!(function(e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "undefined" != typeof module ? t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(t) : t(); })(0, function() { "use strict"; var e = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e; } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, t = function(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }, n = (function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function(t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), r = function(e, t) { if ("function" != typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError( "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t ); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); }, o = function(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" ); return !t || ("object" != typeof t && "function" != typeof t) ? e : t; }; !(function(t, n) { var r = t.document, o = t.Object, l = (function(e) { var t, n, r, l, i = /^[A-Z]+[a-z]/, a = function(e, t) { (t = t.toLowerCase()) in u || ((u[e] = (u[e] || []).concat(t)), (u[t] = u[t.toUpperCase()] = e)); }, u = (o.create || o)(null), c = {}; for (n in e) for (l in e[n]) for (r = e[n][l], u[l] = r, t = 0; t < r.length; t++) u[r[t].toLowerCase()] = u[r[t].toUpperCase()] = l; return ( (c.get = function(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? u[e] || (i.test(e) ? [] : "") : (function(e) { var t, n = []; for (t in u) e.test(t) && n.push(t); return n; })(e); }), (c.set = function(e, t) { return i.test(e) ? a(e, t) : a(t, e), c; }), c ); })({ collections: { HTMLAllCollection: ["all"], HTMLCollection: ["forms"], HTMLFormControlsCollection: ["elements"], HTMLOptionsCollection: ["options"] }, elements: { Element: ["element"], HTMLAnchorElement: ["a"], HTMLAppletElement: ["applet"], HTMLAreaElement: ["area"], HTMLAttachmentElement: ["attachment"], HTMLAudioElement: ["audio"], HTMLBRElement: ["br"], HTMLBaseElement: ["base"], HTMLBodyElement: ["body"], HTMLButtonElement: ["button"], HTMLCanvasElement: ["canvas"], HTMLContentElement: ["content"], HTMLDListElement: ["dl"], HTMLDataElement: ["data"], HTMLDataListElement: ["datalist"], HTMLDetailsElement: ["details"], HTMLDialogElement: ["dialog"], HTMLDirectoryElement: ["dir"], HTMLDivElement: ["div"], HTMLDocument: ["document"], HTMLElement: [ "element", "abbr", "address", "article", "aside", "b", "bdi", "bdo", "cite", "code", "command", "dd", "dfn", "dt", "em", "figcaption", "figure", "footer", "header", "i", "kbd", "mark", "nav", "noscript", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "section", "small", "strong", "sub", "summary", "sup", "u", "var", "wbr" ], HTMLEmbedElement: ["embed"], HTMLFieldSetElement: ["fieldset"], HTMLFontElement: ["font"], HTMLFormElement: ["form"], HTMLFrameElement: ["frame"], HTMLFrameSetElement: ["frameset"], HTMLHRElement: ["hr"], HTMLHeadElement: ["head"], HTMLHeadingElement: ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"], HTMLHtmlElement: ["html"], HTMLIFrameElement: ["iframe"], HTMLImageElement: ["img"], HTMLInputElement: ["input"], HTMLKeygenElement: ["keygen"], HTMLLIElement: ["li"], HTMLLabelElement: ["label"], HTMLLegendElement: ["legend"], HTMLLinkElement: ["link"], HTMLMapElement: ["map"], HTMLMarqueeElement: ["marquee"], HTMLMediaElement: ["media"], HTMLMenuElement: ["menu"], HTMLMenuItemElement: ["menuitem"], HTMLMetaElement: ["meta"], HTMLMeterElement: ["meter"], HTMLModElement: ["del", "ins"], HTMLOListElement: ["ol"], HTMLObjectElement: ["object"], HTMLOptGroupElement: ["optgroup"], HTMLOptionElement: ["option"], HTMLOutputElement: ["output"], HTMLParagraphElement: ["p"], HTMLParamElement: ["param"], HTMLPictureElement: ["picture"], HTMLPreElement: ["pre"], HTMLProgressElement: ["progress"], HTMLQuoteElement: ["blockquote", "q", "quote"], HTMLScriptElement: ["script"], HTMLSelectElement: ["select"], HTMLShadowElement: ["shadow"], HTMLSlotElement: ["slot"], HTMLSourceElement: ["source"], HTMLSpanElement: ["span"], HTMLStyleElement: ["style"], HTMLTableCaptionElement: ["caption"], HTMLTableCellElement: ["td", "th"], HTMLTableColElement: ["col", "colgroup"], HTMLTableElement: ["table"], HTMLTableRowElement: ["tr"], HTMLTableSectionElement: ["thead", "tbody", "tfoot"], HTMLTemplateElement: ["template"], HTMLTextAreaElement: ["textarea"], HTMLTimeElement: ["time"], HTMLTitleElement: ["title"], HTMLTrackElement: ["track"], HTMLUListElement: ["ul"], HTMLUnknownElement: ["unknown", "vhgroupv", "vkeygen"], HTMLVideoElement: ["video"] }, nodes: { Attr: ["node"], Audio: ["audio"], CDATASection: ["node"], CharacterData: ["node"], Comment: ["#comment"], Document: ["#document"], DocumentFragment: ["#document-fragment"], DocumentType: ["node"], HTMLDocument: ["#document"], Image: ["img"], Option: ["option"], ProcessingInstruction: ["node"], ShadowRoot: ["#shadow-root"], Text: ["#text"], XMLDocument: ["xml"] } }); "object" !== (void 0 === n ? "undefined" : e(n)) && (n = { type: n || "auto" }); var i, a, u, c, s, m, f, p, d, h = "registerElement", L = "__" + h + ((1e5 * t.Math.random()) >> 0), C = "addEventListener", v = "attached", T = "Callback", M = "detached", E = "extends", b = "attributeChanged" + T, g = v + T, y = "connected" + T, H = "disconnected" + T, w = "created" + T, A = M + T, O = "ADDITION", _ = "REMOVAL", N = "DOMAttrModified", S = "DOMContentLoaded", D = "DOMSubtreeModified", k = "<", I = "=", P = /^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]*(?:-[A-Z0-9]+)+$/, F = [ "ANNOTATION-XML", "COLOR-PROFILE", "FONT-FACE", "FONT-FACE-SRC", "FONT-FACE-URI", "FONT-FACE-FORMAT", "FONT-FACE-NAME", "MISSING-GLYPH" ], R = [], x = [], V = "", z = r.documentElement, U = R.indexOf || function(e) { for (var t = this.length; t-- && this[t] !== e; ); return t; }, j = o.prototype, q = j.hasOwnProperty, B = j.isPrototypeOf, Z = o.defineProperty, G = [], K = o.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, X = o.getOwnPropertyNames, J = o.getPrototypeOf, Q = o.setPrototypeOf, W = !!o.__proto__, Y = "__dreCEv1", $ = t.customElements, ee = !/^force/.test(n.type) && !!($ && $.define && $.get && $.whenDefined), te = o.create || o, ne = t.Map || function() { var e, t = [], n = []; return { get: function(e) { return n[U.call(t, e)]; }, set: function(r, o) { (e = U.call(t, r)) < 0 ? (n[t.push(r) - 1] = o) : (n[e] = o); } }; }, re = t.Promise || function(e) { var t = [], n = !1, r = { catch: function() { return r; }, then: function(e) { return t.push(e), n && setTimeout(o, 1), r; } }; function o(e) { for (n = !0; t.length; ) t.shift()(e); } return e(o), r; }, oe = !1, le = te(null), ie = te(null), ae = new ne(), ue = function(e) { return e.toLowerCase(); }, ce = o.create || function e(t) { return t ? ((e.prototype = t), new e()) : this; }, se = Q || (W ? function(e, t) { return (e.