Le blog de Victor Héry https://blog.victor-hery.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

102 lines
4.0 KiB

{% macro comments_section(article) %}
{% import 'pcs/comments.html' as pcs with context %}
{% set use_pcs = True %}
{% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import DISQUS_FILTER, UTTERANCES_FILTER, COMMENTBOX_FILTER with context %}
{% set use_disqus = (not DISQUS_FILTER or article.disqus_filter == "off") and DISQUS_SITENAME and article.disqus_filter != "on" %}
{% set use_utterances = (not UTTERANCES_FILTER or article.utterances_filter == "off") and UTTERANCES_REPO and article.utterances_filter != "on" %}
{% set use_commentbox = (not COMMENTBOX_FILTER or article.commentbox_filter == "off") and COMMENTBOX_PROJECT and article.commentbox_filter != "on" %}
{% set url = SITEURL+ '/' + article.url %}
{% set identifier = SITEURL+ '/' + article.url %}
{% if article.comment_id %}
{% set identifier = article.comment_id %}
{% elif article.disqus_identifier %}
{% set identifier = article.disqus_identifier %}
{% endif %}
{% from '_includes/_defaults.html' import COMMENTS_INTRO with context %}
{% set intro = COMMENTS_INTRO %}
{% if article.comments_intro %}
{% set intro = article.comments_intro %}
{% endif %}
{% if article.status != 'draft' and article.comments != 'False' and (use_disqus or use_utterances or use_commentbox or use_pcs) %}
<h6 style="display:none;">Comments</h6>
<p id="comment-message">{{ intro }} </p>
<div class="accordion" id="accordion2">
<div class="accordion-group">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle disqus-comment-count comment-count collapsed"
{% if use_disqus %}
data-disqus-identifier="{{ identifier }}"
{% endif %}
href="{{ url }}#comment_thread"
<div id="comment_thread" class="accordion-body collapse">
<div class="accordion-inner">
<div class="comments">
{% if use_disqus %}
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
{% from '_includes/disqus_scripts.html' import comments_script_disqus with context %}
{{ comments_script_disqus(DISQUS_SITENAME, identifier , url) }}
{% endif %}
{% if use_utterances %}
{% from '_includes/utterances_scripts.html' import comments_script_utterances with context %}
{{ comments_script_utterances(UTTERANCES_REPO, identifier, UTTERANCES_LABEL, UTTERANCES_THEME) }}
{% endif %}
{% if use_commentbox %}
{% from '_includes/commentbox_scripts.html' import comments_script_commentbox with context %}
{{ comments_script_commentbox(COMMENTBOX_PROJECT, identifier) }}
{% endif %}
{{ pcs.comments_quickstart("blog.victorhery", "victor-hery.com") }}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro comments_script() %}
(function () {
if (window.location.hash.match(/^#comment-\d+$/)) {
if (window.location.hash.match(/^#comment-\d+$/))
$('#comment_thread').on('shown', function () {
var link = document.getElementById('comment-accordion-toggle');
var old_innerHTML = link.innerHTML;
$(link).fadeOut(200, function() {
$(this).text('Click here to hide comments').fadeIn(200);
$('#comment_thread').on('hidden', function () {
$(link).fadeOut(200, function() {
{% endmacro %}