Some scripts to create and renew all your certificates, and concatenate fullchain and privkey so haproxy is able to use it
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7 years ago
  1. # letsencrypt-haproxy
  2. Some scripts to create and renew all your certificates, and concatenate fullchain and privkey so haproxy is able to use it
  3. **For this to work, you should have configured haproxy to accept let's encrypt connection**
  4. More information [here](
  5. ([French version](
  6. ## Prerequisites
  7. You need to install certbot according to your distribution :
  8. For debian :
  9. ```
  10. apt-get install certbot
  11. ```
  12. ## How to create certificate
  13. Create a certificate with let's encrypt, then concatenate fullchain.pem and privkey.pem, then store the certificate in haproxy given path.
  14. Usage :
  15. ```
  16. ./create-certificate domain.tld >> /var/log/create-certificate.log
  17. ```
  18. ## How to renew certificates
  19. **Renew all certificate known by let's encrypt !**
  20. Usage :
  21. ```
  22. ./renew-certificate >> /var/log/renew-certificates.log
  23. ```
  24. ##How to create postfix SAN certificate
  25. Create SAN (multi-domains) certificates for a postfix configuration
  26. Edit postfix_pem_path and mail_server and deploy ssh key accordingly.
  27. I should write a blog article once I have time, meanwhile do not hesitate to ask questions on the repo
  28. Usage:
  29. ```
  30. ./create-cert-postfix domain1.tld domain2.tld domain3.tld
  31. ```