Le blog de Victor Héry https://blog.victor-hery.com
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

381 lines
30 KiB

  1. # [5.3.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V5.2.1...V5.3.0) (2020-02-05)
  2. ### Bug Fixes
  3. - **gallery:** change gallery grid to fit on smaller screens ([d4c1c50](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d4c1c506d24c61e18089d303ea88bb69db077135))
  4. - **gallery:** replace photoswipe-gallery with elegant-gallery ([17a05da](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/17a05daec5d3aa077b96175e97ae5feda6884d9e))
  5. ### Features
  6. - **comments:** add support for CommentBox ([c56e61e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c56e61eb60a84d4d65ca2e55e068b6f0f3a87ee1))
  7. ## [5.2.1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V5.2.0...V5.2.1) (2020-02-04)
  8. ### Bug Fixes
  9. - **blockquote:** regression introduced in last version ([2aace21](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2aace21d633e11527a224c7201abad5fef811ce3))
  10. # [5.2.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V5.1.0...V5.2.0) (2020-02-03)
  11. ### Bug Fixes
  12. - regression introduced due to cache busting ([b953a38](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b953a382d77e99884b82800d7392ceb8eae8d77d))
  13. - **archives:** at smaller screen layout does not make the best use of available space ([a289e9d](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/a289e9db411b6abeb79a6028a3b0778070f6f553))
  14. - **syntax:** code blocks with line numbers do not have the correct border radius ([3a34a3e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/3a34a3e6b9741e44bc34d723627b0da162fdfa82))
  15. - **syntax:** improve the font size and height of download button ([07595b3](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/07595b3dbd31feef16aee3e907d3c4fc34574e0d))
  16. - **typography:** fix font size and style of TOC ([2d597ab](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2d597abd095de8ce8ac72d8ae77b4914d9daeeed)), closes [#509](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/509)
  17. - Categories and Tags pages do not have space below the header ([d78f4e5](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d78f4e5add9ca7778967d4c5da02053187c3cbd4))
  18. - remove invalid CSS rule ([368cb2c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/368cb2cad4b00b40446e7ad1d5357228e48ec34c))
  19. - use consistent color for border ([c85b7b8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c85b7b84d6ac64a73941ad73ba031fd2f4ddac0f))
  20. - use darker color for the site name ([19f37ca](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/19f37caf937bd864aaf6b1532078936ad79edf1d))
  21. - **article:** use loclate_date attribute instead of hardcoding the date format ([1da552c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/1da552c94775766657f4ee9a0c05e7bcd7f1adf9)), closes [#552](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/552)
  22. - **bootstrap:** WIP. add Bootstrapv2.3.2 sources file to the project ([43ee8eb](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/43ee8eb2ad6ba22bac6660bdb514857dadf9bcab)), closes [#429](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/429)
  23. - **seo:** regression introduced in PR [#556](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/556) ([28bcb85](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/28bcb8592cf595761d96904b004df3f425259849)), closes [#505](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/505)
  24. - **typography:** about me and my projects heading is not on one line ([6a7989c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/6a7989cc17f46a4ee1075dfe66b03d858956e7c7))
  25. - **typography:** font size of superscript number in categories and tags page ([d0a7162](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d0a71622bfe23e86478b7727e590dbf8e3a7b87f))
  26. - **typography:** override Bootstrap base font ([f6a83a6](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/f6a83a6f31e24754e5001260336b89e9107e1053)), closes [#429](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/429)
  27. - **typography:** top menu bar does not have correct height ([d30ce82](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d30ce82aa8ba366555cbeee55ffb08e70110df0a))
  28. - **typography:** use consistent font and color for project list ([477a467](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/477a467bd4bf69a86d71bceb3ac2385b43c57a8c))
  29. - **typography:** use consistent font in the footer ([eeb0e30](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/eeb0e30be3664c86e7b37a151cf1992daa7fd46e))
  30. ### Features
  31. - add support cache busting ([cde0dc5](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/cde0dc54c68412d8db43ea371e98e6d14e99b9d2))
  32. - **categories:** change background color of uncollapsed Category ([6cc11b8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/6cc11b8efe8a3c97ccfeddc244a5b84465fff1fb))
  33. - **gallery:** add support for PhotoSwipe image gallery using raw HTML ([ad1bcea](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/ad1bcea67f5515c8c448e1c7009f3ba01965d574)), closes [#567](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/567)
  34. - **js:** combine and minify all JS files into one to improve load speed ([f5047d4](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/f5047d4cbce02a187f1b04f11f026817ed1757d9))
  35. - **search:** improve search results page look ([73fa743](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/73fa743723ebbf35b6cd0e0f51c9497634b1474c)), closes [#573](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/573) [#275](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/275)
  36. - **search:** replace tipue_search with lunr.js ([9d60af1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9d60af14c4065cee90289e48705714865dbbcb9e)), closes [#275](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/275)
  37. - **SEO:** Add header and documentation for Claiming Website on Yandex ([2bb691d](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2bb691d3bd02f9d586206814992306383640a84c))
