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47 lines
988 B

  1. ---
  2. # handlers du role common
  3. - name: update aliases
  4. command: newaliases
  5. - name: restart munin-node
  6. service: name=munin-node state=restarted
  7. - name: restart hobbit-client
  8. service: name=hobbit-client state=restarted
  9. - name: restart xymon-client
  10. service: name=xymon-client state=restarted
  11. - name: restart gwm
  12. service: name=gwm state=restarted
  13. - name: restart xend
  14. service: name=xend state=restarted
  15. - name: update-grub
  16. command: update-grub
  17. - name: restart collectd
  18. service: name=collectd state=restarted
  19. - name: restart ntp
  20. service: name=ntp state=restarted
  21. - name: restart xymon
  22. service: name=xymon state=restarted
  23. - name: update mysql_relay_domains map
  24. shell: postmap /etc/postfix/
  25. - name: restart postfix
  26. service: name=postfix state=restarted
  27. - name: apt-update
  28. command: apt-get update
  29. - name: update timezone
  30. command: dpkg-reconfigure --frontend noninteractive tzdata
  31. # vim: set textwidth=0 ft=yaml ts=2 sw=2 expandtab: