--- - include: client_debian.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'Debian' - include: client_centos.yml when: ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' or ansible_distribution == 'CloudLinux' or ansible_distribution == 'Virtuozzo' ## Add the client to xymon server - name: Ensure /etc/xymon/hosts.d exists tags: - xymon-client - client-configuration file: path=/etc/xymon/hosts.d state=directory delegate_to: "{{ xymon_server }}" - name: Ensure the monitoring section file is included tags: - xymon-client - client-configuration lineinfile: dest=/etc/xymon/hosts.cfg insertafter='^page (?i){{monitoring_section}}' line="include hosts.d/{{monitoring_file}}" delegate_to: "{{ xymon_server }}" when: monitoring_file is defined and monitoring_section is defined - name: Ensure /etc/xymon/hosts.d/SECTION exists if used tags: - xymon-client - client-configuration lineinfile: dest="/etc/xymon/hosts.d/{{monitoring_file}}" regexp="^group\s+{{monitoring_section}}$" line="group {{monitoring_section}}" state=present create="yes" mode="0644" delegate_to: "{{ xymon_server }}" when: monitoring_file is defined and monitoring_section is defined - name: Add the host to the monitoring section file if used tags: - xymon-client - client-configuration lineinfile: dest="/etc/xymon/hosts.d/{{monitoring_file}}" insertafter="^group {{monitoring_section}}" regexp="^{{monitoring_ip}}\s+{{ansible_nodename}} .*$" line="{{monitoring_ip}} {{ansible_nodename}} {{xymon_checks}}" delegate_to: "{{ xymon_server }}" when: monitoring_file is defined and monitoring_section is defined - name: Add the host to the cfg file without section if needed tags: - xymon-client - client-configuration lineinfile: dest=/etc/xymon/hosts.cfg insertafter='^group Servers' regexp="^{{monitoring_ip}}\s+{{ansible_nodename}} .*$" line="{{monitoring_ip}} {{ansible_nodename}} {{xymon_checks}}" delegate_to: "{{ xymon_server }}" when: monitoring_file is not defined and monitoring_section is not defined