  38. - **SEO:** add SEO and SMO meta keywords in site's home page ([c5be0eb](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c5be0eb7f9e98c9938ae96ca8eb9c48c7482993e))
  39. - **sharing:** Enable customizing the sharing links ([f3e262f](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/f3e262f3dc6a2b1a4356014e524018603d899fb2))
  40. - **syntax:** add copy to clipboard button for every code snippet ([6f73317](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/6f733179b80d8225af71bc5945be1fddd98b40ae)), closes [#574](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/574) [#525](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/525)
  41. - **syntax:** add support for highlighting lines in code snippets ([ba2de8c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/ba2de8ccf971b1e77abe24960532f664e00ef9d9)), closes [#520](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/520)
  42. - **syntax:** add support for liquid_tags.include_code plugin ([0550a3a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/0550a3ab2fa5526a6db7e233f755cdfa36f9db38)), closes [#518](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/518)
  43. - **syntax:** use Gruvbox syntax highlighting theme ([0b50ab1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/0b50ab1565dd1fa700cea9e4c6cb963bd9591b9f))
  44. - **typography:** use consistent fonts ([8b7a8bd](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8b7a8bd3c828baf1dd3434b75a5bd050a4279495)), closes [#429](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/429)
  45. - **typography:** use consistent style for timestamps in tags, categories and archives pages ([a421dcd](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/a421dcdbc42d87bcff2bfdeb3f3f19e5e6e8c3c2))
  46. - **typography:** use dns-prefetch and preconnect to improve font load time ([e4bd582](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e4bd582858df6925bbc5c0dff59e62b1cd8c5390))
  47. - **typography:** use responsive fonts ([39acdbf](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/39acdbf4503ee9cdd7163672cba28c24b47d6647))
  48. # [5.1.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V5.0.1...V5.1.0) (2019-12-05)
  49. ### Bug Fixes
  50. - **applause:** applause_button tag does not auto close ([d37e691](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d37e691e0592bded8dd42531ceacfa61147ad078))
  51. - **typography:** make headings align to the left instead of justify ([101285e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/101285e0884ea365e9e3272e6f914fe373fa27fb))
  52. ### Features
  53. - **applause:** add option to set applause_button_id ([8eda9a4](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8eda9a4cc7c588ff09a520e9f7fa183d1fb11031))
  54. - **applause:** add support for applause button ([e4872fd](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e4872fd558964c3007c516fc616314c88de49eef)), closes [#532](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/532)
  55. - **applause:** simplify filter option ([9f8b60f](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9f8b60fc3cbc08e7e21cef08f7e44658131677dd))
  56. ## [5.0.1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V5.0.0...V5.0.1) (2019-12-04)
  57. ### Bug Fixes
  58. - **blockquote:** close quote is not aligned properly ([80a85c7](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/80a85c714a16cd01c53831347ac1f18b397dda1a))
  59. - **typography:** remove unit from line height ([10286a1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/10286a13fade3248cc752a3ac5416257920d07bf))
  60. # [5.0.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V4.0.0...V5.0.0) (2019-12-02)
  61. ### Bug Fixes
  62. - **css:** linter warning ([a5f5c81](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/a5f5c8170a61683edf5737918b7fe3cae1b67c00))
  63. - **page:** social profiles appear in the sidebar ([c17077c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c17077cbd24811bb91e48610ac13d76328e5398d)), closes [#534](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/534)
  64. - **social:** reduce icon size in the sidebar ([4e0dc41](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/4e0dc415c114bb07304605c9b1c153e372f1fa4b)), closes [#490](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/490)
  65. - **typography:** adjust heading sizes and set small font-style to italic ([d3bbf04](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d3bbf04eabcd89bdb2f039b11fac7a6150729e90))
  66. - **typography:** remove border from headings in archive page ([817bea8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/817bea8d091e99b6d6e5fc3dcc63ba6f627c5b66))
  67. ### Features
  68. - **blockquote:** improve blockquote look ([068d50a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/068d50a455d57e4706525908b174bbc4606c6fb6))
  69. - **border:** change border radius of tags and code blocks to match rest of the theme ([5d0285f](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/5d0285f156a5da734b438868674c632b897625ef)), closes [#521](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/521)
  70. - **border:** have consistent border radius ([7307467](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7307467579d4ab1931987e48b83224eb666e9e5e)), closes [#521](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/521)
  71. - **code-block:** minor refine code-block style ([2ba2232](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2ba22321b35961ebc18dbb2c25f1db535fad64ed))
  72. - **css:** use PostCSS for processing CSS files ([2b88865](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2b88865a36780257ac42173b949b5d7b4df516e9)), closes [#354](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/354)
  73. - **links:** add new style and improve existing style for hyperlinks ([87fd3d3](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/87fd3d3f88cebac83ca04460ef41e7356df0ccd2)), closes [#533](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/533) [#519](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/519)
  74. - **permalink:** improve permalink look ([8059ca8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8059ca84b77ab82bffd1ed80f010235f9ca57ed6))
