## Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):


πŸ’» πŸ“–

Pablo Iranzo GΓ³mez

πŸš‡ ⚠️ πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ’¬ πŸ› πŸ“ πŸ–‹ πŸ€” 🚧 πŸ“† πŸ‘€ βœ… πŸ”§

Jason He


Ashwin Vishnu

πŸ’» ⚠️




πŸ“– πŸ› πŸ–‹

Dongdong Tian


Thomas Jost


Florian Krause



πŸ’» πŸ›

Andy Strain

πŸ’» πŸ““



Jean Jordaan



πŸ’» πŸ›

Blair Conrad


John W. O'Brien




Mobile Developer


Hungpo DU


Shauna Gordon


A Wegner

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ› 🚧



maneesha sane


Gert van Dijk


Philip Semanchuk

πŸ› πŸ’»
This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! # Thanks to Following section is the list of contributors that we used to maintain manually. As it became tedious, we switched to automated contributors list, which you can view above. **Extra Special Thanks** to [talha131](https://github.com/talha131) for creating this theme and for being the sole maintainer and main developer of Elegant for so many years, and later opening up the development to a community-led effort, enabling the theme and its community to grow. **Special Thanks** to [calfzhou](https://github.com/calfzhou) and [tshepang](https://github.com/tshepang). They are always the first to report issues, suggest improvements and submit patches. They have played a huge role in making Elegant more elegant. ## [Alexis MΓ©taireau](https://github.com/ametaireau) 1. He [helped](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/81) in resolving a performance issue ## [andreburgaud](https://github.com/andreburgaud) 1. He reported, investigated and submitted a [patch](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/110) for an issue in the navbar 1. He [reported and submitted a patch](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/108) to fix a bug in 404.html ## [brechtm](https://github.com/brechtm) 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/40) the idea of `custom.css` ## [Brian Blais](http://web.bryant.edu/~bblais/) 1. He suggested via email a solution to the [problem](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/98) of social profiles whose icons are missing ## [Brian Levin](https://github.com/bnice5000) 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/115) and [fixed](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/117) an issue in search code ## [calfzhou](https://github.com/calfzhou) 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/86) and [fixed](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/109) an issue with the footer 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7b484dd611c2d05bc3b3249a756d1e076bfd0a1b#commitcomment-5149343) an issue with code style 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95#issuecomment-33189738) an issue with code style 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95) integration with `multi_part` plugin 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95#issuecomment-33091647) setting title attribute in HTML anchor elements of `multi_part` code 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95#issuecomment-41050831) a solution to set title of `multi_part` widget in the sidebar 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/15) a bug in social media optimizer code 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/60) using `_includes` folder 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/63) comments for Page template 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/72) an issue with image margins 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/73) to close an issue regarding changing 3rd parties' code 1. He submitted a [pull request](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/66) to fix URL scheme of categories and tags 1. He submitted a [pull request](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/65) to fix URL scheme 1. He submitted a [pull request](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/62) to fix a typo in CSS 1. He reported an [issue](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/64) in alignment of All Posts 1. He gave [suggestions](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/59) on improving Archive, Tags, Categories and Home Page 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/58) that line numbers in code block to do not always get displayed correctly 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/58) that line numbers do not align vertically with code blocks 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/58) fixed width for line number column 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/87) article translation feature 1. He submitted a [pull request](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/88) to fix a rendering issue in Internet Explorer 1. He [fixed](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/119) and pointed out HTML is not properly escaped 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e479ce72db916e7e21bc6ae63677221c8e290840#commitcomment-6284503) that it is incorrect to rename `SITESUBTITLE` to `SITE_SUBTITLE` ## [debiatan](https://github.com/debiatan) 1. He [submitted patch](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/105) to upgrade to Bootstrap 2.3.2 ## [if1live](https://github.com/if1live) 1. His [pull request](https://github.com/getpelican/pelican-plugins/pull/68) reminded me that I have forgotten to add template for Pages 1. His [commit](https://github.com/if1live/pelican-elegant/commit/3da52903e94051fa771212149a10a271adc78264#commitcomment-3988674) in the fork brought bug in the path of search.html to my notice ## [Jed Brown](https://github.com/jedbrown) 1. He suggested via email integration with Latex ## [JΓ©rΓ©mie Astori](https://github.com/astorije) 1. He reported a [bug](https://botbot.me/freenode/pelican/msg/5577967/) in search form ## [John](http://twitter.com/BostonEnginerd) 1. He suggested [an improvement](https://twitter.com/BostonEnginerd/status/374555593589002241) to the [Elegant project description](http://oncrashreboot.com/pelican-elegant) ## [kafran](https://github.com/kafran) 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/76) a missing `` tag ## [Melissa](https://github.com/meli-lewis) 1. She reported a [critical bug](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/1) about `RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT` ## [Rod Morehead](https://github.com/rmorehead) 1. He submitted a [patch](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/106) ## [silverhook](https://github.com/silverhook) 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/98) a solution to the problem of social profiles whose icons are missing 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/101) adding support for related articles plugin 1. He [helped](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/102) in fixing justification of timestamps issue 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/116) a bug in social profiles widget 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95#issuecomment-38347811) to make label of multi-part plugin customisable 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/95#issuecomment-41032225) a solution to set title of `multi_part` widget in the sidebar ## [tshepang](https://github.com/tshepang) 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/81) an issue with Elegant's performance 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/80) an issue with fall back fonts 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/75) an issue with page headers 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/34#issuecomment-28151235) a regression bug introduced in tags list 1. He gave [suggestions](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/59) on improving Archive, Tags, Categories and Home Page 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/50) an issue with CSS style of nested lists 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/10) an issue with CSS style of links in an unordered lists 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/34) that articles list in tags page is not sorted at all. He helped a lot to reproduce the issue and stayed persistent to get it fixed 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/6) that it is not possible to link to a Disqus comment 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/8) that code block auto wraps to next line 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/5) hyperlink style compatibility issue on Chrome 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/3) an issue with link style 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/4) the bug that Disqus comment count is always zero 1. He [suggested](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/7) that comments accordion should have different text depending on its state 1. He [reported](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/107) an issue when publishing the site ## [yuex ζ‚Ÿι“ζ΄žη©΄δΊΊ](https://github.com/yuex) 1. He submitted a [patch](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/pull/2) to the project