__proto__ = t), e; } : X && K ? (function() { function e(e, t) { for (var n, r = X(t), o = 0, l = r.length; o < l; o++) (n = r[o]), q.call(e, n) || Z(e, n, K(t, n)); } return function(t, n) { do { e(t, n); } while ((n = J(n)) && !B.call(n, t)); return t; }; })() : function(e, t) { for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n]; return e; }), me = t.MutationObserver || t.WebKitMutationObserver, fe = (t.HTMLElement || t.Element || t.Node).prototype, pe = !B.call(fe, z), de = pe ? function(e, t, n) { return (e[t] = n.value), e; } : Z, he = pe ? function(e) { return 1 === e.nodeType; } : function(e) { return B.call(fe, e); }, Le = pe && [], Ce = fe.attachShadow, ve = fe.cloneNode, Te = fe.dispatchEvent, Me = fe.getAttribute, Ee = fe.hasAttribute, be = fe.removeAttribute, ge = fe.setAttribute, ye = r.createElement, He = ye, we = me && { attributes: !0, characterData: !0, attributeOldValue: !0 }, Ae = me || function(e) { (De = !1), z.removeEventListener(N, Ae); }, Oe = 0, _e = h in r && !/^force-all/.test(n.type), Ne = !0, Se = !1, De = !0, ke = !0, Ie = !0; function Pe() { var e = i.splice(0, i.length); for (Oe = 0; e.length; ) e.shift().call(null, e.shift()); } function Fe(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) Ge(e[n], t); } function Re(e) { return function(t) { he(t) && (Ge(t, e), V.length && Fe(t.querySelectorAll(V), e)); }; } function xe(e) { var t = Me.call(e, "is"), n = e.nodeName.toUpperCase(), r = U.call(R, t ? I + t.toUpperCase() : k + n); return t && -1 < r && !Ve(n, t) ? -1 : r; } function Ve(e, t) { return -1 < V.indexOf(e + '[is="' + t + '"]'); } function ze(e) { var t = e.currentTarget, n = e.attrChange, r = e.attrName, o = e.target, l = e[O] || 2, i = e[_] || 3; !Ie || (o && o !== t) || !t[b] || "style" === r || (e.prevValue === e.newValue && ("" !== e.newValue || (n !== l && n !== i))) || t[b](r, n === l ? null : e.prevValue, n === i ? null : e.newValue); } function Ue(e) { var t = Re(e); return function(e) { i.push(t, e.target), Oe && clearTimeout(Oe), (Oe = setTimeout(Pe, 1)); }; } function je(e) { ke && ((ke = !1), e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(S, je)), V.length && Fe((e.target || r).querySelectorAll(V), e.detail === M ? M : v), pe && (function() { for (var e, t = 0, n = Le.length; t < n; t++) (e = Le[t]), z.contains(e) || (n--, Le.splice(t--, 1), Ge(e, M)); })(); } function qe(e, t) { ge.call(this, e, t), a.call(this, { target: this }); } function Be(e, t) { se(e, t), s ? s.observe(e, we) : (De && ((e.setAttribute = qe), (e[L] = c(e)), e[C](D, a)), e[C](N, ze)), e[w] && Ie && ((e.created = !0), e[w](), (e.created = !1)); } function Ze(e) { throw new Error("A " + e + " type is already registered"); } function Ge(e, t) { var n, r, o = xe(e); -1 < o && (f(e, x[o]), (o = 0), t !== v || e[v] ? t !== M || e[M] || ((e[v] = !1), (e[M] = !0), (r = "disconnected"), (o = 1)) : ((e[M] = !1), (e[v] = !0), (r = "connected"), (o = 1), pe && U.call(Le, e) < 0 && Le.push(e)), o && (n = e[t + T] || e[r + T]) && n.call(e)); } function Ke() {} function Xe(e, t, n) { var o = (n && n[E]) || "", l = t.prototype, i = ce(l), a = t.observedAttributes || G, u = { prototype: i }; de(i, w, { value: function() { if (oe) oe = !1; else if (!this[Y]) { (this[Y] = !0), new t(this), l[w] && l[w].call(this); var e = le[ae.get(t)]; (!ee || e.create.length > 1) && We(this); } } }), de(i, b, { value: function(e) { -1 < U.call(a, e) && l[b].apply(this, arguments); } }), l[y] && de(i, g, { value: l[y] }), l[H] && de(i, A, { value: l[H] }), o && (u[E] = o), (e = e.toUpperCase()), (le[e] = { constructor: t, create: o ? [o, ue(e)] : [e] }), ae.set(t, e), r[h](e.toLowerCase(), u), Ye(e), ie[e].r(); } function Je(e) { var t = le[e.toUpperCase()]; return t && t.constructor; } function Qe(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? e : (e && e.is) || ""; } function We(e) { for (var t, n = e[b], r = n ? e.attributes : G, o = r.length; o--; ) (t = r[o]), n.call(e, t.name || t.nodeName, null, t.value || t.nodeValue); } function Ye(e) { return ( (e = e.toUpperCase()) in ie || ((ie[e] = {}), (ie[e].p = new re(function(t) { ie[e].r = t; }))), ie[e].p ); } function $e() { $ && delete t.customElements, Z(t, "customElements", { configurable: !0, value: new Ke() }), Z(t, "CustomElementRegistry", { configurable: !0, value: Ke }); for ( var e = function(e) { var n = t[e]; if (n) { (t[e] = function(e) { var t, o; return ( e || (e = this), e[Y] || ((oe = !0), (t = le[ae.get(e.constructor)]), ((e = (o = ee && 1 === t.create.length) ? Reflect.construct(n, G, t.constructor) : r.createElement.apply(r, t.create))[Y] = !0), (oe = !1), o || We(e)), e ); }), (t[e].prototype = n.prototype); try { n.prototype.constructor = t[e]; } catch (r) { Z(n, Y, { value: t[e] }); } } }, n = l.get(/^HTML[A-Z]*[a-z]/), o = n.length; o--; e(n[o]) ); (r.createElement = function(e, t) { var n = Qe(t); return n ? He.call(this, e, ue(n)) : He.call(this, e); }), _e || ((Se = !0), r[h]("")); } if ( (me && (((d = r.createElement("div")).innerHTML = "
"), new me(function(e, t) { if ( e[0] && "childList" == e[0].type && !e[0].removedNodes[0].childNodes.length ) { var n = (d = K(fe, "innerHTML")) && d.set; n && Z(fe, "innerHTML", { set: function(e) { for (; this.lastChild; ) this.removeChild(this.lastChild); n.call(this, e); } }); } t.disconnect(), (d = null); }).observe(d, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), (d.innerHTML = "")), _e || (Q || W ? ((f = function(e, t) { B.call(t, e) || Be(e, t); }), (p = Be)) : (p = f = function(e, t) { e[L] || ((e[L] = o(!0)), Be(e, t)); }), pe ? ((De = !1), (function() { var e = K(fe, C), t = e.value, n = function(e) { var t = new CustomEvent(N, { bubbles: !0 }); (t.attrName = e), (t.prevValue = Me.call(this, e)), (t.newValue = null), (t[_] = t.attrChange = 2), be.call(this, e), Te.call(this, t); }, r = function(e, t) { var n = Ee.call(this, e), r = n && Me.call(this, e), o = new CustomEvent(N, { bubbles: !0 }); ge.call(this, e, t), (o.attrName = e), (o.prevValue = n ? r : null), (o.newValue = t), n ? (o.MODIFICATION = o.attrChange = 1) : (o[O] = o.attrChange = 0), Te.call(this, o); }, o = function(e) { var t, n = e.currentTarget, r = n[L], o = e.propertyName; r.hasOwnProperty(o) && ((r = r[o]), ((t = new CustomEvent(N, { bubbles: !0 })).attrName = r.name), (t.prevValue = r.value || null), (t.newValue = r.value = n[o] || null), null == t.prevValue ? (t[O] = t.attrChange = 0) : (t.MODIFICATION = t.attrChange = 1), Te.call(n, t)); }; (e.value = function(e, l, i) { e === N && this[b] && this.setAttribute !== r && ((this[L] = { className: { name: "class", value: this.className } }), (this.setAttribute = r), (this.removeAttribute = n), t.call(this, "propertychange", o)), t.call(this, e, l, i); }), Z(fe, C, e); })()) : me || (z[C](N, Ae), z.setAttribute(L, 1), z.removeAttribute(L), De && ((a = function(e) { var t, n, r; if (this === e.target) { for (r in ((t = this[L]), (this[L] = n = c(this)), n)) { if (!(r in t)) return u(0, this, r, t[r], n[r], O); if (n[r] !== t[r]) return u(1, this, r, t[r], n[r], "MODIFICATION"); } for (r in t) if (!(r in n)) return u(2, this, r, t[r], n[r], _); } }), (u = function(e, t, n, r, o, l) { var i = { attrChange: e, currentTarget: t, attrName: n, prevValue: r, newValue: o }; (i[l] = e), ze(i); }), (c = function(e) { for ( var t, n, r = {}, o = e.attributes, l = 0, i = o.length; l < i; l++ ) "setAttribute" !