  75. - **security:** use rel="noopener noreferrer" with all target="\_blank" ([4c843e9](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/4c843e9a0c66bb2656ef5df4411d4c891c493a11)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  76. - **typography:** code inside heading is consistently 80% of the size ([7180b49](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7180b49ebb659d00a82f10769269e6236057e42c)), closes [#508](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/508)
  77. - **typography:** headings sizes and other properties are consistent ([afa99ab](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/afa99ab89baf715a68627552152b7163ea0534b9)), closes [#508](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/508) [#521](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/521)
  78. - **typography:** use darker color for article heading and increase border size ([1922075](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/19220758aabf431ae3566b950436fe04a3ee21a8))
  80. - **links:** Style of muted links have been changed slightly. It is
  81. still muted but has modern animation.
  82. # [4.0.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V3.2.0...V4.0.0) (2019-08-22)
  83. ### Bug Fixes
  84. - **admonition:** an artifact in border behind the title ([88113c3](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/88113c3))
  85. - **admonition:** reduce border radius to match radii of other components ([de08d20](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/de08d20)), closes [#490](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/490)
  86. - **admonition:** remove box shadow ([d059db8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d059db8)), closes [#490](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/490)
  87. - **admonition:** remove text-shadow from heading ([1c889da](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/1c889da)), closes [#490](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/490)
  88. - **clean URL:** default URL of categories, tags and archives fails on some servers ([3c7df6a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/3c7df6a)), closes [#280](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/280) [#276](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/276)
  89. - **comments:** W3C validation errors ([76a1f26](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/76a1f26))
  90. - **disqus:** remove SITEURL condition to show Disqus comments section ([753d5a5](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/753d5a5))
  91. - **lang:** do not override default value of DEFAULT_LANG set by Pelican ([d6c60c2](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d6c60c2)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  92. - **social:** reduce icon sizes in the sidebar ([c769ba3](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c769ba3))
  93. - **social:** use nofollow for social links in the sidebar ([50cff87](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/50cff87))
  94. - **social:** W3C validation error ([ec4521e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/ec4521e))
  95. - **table:** reduce border radius to match radii of other components ([7eaaa96](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7eaaa96))
  96. - **w3c validation:** remove incorrect usage of article tag ([e8231e0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e8231e0)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  97. - **w3c validation:** remove obsolete charset attribute ([8deb285](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8deb285)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  98. - **w3c validation:** remove redundant article tag ([d07c27e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d07c27e)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  99. - **w3c validation:** remove redundant sections without heading ([df9221f](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/df9221f)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  100. - **w3c validation:** remove type and language attributes ([b700224](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b700224)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  101. - **w3c validation:** update CSS rules ([0b78d46](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/0b78d46)), closes [#251](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/251)
  102. ### Features
  103. - **404:** auto fill search box with URL fragment that was not found ([c0a7f47](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c0a7f47))
  104. - **admonition:** add box shadow ([246f826](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/246f826))
  105. - **admonition:** border color should match the title color ([1adadbe](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/1adadbe))
  106. - **admonition:** increase contrast of title ([7fb82cc](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7fb82cc))
  107. - **admonition:** use svg image instead of font-awesome icon ([e7c4029](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e7c4029)), closes [#487](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/487) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  108. - **clean url:** support clean URL for search page ([088791e](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/088791e))
  109. - **comments:** add support for utterances comment system ([a2151cc](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/a2151cc)), closes [#288](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/288)
  110. - **quotes:** improve style and remove font-awesome for quote icon ([9ef3ac8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9ef3ac8)), closes [#487](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/487)
  111. - **social:** add icons for 7 more websites ([8dcf8fa](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8dcf8fa)), closes [#494](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/494)
