Helm chart for deploying Peertube on kubernetes
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  1. # v1.5.0
  2. ## Important
  3. - Removed redis from this chart as it's osbolete. You need to install a redis server aside! See README for details.
  4. ## Features:
  5. - Compatibility with peertube v4.3.0
  6. # v1.4.0
  7. ## Feature
  8. - Upgrade Ingress template for k8s 1.19+ compatibility
  9. - Remove fixed database suffix from deployment, please use production.yml to configure if default "_prod" is not sufficient
  10. # v1.3.0
  11. ## Feature
  12. - Bump to peertube v4.0 by default. Warn if you are upgrading for 3.4, see release note for post maj script: https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube/releases/tag/v4.0.0
  13. # v1.2.1
  14. ## Fix
  15. - Adjust initialDelaySecond for startupProbe to avoid waiting 5min even if the instance starts quickly
  16. - Adjust startupProbe port to use 9000 instead of http
  17. # v1.2.0
  18. ## Features
  19. - Compatibility with helm 3 and k8s 1.16+
  20. - Now use StartupProbe to enable very long start when updating Peertube and running upgrade scripts
  21. # v1.1.2
  22. ## Fixes
  23. - Update compatibility to Peertube v2.3.0
  24. - Remove deprecated env variables for docker
  25. # v1.1.1
  26. Ensure compatibility with Peertube v2.2.0 by removing the PEERTUBE_TRUST_PROXY env variable that does not exist anymore.
  27. Is you used it, configure your production.yml instead for better reliability.
  28. # v1.1.0
  29. ## Features
  30. Add a nginx sidecar to use the official Peertube optimisations for Nginx (Fix #2)
  31. # v1.0.2
  32. ## Breaking changes
  33. The option initcontainer is now renamed chowncontainer as it fit better to its usage.
  34. ## Fixes
  35. - Fix issue #3 to avoid breaking Peertube upgrade by using 2 initContainers
  36. # v1.0.1
  37. Now use Peertube v2.1.0-buster as default
  38. # v1.0.0
  39. *Initial release*
  40. ##Features
  41. - Deploy Peertube in kubernetes
  42. - Deploy redis server to be used by Peertube
  43. - Allow to enable usual docker "chown" to speed up startup through InitContainer