== (n = (t = o[l]).name) && (r[n] = t.value); return r; }))), (r[h] = function(e, t) { if ( ((n = e.toUpperCase()), Ne && ((Ne = !1), me ? ((s = (function(e, t) { function n(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; t(e[n++])); } return new me(function(r) { for (var o, l, i, a = 0, u = r.length; a < u; a++) "childList" === (o = r[a]).type ? (n(o.addedNodes, e), n(o.removedNodes, t)) : ((l = o.target), Ie && l[b] && "style" !== o.attributeName && (i = Me.call(l, o.attributeName)) !== o.oldValue && l[b](o.attributeName, o.oldValue, i)); }); })(Re(v), Re(M))), (m = function(e) { return ( s.observe(e, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), e ); })(r), Ce && (fe.attachShadow = function() { return m(Ce.apply(this, arguments)); })) : ((i = []), r[C]("DOMNodeInserted", Ue(v)), r[C]("DOMNodeRemoved", Ue(M))), r[C](S, je), r[C]("readystatechange", je), (fe.cloneNode = function(e) { var t = ve.call(this, !!e), n = xe(t); return ( -1 < n && p(t, x[n]), e && V.length && (function(e) { for (var t, n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) (t = e[n]), p(t, x[xe(t)]); })(t.querySelectorAll(V)), t ); })), Se) ) return (Se = !1); if ( (-2 < U.call(R, I + n) + U.call(R, k + n) && Ze(e), !P.test(n) || -1 < U.call(F, n)) ) throw new Error("The type " + e + " is invalid"); var n, o, l = function() { return u ? r.createElement(c, n) : r.createElement(c); }, a = t || j, u = q.call(a, E), c = u ? t[E].toUpperCase() : n; return ( u && -1 < U.call(R, k + c) && Ze(c), (o = R.push((u ? I : k) + n) - 1), (V = V.concat( V.length ? "," : "", u ? c + '[is="' + e.toLowerCase() + '"]' : c )), (l.prototype = x[o] = q.call(a, "prototype") ? a.prototype : ce(fe)), V.length && Fe(r.querySelectorAll(V), v), l ); }), (r.createElement = He = function(e, t) { var n = Qe(t), o = n ? ye.call(r, e, ue(n)) : ye.call(r, e), l = "" + e, i = U.call(R, (n ? I : k) + (n || l).toUpperCase()), a = -1 < i; return ( n && (o.setAttribute("is", (n = n.toLowerCase())), a && (a = Ve(l.toUpperCase(), n))), (Ie = !r.createElement.innerHTMLHelper), a && p(o, x[i]), o ); })), (Ke.prototype = { constructor: Ke, define: ee ? function(e, t, n) { if (n) Xe(e, t, n); else { var r = e.toUpperCase(); (le[r] = { constructor: t, create: [r] }), ae.set(t, r), $.define(e, t); } } : Xe, get: ee ? function(e) { return $.get(e) || Je(e); } : Je, whenDefined: ee ? function(e) { return re.race([$.whenDefined(e), Ye(e)]); } : Ye }), !$ || /^force/.test(n.type)) ) $e(); else if (!n.noBuiltIn) try { !(function(e, n, o) { if ( ((n[E] = "a"), ((e.prototype = ce(HTMLAnchorElement.prototype)).constructor = e), t.customElements.define(o, e, n), Me.call( r.createElement("a", { is: o }), "is" ) !== o || (ee && Me.call(new e(), "is") !== o)) ) throw n; })( function e() { return Reflect.construct(HTMLAnchorElement, [], e); }, {}, "document-register-element-a" ); } catch (e) { $e(); } if (!n.noBuiltIn) try { ye.call(r, "a", "a"); } catch (e) { ue = function(e) { return { is: e.toLowerCase() }; }; } })(window); var l = function(e) { return e.toLocaleString("en"); }, i = (function(e) { function l(e) { var n; return ( t(this, l), ((n = o( this, (l.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(l)).call(this, e) )), (e = n)).init(), o(n, e) ); } return ( r(l, e), n(l, [ { key: "init", value: function() {} } ]), l ); })(HTMLElement), a = (function(e) { function a() { return ( t(this, a), o( this, (a.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(a)).apply(this, arguments) ) ); } return ( r(a, i), n( a, [ { key: "connectedCallback", value: function() { var e = this; if (!this._connected) { var t; this.classList.add("loading"), (this.style.display = "block"), (this.innerHTML = '\n