  112. - **social:** use svg icons instead of font-awesome ([19f458b](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/19f458b)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  113. - **table:** add style rule to make tables pop out ([6a8500b](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/6a8500b)), closes [#440](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/440)
  114. ### Performance Improvements
  115. - **admonition:** add attributes to svg images ([a740a60](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/a740a60)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  116. - **requests:** remove font awesome ([7c20145](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7c20145)), closes [#487](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/487)
  118. - **requests:** We have removed font awesome. Now we use svg images for all icons. This will result in one less web request, which in turn will improve your websites performance. <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  119. - **social:** Style customization and configuration of social icons
  120. in the sidebar has changed.
  121. New icons have better colors and bigger sizes.
  122. - **clean URL:** To enable clean URLs for tags, categories and archives,
  123. first configure your server to support clean URLs. Then set `TAGS_URL`,
  124. `CATEGORIES_URL` and `ARCHIVES_URL` to `"tags"`, `"categories"` and
  125. `"archives"` respectively.
  126. # [3.2.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V3.1.0...V3.2.0) (2019-07-30)
  127. ### Bug Fixes
  128. - **freelists:** open FreeLists subscription form in a new tab ([f81657c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/f81657c)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  129. - **freelists:** replace deprecated subscription form with button ([9bfe3c1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9bfe3c1)), closes [#412](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/412)
  130. - **freelists:** remove unused include ([27f0831](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/27f0831))
  131. ### Features
  132. - **comments:** reduce transition duration from 500 to 200 ([b86e13d](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b86e13d))
  133. - **favicon:** add 180x180 dimension shortcut icon support ([dd2ed24](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/dd2ed24))
  134. - **filter:** add black list, white list feature for Disqus ([4887aec](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/4887aec))
  135. - **filter:** add black list, white list feature for FreeLists ([2407cc8](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2407cc8))
  136. - **filter:** add black list, white list feature for Mailchimp ([b96122d](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b96122d))
  137. # [3.1.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V3.0.0...V3.1.0) (2019-07-14)
  138. ### Bug Fixes
  139. - **article:** fix regression introduced in 7ca7331c0 ([2c23961](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2c23961))
  140. - **authors:** title attribute was not closed in quotes ([de1d05b](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/de1d05b))
  141. - **gist:** embedded Github gist are not laid out correctly ([0416433](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/0416433)), closes [#123](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/123)
  142. - **reST:** indents in line blocks is not preserved ([e1429c5](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/e1429c5)), closes [#144](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/144)
  143. ### Features
  144. - **article:** make article subtitle italic ([7ca7331](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/7ca7331)), closes [#284](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/284)
  145. - **authors:** add line above authors section ([35a35b0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/35a35b0))
  146. - **authors:** add support for avatar ([cc92230](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/cc92230)), closes [#362](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/362)
  147. - **authors:** make authors URL nofollow ([07bf415](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/07bf415))
  148. - **authors:** move authors below share links section ([b81555a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b81555a))
  149. - **authors:** open author url in a new window ([f97b47a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/f97b47a))
  150. - **Chinese:** add better font support for Chinese language ([2711aa0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/2711aa0)), closes [#134](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/134)
  151. - **modified:** show Last Updated only if the difference between created and modified is more than a day ([b0eac79](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b0eac79))
  152. - **monetization:** add BestAzon support ([6d8a23c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/6d8a23c))
  153. # [3.0.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V2.5.0...V3.0.0) (2019-07-03)
  154. ### Bug Fixes
  155. - **admonition:** links should inherit the admonition color ([60c9184](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/60c9184))
  156. - **freelists:** use SUBSCRIBE_BUTTON_TITLE instead of generic GO ([c346d1f](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/c346d1f))
  157. - **home:** remove redundant title ([808cd1d](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/808cd1d))
  158. ### Features
  159. - **home:** write about me in markdown, reST or AsciiDoc ([9b5b2ec](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9b5b2ec)), closes [#85](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/issues/85)
  160. - **menu:** set home URL to root if SITEURL is not ([23e0b94](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/23e0b94))
  162. - **home:** Previously LANDING_PAGE_ABOUT was a dictionary that contained html tags. We used it
  163. to create landing page. But users have demanded from the very beginning to be able to write the
  164. landing page in markdown. This patch adds this feature. But in order to use it, you have to update
  165. your configuration.
