.get('--playlistCreate'): playlist_id = create_playlist(oauth, url, options, channel_id) elif not playlist_id: logger.critical("Peertube: Playlist `" + options.get('--playlist') + "` does not exist, please set --playlistCreate" " if you want to create it") exit(1) logger_stdout = None if options.get('--url-only') or options.get('--batch'): logger_stdout = logging.getLogger('stdoutlogs') encoder = MultipartEncoder(fields) if options.get('--quiet'): multipart_data = encoder else: progress_callback = create_callback(encoder, options.get('--progress')) multipart_data = MultipartEncoderMonitor(encoder, progress_callback) headers = { 'Content-Type': multipart_data.content_type } response = oauth.post(url + "/api/v1/videos/upload", data=multipart_data, headers=headers) if response is not None: if response.status_code == 200: jresponse = response.json() jresponse = jresponse['video'] uuid = jresponse['uuid'] video_id = str(jresponse['id']) logger.info('Peertube: Video was successfully uploaded.') template = 'Peertube: Watch it at %s/videos/watch/%s.' logger.info(template % (url, uuid)) template_stdout = '%s/videos/watch/%s' if options.get('--url-only'): logger_stdout.info(template_stdout % (url, uuid)) elif options.get('--batch'): logger_stdout.info("Peertube: " + template_stdout % (url, uuid)) # Upload is successful we may set playlist if options.get('--playlist'): set_playlist(oauth, url, video_id, playlist_id) else: logger.critical(('Peertube: The upload failed with an unexpected response: ' '%s') % response) exit(1) upload_finished = False def create_callback(encoder, progress_type): upload_size_MB = encoder.len * (1 / (1024 * 1024)) if progress_type is None or "percentage" in progress_type.lower(): progress_lambda = lambda x: int((x / encoder.len) * 100) # Default to percentage elif "bigfile" in progress_type.lower(): progress_lambda = lambda x: x * (1 / (1024 * 1024)) # MB elif "accurate" in progress_type.lower(): progress_lambda = lambda x: x * (1 / (1024)) # kB else: # Should not happen outside of development when adding partly a progress type logger.critical("Peertube: Unknown progress type `" + progress_type + "`") exit(1) bar = ProgressBar(expected_size=progress_lambda(encoder.len), label=f"Peertube upload progress ({upload_size_MB:.2f}MB) ", filled_char='=') def callback(monitor): # We want the condition to capture the varible from the parent scope, not a local variable that is created after global upload_finished progress = progress_lambda(monitor.bytes_read) bar.show(progress) if monitor.bytes_read == encoder.len: if not upload_finished: # We get two time in the callback with both bytes equals, skip the first upload_finished = True else: # Print a blank line to not (partly) override the progress bar print() logger.info("Peertube: Upload finish, Processing…") return callback def run(options): secret = RawConfigParser() try: secret.read(PEERTUBE_SECRETS_FILE) except Exception as e: logger.critical("Peertube: Error loading " + str(PEERTUBE_SECRETS_FILE) + ": " + str(e)) exit(1) insecure_transport = secret.get('peertube', 'OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT') os.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = insecure_transport oauth = get_authenticated_service(secret) try: logger.info('Peertube: Uploading video...') upload_video(oauth, secret, options) except Exception as e: if hasattr(e, 'message'): logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e.message)) else: logger.error("Peertube: " + str(e))