Helm chart for deploying Peertube on kubernetes
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
660 B

  1. apiVersion: v1
  2. kind: Service
  3. metadata:
  4. name: {{ template "peertube.fullname" . }}
  5. labels:
  6. app: {{ template "peertube.name" . }}
  7. chart: {{ template "peertube.chart" . }}
  8. release: {{ .Release.Name }}
  9. heritage: {{ .Release.Service }}
  10. spec:
  11. type: {{ .Values.service.type }}
  12. ports:
  13. {{- if .Values.nginxproxy.enabled }}
  14. - port: {{ .Values.ports.nginxproxyPort }}
  15. targetPort: http
  16. protocol: TCP
  17. name: http
  18. {{- else }}
  19. - port: {{ .Values.ports.peertubePort }}
  20. targetPort: http
  21. protocol: TCP
  22. name: http
  23. {{- end }}
  24. selector:
  25. app: {{ template "peertube.name" . }}
  26. release: {{ .Release.Name }}