  166. # [2.5.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V2.4.0...V2.5.0) (2019-06-30)
  167. ### Features
  168. - **comments:** replace disqus_identifier with comment_id ([3aa4e24](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/3aa4e24))
  169. # [2.4.0](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/compare/V2.3.0...V2.4.0) (2019-06-30)
  170. ### Features
  171. - **footer:** make external links Nofollow ([137a02a](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/137a02a))
  172. - **footer:** move site subtitle to the center ([b5baa11](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/b5baa11))
  173. - **footer:** open exit links in new tab ([8fd9f28](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/8fd9f28))
  174. - **footer:** optionally show the host information ([9de2dab](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/9de2dab))
  175. - **footer:** powered by message is always aligned to the right ([5e47b7c](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/5e47b7c))
  176. - **footer:** remove fixed height by using flexbox for sticky footer ([d9d84e1](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/d9d84e1)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  177. - **footer:** use flexbox instead of list for items in the footer ([bef7db9](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/bef7db9)) <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  178. - **onelink:** add Amazon Affiliate Disclosure ([cbfa6ac](https://github.com/Pelican-Elegant/elegant/commit/cbfa6ac))
  179. # Version 2.3.0
  180. ## Project Management
  181. - Documentation is hosted at https://elegant.oncrashreboot.com/
  182. - Host and build documentation using Netlify
  183. - `elegant.oncrashreboot.com` domain is the final home of documentation. It shall never change
  184. - Delete github pages and related repositories
  185. ## Features
  186. - New: FontAwesome updated to version 4.7.0 <!-- yaspeller ignore -->
  187. - New: `Photos` plugin support for photo gallery creation
  188. - New: Lightbox support for `Photos` plugin
  189. - Fixed: Amazon One Link div is in the header
  190. - Fixed: Separated claims for Google and Bing into individual includes
  191. ## Documentation
  192. - New: Help article on claim Google and Bing
  193. ## CI
  194. - New: Enable deploy previews for every pull request
  195. - New: Add spell check for every pull request, and `master` and `next` branches
  196. - New: Add git hooks to format the code
  197. - New: Add commit Zen support
  198. - New: Add html5validator, which along with w3c_validator, makes for two html validation tools in the CI
  199. - New: Improve CI build times
  200. - Remove: peru for downloading plugins and themes
  201. - New: Add pull request template
  202. # Version 2.2
  203. - New: TipueSearch updated to 7.1
  204. - New: Use `PROJECTS_TITLE` to customize project list title. (default My Projects)
  205. - Changed: Reading Time is displayed only if it is greater than `READING_TIME_LOWER_LIMIT` variable (default 4 min)
  206. - Changed: Project documentation has been moved inside the Elegant repository
  207. - Removed: Google Plus author
  208. # Version 2.0
  209. - Link to your social profiles
  210. - Upgraded to Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2
  211. - Upgraded to Tipue Search 3.1
  212. - Support for `custom.css`
  213. - [Stat Counter Analytics ](http://statcounter.com/) support
  214. - Google Universal Analytics support
  215. - Support for custom icons for social profiles
  216. - Support for Pelican (>3.3) new metadata `modified`
  217. - Support for Social Media Tags
  218. - Support for Google Authorship
  219. - Translations support
  220. - `article.comments_intro` that overrides `COMMENTS_INTRO`. Now you can define
  221. article specific comments introduction
  222. - Add Disqus comments to Pages
  223. - All customizable variables consolidated in a single `_defaults.html`, making
  224. it easier for you to customize or even _localize_ the theme
  225. - Adds author blurbs at the end of the article
  226. ## Performance