\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n ' + ((t = 5), new Array(t).fill(void 0)) .map(function(e) { return ''; }) .join("") + "\n \n \n
\n "), (this._styleRootElement = this.querySelector( ".style-root" )), (this._countElement = this.querySelector(".count")), this._updateRootColor(), (this._totalClaps = 0); var n, r, o, i, a, u = void 0; (this._initialClapCount = new Promise(function(e) { return (u = e); })), (this._bufferedClaps = 0), (this._updateClaps = ((n = function() { if (e._totalClaps < 10) { var t = Math.min( e._bufferedClaps, 10 - e._totalClaps ); (n = e.api), (r = t), (o = e.url), fetch( n + "/update-claps" + (o ? "?url=" + o : ""), { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" }, body: JSON.stringify(r + ",3.3.0") } ).then(function(e) { return e.text(); }), (e._totalClaps += t), (e._bufferedClaps = 0); } var n, r, o; }), (r = 2e3), (o = null), function() { var e = this, t = arguments; clearTimeout(o), (o = setTimeout(function() { return n.apply(e, t); }, r)); })), this.addEventListener("mousedown", function(t) { if ( 0 === t.button && (e.classList.add("clapped"), !e.classList.contains("clap-limit-exceeded")) ) { var n, r, o = Number(e._countElement.innerHTML.replace(",", "")) + 1; e.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("clapped", { bubbles: !0, detail: { clapCount: o } }) ), (r = "clap"), (n = e).classList.remove(r), setTimeout(function() { n.classList.add(r); }, 100), setTimeout(function() { n.classList.remove(r); }, 1e3), e._bufferedClaps++, e._updateClaps(), setTimeout(function() { e._countElement.innerHTML = l(o); }, 250), e.multiclap ? e._bufferedClaps + e._totalClaps >= 10 && e.classList.add("clap-limit-exceeded") : e.classList.add("clap-limit-exceeded"); } }), ((i = this.api), (a = this.url), fetch(i + "/get-claps" + (a ? "?url=" + a : ""), { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain" } }).then(function(e) { return e.text(); })).then(function(t) { e.classList.remove("loading"); var n = Number(t); u(n), n > 0 && (e._countElement.innerHTML = l(n)); }), (this._connected = !0); } } }, { key: "attributeChangedCallback", value: function(e, t, n) { this._updateRootColor(); } }, { key: "_updateRootColor", value: function() { if (this._styleRootElement) { var e = this.getAttribute("color") || "green", t = this._styleRootElement.style; (t.fill = e), (t.stroke = e), (t.color = e); } } }, { key: "initialClapCount", get: function() { return this._initialClapCount; } }, { key: "color", get: function() { return this.getAttribute("color"); }, set: function(e) { e ? this.setAttribute("color", e) : this.removeAttribute("color"), this._updateRootColor(); } }, { key: "api", set: function(e) { e ? this.setAttribute("api", e) : this.removeAttribute("api"); }, get: function() { return ( this.getAttribute("api") || "https://api.applause-button.com" ); } }, { key: "url", set: function(e) { e ? this.setAttribute("url", e) : this.removeAttribute("url"), this._updateRootColor(); }, get: function() { return this.getAttribute("url"); } }, { key: "multiclap", get: function() { return "true" === this.getAttribute("multiclap"); }, set: function(e) { e ? this.setAttribute("multiclap", e ? "true" : "false") : this.removeAttribute("multiclap"); } } ], [ { key: "observedAttributes", get: function() { return ["color"]; } } ] ), a ); })(); customElements.define("applause-button", a); });