  227. - Performance improvement- 4x faster output
  228. - Reduce number of HTTP requests using `assets` plugin
  229. - Shortcut icons, like favicon, are disabled by default. Set
  230. `USE_SHORTCUT_ICONS` to true to enable it
  231. ## Visual Style
  232. - Email newsletter subscriber form style matches rest of the theme
  233. - Article images have a visible border
  234. - Block quotes have a quote icon instead of a thick line on left
  235. - Article's paragraph font size is bigger, for better readability
  236. - Remove unnecessary padding in sidebar's tag list
  237. - Archives page and recent posts on home page have better presentation
  238. - Time stamps in categories and tags pages are justified
  239. - Line number in code block is hidden on tablets and phones to save space for
  240. content
  241. - More sizes of image for Apple Touch icons
  242. - Fixed: Nested lists have different font sizes
  243. - Fixed: CSS style rules for literal block in reST is missing
  244. - Fixed: Long lines in code block will wrap to next line
  245. - Fixed: Code block will not play nice with line numbers
  246. - Fixed: Subscribe button changes its size on smaller screens
  247. - Fixed: Articles under tag heading on tags page are not sorted
  248. - Fixed: URL scheme for blogs which are not published to the root folder
  249. - Fixed: Footer is always under the fold even on smaller length web pages
  250. - Fixed: Site Name and top navigation menu move to left on wide displays
  251. - Fixed: Page link is not active in the navbar if `SAVE_PAGE_AS` is not set to
  252. default
  253. ## Plugins
  254. - Use `neighbor` plugin to show next and previous articles
  255. - Use `assets` plugin to minify CSS and JS files
  256. - Support for `share_post` plugin
  257. - Support for `related_posts` plugin
  258. - Support for `multi_part` plugin
  259. - Support for `post_stats` plugin
  260. ## Behaviour
  261. - Search results link open in the same window, which is consistent with
  262. internet search engines
  263. - Comments section message changes when user toggles it
  264. - Fixed: Clicking Search button in 404.html does not trigger search
  265. # Version 1.3
  266. - Next and previous article navigation is placed below comments section so that article's content and comments appear together
  267. - Article title and site name in `<title>` tag is separated by `·` which is cleaner and more subtle than `-`
  268. - Subtitle of articles and pages is added in `<title>` tag along with main title
  269. - Description metadata tag on Home Page uses `SITE_DESCRIPTION`
  270. - Bug fix: Expand comments section if URL points to a comment
  271. - Bug fix: CSS style of links in an unordered list inside article content is different from article links
  272. # Version 1.2
  273. - RSS and Atom feed links
  274. - CSS style for permanent links added. It is visible only user hovers over the heading
  275. - Block quote is indented towards left
  276. - Bug fix: Hyperlink dashed underline is not visible on Chrome
  277. - Bug fix: Text in list goes beyond list marker when text is long and overflows to next line
  278. - Bug fix: Disqus comment count is always 0
  279. # Version 1.1
  280. - Add template for pages. Pages do not have tags, category and Disqus comments
  281. - Keep style of a hyperlink in `modified` metadata consisted with the theme
  282. - Add `keywords` metadata tag that uses keywords, tags and category attribute of articles and pages
  283. - Validate search form for empty strings
  284. - If `RECENT_ARTICLES_COUNT` is undefined, set it to 10. So that Pelican does not throw critical error
  285. - Bug fix: Path of search.html in search form action should always be absolute
  286. - Bug fix: Copyright metadata tag should be set to the author, instead of the license
  287. - Bug fix: Close metadata tags
  288. - Bug fix: ID of search form in 404 page should be different from the ID of search form in main navigation
  289. - Bug fix: Links in ordered list in an article do not conform to the link style in rest of the article
  290. # Version 1.0
  291. - Initial release